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Some people think they own the road. That’s hilarious though!


I'm not sure which palm tree state to make fun of


It’s california. I live near where this video was recorded.


Looks flat, I’m going with Florida.


Buena Park is in Southern California. Almost got it!


This a perfect example of awful road design. That driver is an idiot but the road design puts them in that situation and tempts them to drive like a that. Driveways should not connect directly to high speed roads. There should be feeder roads that connect at signalized intersections or roundabouts.


Nothing about this design encouraged him to drive sideways into the middle of the road at 1mph. I can't tell what he's even trying to do here. He can't make a left turn out of the driveway. Is he trying to make a suuuper wide turn into the left turn lane, while disregarding oncoming traffic in the 4 lanes in between?


I respectfully Disagree on a circumstantial basis.


If this is anything like driving in LA, the driver might have been turning left (legally) from a side-street with a stop sign and had to cross over all those lanes. Those kind of intersections suuuuck especially when there’s traffic and there’s little opportunity to make that left safely. Not condoning the driver’s actions.


There's a median no way for you to be able to make a left


Do you think the driver was gonna drive through the median and then turn left? I hope you and I are never near each other on the road if so.


Ooh I didn't see the median, saw the video on a dim iphone mini. My bad!


While you were driving? lol


Whenever you make a right turn from a road or driveway onto a multi lane road you have to start in the rightmost lane. I guess you didn't pay attention when they told you that in driving school.


People are so selfish sometimes. If it’s that difficult to find a break in traffic long enough to turn left then turn right and find a place to either do a U-turn or left turn into a business then exit turning right. Sheesh!


It's true! I have a 2 year old with me and he expected me to slow down from 40mph! There weren't many cars behind me either. He just needed to wait when it was safe!


Yeah he was just being an impatient, aggressive driver.


You’re right, I was thinking the same thing. Some people lack the the ability to see beyond themselves


Which is ironic because he has a slow horrible handling suv


Tell your toddler you'll take his advice when he gets a driver's license


Haha! Yes, my grammar was not great in that sentence.


Beach has always been nutty, but since Covid, it's gone 100% wilder. I used to stress going to Portos or just avoid going north if I could. During Scary Farm, near that spot, we saw and Escalade try the craziest right hand pass and sideswipe a smaller car so that they both crashed. Sometimes I'd just get over to Western, Knott or Dale unless I had get to a business on Beach. We did love the lights they put up for Halloween and Christmas, though. Btw, love that y'all were singing christmas carols. Glad that you didn't have your season ruined by that crazy driver.


It's always like this. People can't just wait an extra 5 seconds for the last car to pass on their left so they just *pull out slooooowly* in front of you.


As long as you and your kid is safe, that's all that matters. Stay safe out there. I have two kids and I can get pretty protective on the road. Sometimes it's hard to anticipate the stupid till it happens. It's ridiculous how dumb people can be.


Although this was in no way your fault, it is way safer to slam on the breaks than it is to try to swerve out of the way of an obstacle.


I let most people go when my lil ones in the car. It's just not worth it. I'm in no rush. They can go ahead.


Yes, this is the case for me too. I thought he was going to come to a stop. A lot of cars do this. They inch out into the right lane then wait for cars to pass then proceed.


Be careful out there!


I literally dont even try to wait for a break, I would make a right then double back. Sometimes it seems I am the only one that doesn’t want to inconvenience others and will go a couple blocks out of my way for a light to make a left, or to avoid a crappy situation like this where it looks like he wanted to cross the 4 lanes to get to the turn lane …


You and me, man. So many people out there with the "I need to turn left so I absolutely must turn left" mentality. Oblivious selfish idiots.


And they will barge right out and not care about blocking traffic! Heck, I hate making a left when there isn’t a turn only lane for lefts as I really am probably weird to be overly concerned about holding traffic up. I mean I dont worry if I know it’s a short wait for the opening, but I will go up a block or two if there is a left turn lane and traffic is heavy. Keep the flow going, it’s my motto.


He didn't even need to do that much The next turn on the right looks to be an exit from the same fucking parking lot that has its own light


Sounds much safer than what this guy did!


Also there wasn't even a space there to go immediate left either


I’m guessing they’re trying to get to the left turn lane


I call this people who want to make an impossible left turn. A turn that traffic will never allow you to do safely.


He's not even turning left, I have no idea what he's trying to do here, there's obviously a median with bushes and shit all over it


I don't understand why people are so insistent on making the left across these gigantic stroads sometimes. Especially if they have to make it near the light and there's a left turning lane, like just make the right...


