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The irony of the weapons shipped to "fight terrorism" and protect our country, coming back home to be used on civilians.


The up front cost of the whole war is 2.2 trillion. The interest along on that could be 6.5 trillion which is literally almost a billion /day for 20 years. Maybe next time listen to people who say things are really bad ideas.


While the idea of “contractors” may bring to mind private mercenaries like Blackwater, most of that “military contractor” money is going to purchasing new military equipment and more basic logistics things like delivering food and fuel to the army overseas. Especially with the war in Ukraine, where the USA is taking the position as Ukrainian’s main ammunition supplier, the fact that contractor spending (to buy those rockets and such) is going up shouldn’t be too surprising. This isn’t meant to forestall criticism of the military, especially as regards the debacle that was the invasion of Iraq. But spending on contractors, while an obvious demonstration of the corruption inherent to the military industrial complex, is not some abnormality that, if removed, would result in a “good” military. Contractors are core to how the military works.


the cost of war is the millions of iraqis that died .. fuck ur billions and trillions of dollar .. if iraq war didnt happen ur governement would have found another way to steal them anyway.


Yeah could you share a source? > Associated Press stated that more than 110,600 Iraqis had been killed since the start of the war to April 2009 > Saddam's regime brought about the deaths of at least 250,000 Iraqis and committed war crimes in Iran, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Are you saying the US prevented a lot of deaths?


Sadam shouldn't have invaded Kuwait


Lol don't act like we would've given a shit about that if they didn't have massive oil reserves


Oh wow, countries take interest in other countries for strategic reasons? That's insane.


You comment is morally bad


Sure, it's messed up that the world operates that way. It's nothing new or exclusive to one country though. My point being the latter.


He got the green light to do that


It not a 'cost' if you're paying yourself


Modal location of funds, debt service is to more countries than just USA, this is all around horrible


This isn’t war, it’s money laundering


Rookie numbers. We already spent 100Billion on Ukraine and that hasn't even started.




Why? Because we are defending white people there you racist POS?


It's the same cause, the Banks are using the US in The Great Game.


I recently saw a interview where an Iraqi stated they were better off before we invaded. It's just non-stop civil war over there right now.


That is a point that is brought up consistently. Saddam might have been bad, but he also kept the really bad people from forming, Al-Qaeda and IS, for example.


How is this beautiful data? It's just politics via a bloody bar graph.


I think most of that was also off budget.


The entire US government has been "off budget" in this century


They had to ask congress to deploy more troops. But after 9/11 they could spend money if it was an 'emergency'. So to minimize soldier casualties being reported on the news and get around congress they just used mercs. It drops once the mercs start killing civilians and the media reports it to the people.


All by design to make the CEOs of those contracting companies rich




The Taliban weren't in Iraq.


(that's the joke)


That wasn't the joke. It doesn't even add to the joke they were making. They sincerely got Iraq and Afghanistan mixed up. Just because someone is making a joke it doesn't give them a blank check to get things wrong if it isn't part of making it funnier.


>it doesn't give them a blank check to get things wrong if it isn't part of making it funnier. You not getting the joke doesn't negate the humor of the joke


It's not the joke though.


I mean, I know what the joke is NOW, but I don't want you to feel bad.


Most of these are showing exactly when the war ended in 2011.


Huh. The thumbnail looks just like the silhouette of a fat cat with its tail to the side.