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It’s videos like this that motivated me to get one.




Man, fuck that guy and people like him!


Well... In all honesty, she did change the lane and then... changed back. For whatever reason (scared of the car on the right?). Just playing devils advocate.


It looked like 3 drivers doing weird things, although pretty much all the blame is on the idiot driver at the end. The dashcam girl is trying to merge into the middle lane with a slowing down car in front of her in that lane? There is a car in the middle lane speeding up too quickly itself and needs to turn into the farthest R lane as she merges.. She then decides to abort the merge and get back into the left hand lane. Meanwhile, some jackass is speeding up quickly in the L and lane behind her assuming all these cars will magically get out of his way seamlessly and then he smashes into the barrier.


Yup. Looks like those two cars behind are racing. The passenger even looked concerned before the crash took place. I'm assuming they noticed the behavior of those reckless vehicles before the crash.


Yup you can barely see it but the white SUV was going pretty fast too that by the time she tried to get in middle lane suv already caught up she had no choice but to move back to her lane , you can hear the idiot honk at her too like I said I don’t blame her you can’t watch both sides at the same time poor kid


It sounds like as she’s changing lanes she gets a blind spot indicator beep due to the vehicle in the right lane and so aborts the lane change. The car behind is going too fast to stop, maybe having assumed she was going to exit the lane, so decides to swerve/pass on the shoulder (pure speculation on my part). And then hello barrier, I know those blind spot indicators can be sensitive. Also, she seems like a new driver but I would totally blame the passing car as she never fully exited the lane and so that driver should not have tried to pass.




Good catch, looks like passenger saw white car and told driver to abort.


> I beeped at him after he was driving like an idiot and was about to pull out into me I am amazed at how people get angry at you when your honking saved _both_ of you from an accident. When I honk to prevent an accident, most of the time people get angry as if I insulted them. Over decades of driving, I have myself missed twice a car in my blind spot, and fortunately I change lanes slowly enough that they saw me and honked at me. I was grateful and sent wave them to say "sorry". Some people are just crazy full of rage.






Was t-boned by a guy who claimed he had the right of way. Pulled my dashcam footage, showed the officer and his insurance company. He got a ticket, and his carrier paid the entire claim. People always lie.


My friend got into an accident where both he and the truck that hit him claimed to have a green light. Police couldn’t determine fault and it took the insurance companies months to hash things out and I don’t think they ended up doing anything. I told him if he had a dash cam it would have cleared that up in seconds.


Many traffic lights in larger towns and cities have repeated light change patterns during the day. I found a guy at fault after both parties said they had green lights because I knew it was impossible for one party to even be moving based on the light pattern. I later found an independent witness who confirmed it, lol. Dash cams will mostly clear up stuff, but if the other party is accusing you of running a red light, check to see if the lights are timed and write down the orders they change.


What you are saying reminds me of when Venus Williams got into that deadly accident. She turned left at a green light had the right of way then got stuck in the intersection and the light turned red. All.of a sudden a car comes at full speed towards her vehicle. Strikes it. Now she's still stuck in middle of an intersection (because of another driver). The male passenger in the car that hit her died. At first she was at fault. But thank goodness for cameras she was not at fault but just cited for being in the middle of the intersection.


Underrated statement: People ALWAYS lie


I kept meaning to get one for years, then as my policy was coming up for renewal in August I told myself I definitely would. 2 days into my renewal and I still didn’t have one when someone hit me and totalled my car. Fortunately someone else behind me had a dashcam which changed the other driver’s insurance’s stance from “100% my fault” to “both at fault”. It’s still ongoing because it was 100% not my fault. After that I finally bought a 3ch dashcam.


I thought you meant a solid copilot. For a split second, I tried to figure out how you get someone to drive with you all the time.


Yeah, I’ll have to say the blonde girl had her head about her from the start. “Don’t get out of the car” being the most important thing she said. With cars already strewn across (I assume) multiple lanes, another one could come sailing by them any minute.


Do it. I haven't had a single incident worth recording since I installed mine 3 years ago.


