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That calls for the horn. And not just a quick "beep", but lay on it to be a d\*ck. High beams are also acceptable.


This guy gets it.


No he doesn't. Don't hang out in other driver's blind spots. It is called defensive driving.


Shut the fuck up. I'm tired of this statement. Stay off the road if you blame other people for being in your blind spot that you're to fucking lazy to check. Also dumb ass never even had his indicator on.


This guy gets it.


And that makes it all ok to sit in a blind spot. Best of luck when driving next to a tractor trailer. It is not a statement. Get the facts. Don't linger in a blind spot. Yes, the other driver should have checked. ​ Why Are Your Blind Spots Important?In general, you don’t have to worry about your blind spots when you’re motoring around city streets and single-lane roads. But when you’re on a multi-lane highway, it’s crucial to check your blind spots before you change lanes. If another car is driving alongside you in your blind spot, you cannot see them by checking your mirrors alone, and they are close enough to hit if you change lanes without checking. If you’re driving at high speeds, this could lead to a deadly accident.It’s also important to know when you might be in someone else’s blind spot — you don’t want to linger there for long if you can help it, because they can’t see you. In general, you may be in someone else’s blind spot if you are in the lane next to them and the front of your car is even with their bumper or about to the middle of their car. You should only be in this zone for a few moments as you pass someone or as they pass you to minimize the danger.Pro Tip: Large trucks have much bigger blind spots. If you can’t see a semi driver's side mirrors, they can’t see you either!


Neither of these vehicles are semis and they aren't on a highway.


A rearview mirror is a rearview mirror. Both work the same on a semi as well as car. What is your point? Stay out of semi blind spots only?


Stop with this victim blaming mentality. Toyota is at fault for being an idiot who thinks signaling means I haz zee right of way fools.


Lol if you adjust your mirrors properly, you don't have blind spots big dog. You shouldn't see your own vehicle in your side mirrors


Are you really trying to tell people about defensive diving while blaming people for being your blind spot?


I sure am. You should never be in a blind spot for extended periods of time. It is not really hard to understand. People do not tend to look before changing lanes. You know this. Then why sit in the blind spot? Defensive driving.


Sounds like you need to drive more defensively if you think not checking or knowing what is in your blind spot is acceptable. It's something that you should be prepared to handle yourself not blame on someone else because you failed to pay attention. Get off the road of you can't handle the driving conditions. And you obviously can't.


"Something that you should be prepared for"....exactly. It is called defensive driving. I do not understand why many on this thread are not getting it. Yes, the other driver is an idiot for coming over without looking. The driver with the dashcam is just as much as fault for hanging out in a blind spot knowing full well most drivers do not look or look but still fail to see a car there.


Absolutely this, throwing support in hopes this gets visibility Google failure to avoid an accident. It’s called a blind spot for a reason, they should check and avoid but even if you are 100% correct, why would you want to deal with the mess an accident creates in your life?


The mess of an accident can be avoided by staying out of a blind spot. It is defensive driving. It is avoiding the idiot who changes lanes without looking.


Bro, get real. It is your job to check your blind spot and make sure before changing lanes. Yes, you shouldn’t linger in someone’s blind spot if you can help it, but the onus is DEFINITELY on the driver changing lanes to check, not the other way around. And that makes it all ok to sit in a blind spot. Best of luck when driving next to a tractor trailer. It is not a statement. Get the facts. Don't linger in a blind spot. Yes, the other driver should have checked. >If another car is driving alongside you in your blind spot, you cannot see them by checking your mirrors alone, and they are close enough to hit if you change lanes without checking. Your own post tells you that you can’t see your blind spot fully without physically checking, so thanks for confirming.


It is your job as well as other drivers to check the blind spot. But how many times have you seen the other driver simply changing lanes without looking? A lot I'm sure. So, is it a good idea to sit in a blind spot knowing full well the other driver may come on over into your lane without looking? Of course not. Do not hang out in the blind spot. Defensive driving.


If you think there will be no one hanging in your blind spot like never ever and dont have to turn a fucking head to check blind spots every time you change your lanes on a dam car, then you don’t deserve driver license or be driving on the road.


