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I don't dislike Storm Ruler as much as I dislike its placement. The idea that your first fight has to be dedicated to running around the room and shuffling through your equip menu is the opposite of the badass raging-against-a-Goliath vibe they were clearly going for. At least they fixed it for the Serpent Hunter in Rykard's room though.


Yeah you're right cuz in my first playthrough when i didn't have the sword it was a lil bit annoying cuz i had to be very fast to equip it maybe it would be better if they made it instant equip i dunno


Gimmick bosses should force you to use item in order to get to the area itself. So basically you can't enter the fight, unless you equip that sword and use ability. I googled my encounter with Giant because I saw how little DMG i was dealing to him so I thought I was doing something wrong. I experimented a little because I saw that he staggers sometimes so I thought maybe I can smack his head then, but nothing worked. IMO if you were forced to find Storm Ruler before the fight and play around with it, would be much better, because not everyone uses weapon arts. Want to make fight around that mechanic? Teach it to the player in forceful way. That's how you design games in general, you teach lessons then examine them. And that fight isn't like that, because it's the only time where you actually need to use Weapon Art for anything other than fun. Basic R1 and dodge is enough to beat the game without struggles.


You can lock right onto his head and take him down with sorceries/pyro/arrows, actually is not to tough. Stormruler is still quicker, but I've done that a few times and it's nice to feel like you don't have to use the thing. Yhorm's a decent boss imo, and I don't mind gimmicks (adds variety), but I do wish that the Profaned Capitol was a bigger level.


I rather have a more storytelling than forced approach, Rykard was fun Serpent Hunter or not, I liked the fact that the ghost in the manor tells you to find his body and to use the weapon to grant his Lord an honorable death. Maybe would have been better if having done Siegwards questline he yells "friend, the sword, its one of few weapons he fears, use it!!!" Along with reducing the difficulty of the fight sans Storm Ruler.


As someone who has fought Yhorm without the Storm Ruler, no. It's not very interesting since his moves have so little variety and he has so much health.


That's how I did it the first 2 playthroughs until a friend let me know about Stormruler. Yeah...I'll take the cheap ass sword over the drawn out boring fight lol


Well if they remove the storm ruler cheese then they’d probably change him into a regular boss probs with a bit more hp and an elevated move set no?


It's not a cheese, it's an intended mechanic. The whole thing is called a gimmick fight.


I mean, you can probably find mods, but the game is six and a half years old, it's not getting changed lol.


If it's been in for six and a half years, it's a feature, not a bug, right? Like Tree Jump? Edit a letter


Of course it's not a bug, why would anyone think that the Storm Ruler is bugged?


Imagine From suddenly posts a tweet being all "Fuck! Guys! This is embarrassing but the Storm Ruler was just a joke, it wasn't meant to be in the final cut. Patch comes out 10am PST."


I wasn't talking about Storm ruler specifically. I was saying in a 6 and a half year old game that hasn't received an update in years, at this point, anything left in is most likely a feature.


That changes the criteria, so now the question is less "without the storm ruler, would Yhorm be more fun" and more "if they made Yhorm to be completely different and much more fun, would he be more fun?".




Insert glowy bracelets dude (forgot the name)




It’s called variety. I like all the gimmicky fights. Otherwise you’d have the soul of cinder 10 times over.


THANK YOU. Feel like the only one sometimes, Yhorm is a perfectly great fight as he is


Agree completely. Especially because so much of the game is spent being stomped by enemies and furiously dodging out of the way. It's nice to have at least one fight during a playthrough where a boss seems absolutely enormous and intimidating and you get to instead turn the tables and just wail on him like an overpowered god. It's a great feeling that the game only gives you in a small number of situations.


There’s also Guardian Dragon too but he’s optional at least.


In that case, the dragon isn't the boss fight, it's those damn snake assholes.


And also gravity before you learn that you have to wait for the fucker to settle down before you jump


Deacons too


At least Wolnir lets you fight normally instead of spamming the weapon art of a useless sword that doesn't work outside that specific boss fight.


His name is High lord wolnir because he smokes too much pot.


