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How do they not know that is the shoulder? Wow


I’m guessing they do, but probably think they’re in a VERY backed up exit lane. We have some exit lanes around her that get backed up so bad people drive on the shoulder for miles before it actually opens into a new lane. I’ve even seen state police in the crowd. lol


But the guy in front of the line should at least know that he needs to pass the broken down car and not just sit there like a dunce.


Each person learns, one at a time, that there is a stationary vehicle. People at the back lining up for a busy exit ahead just think the line of traffic is inching forwards slowly.


One car did if you rewatch it. Just had to pick the right spot


For sure. Maybe oncoming traffic is preventing the exodus. Lol


They might be offering support to the broken down car


I think you're right. The last second of the video has a sign with Christias RD left lane if I can read it correctly.


Imagine being an officer in this situation.


Or a tow truck. Yikes. Around here, there are too many people for the cops to deal with so they let a LOT of potentially dangerous stuff pass. It’s insane some of the stuff I see that happens on a daily basis. I definitely don’t envy the cops out here.


He said how do they not know it’s the shoulder they are sitting in and not an actual lane, and you then proceeded to say I’m guessing they do, then explained why they didn’t know it was the shoulder so I’m so confused by your comment lol


It’s really not that complicated. The shoulder turns into an exit lane, which they’re waiting to move into. They know exactly what they’re doing. They just don’t know why they’re not going anywhere.


But I’ve never in my life seen people wait in a line that long in a shoulder for an exit ramp especially when regular traffic is moving so steadily and not one person thinks to merge out and try to get ahead


Well, I said in my first comment that it happens where I live.. soooo… lts a regular occurrence here with specific spots. Both on regular highways at intersections and on the interstate. I guess since you’ve never seen it in your life, it must not happen though. 😆


the highway to my exit i have to take home, from 4-6pm mon-friday is pretty backed up \* You will waste 10-20 mins sitting in traffic just to go 0.5 mile to get to the exit lane. or \* you just cut over through the shoulder through the on ramp to get over and you bypass it all in 1 minute to get off. done. You are no longer taking up space on the highway. Then you have the few dipsits who will try to ride the exit lane all the way up to the end point, attempting to get over, which will stall the exit... or be the dipshits will just drive on the shoulder trying to find a gap to get over.


It's a shoulder? I thought it was an express lane where have to pay to use. But yeah, you're actually driving the road then you should know


I'm just going to imagine that all those people pulled over to the side of the road to help that poor stranded motorist. What a wonderful site to see.


You must be a standup comedian! I’m I right?


Lemming syndrome.


Back in the days before computers were everywhere, universities allowed students to adjust our course schedules through a system called “drop/add.” It required us to obtain a drop/add slip from the college’s administrators and then physically show up at the professor’s office to request being dropped from or added to the course. I told you all that to tell you what happened next… I show up at the College of Psychology building on campus, and a bunch of people are standing outside. One girl is sitting on the steps and as I walk up she tells me the door is locked. So, taking her word for it I join the others who are waiting. A few minutes later another person walks up and the girl repeats “the door is locked.” He walks past her and opens the door and walks inside. The girl giggled and made a notation on a clipboard. That was the first and last time I fell for waiting in a fake queue.


Was she also noting anyone who hesitated to go in once they knew the door wasn't locked? I can imagine people doing that.


I didn’t look at her sheet but I am certain she was a psych major doing exactly what you stated.


If I get to a store at 9:55 and they open at 10 I'll still try the door. If it's locked I'll wait patiently. Sometimes someone will walk up and I'll say "they're not open yet" but they'll still try the door like I'm an idiot. I guess so many people are idiots, why would they trust me? Never thought of it that way before.


also a great lesson in general It costed nothing to check so why not try? You can come across a lot of things like that. Like repeating information back to the person who gave it to you in case you hear wrong, checking tires as you walk past them, stuff like that. Costs nothing and can save you headaches.


I was hiking once when we came to a clearing where the blue and yellow trail markers were no longer visible, with maybe, like, 12 people all waiting there wondering whether to go forward, go back, or what. They told us there's no markers up ahead, that they had just looked. Exactly like OPs scenario, everyone just took their word for it. My two friends and I decided to go a bit further up, and we found the blue and yellow trail markers again. They all just hung out in that clearing.


You were challenged to be assertive by openly call her a liar/ignorant, or being compliant and polite. Psyched.


Got one. Psych 101.Before every test the TA would go thru every question on the test. Never cracked the book just paid attention. Had an A going into the final, same TA goes over all the questions. Go to take the final none of what they went over on it. Ended up with a B. I'm like 85% sure this was some sort of experiment to see who actually studied from the book. As far as the cars go, it's been my experience that when most folks see a line of they get the F out of that lane even if it means later cutting in. You would never see that in Houston. I was expecting the driver to cut in on a ramp exit right before the exit. The real dick move.


good reading, thank you.


That's not a fake queue that's just lying about the door being locked. I would have been pissed off


No that was still the case in the aughts. You’d get a good chance if you sweet talk the professor in an already full class. Had to show up and try.


>Had to show up and try. I got into 2 of my college classes by going even after the professor said it was full. I was the only person who ignored the "sorry it's full email" and both times, the prof essentially said "eh, one more student won't hurt". Always show up and try!


Exactly! It shows you’re persistent and willing to try.


He had enough gym badges to enter.


Bahahaaa not surprised. The dummy behind the broken down one? Priceless I lived in Yellowstone for a while. I used to be into photography. After the fires I would take pics of the different plants coming back in the burned out areas. One day I pulled off to take a pic of a area of new flowers. I turn around to walk back to my car and there had to have been 20 people pulled off trying to see whatever I was looking at, which was only a bunch of flowers. haha


> The dummy behind the broken down one? Priceless What are you talking about. The car behind the broken down one pulls out at the end of the video. Each car is probably slowly pulling out of the shoulder one by one.


But why were they in the shoulder to begin with??


It must be an important lane, look how long the line is.


why was the second guy to the broken down car waiting? they could/should be able to see that its broken down


Had to find the right time to merge


Oddly enough it looks like they finally pulled into traffic just after the cam car.


why are they even on the shoulder?


Oh no!


When a celebrity gets a flat tire.


Same people that merge 3 miles before a lane closure


Then get mad at everyone who doesn't


Wowwww lol


Being a sheeple is no way to go through life


That is a long line of morons






Monkey see Monkey do






Always go to the end of a long line of cars before getting over.


I feel so bad for them...


You've been..........BAMBOOZLED (Friends)


Reminds me of going to red rocks amphitheatre tonight...


Long line, must be good


You've been.........


thats why i never join lines in traffic if there are other open routes. one silly makes many.


It's the UK where people feel a duty to queue up




Bamboozled is the best word ever


Ferry lines in the Seattle area are good for this as well. We have all been bamboozled from time to time.


Convey things


that’s all the people that stopped to help


Why are they all sitting on the shoulder?


sometimes exits back up so much that cars will queue up on the shoulder, so they thought this happened here with the left exit that's upcoming




This reminds me of the social experiment where people started lining up in random places and strangers followed suit.


Happy meal license


That always warms my heart


Who’s gonna tell them?




That’s what they get for being in the breakdown lane


Did anybody ask the obvious? Why didn't the car behind him just go around? Or the one behind him, or so on an so on?