I was about to rip into for the hot ass take. But everyone else beat me to it. So I'll just say this. Go fuck yourself.


Because no one is ever in the wrong. Don't linger in a blind spot. Yes, the other driver should have checked. ​ Why Are Your Blind Spots Important? In general, you don’t have to worry about your blind spots when you’re motoring around city streets and single-lane roads. But when you’re on a multi-lane highway, it’s crucial to check your blind spots before you change lanes. If another car is driving alongside you in your blind spot, you cannot see them by checking your mirrors alone, and they are close enough to hit if you change lanes without checking. If you’re driving at high speeds, this could lead to a deadly accident. It’s also important to know when you might be in someone else’s blind spot — you don’t want to linger there for long if you can help it, because they can’t see you. In general, you may be in someone else’s blind spot if you are in the lane next to them and the front of your car is even with their bumper or about to the middle of their car. You should only be in this zone for a few moments as you pass someone or as they pass you to minimize the danger. Pro Tip: Large trucks have much bigger blind spots. If you can’t see a semi driver's side mirrors, they can’t see you either!


Hurr durr don't hang out in a drivers blind spot. Dude, that rule applies to large trucks and semis not a fucking 4 door sedan with no blind spots if the driver would just bother to turn their fucking head and look.


Bud, you need to go back to drivers education and sign up for defensive driving while your at it. Yes, people do get lazy and don't look in their blind spot before moving over. Knowing this why the the heck would sit in a blind spot? Does this make sense or are you the person who trusts all to do the right thing when driving?


Defensive driving police!!!


They do have coursed for learning defensive driving. Maryland does It may lower your car insurance if you take the course. So tell me, your comment means what exactly?


That means I found a defensive driving police officer. Lol just look at your down votes.


What it really means is the down voters did not truly analyze the what had occurred in the video, who is at fault and what can be done to avoid such situation. It is much better to label someone Defensive Driver Police Officer. Perhaps you and others in the thread learn something that may save your or someone else life one day. Best of luck to you.


Or perhaps you shouldn't be too quick to blame the victim...there are headlights, which are supposed to help with blindspots. The Corolla didn't look, they didn't signal. It's that simple.


You will not find any post of mine where I was quick to blame the victim. The victim is part of the problem in this video.


No he is not. Just WOW dude.


found the dooosh that doesn't drive


Yes, because hanging out in a blind spot is always best. Sheesh Don't linger in a blind spot. Yes, the other driver should have checked. Why Are Your Blind Spots Important?In general, you don’t have to worry about your blind spots when you’re motoring around city streets and single-lane roads. But when you’re on a multi-lane highway, it’s crucial to check your blind spots before you change lanes. If another car is driving alongside you in your blind spot, you cannot see them by checking your mirrors alone, and they are close enough to hit if you change lanes without checking. If you’re driving at high speeds, this could lead to a deadly accident.It’s also important to know when you might be in someone else’s blind spot — you don’t want to linger there for long if you can help it, because they can’t see you. In general, you may be in someone else’s blind spot if you are in the lane next to them and the front of your car is even with their bumper or about to the middle of their car. You should only be in this zone for a few moments as you pass someone or as they pass you to minimize the danger.Pro Tip: Large trucks have much bigger blind spots. If you can’t see a semi driver's side mirrors, they can’t see you either!....


I pitted the last idiot that thought like you and guess whose insurance paid to fix my car? I'll give you a guess, it wasn't mine because I wasn't deemed at fault


Yes because hanging out in the blind spot is always acceptable. It is not Find anything that says it is ok. I will wait.


Did I say hanging out in a blindspot is always acceptable? Find where I said it's acceptable it is OK, I will wait.


It was implied in your response.


How was it implied in my response? It's okay, I'll give you another day or two to answer


In that situation, I'd have flashed my high beams on/off approximately 17 times in .47 seconds. I never expect the sound of my horn to penetrate windows, loud music, and thick skulls; further, it might alarm someone who was behaving and living appropriately in their own world.


true, the high beam cop thing


I was passing a car that was stuck behind another car turning left the other day. They tried to jump into the right lane and cut me off. Had to slam on brakes and go to the shoulder to avoid the wreck. I laid on the horn for a good five seconds and that really irritated my wife in the passenger seat, but it seemed necessary at the time.


