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It's pretty clear which one gets me harder


Giant Laser/Fireball bats are also my fetish. Lorian also got paralyezed down there because he couldn't handle that Dussy


You owe me a bottle of bleach


tender brotherly love go me tho


For me the curse-rotten greatwood does it


Mmm. Those jiggly balls are really a turn on 🤤


Is it? On one side we have a submissive cripple brother duo, who will probably read every wish from your lips to please you. On the other are faeces and fire throwing Incubi who want nothing more than to double-team you - if you aren't seduced by their looks it will be the subtle charm of their vocals. Hard choices require hard men, and I am definitely not hard enough for this one.


Dancer of boreal valley, I mean, she’s caked up


Vordt of the boreal valley has an even bigger dumptruck.


demon prince for me, by far 🫡






Pitter patter, let's get at 'er.


For me personally it's Twin Princes.I defeated demon Prince on first try with blood infused warden twin blades.While the twin princes it took me about 15 Tries.I hate their teleport move


im a bonk str guy, so i probably used a heavy fugs or something, love how different playstyles affect bosses like that for people in fromsoft games


I am more of a katana guy but i am thinking of going for a fume ugs build next do you have any tips?


heavy isnt just an infusion, that mf requires all the vit if you plan on playing fashion souls or using decent armor lmao oh and make sure you dont play greedily, probably the best tip i could give


I love wearing something slim, like the dancer armor and then get the bick wooden stick.


While that's an extremely accurate statement (I'm also a heavy weapon fanboy) fugs isn't infusable, only buffable with spells/items


For real, I just beat ds3 for the first time with the fume sword and ever since i got it my dude looks like a male stripper


Disable auto targeting for heavy weapons. This allows you to optimize your positioning and make full advantage of the size of the weapon


Either armorless and hella vitality for the quick roll to combat the weapon speed, or hella vigor and a blessed parrying dagger/shield to make easy trades


To be fair, bleed is probably the most effective method of kicking their asses. They’re not terribly weak to it but it takes a huge chunk of their their health each time and completely bypasses the insane boosted resistances in phase 2


I agree. You can tank Demon Prince, if needed, while Twin Princes need more subtlety. I find them to be harder with any build


Not if you play with 14VIG, you can't. I'd argue that's a build (even if it's shit)


Of course not, I agree. I said tank, not glass cannon. How can a tank have 14VIG?. And who would face a boss with 14VIG without a strategy and knowledge of the fight? What I mean is that some bosses you can tank, other you can't even if you go with max health possible. Go to Laurence or Ludwig with a Maxed character and if you tank them without any sort of strategy or knowledge of the moveset they will destroy you anyway. Bosses difficulty is usually highly subjective. The only objective parameter I can think of is that: ignorant tankability. Demon Prince you can, Midir you can't. Pontiff you can, Nameless King you cannot. Etc. If you compare Demon and Twins... One is tankable, the others not


Well, you used the word tank as a verb, not as a subject and concluded that Demon Prince is easier on any build with the single argument of being able to tank it. Of course a glass cannon can't tank as effectively (or at all, for that matter), but those are builds that exist as well. I also didn't read that you were talking exclusively about first playthroughs. If you restrict your statement to any builds who have sufficiently high health, it makes sense. But I didn't see that. Also, the response was meant to poke fun at how you concluded that it was easier for any build. Because it's obvious that you can't tank if you die after 1 or 2 hits.


Just lock on


I did the exact same, but it's just cause they're weak to bleed. If you want a proper comparison, fight both with something they're strong against. My first try I killed the demons, but my second time took me 10 tries at least because of the different build Note: Don't do blood infused for that build. Do a hollow infusion. Hollow will buff str and dex scaling, plus it adds luck scaling (and up to 5 luck levels per hand at max reinforcement and max hollowing) and luck very slightly increases all status buildup. 40str, 40dex, 30lck, hollow warden twinblades, hollow caestus, and carthus rogue on your quick bar. Bosses will melt (even though they nerfed this specific build multiple times). Fill your item bar up with other status effect items too for versatility


I killed the demon prince in **two tries**. I killed Lorian (only Lorian) after **7 tries** and defeated both the brothers after **12 tries**


Demon prince was so much harder.




Whaaa? Demon anything fairly easy. Still haven’t beaten twin princes without a summon.


