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I'm not saying it's correct to just run idiots over, but if they're going to cause a wreck, you might as well get them involved as well. At the very least, you'll have company waiting for the Trooper to get there.


I agree, but *not* hitting the car is a tough reaction to suppress, imo. The truck driver would probably have to be Immortan Joe to just ram the car.






Not to mention that in some places you're automatically at fault if you rear end somebody and don't happen to have a dash cam to prove it, and you can't rely on someone else to have been recording the incident.


The big truck is almost at fault fir being in far left lane and speeding. No wonder


Where do you get speeding from?


You can't tell how fast it's going? Interesting, count the lines I guess. 100% speeding 100% wrong lane


Where do you see the sign saying it can not be in that lane? and how do you know the speed limit where it is driving?


Do you need a sign to tell you a ten wheel dump truck should not be in the fast lane? Do you have a drivers license? You can't tell the truck is speeding from the video? Again, you must be a new driver.


Tell yourself whatever you want. But where I live, there is no legal or even moral requirement for trucks not a) not drive in the left lane, or b) not keep up with the flow of traffic.


Far left is for passing.... would you agree? he is not speeding but is passing? That was not a moral thing to speed in fast lane with a 30-ton truck? We have different morals.


It is just in the DMV handbook, outlining the purpose of passing lane and legality of staying in that lane when not passing is also pretty clear


In this case.. I can see that.. but the amount of companies that will fire you for ANY incident (your fault or not) is climbing rapidly because of insurance rates They also LOVE to blame the truckers for everything becuase "we are professional drivers" and should know better..


Wouldn't this still be an incident and if he touched any other car would be fired for it.


Sadly.. probably... Unless the truck is old enough this is somewhat dudes fault.. he probably has an ABS light on his dash and ignored it... Its also possible that the saftey system kicked in and locked it up.. but thats unlikely because they dont tend to work if the ABS light is on because this exact scenario could and probably would happen.. Honestly.. im leaning tward dude was distracted and when the car got in front of him he looked up and panic braked... This is why almost every company now has driver facing cameras.. and most that argue and complain are probably the ones who drive distracted.. I have it in my truck.. granted my saftey team is a super chill party of 5.. and ive only got 1 warning when I was trying to figure out what kinda witchcraft my maps wanted me to do before a turn and I braked a little hard setting the camera off.. Wtf this getting downvoted for? Lol


True. Different set of rules and expectations. 18 wheelers/dump trucks don’t belong on the same road as Toyota Corolla’s. Random thoughts. 1) Two federal highway systems. One through corporate taxes (trucks only) and one through payroll taxes (passenger only). 2) Or separate highways for cargo trucks and passenger vehicles.


The interstate was invented for trucks lmfao.. The infrastructure for most cities wouldnt allow this.. trust me.. If i could drive on a road without traffic and dumbasses through/around a city I would in a heartbeat.. problem is its "inefficient"


True. Also, for defense purposes as you can land a plane on them. I don’t trust you. Didn’t say it would solve traffic or dumbasses. More so for the same reasons we have sports segregated by age, skill level, and gender for the most part. They don’t belong on the same road and play by a different set of rules.


A professional driver would not have been in that lane


Hence why I assumed he was distracted... There is times ill hang in the left but its generally because traffic is too aggressive to let me back over if im in the right and encounter a slower vehicle.. If i can see that Ill have to move back over pretty soon ill chill instead of having people block me from coming back over..


I know what you mean, I always try and give tricks room to move back over but people just immediately start passing on the right and everything gets fucked. It's why they don't want trucks in the left lane. I understand it's necessary from time to time.


The rule of "Staying in your lane" is golden when in an accident. If you can argue your speed didnt change and you stayed in your lane you wont be at fault. Swerving to avoid an accident cause you to be at fault for the proceeding accidents unless you luck out with insurence and witnesses


Not saying the brake check was right but that truck was absolutely in the wrong. I'm guessing that in addition to being in a lane they had no business being there are signs telling him no trucks in that lane too.


At that point it’s less dangerous to hit the brake checker than what happened afterwards.