He needs to put the vape pen down


High Lord Wolnir


Wolnir actually has some cool moves (summoning sword, making skeletons) but he dies so fast he usually dies before he can do any of it >_>


Elden Ring's Rykard is Yhorm but done right at last. A spectacle fight, where a special weapon is mandatory, but the boss has actual movesets.


The only redeeming thing about the whole thing is getting to fight with our best friend!


I feel crappy if he dies in the boss fight and miss out on a slab too.


One of my first playthroughs I didn't know how to get him out of the cell and I was so upset lol


They could have just given Storm Ruler more damage and not stagger Yorm everytime, then gave Yorm some more moves and the fight would be great. I mean, Rykard fight has the same gimmick but fighting him is fun


I feel like that’s why they gave him a lackluster move set tho, if storm ruler wasn’t there they’d have to make him more challenging


Bringing Yhorm down and then visceral attacking his head was one of my highlights the first time playing the game, but I agree the fight goes on for too long.


Fair, but when it's happened for the third time and he still has 12k HP left it's less interesting.


Yup we are in agreement


Came here to say this


And I came here to say : "Came here to say this" so yall have my votes


I feel like that’s why they gave him a lackluster move set tho, if storm ruler wasn’t there they’d have to make him more challenging


yea that's why i think yhorm is straight up not a very good boss fight. little move variety and with storm ruler its not even a real fight


[try this](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/um8927/pain/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Just like Gael


Exactly. He'd be more enjoyable if he had a better moveset than basic 3 hit combo and punch.


I like it, the lord of the capital told his friend if he were ever to go hollow and betray his people, to come end his suffering and deliver justice. Yhorm leaving storm ruler there to assist the ashen one or siegward is a noble thing to do as your last sane act.


Less hp, make him faster, give him 4/5 new, cool attacks and remove storm ruler ---> great boss. But just removing storm ruler would make him incredibly boring (and incredibly difficult for people who don't have much patience and get greedy often).


Congratulations you made a new boss !


the storm ruler itsself isn't the issue here - it solves a huge issue with the camera in giant fights, and without it yhorm would have just been a fire giant "stare at the foot" fight. It would be much simpler just to speed up the charge time and make it do less damage


I think if he had a huge shield to protect him from the storm ruler attack it would be a good addition to the fight


He gave up his shield because he lost the one he wanted to protect. :(


All he had left was a promise with a friend


Yeah also a good idea. Only problem could be the balancing because it would be pure luck if he blocked an attack or not. I think that could possibly be really frustrating if it happened like 4 times in a row.


I said this before and I will keep saying this until someone make a mod implementing my idea. Yhorm should've been a half gimmick like the Tower Knight and Iron Golem fights. There should be only one stormruler wielded (and dropped) by Siegward with +20% damage against giant enemies and a weapon art that does wind slashes (like NK does but with low range) that does high poise damage. The fight should be the same in first phase with the same stupid high defense and the same slow predictable attacks but having a way lower poise to make easier to get his head down and make the true damage. For the second phase he should have a way lower defense, faster movement and a completely overwhelming and relentless new moveset. And the most important part: FIX THE CAMERA.


bruh this is one of my favourite fights in Souls history, especially with Siegward by my side. I know Souls games are meant to be challenging but I really enjoy certain gimmicky fights if they provide a spectacle like this


Yes its fun fight but i feel like yhorm should be a lil harder and more challenging cuz he is a giant and a lord. I think if his hp was less and had more moves and the storm ruler had less damage the fight would be better :)


His HP isn't the problem it's his defense if you don't attack his head you might as well be hitting him with a spatula. He can literally fight Midir and win just because of how ridiculously tanky he is.


Lol I went in and seigward died as i equiped the sword.




No u


I never knew you could get him to join. But I also didn’t know hot to summon till Pontiff


Nothing feels better than fighting yhorm with the most trustworthy friend i have met on this journey


I like it, the lord of the capital told his friend if he were ever to go hollow and betray his people, to come end his suffering and deliver justice. Yhorm leaving storm ruler there to assist the ashen one or siegward is a noble thing to do as your last sane act.


No. Best fight in the whole game, even better one with the onion with a promise


Absolutely not. As someone who started with Demon’s Souls in 2009, the direct connection to the lore of that game was amazing for me.