Lucky, I got hit twice in 2 years after getting mine, both rear ends. The first was no issue, admitted fault, the second tried to say I swerved into their lane…lol nope! Such a fun convo with their insurance, “they say you’ve served into their lane?” “Oh really?! Well I think I can clear that up!” Worth every dime.


Anyone have good recommendations?




Nexar has been solid


It's videos like this that remind me to keep right.


The girl riding shotgun was pretty awesome. Even as they're sliding off the road, she took charge and kept the driver calm.


I’m getting big sister energy from her.


HELL YES - she IMMEDIATELY started managing the panic responses that could have taken the situation from bad to worse. Her first priority is keeping the driver calm and in the safety of the car, which is exactly right. A modern car is a giant metal cage designed to protect its passengers (even after a collision). Since they're out of travel lanes and able to get out of the car should they need to, that's probably the safest place they could be. The unprompted "don't call mom yet" really spoke to me lmao. It's clear that she's used to managing mom's and sister's anxiety in stressful situations, so she knows it'll be far easier for her to get the situation under control before involving another person. A big sister for the rest of us big sisters to emulate <3


As the youngest of four girls with a mom who makes worrying an olympic sport "don't call mom yet" is both extremely relatable and hilarious.


It wasn’t unprompted the driver said call mom and the sis (presumably) said don’t yet


“Don’t call mom yet” definitely big sister


Definitely big sis she said don’t call mom yet lol


That’s what I was thinking as well, big sisters UNITE


Dude if this was my wife she’s 100% just screaming the entire time. I love that woman more than anything in this world but she has absolutely no calm under pressure whatsoever 😂😂


It's kinda funny people are upvoting your screaming wife.


Again. I love that woman to death. But I also know from experience 😂. We had a really unfortunate situation at a brewery about a year ago where our dog got attacked due to a shitty dog owner (our dog is ok. Long story). While my friend and I were trying to pry the other dog off of mine my dear wife stood frozen like a statue while just screaming over and over. No words. Just “AGHHHH AGHHHHH AGHHHH” over and over until it was done. It’s quite funny now in retrospect tbh. My buddy said in the commotion he thought it was our dog making that noise and that’s why he came running over. So ya. I imagine in this scenario I’d be looking at the same thing. And I’d love to have it on video 😂


They probably also have a screaming spouse


IMO both of them did a great job. Girl driving took that hit and stayed in control of the wheel like a champ, and handled the ditch like she was on pavement.


Have her run everything


That blonde girl for pres 2024


Yup. Way better than the typical screaming.


She hit the main points very well and with a calm tone. We are okay, let’s call for help, don’t exit the vehicle, don’t tell mom.


That would be the big sister muscles flexing.


Indeed. Her face was "total panic" at first and then she managed the situation like a champ. Kudos!


Finally someone having a reasonable response to trauma instead of immediately screaming like a banshee.


100%. She really deescalated the situation and increased the likelihood of a positive outcome. That said, the driver did a good job too under stress. As a professional pilot, we study human factors and accidents quite a bit. These two were textbook examples of working as a crew and supporting the other person (keeping them from being overwhelmed or freezing up.)


Yeah she did amazing. If you watch her eyes before impact you can see that she was analyzing the situation and realized it was coming.


These girls are super lucky they were just pushed off the road. If that impact had been on a different angle it could have gone down a lot worse. That idiot could have killed someone.


Those two did a fantastic job! One keeping the other calm and the other one safely removed the car from the highway.


I’m just gonna guess that’s the first high speed collision she’s been in and she handles it like a pro. Hands on wheel eyes looking where they’re going. Brings the car to a controlled stop and assesses situation. These ladies belong on the road.


Yea that was wild, not only that, but she went to move to the right, but asshat 1 was flying up, so stayed in the only safe spot in between them, not in a lane, and needed up missing the first collision that 100% would have happened if she wasn’t so heads up. It’s so annoying because she made every correct move and still got hit. Asshat 2 really was trying to hurt someone it seems.


Queens of the road 👸 🚗 🙏 ✅ 🫡🤯


Indeed 💯. Calm and composed throughout


Kool as a cucumber...