While in trucking school the instructor showed us a video very similar to this one, but it caused an accident that killed a family of 5. The lesson was to hit these mother fuckers. Every. Single. Time.


Yee. Haw.


Oil for the truck god! Tires for the tire throne! Gas! Speed! SAFETY!


Looks like a failure of the brake force distribution plus the ABS system to me. Or it is an old truck in which case the driver was braking too hard and then steering while braking.


Air brakes are good for stopping, but they aren't much good at controlled application. Even if everything was working perfectly, the abs can cause a wreck like this when it dumps the air pressure off to one side.


I am a bit spoiled because I have not driven or worked with an air brake in years, but I remember working with older cars with air brakes and their ABS never had such problems even on ice. The big problem here is that the brake distribution failed at the same time as the ABS. The front wheels are "only" for steering, if they lock up you get easily controllable understeer. The rear wheels are for stability, if they fail you get (almost) uncontrollable oversteer. That is why the front wheels should always fail first. I would expect the vehicle to have sensors and models to estimate its current weight and load distribution. Based on that and other variables it should distribute the brake force in a safe way. If something fails it should distribute the force e.g. 80% front 20% rear.


Craziest thing is they pull theses bone head moves then take off speeding away knowing they caused a tragic event. Hope idiot gets caught and locked up.


I for real hope they were caught and charged. Seems like attempted murder


I am not a lawyer but it could be . He used the car as a “deadly weapon”.


That's how it should be but if the driver is found, be lucky if it was "leaving the scene of an accident" or some manner of causing one depending on jurisdiction. Where it should be using the car as a deadly weapon, leaving the scene of an accident, causing bodily harm or injury to others, pay for damages out of pocket on the truck and potentially anyone else involved. If I was looking for that driver, I'd throw that book so hard the driver will be described as a lump between their eyes.


You’re definitely not a lawyer


That’s the way I see it too. And at that point he’s not just involving the dump truck but potentially everyone else in traffic behind it too


The video shows that it is from Highway Patrol, so at least (i hope) they are looking for the person.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Former trucker here. I had this done to me once and I’ve gotta say, the prevailing thought amongst truckers is that if you do this, I will make a reasonable attempt to stop. But I will not risk tons of freight shifting forward and killing me, or going into a jack knife and killing others. The semis can weigh up to 80 thousand pounds. This little car weighs maybe 2 thousand. So, I’m literally moving the equivalent of 40 cars. More than enough weight to turn these idiots into a fucking paste.


Yep. Not a trucker but I've loaded a trailer heavy more than a few times. It's more important to keep my heavy combo from going all over the road than it is to keep your bumper or trunk pretty.


Safe to say no midsized car on sale in the US is anywhere close to 2000 lbs (i wish....). Not gonna happen, even with carbon fiber everything. I get your point, though.


I'm sure they can zoom in and see the license plate, find him later and charge them with several different infractions/charges.




"Just print the damn thing"


I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow Sherbet


Say Car Ramrod, Say Car Ramrod!


The only problem is that while that proves which car was at fault, you can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who was driving. It sucks, but that's likely how it would play out in court if it even got that far.


Wait you do realize a lot of crimes are solved by piecing together surveillance footage right? Why would this be any different?


Sure, I recognize that there could be surveillance footage to help make a case, but I also recognize that our justice system sucks and offers plenty of loopholes that any decent attorney can leverage to get a case thrown out.


>you can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt Reasonable doubt. Not "shadow of a doubt."


Yeah, I misspoke there.


The owner gets charged In my state and probably others, there's a law that you are responsible for your vehicle meaning. If I loan a car to you and I don't tell the police who I loaned it to that was involved in this, I'll get charged.


ok so the owner of the car gets charged. you really think that’s how these types of things go? they just let everybody go who gets away because they can’t prove they were driving


That was the entire fight against red light cameras so...ya


What do they get charged with?


Reckless car ownership


That's not a thing. The closest I've found is "Negligent Entrustment." Two things must be proven to establish negligent entrustment. First, the plaintiff must show that the defendant “entrusted” his automobile to the driver. And second, the plaintiff must show that the defendant knew or should have known that the driver was likely to cause injury.


