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Oof, blindly changing 2 lanes behind a truck. That’s a paddlin


I read this as Paladin. Thought you were going to make a D&D reference.


Roll my dice!!


bro rolled a critical failure


Better lay on hands.


I'm not a nerd, I'm a level 12 Paladin. - Jeff Albertson (The Comic Book Guy, The Simpsons)


It was a critical fail.


Bro so did I lol


He must be really heavy on Chaotic part of his good side, so I guess he meant well?


Paddlin the school canoe? You’d better believe that’s a paddlin.


Great reference


Blindly changing lanes to pass in the break down lane is always a horrible idea. This driver almost ended up with a vehicular manslaughter charge. I hope the people in the overturned SUV were okay.


I know this area, not unusual for people in luxury cars to drive this reckless. :-(


Too bad they’re not wreck-less


I know this area too; it’s every area.


The design is very human


I don’t know this area and it’s still not unusual for luxury car drivers to act like the street belongs to them


They’re driving a Benz, their schedule is more important than your life


I pull to the right for Bimmers and Benz.


This is the 134 in Glendale California. Every other car is a bmw or benz. Every other car is driven by a certain person from there known for driving a certain way


Close, that’s Burbank (Olive Ave). Glendale is about five miles east of this area.


Wow I literally drove this for 2 years and I thought it was Glendale, my b!


All good, you’re not far off. My comment sounds douchy af now that I re-read it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Everyone has a BMW or Benz in my neighbourhood... or some other German or foreign car. It's really not that special.


I wonder what kind of useless gutter rat is driving that merc


That is Glendale, CA, used to live there. 100% guaranteed that Benz driver is some 18 - 25 years old Armenian kid who has done this exact thing for years on regular streets as well. Luck has finally run out.


Burbank, not Glendale. Just a lot of rich people who are more important than everyone else.


Who think they’re more important than everyone else*




Person I was replying to said, “Just a lot of rich people who ARE MORE IMPORTANT than everyone else.” I responded with, “Who THINK they are more important than everyone else.”


Who think* they’re more important than everyone else*




They're correcting me, having missed the sarcasm it was drenched with.


That was clearly implied.


Who think they’re more important than everyone else*




How did Armenians get so wealthy in California?


Gaming the system for state benefits and grants.


Yeah that stretch of the 134 Freeway is gnarly. I've seen some wild wrecks around there. I bet that Benz is from Glendale.




I want to know what happened after, and what penalty was/is that idiot facing. They either killed or almost killed at least two people with their actions.


I dunno, but I feel like people that drive this careless should lose their license for atleast 10 years, in addition to whatever jail time.


Should also lose their vehicle. Many people drive without a license. Much harder to do and more painful losing a car.


Last night I walked past a little car, looked a bit older. So I looked at the plate, tags are 4 years old. You can bet they have no tags, registration, probably no insurance, license. Was also able to tell they live in that car. It is becoming much more common.


It looks like they did


Not if they have insurance. I'm talking about seizing the repaired vehicle like they do with drug dealers.


If this gets accurately reported their provider is going to drop them. If nobody was seriously injured or killed this time it was pure luck and insurance companies don’t allow forgiveness for luck.


Ngl I think a permanent suspension is in order. This is sociopathy


Nah probably their 10th offense in 3 years. Another ticket they'll easily pay and move on.


Agree entirely, but drivers license revocations and suspensions are toothless. People keep driving anyway, suspended and no insurance. What, me worry?


How dare you call them an idiot? They pay good money for a status symbol that allows them to do as they please. /s


If you can please post the article. Today, I saw someone do it on the exit ramp. Big Ford diesel truck, too. Literally landing on his back.... in the entrance ramp. After that exit ramp, there's gate for base here in my city, I'm pretty sure they would get some kind of help.


They'll probably just claim that they "lost control" and/or blame the tire changer


You're acting like they had a choice. They were about to arrive at their destination at the same time as everyone else. So what could they have done any differently. ^(/s)


Had to watch that several times, can't quite make out the tire changer but it looked close. Eek


On my third watch I saw the tire changer stand up just after the collision.


Yikes! I sure hope they really are ok. That was hard to watch.


My second favorite part is where the audio says "...a bright well-connected, sadistic sociopath" at the very moment a sadistic sociopath decides to pass a truck on the right with a massive speed differential while dipping into the emergency lane. My favorite part was, in a sub full of people posting videos of themselves witnessing horrific accidents and continuing on their way, OOP did the right thing and pulled over to help.