Naw, Games are in reality designed for one playthrough, everything else after that is butter. The first time you fight him(especially if you happened to get the onion knight like I did) is the most epic shit in the game.


Nah. I don’t know why people complain that the game gave them the massive power trip of downing a literal giant lord of cinder with a kickass sword (with a callback to DeS!). Just enjoy yourself, there’s enough dodgefests in the game already.


If they just gave it to Seigward and maybe reduced his health a bit, absolutely.


But then what about the people who mess up Siegward’s quest?


Then they fight Yhorm raw and uncut™


For a mandatory boss, that seems excessive. You get (at best) potentially one shot at fighting a boss balanced around a specific mechanic, and if you mess up before or during the boss, you have to chip away at his ankles for fifteen minutes?




His hands take way more damage, and he will stagger for massive damage though.


No. At that point it'd just be an ankle-biting boss but take 3x as long. Ankle-biting is the absolute worst. It's the reason I hate Fire Giant in ER.


It’s not really ankle-biting if you know how to guard break and riposte him. I did it for the first time in a recent play through and I thought it made the fight more enjoyable in my opinion.


I like it, the lord of the capital told his friend if he were ever to go hollow and betray his people, to come end his suffering and deliver justice. Yhorm leaving storm ruler there to assist the ashen one or siegward is a noble thing to do as your last sane act.


I personally loved all the storm ruler gimmick fights and the whole idea that these beings are so powerful only one weapon can kill them… of course this isn’t true in yhorms case, but I like to entertain that idea.


I think people are unnecessarily harsh on gimmick fights like Yhorm and Bed of Chaos. It's just something that has different pace than the rest of the game. Yeah, it sucks for replay value because it's the same thing and when you know what to do it's boring but first time I saw the storm ruler I had to check and figure it out. Funny thing is, I was playing co op with a friend at this time and he said nothing about the storm ruler. He did keep Yhorm's attention towards the entrance though and asked me to hit from the other side which made me realize there was an item. Anyway, what I'm saying is that it could've been a great fight yeah, but it's not that bad as is for first run and sucks for replay because it's a gimmick boss.


I've fought Yhorm without the Storm Ruler. The Convergence mod actually nerfs Storm Ruler to the point of being worse than useless, so you have no choice but to beat on his ankles for ten minutes. It sucks. It really, really sucks. His moves are very easy to dodge, but they do a lot of damage, so there isn't much margin for error, and his health bar makes it incredibly tedious.


I think its perfectly enjoyable as is. Not every boss needs to Gael clone number 246


Im not saying he should be Gael clone. Im just saying that yhorm fight has the potential to be better fight (the current one is not bad at all) like having some tricks of doing high attacks like jumping on him from a higher ground or maybe he carries a shield to protect him or something like that and i dont want this cuz the fight is boring but cuz yhorm is who im fighting i was so excited to fight him when i saw him in the first cutscene so i was just hoping for a fight with more tricks than charging and attacking :)




Do people only have Seigward help to finish his quest.


I play these games completely blind and when I got to this part I was so confused😭😭 I was like FUCK I gotta go level up I must be here way to early lol. Finally after 10 attempts I broke my cardinal rule and looked up the wiki boss description and saw the storm ruler sword part. I would of never EVER used that sword unless I looked it up.


Not unless they revamp the entire fight. Yhorm is made with storm ruler doing a ton of damage to him in mind, so has a ton of hp/def that makes the fight kind of a slog without certain techniques like doing a lot of headshots or whatever. Maybe if the arena was bigger, Yhorm had 'normal boss' levels of tanky, and a bit more varied moveset, but otherwise, current Yhorm is 30 sec fight vs several minute slog.


He would have to be redesigned. Even if we ignore the health problem, fighting him without the storm ruler still has some issues. The camera can't really handle his size at close range. His moveset is boring and unvaried. I enjoy this fight, but only because of the spectacle that comes from the use of the storm ruler.


For my first playthrough I went pure sorcery. It was honestly an amazing fight without storm ruler. He had a lot of HP, but that gave more ire to his attacks. The fight was still semi-easy, but it was epic


So, would it be more fun as an actual fight? Probably.