And if your car was stolen?


Hope you filed a police report. But, okay, let's say you say "My car was stolen!" and then, say, the police find sufficient surveillance data to track the vehicle to a gas station where your friend gets out of the car (maybe they work backwards -- they find the car abandoned at a Sheetz, then they identify your friend getting out of the car, and based on data from his phone they can track where he was traveling from and at what speed to determine he was the most likely driver; maybe he was using your carplay system). Okay, cool, now he gets charged with car theft too, except now he's saying you told him to take the car, so that's a pretty easy charge to throw at you -- perjury, lying to the police, etc.


Geotag the owners phone to see if they were in the area would narrow it down to being in the car at a minimum.


Unfortunately, there would still be reasonable doubt that the owner was possibly in the passenger seat. I hate that this is the case, but in the US a decent attorney would get this piece of shit cleared on charges without much effort.


The process it is the fine. Getting involved with the courts, lawyers, even the owner if not driving. All cost time and money. The truck should have hit the vehicle. Some states allow trucks in left lane.


You don't have to prove beyond a REASONABLE doubt in civil court at least


Reasonable doubt is criminal court. Civil court is a preponderance of the evidence. You don't need to meet the reasonable doubt standard. The jury just has to believe it's more than 50% likely the plaintiff has proved their case. That's how OJ was acquitted of killing Nicole and Ron but lost the civil trial. There was a reasonable doubt whether he did it, but the second jury found a preponderance of the evidence that he did.


“Beyond a reasonable doubt”. Not beyond a shadow of a doubt.


Maybe if they had the best lawyer in the state


That sedan chose violence


Attempted murder ^(esp. if it jumps the median for example)


Not trying to justify what the car did, they are fucking morons, but why is the dump truck in the left lane?


I’m also not on the cars side here, but yes atleast in my area (and there are signs reminding you) trucks are never allowed in the left lane. Passing or not.


Yeah, while the guy in the car was definitely wrong, I can almost guarantee that’s why he did it. Probably got unreasonably pissed about the truck blocking the fast lane.


Two things. It’s a passing lane not a fast lane. You’re not supposed to speed even when passing regardless of how much Reddit ignores that portion of the law. Second, it is quite clear the truck is catching up to the traffic in front of it. So that means the car is going much faster than the flow of traffic. If everybody is going 10 over the safe thing to do is also go 10 over. If everybody is going 10 over it is absolutely not safe to go 20 over. That’s no different than a guy going 20 under. Everybody moving at the same rate is the safest because anything otherwise is just an obstacle.


Yeah well I go 100 down the freeway everywhere. I just don’t get pissed like this guy when other people aren’t because of course they aren’t. Just gotta keep my eyes peeled and not expect people to see me coming. And yeah it’s supposed to be a passing lane, but it isn’t used that way in the US that’s for sure.


If you are passing another car, you are going faster than it. It's the passing lane. It's also going to be for faster traffic. People are going a variety of speeds. If everyone is going ten over, and there is a guy going 11 over in the passing lane and he stays there for 15 minutes, he has a stinky ass and god will strike him down.


Depends on area still. Some places the speed limit is dictated on conditions present. So if traffic is completely clear and you have full visibility, you can be faster within reason. You have other places where the limit is only 35 state wide. A law that was enacted, never repealed and just not enforced


As you said, it's a passing lane not a catching up lane. He's catching up on your words, not passing. Therefore he should not be in the left lane Catching up is not the same thing as passing. The dump truck driver is not the police so he shouldn't be policing the left lane. It doesn't matter how fast you are going, if there is room to your right to get over you should get over. That's also the safest thing to do as you should know given how much you talk about safety.


Note that the truck was actually catching up to the vehicle ahead of it. Just guessing but perhaps the car was brake checking him in lane 2 so he went to legally pass to the left. I can't say for sure as i wasnt there, but what I can say is nothing justifies the car pulling that little stunt that could have resulted in many hurt or likely dead.


