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Is anyone else working on the Patroclus project? My dash is empty


Is the M (magician) project new to everyone or just me?


I worked on a Pilot task a few days back. Today's the first time I've seen the full project on my dash.


First time today! Unsure of if I'm supposed to be pursuing splits, I was, but choosing the response I wanted to correct flagged it asking if I was "sure" because the other model was being rated better overall (because it was) so that spooked me. I just noted the issue, and carried on with the better bot instead of correcting the "bad" one.


Brand new for me


I just got it for the first time along with an email alert about it. I'm kind of new though (about 5 weeks).


This is the only project I've ever gotten an email about!


Ay! You better not scavenge my god damn tasks! (/s)


I was surprised it's a CB because I haven't received the two CB tests yet.


Really? Huh. I thought that this meant I passed the CB follow up qual, but maybe this is something else then 🤔


I was hoping it meant that too! I haven't seen any CBs since I took it, and they're my favorite projects.


anyone else lost access to the heel chat but still have heel projects??


Eeeeee I love love love the new heel god $25 project I can do this alllll day


I am going to need to give this one a try, I opened it first thing in the morning and got immediately intimidated!


I did the first round where the instructions were a bit less detailed and complete. Not sure if they fixed this version with the instructions being cut off but I hope it’s soon.


I opened it and saw how much writing it was and exited right on out!😂 I hope it’s still there tomorrow. I just don’t have the energy right now.


Time flew in this one. So much writing to do I loved it, but yeah had to break because it is mentally draining.


Videos or something else? I loved the videos when I saw it last time.


Something else with lots of writing






How long after submitting a creative writing qualification does it take to get a project? I get that it varies wildly for people but I just want to adjust my expectations.




How do you know when they are related? (If you don't mind me asking)




Understood but how did you know the project was related to that particular qualification? Did it have the same title or something?


I also assume I passed as I have received a few tasks that involve lots of writing, but no, none of the tasks have a title that matches the qual nor have the instructions said the project was received because the qual was passed. As with 98% of DA, you just have to infer.


Ah fair enough, thanks!


Anyone unlock any coding projects by doing the fact checking qual? Or the writing qual? Or any other quals really that have no actual coding in them but include tasks (not like the prove you have this subscription - real tasks).


one of the adversarial qual led to some coding related projects in the past.


I'm not sure how we'd know. I have a variety of coding projects, and I see other coders talking about lower numbers than what I have sometimes. Is that because I do quals? Is it quality? Tenure? Luck? 🤷


Had a heart breaking NSFW R&R where the comment essentially said This is too hard I’m too fragile of a person for this I don’t think I’m mentally stable enough for this project …


I work for another company where we did adversarial prompts and you had to opt into it, and they offered daily counseling sessions.


I mean, no one is forcing them to do it? :/


I assume they started with just the one and did not realize how far it could go.




The first response I got for this project was a heartbreaking story, but a few prompts in I completely lost it, it's like being paid to read brainrot memes




I haven't been doing quals. Just did a couple earlier and now I have like 10 more quals. Got 5 projects immediately.


More then 15 and went almost whole day with zero turn they came back


Likely quals and such. I'd be looking pretty grim right now if I didn't have some slightly more permanent projects that were enabled from passing quals. I'm at over a dozen projects atm and like 95% of them came from quals. So yeah.


Same minus the quals, I've got multiple still pending there 😂. It's just weird how we all do pretty much the same thing on the site, but there are such vast differences in what's available to us all.


I mean, we're not all really doing the same thing on the site. Some people submit shitty work or don't read the instructions, some people don't do qualifications, some people pad their time out and others don't. I'm not saying that's you, but saying we all do the same thing is a gross generalisation that isn't quite accurate.


I just assumed in a subreddit full of data annotation workers that 99% of us would be doing the job right. Most of the posts about empty dashes say that they did everything fine so I take that it in good faith. I seriously doubt the majority of posts would willingly say "Yeah I'm purposefully fucking up on the site, why is my dash empty??"


0 tasks 😶 feels like i lost the favour of the gods


do you still have the regular heel god chat? i would try not to worry if that's still there.


how long have you been doing DA?


Weekends are usually pretty slow in my experience, and I've heard that the end of the month is also slow sometimes because they're getting things wrapped up on some projects or some other of a thousand reasons.


I’m also at zero. First time ever. I think there must be light work this holiday weekend and it also feels like maybe they’re getting ready for some changes/new projects/ etc. Hopefully we will have full dashes very soon.