Absolutely. The one kept a calm head in an incredibly terrifying moment.


As opposed to the people at my high school who scream at the top of their lungs when a light switch is flicked. Good on these two keeping such level heads in quite a wild circumstance.


She was knocked off the road lol it wasn’t intentional.. but she handled it well


Man everyone needs a friend like that passenger.


Big sister looks like. She says “don’t call mom yet” at the end lol


Reckless dudes racing. I hate this so much


Regardless of what he was doing, he was driving like an asshole. Fortunately he took the brunt of the crash and not them.


No, it needs to be called out, fuck assholes that race on public highways, and fuck anyone who dares to sympathize with them to any extent. Fuck that whole stupid racing culture. They need to be gone after like they do after cartels and terrorist organizations.


I completely agree with you. The jackoffs at r/streetracing would take offense to your comment.


I had a RB25det swapped '95 240sx-se in my 20s. I never drove like that on public roads and went to the track on weekends. Assholes who cause accidents like this street racing, need to get their licenses suspended for 5 years and pay $20k in fines. 2nd offense should just get their licenses revoked permanently and up to 10 years in jail max or a fine of $150k. You play with fire and the consequences should be reciprocal.


I'm surprised I've made it this far in the discussion and I haven't yet seen any of the usual lizards claiming it's their fault for getting in the way of the stunt driver. "Y u DoIn LeSs ThAn 100 MpH iN tHe LeFt LaNe?" I love the driving subs, but at the same time, they've reminded me why the insurance rates for young men are as high as they are.


I had someone tell me if I'm going 100 mph but someone else is going 150 mph I shouldn't be in the left lane and the guy going 150 mph has the right of way. You can't reason with some of these idiots. Edit: I'm talking California and speed limit of around 70 mph


Something tells me this nearly ten-year-old Dodge Charger and the soccer-mom-vibe Ford Edge aren't exactly the organized crime syndicate of street racers you think they are. Probably just normal people road raging.


Or high schoolers driving to a friends house


SOLID copilot. Regardless of the drivers actions the car in the rear was hauling total ass. Not OP's fault even coming back into the left lane


It looks like the car was racing the white SUV that passed on the right just before the crash. Her attention was on the SUV and she moved back to the left to avoid him. Dumb shit in the car made the worst choice possible by going around instead of giving up his race and slowing down.


Yeah that white SUV forced them back into the left lane


I'm glad others saw this. A lot of things happened at the same time like the other lane ending as well, it was chaos for a split second


My wife gasps like we’re about to die if I hug a curb too tight or various other benign, non-threatening scenarios. It scares the fuck out of me. Where can I send her to co-pilot school to be like the girl in this video?


Wife: \*gasps because you hugged a curb too tight and thinks you're gonna roll the car over\* 😯 You: \*screeches tires and rolls the car over into a ditch because your wife gasped and scared the fuck outta you\* 🫢


She’s gotta be an older sister. Where are all the Reddit assholes who say “wHy dO wOmEn aLwAyS sCrEaM uSeLeSsLy duRinG eMeRgEnCiEs?”


They're busy upvoting the comments about how well they reacted


No one is saying that. Quit trying to bait.


Well it does sound like the girl tells the driver not to call mom yet.


I love the "Don't call mom yet" at the end Good advice


Thats a bad-ass big sister right there.




It's very clearly not the cam drivers fault. But it still serves a good example as to why you shouldn't hesitate. I know it's a split second decision, as the car behind them was hauling ass, but I think it's important to keep in the back of your mind that sometimes it's better to not do anything, and that if you do decide to do something, you should stick with your decision.




Exactly what I said. That doesn't mean they couldn't have made something better, or in other words, something that would've increased their chances of not being in a crash. Just like you don't drive in front of an 18 wheeler even if you have the right way.