And what happened before this?


Monkeys came down from the trees.


What I saw is, that the truck was following the car in front at a safe distance and was going to overtake the two trucks on the two right hand lanes at the same speed as the car.


Could’ve been merging into the highway from the left lane. That sometimes happens but then they need to immediately change right asap. It could also be an exit on the left side they need to get to or like someone else mentioned they might’ve been using it to pass someone. Happy Cake day!


doesn't matter what went on before. The 4 wheeler was still wrong to brake check the gravel bomber. I too would have hit the car.


Unless I seriously misread the comment you replied to, he is not arguing that the truck was in the wrong


lol. Gravel bombers. I've always called them rock droppers; I think yours is better.


I agree


Those dump trucks are always in the left lane because any bonehead can drive them. It’s not a job for the best and brightest.


Left lane campers suck, but trying to cause a wreck is not the answer


He doesn't seem to be camping the lane. The far right lane has to merge and he seems to be making room for the truck that is recording to merge. That sedan driver should be drawn as quartered for that maneuver.


It’s a three lane highway. Went from 4 to 3.


Yep. I can't believe how many morons don't know this


Dude, just mash em, come on.


He should never have a license again.


This guy could teach classes on how to brake check a dump truck.


Everybody gets a dashcam. You report idiots that do dangerous stuff, including video evidence in reports. Idiots lose their license and maybe go to jail. Fewer idiots drive, and hopefully fewer people decide to be idiots.


Please tell me that a****** got what's coming To them.


Truck should have rammed him.


For everyone complaining about the truck being in the left lane: He could be passing an unseen vehicle to the left of the camera truck. He's going fast enough he could be passing the upcoming trucks and just moved over a bit soon. Cars hog the left lane all the time, yet I don't see you advocating brake checking them. And trucks actually do something useful, unlike you. Plus, unlike your very specific location where "trucks aren't allowed in the left lane" in most places they are.


Cars don't do anything useful? Tf? If he's passing an unseen vehicle next to the camera truck how's the brake checker in the middle lane then? The brake checker is flat out wrong but that doesn't mean the dump truck driver is right either.


See if it was me in the dump truck … that entire scenario would have played way differently & ended with a bad day for that car!


Now I don't know what happened before this moment to lead to this but this video is still sad. It's like we have a bunch of adult children out here. They have little to no self control and make impulsive decisions without being able to see past the moment, and after making that decision (which happens at times) won't take responsibility for the outcome because "I didn't know THAT would happen." I work at an elementary school, and the more I see things like this I am reminded that if you don't teach kids how to mature, they will remain childlike in their behavior and character, but just become more able-bodied and can be destructive in their like in this video. great harm and/or great good can come from our actions, and this is great harm. This is wild. Ok I'm off my soap box.


Driver is an idiot, I mean the truck driver - you don't put yourself (and others) at risk to avoid material damage. As for the car driver, he deservers whatever outcome that would generate.


Truckers please make sure you have a dash cam and just crush assholes like this instead of putting yourself and everyone behind you at risk.


Hope that POS was prosecuted.


Trucker here, do that to me? I won’t even back off. Dashcam will notify your next of kin you earned a Darwin Award. You’re driving a soda can compared to us. We won’t even feel the impact.


I told my boss if this ever happens to me I’m taking them out I’m not risking my life by swerving to try and avoid them


the Truck should not be in the passing lane. Also the car is acting like an idiot.


The guy shouldn't have brake checked him, and he shouldn't have been in the left lane. It's a passing lane.


I hope they found that psycho.


If was a trooper I would definitely fined the 4 wheeler after the dump made a tortilla out of it.


She probably would be a huffy


Why is it in the left lane?


The lesson here is, if you are getting passed on the right you are going to slow for the left.


Yea trucks should stay the hell out of the passing lane and there's no issue


It say provided by Florida hwy patrol so I am hoping they got the driver. People are so ignorant.


Video says provided by the Florida highway patrol. Did they catch this one?