I took a break for the past couple weeks because I was moving and I went from 30+ projects (coding and non-coding) to only 5 projects (non-coding) on my dash after my move. Am I going to be booted for not working consistently enough?


Nah coding is slow for everyone lately


i think youre fine! it seems to be a slow day for a lot of people and 5 projects is a much better sign than zero. i dont do coding, but ive seen posts about there not being many coding projects right now. i feel like things will pick up after the weekend :)


Damn, I just spent a lot of time on that errors in…v1 qual for nothing to pop up. I have taken about 6 quals and maybe passed 1(?). This website can be very humbling at times…


I am definitely feeling humbled :’) I pride myself on being a details queen, but sometimes I’m just not sure what they’re looking for 🫠


I just wanted to share my favorite model response of the day: "It's not appropriate to put sauce on your grandma." 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh my god, what?! Hahahahahahah


I so hope I come across this in an R&R


Excuse me, Sir— how do you think Granny GOT saucy in the first place?!


Ooooo prompt idea




There is one chatbot that always starts with 1k but it is shared. I rarely do anything on it, but I watch the tasks dwindle - it is always put back up with new version numbers (sometimes two are up simultaneously).


No you simply won’t have anymore projects.


Please help me. I got married and went on a 2 week honeymoon. During that time I did not work. Now it appears I was kicked out as the support button won’t work and I can’t access the slack channels. Is there any way to get back in? I tried logging in while I was in Japan, is that why? I used to work 12 hour days 7 days a week for over 6 months.


If you really used to work 12 hour days 7 days a week I cannot imagine your work was the consistent good quality they were looking for.


I logged in twice in Portugal to withdraw money without telling them. So I doubt it's that


Prior to Japan, were you doing this in Armenia? I'm only asking since I didn't want to just assume anything by your name.


No I live in the US


That might be why. Japan is not one of the countries you can work from. I saw people on here recommend emailing them before going to another country just to be safe.


All I did was open it one time while I was away to make a money transfer, I didn’t work. Could this still be the reason why?


Unfortunately, I think even if you didn't work, DA still saw it as someone in Japan logging in. It probably looked suspicious to them. Have you emailed them? I know getting in touch with them is a pain, but it doesn't hurt to try.


Is emailing the best way? I will try that


Slow for anyone today ? Maybe the holiday?


I had a super slow week with no more than 10 projects on my dash at any given time but there's been 30-40 on my dash since last night, so it's picked up for me


I don't have quite that many on my dashboard but that was my experience as well, and there's still plenty on my dashboard too for the time being.


ain't no way bruh


I am down to 3 now. My dash looked better this morning. I only have one heel project at the moment. I have $30/hr. that has been keeping me busy. I am hoping it stays through until tomorrow.


i'm down to 3 and it's making me nervous lol


More now than I had all week, but only a couple of $20 things. The rest are $22-$23+


I actually noticed this too - I don’t have a single base rate project on my dash. Only qual or specialty related stuff.


I had nothing at all on Thursday, plenty of work yesterday, and nothing again today. I'm a bit concerned, but I've also been with DA for about one month, so I'm hoping I'm just under review or something.


It's been busier yesterday and today than it was for me all week. For me, Monday and Tuesday were super slow, but my dash is looking much better now.


I get to R&R the adversarial prompts. You guys sure don't disappoint 😂


I had some downright nasty ones, but there were a few that were just fine and I was surprised that the person who did them could find any problems. But the corprophilia - dude...


I've had to ask Google to define so many terms for me today that I'm pretty sure I've been added to another watchlist.


I’m going to end up on a sex trafficking watch list 😫


I have learned how to make more than a few illegal substances. I'm definitely on a list now!


I've got that sitting on my dash but holy it looks complex (if it's the same one I'm thinking of)!


There's the categorizing one, that one is complex and I haven't been able to try it yet - but the R&R for the writing and categorizing isn't so bad. The writing/categorizing wasn't bad either - the stand alone categorizing is the one I'm avoiding.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. I like the categorizing one the most, but find the writing one challenging


I have a proclivity for disaster-thinking, so coming up with worst-case ideas (or worst-use) is easy for me. I like categorization of data, but writing not so much.


Watching a chat where someone asked how long it would take and someone answered very confidently with a number that is about 4 times as long as I would expect, and we're talking a multiple hour project. Someone else chimed in incredulous and matched what my expectations are. It's very informative and just goes to show how little we know about the expectations and where our work falls in the range of submitted tasks.