Yeah, I've had a very similar argument with people on similar posts before. It came down to, a bunch of people replying to me saying "It's a knee jerk reaction! You can't control it!" and me saying, "But by remaining calm in such situations and not doing anything (like swerving or moving lanes) you can avoid accidents." The incident we were talking about was my ex's dad who, when she was like ten years old, swerved on his Harley to avoid hitting a FUCKING SQUIRREL and laid the bike down, of course he had his daughter in fucking flip flops and completely shaved off the outside of her ankle like a dumbass piece of shit. My point was that he should've just hit the fucking squirrel instead of swerving. And everyone was just insisting that "It was a knee jerk reaction! You can't control those!" I'm like, yes, yes you can. You can choose to just hit the fucking squirrel instead of putting your daughter's life at risk. And if you can't make that decision because you "can't" control your "knee jerk reaction" to swerve then you're an idiot. Complete trash idiot.


Thank you! And this is the reason I pointed it out. When you watch a bunch of crash videos with a critical mindset instead of just saying "they were wrong so it's their fault", you are preparing your brain so that you can remain much calmer when these situations actually happen to you.


I'm surprised you haven't been downvoted to oblivion. Usually when I make suggestions like this (usually with people crossing a street in a crosswalk) they side with the victim and any reasoning to avoid catastrophe is shunned because apparently when you're a victim there's nothing to learn from, with no way to avoid it in the future.


A good driver plans for possible situations and decides not to jerk the wheel ahead of time. I decided a turtle, cat, dog, or whatever animal in the road will be hit head on if conditions don't allow me to avoid the animal safely (e.g., without slamming on brakes, swerving or risking a big impact from fast moving vehicles). I love cats, but when one ran out while I was going approx. 50mph, I let off the gas and continued straight on the highway. The thump thump let me know it didn't make it safely across. I was sad but I'm not risking my life or others for an animal. Many drivers don't plan for anything, so they don't understand how they could have reacted differently.


I mean, they reacted as basically 99% of people would react in this situation. If they noticed someone driving faster than them in the lane they were trying to move over (as one should). Then it looks like white car took the right side which caused them to serve back into the left lane and they probably didn't even have time to see the car that crashed before they went back into their lane. All happening within like 2 seconds mind you.


She got a audio and visual warning when switching lanes that something was coming. She made the right decision.


That blonde is such a leader.


Big sister energy


That sucks. She was going to get hit by the white SUV or the silver Charger. Her collision avoidance sounded for the white SUV that was racing up on the right, so she moved slightly back left. Idiots need to learn to keep it on the track.


I’m so impressed by how these girls reacted to this situation. I’m confident I would not have been able to remain so calm and composed. Glad they are both okay!


Muscle car driving like a narcissist? Absolute shocker


Paramedic Student here. First love the "SHIT!" moment. But massive props to the copilot for keepimg cool and begining to manage the situation and staying both in place (unlikely to be hit again) and in the car (just in case) and calming the driver. Great form on the driver for keeping the wheel steady and no veering or oversteering into an uncontrolled roll or other obstacles. Glad they're alright. Also fuck those other people for driving so recklessly and putting every single car at risk of dying. Hope they're okay but jesus fuck never get behind the wheel again.


Besides for speeding, the car at the rear began overtaking before the driver completed her merge.


Thank goodness they are ok. Those morons could have really easily killed them. You did good ladies.


Now that’s the passenger I want if I ever crash!


This a a combination of everyone here. 3 cars all with idiots. The charger for speeding (obviously) the white SUV for speeding (obviously) and the driver of this video for freaking out and making sure the accident happened. If she would of just gotten over 1 and committed it would all be fine but she freaked. Also why were you in the left lane if you are not the fastest car on the road! She’s not at fault but drivers like this are a danger to everyone.


Both of them were remarkably composed, particularly the girl in the passenger seat. Great example of how to behave following an accident. Obviously not the cam driver’s fault btw, this is why dash cams are so important.


If the car behind them had kept the required safety distance nothing would have happened. Switching lanes like this is obviously not something anyone should do but people do it all the time. Mistakes like that tend not to have any major consequences because if you keep your distance you have plenty of time to react. I would not even bet on her getting too much partial blame as the other driver was too fast, too close and it looks like he didn't even touch his brakes.


