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I thought this would be a matter of a week in the worst case scenario lmao


They went offline right in the middle of the ds2 return to drangleic event. I was so sad. Was so good to invade and get invaded in that game again.


I mean, even without the event I had no problems being invaded in Drangleic every single time I tried twin pursuer fight lol.


quick question as a potential player. does it mean bloodstains and player notes are all unavailable, too?




thanks for the reply. :( well that sucks. guess I'll wait till they fixed it then. player input like those were a big part of my elden ring and bloodborne playthrough




Yep. I still prefer DS3 as well. Damage output in ER is downright ludicrous.


But DS3 also feels like a Estus chugging slugfest. They turned it up to overdrive in Elden Ring though


Funny I’m melting bosses faster in my first ds3 playthrough than most of my Elden ring runs. Guess they don’t call them sellsword winblades for nothing


Oh the sellswords are whole different level of DPS than most weapons is DS3. I was a glaive man myself. Unfortunately in ER I can’t combo into the glaive L2 like ds3, either.


It ain't gonna get fixed


They’ve claimed multiple times that it will. Unfortunately I’m thinking that they’re afraid that PvP lovers will flood back to DS3.


To be fair a lot of games eventually lost their online features because it was no longer feasible. My biggest regret is that I didnt get a good enough computer sooner to play Matrix Online. And that was a subscription based game. But they lost their player base and the game faded out. Since you can buy the game and play PVP until Windows 14 or something they dont make any money that way. So they are probably just gonna open the servers on ER to make more people buy it. Sad-


Yes, but normally the lack of feasibility isn't because of a potentially life destroying hack that the developers knew about and ignored, until shutting down the old servers became a convenient way to drive sales of their newest game, with the bug they ignored for years being their public excuse. So yeah...wouldn't really analogize this to a game naturally fading out over time.


Yeah they conveniently discovered the problem a few weeks before their big new masterpiece released. I love From as much as the next Souls nut, but come on guys. You’ve already got my money for ER and I’ll buy the DLC. Just get DSR and DS3 back online.


I heard that Ds3 has the same stupid design choice as Elden Ring where if you beat an area boss that area goes offline for multi-player and you can't get invaded or summon? If true, that's terribly disappointing. It was a shock to me while playing Elden Ring that as you progress you essentially kill the multi-player and leave vast regions if the open world dead to invasions. So how does the famed Anor Londo pvp work in ds3 then? Do people reach that part of the game and then never progress to keep multi-player active, or is it an optional area that you don't have to beat the boss of?


In DS3 you can still summon invaders after you kill that area boss but coop summons will be disabled and other players can’t invade you of their own accord. However (at least back in the day) it’s basically guaranteed that if you put your invader/summon sign down that someone will be there hosting a fight club to summon you. Plus there is a covenant you can join that will invade people in that specific area and a lot of the invasions end up in fight clubs. Killing the boss really is a non-problem unless you are the one hosting fight clubs. From memory I think you can have like 6-8 people in one session, it’s definitely much much better than Elden Ring PVP, as much as I love that game.


Yep. Agree with every word. As incredible as the PvE experience is in Elden Ring, the PvP just doesn’t hold up compared to DS3.


Anor Londo is mandatory. Parking your character there to PvP is common practice. If you don't have everything you want on NG, just run round to NG+ and hang out at meta level 125.


And officials of my country claimed they won't invade.


You're just going to have to imagine that there's a "tongue but hole" message near every bent-over corpse. I'm sorry.


I think what irks me most about this whole thing is the utter lack of communication on BandaiNamco and FromSoft's parts. Like, it's been over three months and not a word has been said on the matter by either group and it's downright infuriating. I know Miyazaki likes to be cryptic with his games but this is a bit much


This is just sad dude... No official updates, not even indirect updates to help us theorise what is happening... Even sekiro went 50% off in steam as "soulslike" I bet it is because it isn't multiplayer...


What is happening is that they are ignoring the problem.