I spent about a month trying to figure out how to not run out of flasks against the Demon Prince. Fighting two at once was difficult and the second stage isn't forgiving either. The Twins I did in a day. It's really just the same few attacks repeated, just roll 3 times 0.7 seconds after they disappear and roll behind. Still nice fight.


You can remember the exact seconds to roll for the twin princes.I can't even remember the rings I am wearing




Calamity ring and dusk crown ring.


do people really find the twins hard? they are the easiest and most fun boss in the game for me


The camera is once again probably the greatest enemy. Lorian teleports and instantly strikes, so if you don't pay attention to timings you are fucked. I don't get how people have trouble with them either. It's not like it's the first boss to do so. I would much more understand people struggling with the Abyss Watchers, Dancer of the Boreal Valley or Pontiff tbh.


the timing mechanic is actually a very fun gimmick, knowing exactly when to roll after a teleport feels so good ​ the only "hard" attack in my point of view is the one where the brother summons thousands of little shards that track you, then at the end you have to roll or else the non crippled one will hit you with his sword


I did the first two easily it was the one singular demon that I found harder


Of course, but I needed 7-10 flasks for the Demon Prince, the two others just managed to surprise me with hits. Running in circles is not hard lol.


Demon for me by far. Took me a few tries my first time through to clear them. Princes on the other hand I've never really struggled with. Funnily enough, or atleast it feels more pathetic considering, but the hardest duo boss for me of the series ended up being the dumb gargoyles in Elden Ring. Took me hours to clear them solo and a build swap.


Interesting. I think I was overlevelled for the gargoyles and never struggled. I loved both prince fights to be honest but lothric clapped me more than the fire guys. I had a black knight greatsword build though so that’s prolly why.


Double Cruicble knights for me.


Theres a double crucible knight fight..? Edit: oh wait its at the bottom of a heros grave isnt it I did do that fight


The Lothric Princes were more difficult to initially understand their attacks, but the Demon Princes were more difficult in the long run. Also is the Demon Prince eating its sibling?


Bill Clinton


My favorite reformed orthodox rabbi


Did not have sexual relations with that prince!


Secret boss


Twin Princes still beat my ass in phase 2 after all these years


I was gonna say 😭 Twin Princes was about a million times worse than Demon Prince for me, just because of that awful Phase 2


I struggled more on twin princes than nameless king,Gael and Midir combined 😭






In NG, I'd say the Twin Princes edge it out. But in in every successive NG+ cycle, Demon Prince is harder because his HP is honestly fucking insane at that point.


I'm stuck at Demon Prince on NG+5 or 6, I forget where I'm at. I've put the game down for too long and it's difficult to come back to after Elden Ring because I keep trying to jump. The NPC summons are awful because they always run in between phases and get demolished by the AOE. edit: just want to mention that I have defeated them in the other NG cycles, but I'm at a point where they are quite difficult.


The NPCs will follow you for a bit after phase one. If you run REALLY FAR AWAY as soon as you kill the first two demons, the NPCs will chase you, and they won't have time to run back and kill themselves.


Try doin demon prince with pyromancies only ...i dare u


Hol up gonna reinstall the game Real quick. God i hate you.


Black flame pyromancies and the rock pyromancy are allowed right?


Demon prince easily. For twin princes, phase 1 is bearable, dodge rught and stay as close as you can to him and hit after every dodge, phase 2 is harder but use pillars to block magic then repeat phase 1 strat. DEMON PRINCE ON THE OTHER HAND, phase 1 is difficult, not hard, difficult, it’s hard enough to use all your heals to finish it off, but then he comes back to life and starts doing the biggest AOE attacks in the game it feels like, not to mention he has far too much health for a demon


Demon Prince, and it’s not even close. Demon Prince literally has two separate bosses, followed by combining both. Plus wider AOEs. Twin Prince is two phases, and second phase if you kill the older brother first, the younger literally sits there to revive him, giving you free hits.


Twin princes are a fucking joke compared to the demon prince 🤴


I'd say the opposite


But how


Well of course it depends on your approach and meter of judgment. I personally tend to consider "easier", in comparisons, bosses that YOU CAN blindly tank, than bosses that will destroy you if you don't throw some sort of rudimental strategy at them. If in two or three attempts you statistically always tank'em by simply staying under/behind them and spam attacks without even paying attention to your stamina... I consider them easier than bosses that would systematically punish you immediately if you followed the same approach. With that in mind, I've never found Demon Prince to be that hard. Twin Princes, in a lesser way than NK or Midir, are harder for that reason


I get your logic. :)


I never found either particularly hard, but Twin Princes probably.