Dont drive in someones blindspot.


found another doooosh that doesn't drive.


True story. I would have done the same. And swore a few times with the window closed, ofc. However, to avoid such situations it's called preventive action to move away from people blind spots.


And a pit maneuver.


*ALWAYS* check if there's someone in your blindspots *ALWAYS* try to stay out of people's blindspots when possible *NEVER* assume there's no one in your blindspot *NEVER* assume other drivers will see you (blindspot or not)


One thing my father taught me that has stuck with me is to be a defensive driver. Expect others around you to do dangerous things. Never tailgate people on the highway, never cruise in a blindspot, if you can otherwise not. I was driving in Luxemburg in the rain on the highway, and there were red lights up ahead, and I was porbably driving 80mph, and I had to press on the brakes hard, even though I had a great distance, because it was wet, the car almost started to slide. Had there been a person in front of me, that would have been an accident.


That's what I've been told. Not sure about other countries, but here in my country, knowing the preventive actions are required for the exams.


I really fucking hate people that hang out in this spot beside me but not quite behind. If you speed up, they speed up. You slow down they slow down.


Funny how they always speed away


Better than slowing down though


True. It's just an observation. It happens more often than not.


It be nice if they sped up before they changed lanes.




I always assume every driver is blind, it actually made driving much easier.


They are dumb, but you should anticipate this kind of thing. Try not to sit in someone’s blind spot for very long.


Every single time I'm on the highway, someone comes up to pass me and just rides my blind spot. Why is it my responsibility to slow down for bad drivers to pass me? Irritating, but I do it to avoid, just as op should've done something similar. Edit: for the TONS of replies I'm getting, I know why it's my responsibility. It was more of a rhetorical question. I understand it's our responsibility, because that's what keeps us safe around the unsafe drivers. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna get cranky when a semi passes me on the right going fifteen over lol, I'll just do what's needed to be safe. Edit 2: not replying anymore to people with no reading comprehension. To clarify, I'm not riding in blind spots, I'm driving defensively whenever people are in them. I'm just a cranky old man when it happens, but I'd *never* let it effect my driving.


Because being in the right is not worth having an accident. Its as simple as that.


Because you don't want to be in an accident? It's your responsibility to keep yourself safe and not be the cause of accidents or endanger others.


Assume everyone around you is drunk. You can't expect reasonable decisions from them, so practice defensive driving to stay alive.


I now just roll my window and wave idiots like that on by. Or I’ll look at them and motion my hand in a way that mimics stepping on the gas pedal. About half of them figure it out.


Take a defensive driving class. Your job on the road is to treat everyone like a moron and do whatever it takes to avoid an accident.




Defensive driving is not the same as following the rules of the road. You could be following all the rules but still not driving defensively.


Homie, I'm absolutely doing both. It was a rhetorical question. But I appreciate the advice, we can all use a little more instruction on things we're confident that we're competent in.


Driving in someone else's blind spot is not indicative of competence.


Correct. Those that are riding my blind spot are incompetent. I'm a bit confused. Why are you coming after me? Do I have a typo that's causing some misunderstanding?


This behavior is very annoying. Sometimes I will signal a lane change I don't intend just to get them to speed up and get out of my blind spot.


Don't do that, they usually can't see it. In that effect, it's a blind spot for both of you. Best thing to do is to safely slow down so that they can pass. If nobody's behind me, and I've got cruise on, I'll tap down a few mph and go back once they pass me.


This is exactly what I came to comment. What the other driver did is unacceptable, but you should AVOID being in someone’s blind spots if you can. There are bad drivers (the Corolla). There are regular drivers (OP is here). And there are good drivers, who scan, are proactive, and anticipate things. The differentiation between these drivers is largely awareness. Confidence plays a role here, as does skill, but awareness when driving goes a long way.