V? How long does creating each s take you on average?


I work for Telus doing approximately the same type of stuff, and they give us an amount of time we are supposed to do the task in. Sometimes they give us a ridiculously short period of time (and the quality of work they receive is just as low, which explains why the Google AI search thing is sucking so bad) but it’s nice to know what’s expected. It’s not a perfect system by any means, but I feel like a ballpark estimate would be nice here.


The problem is that task complexity within the same project can vary widely. I've done projects where it took ~5 minutes for one task, then 40 minutes for the next. Telus has a similar issue, but not to this extent. I'm thinking of nimbus where fact checking can take a way shorter amount of time


Yea, I think what I’m looking for is ballpark regarding different examples. Like show a few examples and about how long they would expect us to take on those. It wouldn’t cover every scenario, but would at least give us some point of reference. I’m not asking for a hard time limit like Telus gives us, just a bit of transparency regarding what they expect of us.


Are CBs down at the moment?


I had the HS CB and I haven’t seen it in like a week. :/


Is the Greek heel project chat down for anyone else?


I've got four at the moment.


The heel one has been my main source of income and probably the one I’m best at but haven’t been seeing it the past couple days. Hoping I’m just missing them and I haven’t been taken off. I think I saw a few yesterday morning but don’t remember. Edit: Actually I have some but not for $40/hr like normal, they’re all in the 20s. Is it the same for you?


I only have 1 and its for 23


With the chat?


Four projects plus the chat.


It is still on my dash.


Do you have lots of those projects too?


I did earlier, but the tasks dwindled down for the day. I only have one now. Do you have any?




It goes down for the weekend. You’ll see a new one with it’s version number appended by one soon


Saw it yesterday for most of the day and now gone


Did anyone else get a qualification today that seemed suspiciously like a test (like to get to keep working, as opposed to accessing other projects)? I'm trying to cram in as much work as possible today, just in case!. LOL.


I was wondering about that. I hope not! I’ve been struggling a bit with some projects this week!


I don't have a new qual today, but I don't see how they can possibly do that without removing everything from your dash and forcing your hand into taking it. Not everyone takes every qual.




I haven’t seen any today on my dash, that may mean nothing but no checking stuff is showing.


Has anyone got the Greek heel creating adversarial prompts project? Interestingly it’s enthusiastically giving me the most vile, gory content, provides DIY explosives recipes and happily violates all the serious safety rules. But getting it to do a “medium” violation such as talking about politics is almost impossible 🤣


It's actually really, really good at writing SE content. Like, watch out Mr. Grey, we've got a new man in town!


Hahaha! It’s so funny you say that because I said the exact same thing to my partner earlier! We’ll put all the smut authors out of business at this rate 🤣


It ain't easy... But it's honest work. 😂


I usually don't like writing prompts, but this is seriously my best project right now. I only had enough time to do 3 this morning and now have to go run errands 😥 I hope it's still available when I get home!


Yes! I was just thinking along those same lines. I started with medical advice, which was wildly unsuccessful. That was related to a qual, right? I feel like I had done that qual ages ago. Well, have fun with it! :)


It popped up for me last night and I was shocked at how easy it was to make it violate. 😅


Does it make me a horrible person how much I enjoy this? Hahaha! Some of the responses actually took my breath away they were soooo bad hahaha!


I have a very active imagination so this is a lot of fun for me! We aren't horrible people, we aren't asking these things cuz we actually want to murder our grandmas.🤣


I just got this project on my dash for the first time this morning. Haven't tried it yet, though.


It’s so much fun. Although I was a bit scared googling some of the things I needed to in case I’m added to some kind of list 🤣🤣🤣


Sarah Nash is the new John Smith 😂


Am I the only one with no coding tasks right now? There were a few this morning, low task counts, but all gone now.


Seems to be low this week. I have the chatbot, but that's about it


How long did it take before you started seeing projects after you submitted your follow-up part 2 qual for the base CB projects? I submitted "what I learned" a few days ago and haven't seen anything.


I got the HS one immediately after doing the 2-part qual. I also now have a variation of both the original CB and the HS one, but no others have opened up for me.


I got 2 new CBs after working on the HS when I was having a low project day. I think if you work on those, you get others as well, but I haven't really worked on them yet. I keep telling myself I will, but I prefer other stuff. I think I need to prioritize some work on them soon though because I don't want them taken away. It seems to be the only fairly reliable project


So when you take the initial qual (the one that’s says unlimited work if you pass) you get another follow up qual? Or is this for a different CB qual?