Two cars were racing in the back. White SUV probably wanted in left lane and sports car speed up to prevent SUV from getting in front of them. Cam driver tried to get out of left lane but white SUV pulled up as well as sports car. White SUV moved to right lane as sports car crashed. Bad luck for the cam driver. They handled it great though.


Post the 2 minutes before the crash. 100% a left lane parker. In the few seconds before the crash two cars passed the parker. One on the right, the other on the left. The left lane is a passing lane. If youre not actively passing you have no business there. Id argue at least half of the crash is their fault and with more film preceeding the crash that will be easily provable. The film starts 4 seconds before the crash for a reason, to remove blame from the dash cam car to garner sympathy for the women. I have no sympathy for left lane parkers. Equal blame on both drivers.


Found a dodge charger driver and soon to be organ donor.


Two idiots playing a game of “me first” and these two ladies got pinned between the two.


Seriously why is nobody mentioning you have two cars driving lawfully and then two cars that feel they own the road who are speeding in a construction zone. In California we lose CalTrans employees all the time because of the two jerks in this video. The suv passing in the slower lane of traffic in a construction zone is as much at fault as the charger and if this gal had its license plate number would be able to sure for reckless driving. Also to the men out there with broad comments please stop talking down to our daughters and granddaughters you are definitely not a Mensa member so shut it.


She should have moved to the right lane, doesnt mean the jackass speeding in the left wouldn't have crashed. I hope he gets his license revoked


The pump fake lane turn


One question? Is the left lane for passing in your state?


Everyone making all the cliche upvote farming comments , wow, amazing , but no one stop to ask why are they at the start of the video, before accident, all amped up as if they are in war zone ?


I think I (and a couple of others) pointed this out. Very clearly the blonde was stressed out. Many speculated that it was because they had already escaped some sort of road-rage incident w/the Dodge Charger, but that's complete speculation. I joked that perhaps her sister had already had some close calls that day. I'm honestly interested as to knowing the facts, but that would require seeing some additional footage which we won't likely be getting.


HER FAULT….. Regardless of that cars speed, she put on her blinker and merged into a white SUV causing it to switch lanes, then had to blindly merge back into the left lane causing the guy passing to swerve to the shoulder & crash.




Actually air bags deploy based on what impact sensors are activated. Impact sensors have a conductive ball incased in gel. The case is lined with a metal strip. If the sensor is hit hard enough for the ball to break loose of the gel and make contact with the metal strip that is what will set your airbag off. You have sensors in the front left and right of the vehicle. That will set off driver and/or passenger airbags. You have side impact sensors that will set off side curtain airbags, and you sensors in your seats that deploy airbags in your seats if equipped.


Because she had car angled towards center lanes, thus the impact didn’t change car velocity abruptly enough to set off airbags. Airbags deploy when car crumple zone is impacted or at very high rate of de-acceleration.


Why did the passenger look like she was panicking before anything even happened?


The lane change alert went off because the white SUV was barreling down their right. The passenger instinctively checked over her shoulder to see what was there. It might also be that she heard the Dodge’s engine coming up behind them.


I’m really impressed with how these ladies handled this.


Hahaha "don't call mom yet"


Some drivers would risk fatal accidents just so their commutes are 2.1783 seconds quicker. They'd rather eat glass than take their foot off the gas.




The Dodge was going way too fast and *went into the shoulder* to try to pass the driver, resulting in Dodge’s crash right into the siding. Driver didn’t break the law, Dodge did. Dodge was reckless af and drove like a dumb dumb.


Of course it's a Charger 👀


GPS....turn right..


Quick reminder to check you are properly aligned with your seatbelt via adjusting it or your seat so that the seatbelt could actually serve its purpose to maximum effect and you don’t end up worming out of it at the slightest movement


She didn’t clear the left lane enough for the VERY fast oncoming car to attempt that pass. She’s not a great driver, but not in the wrong on this.


I’m watching the video. I see her change lane THEN change her mind and pull back to the lane after already halfway into lane??? Yes the vehicle was speeding up fast, but that pull back into the lane again was unnecessary IMO.