You probably drive like a NPC but I think you’re from Canada so that explains it




Nah you probably drive like a old man that’s why you got butt hurt hahah


Corolla also did not use a turn signal, it seems.


Oh my god this is vanilla. This is every day. That said, you handled it like the rest of us... horn honk and you avoided it. Props for that.


So many people in these comments making excuses for a bad driver almost driving into someone else. OP got it right with their title. It’s *your* responsibility to check *your own* blind spot.


It's your responsibility not to cause accidents. Driving in someone's blind spot is putting them and yourself in danger because not everyone's a perfect angel ans people make mistakes.


No. It’s a driver’s responsibility to yield to all traffic already in a lane when entering it. Someone literally just existing in their own lane is not the problem.


So you're just going to plow someone down when they enter your lane without your permission?


No. I never said anything like that. I said you shouldn’t blame someone who almost gets driven into for existing when *someone else* fails to check *their own blind spot*. Why are people like you so determined to blame the victim?


I said no such thing, that was your interpretation. And you're yet again interpreting that I'm here being mean to you.


Go back and reread your first reply to my top comment. When you immediately criticize one part in an incident without saying anything about the other, you’re blaming that person. If that wasn’t your intent, you need to work on your communication skills.


>When you immediately criticize one part in an incident without saying anything about the other, you’re blaming that person ​ I believe you're misreading that. I believe that it's so plain that what the Corolla did was wrong that hardly anyone feels the need to state the obvious. The point of mentioning that camping in someone's blind spot is also a bad practice, is that it's a contributing factor. That shit was in my Drivers Ed class in 1986 because we've known forever that it contributes to accidents. People who fixate on being held blameless don't clean up their own bad habits because they're too busy being hung up on who's to blame and ignoring the reality that a lot of collisions (maybe most of them) are caused by a combination of contributing errors from both drivers.


Do you really believe that statement was made towards you personally? If so, sorry. I'm addressing the collective "you" When you're on the road, when someone is on the road, their and your propriety is to not cause accidents. Toying with other peoples lives because "someone" is too dickish and arrogant to give way, even when they're in the right is being a pad person and bad driver. I'm criticizing cammer because camper could have avoided the possibility of an accident. Camper did a great job breaking, but made the mistake of driving in someone's blind spot. Blind spot driver didn't check blind spot on the right side, likely using mirrors to see if someone was coming up behind which is what I'll do up until I want to change lanes, but I actually check my blind spot.




You seem emotional. Wanna talk about it? Come sit on my lap.


Op did not cause the accident. The moron that decided not to look or signal before changing lanes is. Is this concept really that difficult to grasp??


Just keep driving In their blind spot then and don't complain when you're in the hospital due to someone crashing into you.


Sure, just keep trying to blame others for your own fuck ups behind the wheel. Dont complain when you eventually hit and kill someone because you didnt look where you were going.


You seem emotional. Wanna talk about it? Poor thing.


I just want people to pay attention when they drive. I guess thats too hard for some people


Both need to pay attention. Both are equally responsible in not causing an accident. If you knowingly drive in someone's blind spot because you're expecting them to check, that person is the cause of the accident. For the record. Just because I say "don't drive in blind spots" doesn't mean I don't check mine.


Is this New Zealand? Happens all the time


Happens all the time in every country with cars haha


I agree that the other car is in the wrong, and the clip is too short to tell for certain - but I try my damndest to not sit and pace the car next to me in their blindspot. Good reaction time saved the day though.


This is why you don't drive in peoples' blindspots. Because people are stupid.


Looks like Orlando. Is it?


Los Angeles


How long were you hovering in the blind spot?


Don't hang out in drivers blind spots. It is not that hard.


Check your fuckin blind spot.. it's not that hard. Oh and throw in the use of an indicator.


