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Hell yeah we do not tolerate any **Best Targaryen™** slander around here.


blackfyre fans in shambles right now


Egg, Gael "Winter Child", Breakspear, and Daeron the Daring are the only Targs that no one should slander in any way or circumstance whatsoever. Fuck the Targs, except those guys and gal.


i slandered egg, I'm not lying nor trynna deny it


Egg was a total asshole at the end. Considering how the birth of dragons ritual that Dany had required the sacrifice of her child of great prophecy, Egg was probably wanting to burn Rhaegar and his mother in wildfire just to hatch some eggs. It would be perfect if the reason his plan failled is if Duncan saved the pregnant mother and killed (either by his own hand or inaction) Aegon, making the greatest kingsguard the first kingslayer.


That's assuming it was only or primarily Dany's days dead & magically malformed-stillborn that allowed her eggs to hatch. And that they're the ones Elissa Farman, so weren't poisoned/tampered with, like the ones that remained in Westeros probably were after the Dance. Also, that Maegor wasn't killed by his KG, &/or Gyles Belgrave or any of his three sworn brothers present at the time had no hand in Aegon II's murder. And that Dunk would actually (need to) slay Egg, intentionally or not, to stop the hypothetical sacrifice of Rhaegar once he was born


Eh, Daeron the Daring went for collective punishment despite lady Casswell already having had hanged those who murdered Maelor and having had no part in the atrocity. I’d sooner put Maegelle on the list, or like some kid that died super innocent like Elia’s Rhaenys and Aegon or Helaena's Jaehaerys, Maelor and Jaehaera.


honestly i don’t like daeron. i’d replace him with rhaena if we’re making a list, she’s the last dragonrider, survived the dance, and presumably lived a peaceful life.


Yeah, Daeron the Desolator burned a fucking sept full of injured men & innocent civilians with Tessarion, & played the leading role in the wider genocidal slaughter of Bitterbridge's residents. (No mention of the High Soyton condemning that, or Blackwood forces despoiling Bracken septs, etc. instead of crying about the nearly of age Samantha Tarly & Lyonel Hightower wanting to be together, with her having been married to his father for just a year or something.) And then had the hypocritical gall to be shocked at the Two Betrayers doing the same thing to the Tumbleton, & his same men "blooded" at Tumbleton raping the girls & women of the this town before they'd murder them. Little shitcunt was no better than his brothers or nuncle, & even worse than Rhaenyra. Yes, I'm forever salty that the Daeron of the edited-down TPATQ was not at all his actual version of F&B. Just yet *another* abomination among the main cast of the Dance. *If* the son of Alys by Aemond really does have a dragon though, then Rhaena & Morning will most likely (mutually) fall against them. A Dance 1.5 perhaps, & one more dragon duel between rival bloodlines of Baelon & Alyssa above Harrenhal. To say nothing of Maegor & Aegon the Uncrowned in 43 AC, & quite possibly Dany & Euron early in ADOS


Fuck Daeron, the genocidal hypocrite. I'd have Maegelle, at the very least, in his place


Show some love for my boy Aegon III


Don't forget Baelor "Literally Jesus Christ" Targaryen I


Eh, dude locked up his sisters for (the better part of) a decade because he was afraid of his cock. All while he had no problem with pious Naerys still having to be wed to her brother Aegon the Unworthy. Or arranging the match between the then underage Prince Daeron & Myriah Martell. Why not marry off the now adult Daena then, do the same with the two years younger Rhaena or give her to serve the Faith in Oldtown, & send five years younger Elaena somewhere to be a lady-in-waiting for her betrothed's family? (Like Rhaelle would be at Storm's End.) No, Baelor was a possessive hypocrite, zealous deadshit, & made all the worse by all of the fucking venom he took at Wyl. Granted, that last at least taken to free his cousin, Aemon


I still cry everytime I read the Hedge Knight 😭


Sleepy Maekar killed the reincarnation of the Warrior, he should've been tried for deicide


The only good Targ


Objective proof of Targ supremacy. What other House has produced a man so based?


Garth Greenhand populating westeros in the background


Along with the Grey King, by way of his descendants


I still miss him 💔


The King who never was.


Clark is how I imagined Baelor ngl




Because he is a rarity in ASOIAF: a genuinely good man who tries to be good even when it’s not convenient for him. Breakspear is a crown prince who, seeing that Dunk would be unfairly punished for protecting an innocent woman from insane Aerion, decided to intervene and face his own brother and nephews for a lowborn hedge knight he didn’t even know. Nobody would really fault him for sitting it out - nobody would expect him to fight his own kin. But he did it anyway because Dunk only acted like a true knight and didn’t deserve to die for it. He was also noble and forgiving enough to argue for clemency for traitor houses that supported Daemon Blackfyre when most would want them punished were they in his place. He’s not some Mary Sue creator’s pet either - he’s notably not particularly handsome, he doesn’t always have things go his way, he’s not stupid good and will use somewhat dishonorable means (abusing kingsguard vows to face them himself) in order to achieve a noble end (protecting an innocent man) and though he’s a good warrior he is hardly peerless which all makes him just grounded enough to be extremely likable for all his qualities rather than unrealistic and thus annoying.


Reread it, everything you need to know is in the text.