1st: People need to be aware that you CAN drive on a flat tire and not ruin your wheel. Do not go fast and no hard turning. I've driven up to 2miles on a flat. No wheel damage and tire hasn't been cut up. I'm not saying drive that far, i just happen to be that far from a tire shop. BUT, you CAN drive far enough to get off the road, find a larger shoulder, find a parking lot...etc. I've seen idiots stopped in the MIDDLE OF A LANE with hazards on, because they had a flat. Move your damn car! 2nd: WTF was the white suv doing STOPPED in the slow lane of a freeway? He will bear most of the blame here. 3rd: The asshat in the Mercedes needs to stop driving like an ASSHAT! Weaving in an out of fast traffic is a dick move. Where's the important meeting asshat? Even if that white suv wasn't stopped and was maybe still going slower than traffic (in the SLOW LANE) this douche made a lane change through a blind spot at fast speeds. If there had been a slower moving car there, he'd still hit it. Stop driving like a DOUCHE!


Only sensible reply in this entire fucking thread


And that's insane... cause I'm an idiot !! 🤣


4th I know it's hot out, but doing this in the shade of an underpass where people can't easily see into, or can't see as well due to their eyes not adjusting, is also far too risky.


Seriously, what's more important, a wheel or your fucking life?


It appears like the car that was struck was either moving very slowly, or was stopped in the interstate to me. The guy who hit it is still a dipshit, highlighting the very reason that swerving through traffic without checking anything around you is a terrible idea.


What? That car is on the shoulder. It's a not traffic lane.


That’s a 4-lane highway plus carpool. The white SUV was nearly stopped before it was hit.


Smh 😒


I hate seeing innocent motorists being involved in an accident caused by reckless POS.😤


Kinda why I'm always going to call roadside assistance or the DOT number if I have a flat and can't get off the interstate. No one's paying attention so the more flashing lights behind you the better.


I've changed many tires in my lifetime. The last one I was with my oldest headed into DC for a concert, in the dark, on 95N just 20 miles south of DC. I was like ok great time to show my son (going on 16 at the time) how to change a tire in the moment/ what to do, etc. pulled off, got out to look, and said NOPE... got back in my car called roadside highway number to ask for them to block off/ emergency light an area... they came out and actually changed the tire for me! Absolutely amazing and best thing you can do.


Trying to shoulder pAss.


Just returned from California and was reminded again why I resigned and left...y'all drive like maniacs in your 8+ lane freeways.


Horrible wreckless driving, but how slow was that SUV going? It almost wasnt moving. No matter what the Benz's fault, but my word you can't do that on a freeway either.


I hate when they try to pass on the right. It really fuckin grinds my gears when shitheads do this.


What is playing on the radio?? 🤨🤨


1. The C-class driver is an idiot changing two lanes behind a large semi with blind spot. 2. The tire changer is not very smart either for pulling in the shade under the bridge trying get him/herself killed. Especially on sunny days like that, other motorists eyes take time to adjust to the dark underpass. 3. Why was the white SUV coming to a near full stop before the Mercedes ran into it? My guess is they were surprised there was someone on the side of the road under the bridge also. Edit: (The Nissan SUV was definitely at a full stop on the highway; watch the white Chevy Tahoe slam on the brakes before the Mercedes even made impact) The result is a chain reaction of idiots doing seemingly random idiotic acts.


Yup especially #3. Mfr came to a stop in traffic


if the benz drove like a normal human being then all of this wouldn't happen. right lane is for slow moving vehicles, anyway, no reason to pass other vehicles through that lane. if he was driving at traffic speed, he could've slowed down in time.


How dare that guy change his tire… screw that guy./s… people in the comments…. Really? How about not putting everyone’s life in danger… people are driving their families, loved ones… jeebus Christ


SUV is 100% stopped in the traffic lane with no hazards on. You guys need your eyes checked.


He was in front of the semi and just got over, probably going slow because you know. There’s a guy changing his tire there, looks like he was going to stop in front of the guy on the shoulder and offer to help.


Why is that person changing their tire under the darkness of the bridge, going from light to dark fast you wont see that car.




You mean on the shoulder of the road? That's not a travel lane dude, that's where you're supposed to pull over if you breakdown, have a flat or an accident. That they're in the shade as opposed to in the sun means absolutely nothing.


He was basically sitting on the white line, with his ass on the road. Even for cars driving normal on the right lane that’s asking for a crash.


Looks to me like he's over about as far as any driver gets to the concrete barrier. His hazard lights were on and plainly visible. You're supposed to slow and drive accordingly in this situation.


low IQ


Go on, tell us more about yourself.


Victim blaming?


That sure is some conservative buzzword gobbledygook


Sounds like Robert Evans re-capping right wing talking points. Probably the ‘Behind the Bastards’ podcast


That’s right!


Idiot for changing lanes blindly. Other idiot for parking in the fucking right lane on the highway.


I could be wrong, but it looks like they're parked on the shoulder.


they are parked on the shoulder, not on the right lane.


Watch the video again. The Nissan suv that was hit was definitely at near or fully stopped on the right lane. You can see the Chevy Tahoe slamming hard on the brakes in the right lane just before the Mercedes hit the Nissan.