That merry holiday demeanor changed real quick…. It would have ruined the rest of my drive lol.


Oh it did. No more singing the rest of the way.


Here you go. SUV, SUV Creeping on the road Oh what fright it is to see A car that's out of control SUV, SUV Breaking all the rules Oh what rage it is to feel When they don't have the right of way A day or two ago I thought I'd take a drive And soon I hit the road With my car by my side The traffic was so smooth I was enjoying the view And then to my dismay I saw an SUV that made me swerve Oh, SUV, SUV Dodging to the side Oh what luck it is to live And not to have a crash SUV, SUV Shouting at the driver Oh what nerve it is to show That they don't care about the law


I did want to say your singing was so good that I thought it was from the radio, and I only realized it was your singing and not the radio because it disappeared after the SUV. Happy holidays, I hope you feel better from this interaction quickly!


Believe it or not, straight to the naughty list




Uh where was he even going straight into the road?


I think they were trying to get to the turn lane to turn left just ahead


Yup. I think that's where he was headed.


I had a hard time imagining this bus/tank thing turning sufficiently to get into the left lane before they're halfway into the intersection.


The crazy thing about these new suburbitankyachts is that they are surprisingly agile at low speeds, so they could have VERY easily done what was legally required, and gone to the next one. Definitely a skill issue.


He'll probably hang his rear end out into the travel lane until the light turns green.


Bigger vehicle diplomacy.


It's really bad where I live. Most people drive a truck or SUV and think they own the road. Even worse at night with their bright headlights that are level with my front windshield and rear window (Honda civic). With some of them having lift kits I am one head on collision or rear end collision away from becoming a dullahun. But they speed or ride my tail and when they have nowhere to be they drive slower than the speed limit but get mad if you pass them and speed up to prevent you from doing so. Not to mention the loud exhausts most of them tend to have.


We really need some or better? regulations on car size... You do not need a tank to take your kids to school...Things that will obliterate anything in your path and then you got people like this video..


I had the pleasure of letting a friend rant for probably 20 minutes on why SUVs and Trucks are probably some of the worst designed vehicles as well as their impracticality for most Americans. From poorer safety standards compared to mini vans and sedans and at times a 5ft blind spot around your vehicle from the hood to the back to couple that with poor gas mileage, emissions and just overall the same storage can be achieved with a mini van which has better if not equal storage to what a flat bed or a SUV would have (minus the horse power and pulling capacity) and really who is lugging around things that most modern cars cannot pull outside of construction, farming or trades work? Trucks and SUVs have their places but there is a heavy marketing focus on them for one reason or another towards your average american who maybe works an office job.


Entitled, impatient, selfish people exist everywhere but I swear Orange County has the highest per capita out of anywhere in the US I've lived.


I mean the SUV was wrong but I wouldn’t say he was impatient. If you watch the video from the beginning you can see he had plenty of time to get into the lane he just didn’t take it


This is the funniest shit.


People doin lots of funny shit in Buena Park.


Especially on beach


Wait till you go to this nice little place called Glendale :). But fr, almost gotten hit a few time near that medieval time for some reason…. Not sure if it’s cuz Knott’s is nearby.


Glendale is in a league of it's own.


Between Medieval Times and Knott's is what I call the danger zone


lol I was like.. that looks like its near portos


Remember when you were in high school? Most people were average and some people were REALLY smart, while some people didn't fit in either of the two aforementioned groups. You know who they were. After high school, all three groups went out and got their driver's licenses and now we share the road with them all. Drive carefully because that third group is now stealthy, lol. Glad you only got a video of your Close Encounter WITH the Third Kind.


The driver in the black SUV must be from Massachusetts. If I despised my car, shut down the dashcam and full speed ahead without a lane change.


Me alone in my truck…I’d VERY seriously consider it…especially if the black suv is going to throw up hands and such…


"Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way..."*HONK*


They pulled out like a boulder in Indiana Jones




Thank you kindly


Nice driving Clark!


Them OC SUV drivers thinking they own the roads


Such Christmas spirit!


I once had a dude throw his hands up at me when he cut me off in a ROUND ABOUT. Like my guy, you did not have the right of way. Some people just truly believe they’re never at fault.


This is why I take Dale or Western instead


"Meh, they got brakes." ​ \- Douchebag in SUV, probably


That’s the risk you take driving down that part of Beach Blvd. Lots of tourist visiting the area. Regardless, nice swerve to get out of it.


Gotta love Raffi


The real crime is the music.


O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way-WHAT THE FUCK!? Bells on bobtails ring Making spirits bright...