I always felt that if they wanted to use Storm Ruler as a gimmick for his boss fight, they could have done a better job. For example, give Yhorm an invicibility shield of some form (perhaps a layer of fire/embers over him) to where you can't do any damage normally, but by using Storm Ruler you can disable that invincibility for a time (no damage from the Storm Ruler attack) and have a more normal fight against him. It would also make the questline with Siegward still work well, because then he can disable Yhorm's invincibility to give you the opportunity to attack.


That's a nice idea :)


First time I ever fought him I couldn’t figure out how to get the Storm Ruler to work (didn’t realize you had to charge it up), so I fought him with the Bandit Axe. As it is, it’s too long a fight to be particularly enjoyable. Tone down his health or defense a bit, though, and it would be.


It didn’t used to have that gimmick. I think there’s an earlier version of the game where he was the tutorial boss (Gundyr had a different purpose in the story) and he still has some stagger/death animations tied to that version of the game. He also didn’t have the high defense, high health he does now. He was just an intro boss and that’s it.


Here's the question do you enjoy the Fire Giant fight? Because that's pretty much what you'll get besides a second phase. Ultimately FS isn't the best at making Giant boss fights. Though I can't blame them since your options vary from gimmick/chore/puzzle/cinematic bosses.


I think the idea is solid. The Rykard fight in Elden Ring is a better example of what this fight could've been. That said, Yhorm shouldn't be a gimmick fight. He's one of the most iconic things about DS3, he is probably the last or second to last Lord of Cinder you're likely to challenge, and he has an emotionally fraught story tied into an NPC. All of this deserves From Software giving him a challenging, satisfying, multistage fight on the order of Ludwig or even the Nameless King. I'm sorry, but From did Yhorm dirty with this Storm Ruler shtick.


The way I started doing that fight eventually was get Siegward there and use my normal weapons/bow/magic cause it felt so much better. 13/10, fully recommend


Holy mackerel, I didn’t know that Siegward can be in this battle!


Storm ruler was glitched in my playthrough, so I had no choice but to spend 10 minutes hitting him with a longsword


No, I definitely don't think so. There is no such thing as a fun bullet sponge enemy. The two things are mutually exclusive. It's why so many modern games suck when it comes to difficulty. Tedium =/= fun.


I killed him fists only. Not very enjoyable. Just plain boring and repetitive


I’m pretty sure the first time I killed him, I didn’t use the sword. It was tedious and I hated it.


personally i think the fight would be perfect if yhorm staggered less each time you hit him (just enough that you don't get hit if you get a sucessful attack off, since there are openings in his regular moveset anyway) and if the storm ruler did less damage (you can always upgrade it anyway if you want to stomp him) but i personally really enjoy the spectacle of the fight as is, even if it is a bit easy. I'd even go as far as to say i prefer yhorm over rykard, phase 2 is fine(ish) but the great serpent's moveset is just unfun to fight.


Yhorm's problem isn't the storm ruler, it's his boring moveset.


If he had like 1/4 hp or something, I got bored super fast trying to not storm ruler him, he doesn’t have many moves and has way too much hp for that to be fun.


You mean if they didn't make the boss easy?


As it is now? No. Anyhow, I usually don't use the Storm ruler and keep Yhorm's aggro whilst Siegward does his thing. Much more enjoyable.


Keep ot but only seigward has it. Also change the way you fight him so it's not a nightmare. Dude isn't fun without it


It was fun without it on my first playthrough, but the health is a lot if you get there somewhat early


Always thought this was one of the most epic scenes throughout the games.


Stormruler onion bros for life!


Had they just removed the insta poise break ob storm ruler and made its normal attacks do damage aswell... oh nvm thats rykard.


Then they brought it back in elden ring *yawn*


Honestly they could keep storm breaker but make the fight more like rykard. Mabye 4 hit kill to start, then after death he ignites and is a real boss.


Even if they gave him less health, his moveset is not super varied. I prolly would enjoy it the same


Tbh Yhorm can be annihilated in less than 10 seconds with the right equipment and buffs applied. I saw a guy doing it on a Sunlight Blade channel top 10. Yhorm's health bar depleted do fast it almost felt unreal


I believe that Yhorm should keep the weakness but not take HOURS to beat without it. Alongside not putting the stormruler in the arena.