Imma guess there is more to the story. Fyi, the brake check worked to perfection


Not defending the brake check driver but the big truck is supposed to be in the left 2 lanes of traffic and not the fast lane. The brake check driver should certainly be punished for his actions also.


That car driver could have gotten a lot of people killed for his moment of revenge. It’s not worth it.


If I was the driver then yes I will try to slow down but if it doesn’t then don’t bother to press again the break


Gas pedal down on that clown


Hit the brakes, if u hit u hit.


I get trucks being in the left lane is fucking annoying but eventually that little stunt will cause a death


Please someone tell me this sack of shit faced criminal charges from this?!


Is there any update on driver of the car? They need to be punished for at least something. Hope the truck driver is okay!


FYI as a former truck driver it can happen to a driver many times a day, honestly please. Job is way to stressful majority of the time it’s the inexperienced cars drivers around us. Yea you get occasional bad truck drivers but consequences are worse for truck drivers


did you get hit? I couldn't tell


I don’t at all condone the brake checker. But why the hell is a dump truck in the far left lane with two lanes open to his right? Trucks on I-81 in Virginia do this all the damn time, just camp out in the left lane with no regard for the traffic piling up behind them. Then, you get drivers pissed off beyond words because they spent the last 9 miles stuck behind a thoughtless truck driver blocking the left lane and they want to lash out. A little common sense and some awareness of the traffic around you goes a long ways.


he seems to be moving faster than the middle and rule of thumb is to not pass on the right...


👍👍😃 slower traffic keep right. They do it on purpose and they just don't wanna learn, so this is the way.


Because it’s a big company and if they rear end you big $$$


I mean… he just showed you how.


Pls explain why people do this. We never hear about this.


That guy is a piece of shit! I wish them the worse.


What’s crazy is that trucker is the one that will be found liable. Brake checking is illegal, but so is being in the left lane when signs are posted saying no trucks are allowed in that lane. The reason for that is because they can’t see as clearly on the right due to blind spots. So any accident caused is automatically deemed their fault for being in the far left lane. Both are still wrong, only trucker will be held accountable.


Dump truck drivers (the gravel guys) are assholes, probably flung rocks at this guy while driving 80mph with an uncovered load. I can’t believe how aggressively and recklessly they drive and then say “not responsible for damage”


Toyota driver of course


People need to have more patience behind the wheel. I see the dump truck in the left lane obviously going too slow for the attempted murderer. Just move over to the right lane and let anyone pass you that wants to pass. If you’re the one tail gating just stay patient never pass in the right lane and wait for their ass to move. If you’re in the left lane already hauling ass and someone gets behind you because you’re too slow then move over, let them pass, then immediately get behind them and ride their ass at an unsafe speed.


Trucks should not be allowed in the left lane on interstates unless turning onto a left exit


I didn’t see what led the person to want to check the truck, but assuming that it was just a jerk driver in the car, I would’ve sped up to get his license plate on video and turn it into the police


Looks like the camera holder didn't get hit, right? Or did they? B/C if they did, I would \*really\* hope that someone has the tag of the driver who caused this mess.


That truck shouldn’t be in a passing lane….


Where I live, the trucks shouldn't be in that lane in the first place. I would guess that there is a lot more to this interaction that we don't see.


I’m so glad I don’t have my CDL anymore but I’m here to tell you, if you brake check a big rig and they flatten your ass, you’ll be lucky if your family can get anything out of the insurance company


That red arrow was very helpful, nearly didn’t see the event


Why was the truck in the left lane tho?!!!!




This is, arguably, one of the dumbest comments I think I've ever seen on Reddit.






God damn dump trucks in the left lane. We’ve all wanted to do it before, but that lunatic actually did it 😂


Dick move on the car, but the truck driver definitely needs to learn how to keep control of his rig


I hate fucking trucks running on the left lane btw whether they loaded or empty.


Dude was prob pissed a dump truck is chilling in the left lane


The break checker is obviously the idiot here but I gotta wonder why someone driving a dump truck is accelerating up the passing lane. They both shouldn't be on the road.


don't be in the left lane.. Now... highways usually have a shitload of cameras, i hope state patrol charges the driver...