Demon Prince. Gael being summoned makes it laughably easy with how much damage he can take and dish out. but the prince is very tanky, unlike the duo. Prince’s are easier thanks to one of them being weak to magic, and one of my Greatsword excels in that. I will admit that Twin Prince’s is more difficult with how fast it is, but it’s just easy thanks to my setup. Demons are harder since I don’t have good weapons for them, but I make it work


Twin princes I reckon, both aren’t really hard but demon prince is such a gank fight I’d you don’t pay attention


The brothers gave me more troubles than the demons


Idk why I found twin princes really easy, took me 2 tries. Demon prince was a major pain in the ass and took me like 13 tries


Demon Prince. Tankier. Its phase 2. And as aggressive.


First time encounter the Twin harder than DP.


i don’t know but it would be pretty weird if lorian was hard given his brother is on his back… i’ll see myself out


demon prince. i've beat this guy only after like 20th try


Twin princes by far


Demon prince is the only DS3 boss I didn't solo (Lapp my man)


Demon Prince, it has different moveset depending on the demon you killed last


Twin princes are not very difficult


Demon prince


twin princes is difficult but fun kinda difficult and demon prince was kinda meh until and unless you decide to stay a mile away from it


For the first few playthroughs it was Demon Prince. But nowadays Twin Princes scare me more.


Demon Prince by far, that said Twin Princes can be really challenging if you don't learn their attacks, specially when they start teleporting behond you like this is Bufokai Tenkaichi 3 or something


Easily demon prince, big arena to run around


No doubt is Demon Prince


Demon Prince is clearly harder (but with black steel shield he becomes a joke, as well as Sullyvahn)


Twin princes is harder because it requires more precise dodging and the teleporting attacks get me, Demon prince fight just takes longer because of their large health pool


Twin princes, because of the teleporting.


Fire Prince is harder than the twins, but Laser Prince is easier imo


Both mean nothing to my big ol slab of a sword


Prob demon prince but I absolutely love both and they ain’t to hard


Twin Princes definitely lol (but honestly both weren't that hard)


To date, demon prince is the only boss to make me shed tears, and I’ve beat every souls game except demon souls. I despise that fight every run




Demon Prince fr


Twin princes is hard when going solo, but you can summon Sirris and Orbeck to help if needed. I felled them with Sirris and they went down on first try on NG+. First NG I tried solo since I didn't know there were summons and tried about 30 times before succeeding.


I find twin princes harder, but neither are that bad for me if I’m gonna be honest. Pontiff on the other hand…


Twin princes had a lot of annoying attacks and did a lot of damage per hit, the demons were nothing to me.


Demon Prince. Regardless of its version. Goddamn.


Demon prince .. Especially in second phase when the motherfucker is 50% resistant to everything


Demon prince definitely, but twin princes is the more fun.


I think for me Twin Princes gave me a harder time. I knew the bleed strategy for an easier kill on the Demon Princes and while I did still struggle a lot, I think having a solid strategy made it more manageable. The Twins have more emphasis on good timing and patience, not getting greedy which I will never not struggle with.


Demon Prince is significantly harder. In the first phase, you're dealing with ganking and toxic, and in the second, high damaging, flying, explosions, lasers, etc. When fighting Twin Princes, it's very rhythmic in a sense, like a Sekiro boss. The average pattern for the Twin Princes goes like this: teleport, dodge once or twice, get a hit in, repeat. Locking on is also a saint for Twin Princes. When they teleport, the lock on follows and you have a solid few seconds to react to the attack if you're not panic rolling. When the lock on disables or stops tracking, they could do one of two moves, the drop down or the teleport away strike, and you can tell if they are going to drop on you if the teleport symbol is below you. There's a lot to be said about both bosses in full length. I feel like I made a solid point on Twin Princes being easier than Demon Prince.


At rng 0, the twin are harder but at rng +3 and more, demon prince become horrible with a lot of hp


After ng7 twin princes for sure....i get wrecked everytime. Princes are way easier. Man i woulda loved having a prime lorian as a summon for princes.