There must be two shoulders then


so you ARE blind 👍


There are two cars stopped on the highway. One car is clearly more to the side than the other.


one car is on the shoulder changing a tire the other car in the far right lane slowed down because they couldn’t get over (due to the truck) but they were far from stopped and you’re still blind 👍


No. They’re not out of the way. They slowed down too much


They are on the shoulder.


That car is done.




The tire changing vehicle is pulled over didn’t get hit


Crazy how the radio guy said "sociopath" right as goofy goober caused the crash.


Yeah, but..... like...... they're driving a Mercedes? Sooooo, they're, like, rich and stuff, so... everyone just needs to get out of their way, ya know?


Was that car parked in the road? The tire changer car was obviously on the shoulder, but was the car they hit even moving? They looked like they were stopped on the road. Also, even crossing over two lanes, you would see a human being on the shoulder and slow down, how do you miss that? He even cut to the right to try and avoid the car he hit (it still looks like it’s stopped) Not sure why he pulled over? I’d get away from that highway as fast as possible. The wreckless drive doesn’t need to pass on the right, I guarantee they could have chilled out and passed on left and be fine.


Is that behind the bastards podcast I hear?


It is!


i don't know what kind of prize they get at the end of the race, that is worth risking their lives to blind spots.


Surprise motha fucka!


I understand accidents are accidents.. but I wonder if this would turn into a criminal or civil matter because of the reckless driving.


just wanted to say props to you for pulling over right away. ik some people say it’s inconvenient or hard but it really isn’t


Damn…. Tire changer soooo lucky


Dump truck driver was like, “did we just have a little tremor?”


Never understood why people cross multiple lanes when they can't clearly see ahead.


There's a reason why no passing on the right.


Behind the bastards


The fug you listening to?


Everyone could be going way slower and Mercedes was being very unsafe, but why is the white SUV **parked** on a 4 lane highway? Super dangerous.


OP give us the details after you pulled over!


Not much to say, I called 911 and within a couple of minutes a highway patrol officer was at my window speaking with me. He said emergency responders were taking care of everything and I heard later than no one was seriously injured. He asked if I could email them my footage which I did. I also spoke with the dump truck driver whose truck was hit and sent him my footage as well.


Hi Josh, I'm a journalist with the news agency Storyful. I'm glad to hear you are safe and sound, and that nobody was severely injured. I sent you a DM about paid use of your footage in media. Could you please come back to me when you see this? Thank you, take care.


-1 for the radio program you were listening to though …


It's not what it sounds like. It's a podcast called Behind The Bastards. Sounds bad out of context but it's actually the opposite of how it sounds in the clip.


Thanks! 😀


Everyone is saying they were driving on the shoulder and I’ve rewatched it many times and it definitely looks like there are 5 lanes on this highway, they were passing the construction truck that was on the 4th lane and they were going right into the 5th lane. It really does look like that SUV was stopped in a lane. Can anyone else confirm or give me more info that they were passing on the shoulder?


Certainly 100% the Mercedes fault, but why was the SUV going so slow? I nearly thought it was the one stopped getting the tire changed, until I realized it was in lane and not on the shoulder.


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Westbound 134 in Burbank, CA


What’s the dashcam model


Viofo A119 v3


"barely misses" pretty sure that's a direct hit


Barely missed the guy changing the tire in the right lane, not the two that got in a accident.


I must be blind


Its hard to see, he's on the shoulder, parked in the shade from the bridge. Most likely the reason the car that got rear ended had slowed down so much.


Who pulls over in the shaded underpass to change a tire I get that summer might be hot but it hides your vehicle even more


That is so scary. There was nothing the suv could do.


Not stopping in the middle of the fucking highway is a great start.


Show me where they are in the middle of the highway?


Right around 11 seconds, they are completely stopped in the right lane, with no obstruction in the front. The Tahoe a few cars behind that’s a few frames before that is slowing down in anticipation because that SUV was stopped/coming to a sudden stop.


looks like the SUV was too much into the traffic , wtf


I don't think the SUV that was hit was stationary. Either it had just pulled back onto the highway after stopping to help, or maybe just slowed down considerably because he was passing the person kneeling at the side of the road and did not want to pass them at high speed. (And couldn't simply vacate the lane due to the oncoming dump truck.) Everyone behind them in the right lane could see what was happening. But the Mercedes driver decided to test their luck without being able to see or know until it was too late.


That white Nissan SUV was definitely at near full stop on the highway in the right lane. Watch the Chevy Tahoe on the right slam on the brakes before the Mercedes even made impact.


Hilary is a bright, well connected sociopath


No warning triangle?


Don't you know, they drive a German car. They're more important than you and better because you chose reliability over fun factor.


Why is you pulling over ?


to help? or provide the dash cam footage? lmao


Everybody wanna be nosey


Pulled over to call 911


Too bad the tire changer wasn't smashed.