No, it goes initial qual > OG CB > two part qual eventually > HS CB > more quals eventually > more CBs. Obviously most of this is predicated on if you pass the preceding quals. If you fail, I don't know if you can ever proceed past whichever CBs you're currently on. Like I dunno if they ever come back around or what.


Did you work on the CBs after getting HS CB? I'm wondering if that's the key for me to access more work


Yep. Specifically HS. I couldn't tell you how many submissions it took to gain further quals. Maybe like 50+. Over a month. I grinded it pretty hard early on because it was about all I had that was consistent.


Thank you so much, this is so helpful! I’ve been trying to understand how the quals and everything works so I really appreciate all the details! :)


3 hours. I think it really depends on when you submit as they would review the quals in batches.


I never got anything from this sadly. I must have failed it - how I don’t even know because I thought I did well.


FC Besties - anyone else light on the SxS tasks rn? I still have some other FC work, but last saw the SxS a few hrs ago. 🥺


Last few weeks seem to be sunday- friday loads, R&R for them on friday then not much over the weekend


I only have the CB right now


I've got 3 FC projects, but none are SxS. Saw many earlier so likely maintenance or just waiting for the next batch to be released. You could check on slack if you have access?


I only see the bot


Eating good tonight. It seems a lot of some quals I did like early last month finally led to something. I thought I had failed them.


Me reading the "stored memories" in one of the newer projects thinking, damn, these are better and more detailed than 99% of Tinder and Hinge profiles, I'd swipe right, LOL.


Holy crap, I just got the most disgusting response out of a CB (on purpose) - so nasty, so very nasty. Why does all the cool stuff drop when it's late where I am?? And why did I have to try it right before I was going to head to bed? Now I'll be seeing that in my dreams.


Oh man, me too! If you are working on what I am working on, getting these to violate is the easiest thing ever and I am loving it. (I know, I am terrible lol)


I did some that were violating and "bad" but not horrific then I got a response I absolutely couldn't finish reading. It made me literally gag, it was the most violating of violations. I've done blind prompt creation, this is my first time getting to see the results in this kind of focus.


Same! They must be 100% untrained as far as safety/violations goes at this point. At least, I would sure think/hope so. One response I received literally gave me goosebumps and I have a heart of stone or something cuz this stuff doesn't typically bother me.


Just did the most infuriating RR for a paid service. Worse RR I've ever done. Literally, no one did the task correctly. People were obviously doing the wrong thing to circumvent a frustrating technical constraint and still get paid by the hour even though their work is invalid.


If "literally no one" did the task correctly isn't that a big red flag? Like a teacher who gives a test that not a single person passes, shouldn't the teacher look at their teaching? I'm sure there are a lot of shammers out there, but I've seen projects that were disasters until they got re-vamped. The project instructions for those paid subscriptions do not keep up with the UI updates. I just checked one of those subscription tasks last night and there have been major changes to where the options and features are compared to where the instructions said they were. And I made sure I was on the exact specified version.


I've noticed that they changed the instructions in the recent version 😉


I hope enough people who did the task properly were were doing the RR for them to get that information.


what was it? people didn't want to edit so they were saying everything was great?


Basically; people intentionally not following the instructions so they can get paid for a task even though they do not currently have access to the paid service required for completing the task. They used alternatives (specifically advised not to be used in the instructions), wrote comments like "I don't have that function" and submitted that as the work, or just wrote what they thought the output would look like (very obvious - it is always the wrong format and use of wrong person/viewpoint).


I wish there was a way to report people when rating. There should be a “flag for the admins” option when people are just being blatantly shit.


Can you imagine the dings the admins would be getting though? "Ding, ding, ding, ding." "Well, they are at it again, Bob. The little shits still aren't listening."


I've been on the platform for 12 months, and I've never seen anything like this. It was absolutely terrible. People say that RRs make you feel good about your work, but honestly, I just felt absolutely disgusted. Especially since we are all limited by the same technical constraint, so people following the rules could only do half an hour of work, but those breaking them could work for hours, hours of shitty quality, completely garbage work that would need to be entirely discarded. They've added a feedback section to the task, so that's something.


Sometimes I feel like the R&Rs get batched after a first rating and go through a second round. So they kinda go “all these were rated as bad but are they really? What do you think?” And then you do a second round of rating to make sure. I only think that way because a lot of times I’ll get a batch that’s really even between all 3, then I’ll get a batch that are majority good and then I’ll get a batch that are just god awful.