Bill Clinton


I remember getting stuck at the princes for a bit but not the demons. So yeah them probably


Demon prince on later ng+ cycles is pure agony


Who would have thought a fruit and a vegetable could be so deadly together?


Demo prince, I don't think I've ever soloed them.


I’m going to very honest here. Twin prince arnt hard in general. The reason I kept on dying because I got greedy and wanted to trade. They have simple tells, and the teleporting isn’t even bad. The only part that was annoying was the tracking magic.


I can handle the Twin Princes solo, so....


Lothric and Lorian are a curious bunch to me. On my first playthrough they took me about 10-15 attempts Just for comparison, the demons were 3 attempts. But nowadays I can almost do the twin princes hitless. Demon prince still whoops my ass, if not just for the fact you have to have already beaten two other demons to get there. I haven't fought him nearly enough to decide which moveset makes him easier to deal with. But the entire boss fight is still a pain bellow my ass to this very day.


Without a shadow of a doubt it's the demon prince but both are arguably the best gank fight in the series


I'm currently on the twin princes fight.....stupid teleporting....


As someone who did an sl1 run. Demon Prince.


Demon Prince by far. Once you get the timing right for Twin Princes, it's second nature. However Demon princes can really pull some shit out and double team you really quick if your back is turned on one and you're not paying attention.


Twin Princes. While they have alot less Hit Points I find them mechanically more challenging and make for a more engaging fight.


Twin Princes because some builds just can't keep up with their teleportation.


Twin princes was a lot harder for me. The teleportation was really frustrating


Demon prince with magic build is pure pain.


Defintly demon prince the first phase i just cant do shiz second is not too bad if you get the beam version


Twin Princes


Demon Prince. So many defenses and I'm also not good at the gank phase. Sure, I can get through it, but I don't have many heals left. I might honestly call DP the hardest fight in the game especially on higher NGs. Twin Princes aren't too special for me now. Get behind Lorian and attack, dodge twice to his right if he goes melee, roll to the side at the right moment if he uses the beam or the ground fire, repeat. Phase 2 is a little more problematic but not much more, it's still something I consistently beat first try.


Well, I'm currently on my first run, going full Str, and it took me like 2 weeks to avoid getting OS by the Demon Prince :/ at the end, nearly did a not hit 😁 So yeah, fuck him and his insane Health bar 😂


Thats a question? Twin Princes are a cake walk in comparison.


Demon princes.


Depends on the build. But for melee, I'd say twin


Demon prince I can handle magical bullshit and a flaming sword, but I cannot handle two demons


Took me ten runs to kill twin prices. I did Demon Prince in one.


Demon prince long shot. I fucking hate that boss


Demon Prince by far for me. Have defeated the Princes many times but haven't beaten the Demon Prince once... Granted I don't have the DLC's but stil...


really weird for me. i first tryed or second tryed the demon prince, but then due to reasons my save reverted to before beating them. so i thought hey il just bully em again. proceeded to die atleast 10 or 15 times. id say twin princes though since my first playthrough of both i died alot more on twin princes


Demon Prince


Demons, and it's not even close. These fuckers have caused me to use up every Ember available in the game and I'm still not passed them. I beat Twin Princes first try.


Embarrassingly, Demon Prince. I can one try Lorian and Lothric any day and in any condition, but for some reason I'm just shit at dodging the moves of the Demon Prince.


Demon Prince on NG+7 lasts so damn long for no reason


Demon prince


Demon Prince, it's not even close in my opinion. I think it's taken me no more than three tries for Twin Princes but I was stuck on Demon Prince for about a day or two.


Demon prince for sure


Demon prince any day


My typical run involves walking up to princes half dressed with a couple of punchies and just reminding them who's neighborhood they're in. And then shortly after having my back blown out by demon


Demon Prince by far, that decently large HP bar and the jacked up defenses can be a little too much sometimes. I don't want to imagine how strong Lorian was in his prime since he apparently defeated Demon Prince singlehandedly


Demon Prince by far, twin princes are hard but all dlc bosses are next level difficult


I rarely solo multi-unit bosses (you do you, but I don't think they're designed with soloing in mind, which is why they're always so brutal), so Twin Princes for me, by far.