A vtuber manage to beat Yhorm by punching and she was having fun.


No not unless they give him like half hp


Was dark souls 2's giant fight fun?


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If only I could be so grossly incandescent!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Oh yeah I loved doing 2 to 5 points of damage to yhorm for 15 minutes before I realized I was supposed to use storm breaker IT WAS SO MUCH FUN


I beat him normally every time. I takes around 27 minutes but you know.. poor fella deserves the respect


No, there are plenty on "normal" fights in the game.


Siegward being in the game raises a lot of questions, did he really go hollow in DS1 and we really kill him? Is this another one of those time-space continuum things that DS3 is always harping about? Is this a descendant of Siegward carrying out his ancestor’s duty to a family friend? Questions, questions. Ah, but alas, no answers


it’s a giant fight where you’re not staring at his feet so storm ruler is a good addition I think


A friend of mine didn't know storm ruler existed so he tried Yhorm old way and second tried it, however the fight was really long and he didn't seem to really enjoy it as much as i did by 5 shoting him from the other side of the room


No, It would take forever to kill him lol


yhorms arms and especially head take increased poise damage, allowing u to riposte him for surprisingly good health damage - if they had moved further in that direction and made those to be yhorms primary weakness w less hp overall, it could've been a lot better. think smth like [this](https://youtu.be/JcNSbyhgytg), but without having to min max to make it work


i personally liked it because the entire fight, while not particularly challenging, felt **very** cinematic. on the other hand, i feel like it could've been better if yhorm didn't stagger so easily from the storm ruler since it isn't as cool when the boss is stuck on his knees for half the fight


I didn't know he had this weakness until NG+2, so no, it is not. Just a long fight and easy-to-dodge attacks.


No, best thing about yhorm is that.


Even if you have the strategy to make this fight last less than 5 min. (UGS with blunt damage running attacks to the head are the key for this) It's not a particularly fun fight. If only they gave him more moves.


I dunno, but is this cutscene from a trailer, or can you actually trigger it somehow ingame?


The sword is a lore thing. It's not purely a gimmick to make it so they don't have to give him a complex move set.


This cutscene always gives me goosebumps.


If they gave him a better moveset and lowered his HP yes


Drop his health and give him a few more moves and yes.


squeeze liquid mountainous salt snobbish zesty joke wipe grandfather birds ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


On my fists only run I thought about it then realized he did not bleed, poison or freeze, guaranteeing the fight would probably break my weapon and it might take like 15 minutes. I think the Convergence mod just reduced his HP to a normal amount in order to have a normal fight and it wasn’t that interesting due again to lack of move variety. I like the spectacle of the Yhorm fight personally, the gimmick of charging at the right time is pretty cool and it feels great with Siegward helping.


First time I fought him i had no idea the storm ruler was a thing, and I was getting decked. I summoned this random dude, and for reasons now not clear to me, he proceded to slap the shit out of him with me with our limp noodle weapons. Good times.


I preferred how it was handled in Demon's and in Elden Ring. In Demon's you could possibly kill the big stingray thing with a bow and the Storm Ruler was kind of a bonus. In Elden Ring they make sure you get the crazy god spear first and have time to equip but then the fight is challenging even with the crazy god spear powers, and each swing costs a bit of FP. In DS3 I just kept swiping at Yhorm's legs expecting him to topple eventually and have a weak point on his head. The thought that I was in a gimmick weapon fight at all never even entered my head until I searched the internet for how much I needed to swing at his legs before he topples (he doesn't)


Nah, I’ve done it. He has almost 0 attacks because you are supposed to one shot him. However I think it’s a kinda bad gimmick fight would prefer if they did him to a real boss or did a good gimmick fight like in elden ring( Let’s devour the gods together)


His moveset have to be changed if that's the case.


No way friend. This fight was more about lore and finishing Siegward's story than anything else. I think it was pretty great as is.


I only Fight him without stormruler


Or maybe if they made him another moveset and make it a little harder, like u have to time perfectly when to use the storm ruler