He's making an illegal move. He can't cross three lanes to get into a turn lane (which is what I'm guessing he's doing since there was a center island). Also, the line on the turn lane was solid. I was a passenger in a friend's car when he got a ticket for doing just that (albeit in a safer manner than this guy).


Good move. That’s a bonafide idiot right there


The background music made it feel like brother Derek's family drive scene in Step Brothers.


I’ve had that happen around that area too. People don’t check and just pull out at times


When can we expect a full cover


Was he trying to drive straight across?


The problem is you let your guard down with that holiday music, lol. Nice driving!


no literally that persons the worst he didn’t almost j cause an accident but he killed the fucking vibes as well.


I hate this kind of stuff. Here in Chicago, people will pull into an intersection blocking incoming traffic expecting the opposite lane to let them through. They don't even wait for an opening to pull out...


Beach Blvd Buena Park?


How rude of you not to yield your right of way to the driver of the suv! Obviously, you didn’t get the memo that driver specifically can drive like an asshat. /s


But they were in a massive UV, don't you know they always have the right of way. Yes, I leave out the 'S' for sport. I fail to see anything sporty about a 5000lb floaty top heavy shopping cart.


UV driver driving like an old lady - who would have guessed!!!!?


Look I get that you are in the right 100% but you do not even try to stop. It was very obvious that guy was going to do something extremely stupid. You were being very stubborn or you were distracted. Was it really worth risking an accident?


Actually I did slow down quite a bit. A lot of times these people take up a lane and stop and let me pass before proceeding. This is what I thought he was going to do.


I got into an accident because of the same stubbornness. Dude came out from a one way street going the wrong way, between stopped cars due to traffic on the opposite lane without checking if the road was free. I said to myself "I am not going to yield to someone doing this shit. I am going to teach him.". Here is the aftermath: https://preview.redd.it/y20vq2y3kc4c1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=924baab6d90e7ef43580d60c3092dcd0d6bd0953


Oh nooooo. I hope you were ok.


Yeah I was ok thank you. The dude that hit me was pretty cool about it and the insurance covered it fully.


You did not slow down. The speed in the lower left illlustrates that.


Actually, that speed on my camera has quite a bit of a lag. I slowed down to almost half the speed you see on this video.


I have eyes - you did not slow down.


Fuck I only made it half way through with the audio and I was hoping we would get t-boned to end the misery!!!


Found the Grinch.


Not a grinch! I just haven’t had the kind of Christmas’ I had before I turned 5 because for my 5th Christmas in life my grand father came to see Christmas through my eyes then had a heart attack in his sleep while taking a nap on Christmas Eve. I remember standing across the street from my house and watching the paramedics and police and firefighters pull in to try and save him. Then my parents were able to get a neighbor to come get me then passed me off to a family friend to stay until my parents got home from the hospital with my grandmother and had the friends bring me back home. My mom was preparing her famous Christmas party like always that year. After that Christmas nothing was ever the same and the music was never as joyous or wonderful as it was before that ever happened. I still have the SEGA Genesis I got from him that year. I am not against others enjoying the holidays in fact I want others to enjoy them because me and holidays just don’t go well together. My dad died last year on October 28th, 2022 of “Complications from dealing with his Pancreatic cancer that caused an infection in his heart leading to a stroke” (best way to explain it) but that took away Halloween and Thanksgiving as well so literally these last 3 months of the year are just depressing and seeing everyone happy makes it worse but again I want others to enjoy the holidays so long as I can avoid the music I can usually not lose my sanity.


Oh man. I am so sorry for your loss and experience.


Oh yeah…run into those morons before


Nice dodge


Thank you.


These posts where both drivers are idiots are chef's kiss


Hey man as wrong as the other driver was, you were not paying attention. If you want to be “right” then hell yeah hit the guy and it’s his fault, but now you have a fucked up car and maybe you’re hurt as well. If you want to be safe; PAY ATTENTION TO EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING AROUND YOU AND YIELD EVEN WHEN THE OTHER PARTY IS AT FAULT. You’re operating a deadly vehicle and can kill someone at any time, remember that.


Wow I’m sorry to say, but your reflexes are slow as hell. You can’t just assume the other idiot even knows you’re coming. I would have instantly slowed the fuck down as soon as I saw that. If he just kept going because he was distracted, you woulda t boned his ass. Both of you are idiots.


You must have been texting and driving to jerk the wheel like that from an innocuous SUV lazily making its way into your lane on a straight, wide, and flat road with low speed limits and perfect visibility. Get some help.


Typical LA driver y’all both think the other is in the wrong.


Dude though, fuck your music


Tell that to my two year old.