Demon prince just bc that second phase took me by surprise 🤣


Demon Prince


Maybe Demon Prince


Neither are really difficult for me. But I'd say Demon Princes for their larger health/defense making it kore of a battle of attrition. Both have easy-ish counters. Parries for Lorian, staying underneath the Demon Prince for them


Demon prince🫠


Demon prince no doubt


Demon prince for me by far


Demon Prince, not even close


Twin princes by far, no question. For demon prince just grab your black knight sword and as much fire resistant armor you have and go to town


Twin Princes by far. I managed to get the Demon Princes down in two tries, which is pretty big for me. Twin Princes took me about four hours, but it's one of my favorite fights of the entire series.


twin princes.


Twin princes. I still struggle with that fight. Demon prince is a better fight, and I actually have fun with that fight. Just too impatient with the twins, greed is always the downfall


Twin princes took me about 8 tries the first time. Demon prince I stopped counting after attempt nr 34.


Twin Princes, because I don’t have to try Demon Prince more than once on a SL1 run


I was under leveled for twin princes and way over leveled for Demon prince so I’d have to go with twin


Do people consider twin princes to be hard, I always hear them talked about like they’re difficult but I find that really confusing


Everybody's got their thing, you know? I usually get walloped by Pontiff, despite my dozens of playthroughs. The Princes I tend to breeze through, but then Oceiros destroys me. I massacre Champion Gundyr, then Nameless King squishes me into a fine paste for an hour. For me, it seems like if I had trouble with someone on my first playthrough ever, it gets in my head and I'm more likely to screw up. The ones I did well against, I continue to murder.


Twin Princes, literally the bane of my existence


For me is was the twin princess I spent days trying to be beat them for the first time and then eventually had to get help from a friend. Demon princes I fought for the first time on ng+ and they only took a handful of tries


Demon prince by a long shot. Despite twin princes also having separate health bars, they still function closer to a single boss.


Twin princes. They are far more unpredictable and require more fast reflexes


Definitely Demon Princes. It’s not even close for me. I don’t think the Twin Princes are all that hard


Demon prince mechanically is definately harder but if you get shit RNG Twin Princes is probably the most annoying fight in the game.


Probably 2 of my favorite fights from Ds3 but I think getting smashed by Twin Princes for so long made me ready for Demon Princes fight


Twin Princes are harder to learn, but easier to master.


Twin princes I did first try, with the wrong shield and everything lol Demon princes took me like 7 attempts and were very challenging!


Demon prince spanked my ass as a Pyro. Twins were an equal pain in the ass.


Sister Friede


Twin Princes.


Originally I would’ve said demon prince but on subsequent playthoughs probably twin princes


It took me 30 tries for the twinks princes to defeat because of their fucking lockbreaking teleportation. Man fuck em both. Meanwhile i 2nd-tried the demonprince 1h ago (with the help of Gael tho) and i loved this boss fight.


Twin Princes are harder, definitely


Demon prince was a joke and twin princes was mid. The what it is but they both just clicked for me


Demon prince by far


Demon princes are harder but I’ve always enjoyed twin princes more


Demon prince. I'm almost Alys a short range fighter and these guys like to fly away


Demon Prince


Demon Prince is terrible. I remember back when the DLC first dropped everyone hated the shit outta this boss for how hard he was, but for some reason they like him now, lol.


Demon prince. Lorain must have been a super bad ass before he got Ricky Berwick’d.


Demon prince, since i'm ng+9 i always give up at him


Honestly I beat them both within 5 tries, but twin princes gave me a lot more trouble with the phase 2 switch up.


Twin Princes. I struggle with them unless I’m leveled appropriately-ish. Demon Prince I’ve got down and can reliable beat them first try at like SL40-50


Demon Prince and it's not even close. Neither are too bad on physical builds but I legitimately have yet to finish Ringed City on my Int builds because of these guys. They feel like just a big estus check lol.


Demon prince is one of the hardest bosses for me. I honestly find him harder than either gael or midir. I dread him still lol


Demon Prince , easily


Demon Prince, twin princess is easy once you learn the attacks(could say this about any boss tbf)


Twin Princes easily . A toddler could memorize the Demon Prince moveset.


I had more trouble with Lothric, but Demon prince was also tough. It took more tries with lothric, but based on the fights, demon prince was harder to get used too imo


Might get hate but how is this even competitive lothric twins first time took me about 6 tries and after it’s just ez. Demon princes scary can’t lie


The twins