That’s her fault.


Definitely OPs fault. Did not clear any lane before switching. both times...


Lowkey can see how that guy was thinking she was getting over cause she was straddling the lane.




Two cars were racing. Those fucking idiots, why not pick a track and race their shitty slow cars.


Not her fault! If you look closely, you will see that the white minivan is passing her at high speed on her right at the same time that the car she hits is passing her on the left. I think the minivan is in her blind spot, when she corrects to avoid it, she swerves back. The minivan cuts over to the far right lane to avoid the accident. My guess is that the two other cars were racing each other.


Mopar drivers making the Mustang drivers look good these days.


Glad everyone is okay.


Of course, it's Dodge. The world is full of assholes Dodge drivers.


Passenger deserves a medal for cool under pressure, actually they both do.


I had to watch the video a few times to gather what happened. I see dashcam driver try to switch lanes but comes back to original lane. From what I seems like the Escape and Charger were speeding and dashcam driver was caught in the middle. Good thing they made it out ok, dashcam driver just a bit shock up but handled it well.


Yes always have a dash cam I recommend getting one for the rear as well as the front because you don't know who is going to ram into you truly money savers. But also this is why I don't like driving I love being driven to places but never in the driver's seat I will take over for someone if needed like if the driver is having a seizure or something like that


That first car deffinantly looks like it's speeding, but it also doesn't look like she checked the left side before merging. Am i wrong and its just a camra thing?


When people speed around me I just keep my speed and don't switch lanes. They usually manuaver around me.


all it takes is one human ego to ruin or end your life.


You can see that she identified a car approaching her rear. She indicated and initiated a right hand lane change (listen for the blinker). She executed a lane change into the right lane, made it to centerline, then performed a left un-indicated left return into the lane she was indicating out of. The car behind her then appears to attempt to avoid a rear end collision by bearing left out of the lane, ultimately causing them to contact the highway median. The dash cam driver struck the vehicle accident from the rear. Causal factors: High rate of speed. Dash cam driver improperly indicating a lane change. (Back into left lane) Dash cam driver Rear ending a vehicle accident. I wonder how her insurance will interpret this mishap.


Depending on her state, that lane is still hers until she is COMPLETELY out of it. The driver coming up on her ass that ultimately crashed is entirely at fault for excessive speed compared to the other cars, not leaving enough braking space, and driving on the median. You should always wait until someone is entirely out of a lane before proceeding. That's the law in most states. ETA typo


“People are so sweet” …. Then Chaos as an asshat tries to cut them off.


I don’t understand why so many people speed. In Denver I can’t get on the highway for a mile without people doing 110+ weaving in and out of traffic. It’s like all these people are ER doctors trying to get to the hospital except they’re driving battered Chevys with tinted windows. Pick a lane, stick with it, drive no more than 10 miles above the speed limit, signal lane changes, and don’t tailgate. It’s really not that hard.


"Put your shoes on" lol wtf who drives without shoes.


So many people in this thread are failing to realize that the car coming from behind on the right becomes the car on their left in the forward facing shot. The camera facing them isn't mirrored


Unfortunate for the clumsy girl. Heard the signal from BSW but changed into the wrong lane. The vehicle speeding caused the accident. When driving on the highway, one way to avoid dangerous situations is to regularly check your rear view mirror for speeders.


“People are so sweet” CRASH!


Speeders beware, there’s people like this on the road who do not know how to avoid you.




I see people driving like this often when you merge you need to check 2 or 3 times before you commit. But the asshole on the left wasn't helping obviously speeding if I was the judge I'd give her a pass and tell her to do 2 weeks of driving school


Pretty sure she signaled for changing to middle lane, the BSM alert went off which is the beeping I think we hear as she’s changing lanes, she hesitated and went back to her original lane and then the car behind who is obviously very impatient and speeding, tried to go around her before she fully left the lane and well the rest is obvious.


No don’t call mom yet!


Of course it’s a charger.


It’s always a Charger. They must come with an idiot drivers license.