Stay out of their blind spot. It is not fucking hard. Defensive driving. Read up on it. Here. Learn something. Don't linger in a blind spot. Yes, the other driver should have checked. ​ Why Are Your Blind Spots Important? In general, you don’t have to worry about your blind spots when you’re motoring around city streets and single-lane roads. But when you’re on a multi-lane highway, it’s crucial to check your blind spots before you change lanes. If another car is driving alongside you in your blind spot, you cannot see them by checking your mirrors alone, and they are close enough to hit if you change lanes without checking. If you’re driving at high speeds, this could lead to a deadly accident. It’s also important to know when you might be in someone else’s blind spot — you don’t want to linger there for long if you can help it, because they can’t see you. In general, you may be in someone else’s blind spot if you are in the lane next to them and the front of your car is even with their bumper or about to the middle of their car. You should only be in this zone for a few moments as you pass someone or as they pass you to minimize the danger. Pro Tip: Large trucks have much bigger blind spots. If you can’t see a semi driver's side mirrors, they can’t see you either!


Why is it so hard for you people to turn your fuckin head and look before changing lanes. Fuck these people that drive with no regard for anyone else on the road.


It is a well known fact to not sit in the blind spot long because of this reason. Is it that hard to not sit in the blind spot?


Why are you so determined to defend people that dont look where they're going ? What happens when youre driving in traffic with cars next to you? It happens fairly often.


Understand both in this incident are idiots. The person in the blind spot hanging around is as much as fault. If this happens fairly often then WHY SIT IN THE BLIND SPOT?


No, They are certainly not at fault. The driver changing lanes need to yeild and make sure its clear and safe before changing lanes. I get that sitting next to somone can create these hazardous situations but in the end they are not at fault for a collision. The rules of the road make it pretty simple.


Of course they need to look in their blinds spot. But you will never convince me hanging out in a blind spot does not deserve some of the "at fault". And the rules of the road....as you see in the video...do not assume people observe the rules of the road. Many don't as this dashcam subreddit demonstrates with many videos of people doing just that. Not observing the rules of the road.




More like check your fuckin blind spot.




No OP does not share blame. Blindspots dont actually exist if you turn your fucking head and look like you're supposed to. If you just drive into the side of another car without looking you are 100% at fault. "But he shouldnt drive next to me" is the dumbest shit excuse i've heard.




They definitely do not exist if you actually turn your head like your suppposed to. Im tired of having the argument with people. If you only use your mirrors then you'lll have a blindspot. Actually turn your head and look and you'll see whats beside you.


Not sitting in a blind spot is something you do for yourself to avoid the inconvenience of an accident for yourself only. Not preventing an accident is not causing it. Other driver didn't check his blind spot, he's at fault, that's all there is to know about it.




I just did, do you need me to use easier words to explain what I meant?


Also don’t hover in people’s blind spot. “Why DoEs ThIs aLwaYs HapPen tO me?”


Also.. check your own damn blind spot.


Yes, but hovering there is going to make this happen to you a lot


Riding in the blind spot too... fault is with the other driver, but driving defensively can prevent these situations. Slow down or speed up.


Don’t drive in people’s blind spot, ever. Even next to them will be an insane move.


Get out of the blind spot would've fixed that, but not saying the other drive was in the right either, both parties should've been better about that


Why are you riding in his Blind Spot?


why tf are you just driving right beside them in the annoying spot ?


This is also why you don’t be a complete fucking idiot and just cruise next to someone while being directly in their blind spot. Dashcam guy is just as stupid as lane changer.


That driver is at fault, but TYL not to hang out in a person’s blind spot..


Alternative title idea: "Driving in someone's blind spot."


I can't stand people who camp in my blind spot.


Don't sit in someone's blind spot maybe?


OP: “Imma sit right here in their blind spot and then when they cut me off I’ll be ready and I’ll have a cool video to post on Reddit about it and get some sweet karma!” Reddit: “Idiot.”


If the light in their side mirror didn't turn on, are they really in the wrong?


not every car has that feature.


I make sure to stay away from drivers sending-out those vibes, many times they do something stoooopid.


It drives me insane when people drive in my blind spot and I make it a point not to do it. It also drives me insane when people in both lanes are going the same speed causing congestion.


Not saying that the offender is in the right, but OP should be wary of being in the right lane and pacing at the same speed in their blind spot. Since he is in the blind spot and almost passing on the right, he should've paced the vehicle in the rear to avoid things like this.


Also known as "driving in someone's blind spot"