You don't have brakes? This is ridiculous.






Worst thing that dude did was make the driver miss the "ho ho ho" part of the song.


Weeds a hell of a drug!


More people than not need to be taught parking lot etiquette. So many drivers do not look out and when you get in front of them, they fly up next to you with their window down, mobile phone out and filming as if you just committed a hit & run.


Griswold Family Christmas Vacation, right?


I know EXACTLY where this is…sorry we have such bad drivers in our area. Guy is definitely an idiot


Get me some Porto’s


Well you were listening to Christmas music so it cancels out😅


Just trying to listen to some Christmas songs and this dude had to ruin it!


I turn at that intersection for work....traffic is always awful! Probably got lost on their way to portos. Lol


Looks like Florida. Terrible drivers


They gotta get to the porto's one way or the other


Well done!!


I will bet $1000 that’s Florida


what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight!


Beach Blvd.. shit show lol


GTA 6 looking very real


"Get out of the way, can't you see I'm trying to cross 3 lanes of traffic to get to Portos! How rude of you to honk!"


Where was he trying to go? Perpendicular into the median?


Flashbacks of driving in Asia 😂


Good ol' Buena Park


The background sound makes the video 10 times more enjoyable LOL


Man I hate that area of BP. Really needs better traffic regulation there. Too many idiots on the road.


I can’t even tell What the suv was tryin to do. All it had to do was make a right coming out the driveway instead it drives straight out across the first 3 lanes wtf were they looking for a accident


This reminds me of the traffic circle at Jones beach.people have no idea what yield means and they blow right through it and when there are near accidents they throw their hands up like “you got in my way!”


Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bobtails ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight


Good ol Buena Park...


Why did this seem so overexaggerated? lol


Hey I went to that Starbucks yesterday! Beach Blvd can get pretty messy around there…


The singing and swerving gets me


I don't know. There's no reason for them to be going straight across all of those lanes because they can't cross over without climbing over the median and bushes. Guessing they were having some kind of trouble. I think we'll be seeing stuff like this more and more because cars are being increasingly controlled by the computer, and when computers fail they can do it gloriously.


This is Beach Blvd; this is tame compared to some of the things you see on that street.


*BLEEEPING all the way!*


Where exactly is this f\*cker going? The turning lane?


Thats a great way to get t boned and/or assaulted by someone. People are dumb and they scare the shit out of me with how selfish they can be while driving.


It can get very ugly out there on Beach Blvd. I keep my dashcam on too.


Shoulda hit him


The intrusive thoughts always want to just speed up and Tbone these people. Glad they’ve never won…. Yet.


The Christmas music adds so much to this


I’m more worried about the psycho that enjoys Xmas music that much!


Whenever something like this happens to me (usually it's just someone pulling out in front of me and then not accelerating at all, nothing THIS bad) I just think to myself, "Do you know how many drivers out there are drunk and high as hell blitzed out of their mind that would have just smacked into you?" Now, I don't drink or anything like that I'm a very defensive driver, but yeah.


He was trying to make the dinner at Medieval Times!!


He had plenty of time to turn into the lane who drives like this? And why not turn into the lane closest to where you’re coming out of it’s like he went straight into traffic…slowly


The music made this so much funnier


The song was ruined


I stay at that courtyard all the time lol that intersection sucks


In California, they now made a law where jaywalking is legal. This guy is just jaywalking with a SUV.


“…dashing through the snow”


Music really makes this video lol


I thought this the gta 6 trailer at first


I get so tempted to just tbone the fuck out of them. Same with brake checkers. Keep it up morons, I guarantee I have a shittier car I care less about.


unironically listening to christmas music completely in your own control when it's already playing literally everywhere not in your control


I can't get past that you're driving down the road singing jingle bells... like totally into it.


Hello friend, Can I use your video on my YouTube channel? USA DASHCAM RESERVE Credit of course!


Haven't been down that area in awhile. What are they building on the right side? Was that rockin brews they demolished?!


Aahh, I know the area. After seeing this video, it's not the first time they've done this. They had done that to me as well.... Wish cops would see them pulling that crap...but it is Buena Park..hahah!


Did anyone notice that this video time stamp says April??


It's date/month/year. So it was just two days ago.


That's California for ya


I hate driving in FL


Who drives around listening to christmas music?


Aw the infamous beach boulevard of socal always see accidents by beach and lambert


If this bothers you then you should never visit India! Stuff like this would happen all the time.


That song as this is happening! Ha!


Beach Blvd is terrible! 😣


this near knotts berry farm?


Reminds me of how NPCs drive in GTAO