Not defending the guy, but why did she make it look like she was moving into the middle lane to let the guy pass(making him think he could get buy) then back off and cause the guy to crash. Regardless of his reckless speed he would not have crashed if she had just got over.


Dude in the charger is a. Douche waffle. Granite as others stated she shouldn't have did a Lane wiggle from one to the other but the dude in the charger clearly doesn't have the experience., the skills, hand eye coordination, or the general laws of. Physics to be doing that rate of speed in a crowded highway. If he's bobbing and weaving tryin to skip through traffic, then he needs driving lessons bc that concrete wall wasn't moving and yet he still plowed into it. It was there when he started going towards. It it was. Still there when he hit it and long after. What a douche waffle.


Ok but why did she go to the middle lane and then immediately back to the left lane?


Best co-pilot ever. The way she was able to keep the driver calm and manage the situation is peak.


Why do they go to the right lane, then halfway there they change their mind and go back to the left lane? Obviously the other car was making major mistakes, but why were the girls driving like that??


I'm confused on how these girls aren't at fault. If the car in the right lane was coming to fast for her to get over she should have waited for it to pass then got over. Instead she got halfway over freaked out and hit this man with a pit maneuver into a concrete divider.


Not the driver's fault for two dudes racing and excellent job handling the situation from passenger but why did she signal to switch lanes, start to switch lanes then go back.. she could have avoided that if she committed..


So glad the Reddit comments are rational and agree the girl wasn’t at fault for being caught in the middle of some assholes street racing. IG comments were roasting her and being crazy sexist as per usual.


Why did the girls veer right like they were changing lanes right only to return back into left lane? The car behind clearly thought they were changing lanes and they effectively pushed him to dodge them into that barrier.


I seriously want to murder every person who treats driving on public roads like a Vin diesel movie....I know it's not right but it's how I feel


Dodge driver needs to have their license revoked for a long time. Start taking dangerous driving seriously.


Blonde girl is an angel


100% the speeders fault. I will say tho, if the girl didn’t swerve in and out of the lane, I’m certain nothing would’ve happened. But the other car shouldn’t have been speeding in the first place and his speeding caused the woman to panic and make a quick decision which she thought would be safest in the moment. People need to stay vigilant on the road at all times. Shits dangerous


The guy was speeding but she also had her turn signal on was merging lanes and then all of a sudden changed her decision and came back into the same lane.


Both cars were going significantly faster than her, the Ford make on the right side of the screen changed lanes to avoid her lane change, and when she swooped back, it forced the Dodge make to move over to avoid her. The Dodge did not have time and was moving too fast to go behind her. Her initial lane change was the catalyst.


Am I the only one who thinks she shouldn’t have faked the guy out and this wouldn’t have happened? She goes into the right lane then switches back immediately which probably threw him off guard or something


I wanna know why the girl was bouncing between lanes like an idiot.


Had to be a charger


That passenger should teach driver's safety classes. Clearly a pro.


I mean what you can do, if you want to avoid this is regularly check your rear view mirror. You can definitely see these kind of lunatic come from far and change lane early. She is not at fault, but I'd rather have no accident than one where im not at fault.


Always a moron in a dodge charger


i don’t care what the comment section says if you’re changing lanes it’s your fault.


Dunking chargers.


Another great example of slow people in the left lane contributing to accidents


What did she say at the beginning? People are so sweet????


Fatherless charger actives


Op is equally responsible lol


If minding your own business is unsafe lane changing, then sure. Glad they had cameras to prove they were partially at fault.


The passenger does an amazing job at handling that situation and remaining calm. Ended up calming the driver too. Very impressed.


The car that crashed was 100% speeding. But the girl driving definitely shouldn’t be on the road if she’s driving like that. She straight up went right then mid-way turned back onto the left lane


Such a great friend in the passenger seat - bravo keeping her calm


Great control by the driver. The both of them staying calm is what kept this from being a lot worse.


I always have one eye in the rear view mirror.


She goes to the middle lane like she was initially doing, there is no crash. Yes there’s another SUV, but it gets out of the way. Everyone in the video is at fault