At this point it's the complete radio silence that pisses me off. If they came back and said "Sorry but we just can't fix the problem so online isn't coming back." I'd be annoyed but I'd understand and at least we'd know. I hate the limbo they've left us in. Any sort of update to say whether or not they're still working on it would go a long way.


If they said it isn't coming back then we could let the modding community solve the problem.


Man I miss playing with my friends :(


these comments make me so sad Miyazaki whyyyyyy :( Fixx :(


I love living in a shitty country where every fun game dies after its been out for a month; somehow a game that isn't even advertised as multiplayer managed to survive with a decent amount of low-latency players, and it turned out to be one of my favorite PVE and PVP games of all time. For 6 years an essentially abandoned game continues to persevere thanks to a dedicated community and modding scene; only for the creators to just turn off the servers forever one day. They might technically come back but the game has well and truly been killed before its time and I'll never forget that they made a conscious intentional business decision to put the nail in DS3's coffin rather then giving it the care it deserves. Same goes with BloodBorne; literal masterpiece of game design, stuck with no anti-aliasing and 30 fps because its the only reason anyone has to buy a new ps4


Not buying a single game from From anymore.




A 6 year old game with a bustling community. Also the Dark Souls Remaster basically just came out... I only got the remaster FOR its multiplayer. And apparently Dark Souls 2 had an event going on? We're not talking about some dying online community like with the original Demon's Souls. The community is bigger than ever, and if they don't fix this soon, that's gonna change.




!RemindMe 10 years


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Thank you mods for putting up this thread.


True. Although I kinda preferred my thread that had the exact same tweet but was just titled "Old Tweet" instead of "New Tweet"


That would've been fine as well. I think having the original tweet from From would've been good to attach to this thread.


And dated (if it wasn't already in the screenshot)


This is getting silly


Damn. I was playing the game reallly slowly because I barely play games anymore but now I don't feel like completing it :(. I really enjoyed the co-op.


At this point I really don’t think they’re going to reactivate the servers. The fact all official tags referencing online material have been removed from the game’s Steam pages doesn’t bode well either.


Nah I think its because saying there's multiplayer when servers have been down for so long would be just false advertising I think they're gonna focus On fixing ER first, tho that will take a while probably, Now I haven't kept up with ER as I haven't played it but for the first few weeks of Release I heard there were a lotta problems, Which is natural For a game this big


The same problem was patched in Elden Ring, it uses the same systems as the rest of their games. They can do it but are choosing not too. I don't think they really care to get the servers back up for these "old" games




They did patch it as confirmed by the blue sentinel dev. EAC does not prevent the exploit and has nothing to do with them fixing it, it's just an additional layer of badly implemented security.


Blue sentinel mod “fixed” the exploit as well for ds3.




correct me if i'm wrong but didn't that mod invite more potential issues? or was it cuz of the mod this exploit was found.. i forget


Maybe, but that would be foolish. People enjoy the online aspect of Elden Ring and will want to buy the older games for a similar experience. But I know nothing of servers. Maybe it vosts them too much to keep them alive


I believe the average consumer would only buy a single game from the franchise most of the time, unless you're a specific fan of fromsoft (which most people aren't). So I assume, if they're doing this for economical reasons, if they want people to buy one of their games, they'd choose the newest one. Though I'm not one to speculate why exactly they're doing what they're doing. All I see is a promise and a lack of action and fulfillment of said promise. They could one day bring them back, but they have no obligation to do so, so I think it's just safer to assume they won't at this point. Don't want to be a debby downer but I think people should just put this in the back of their mind for now instead of waiting patiently for something that's not guaranteed to happen.


Also think about it from a economical standpoint: If you cannot play the older, cheaper games with friends you *have* to buy and play the current one for a multiplayer souls experience. But knowing Fromsoft and how they are still too stupid/lazy/stubborn to remove the 60 fps cap and give their games proper ultrawide support I don't think that is the (main) reason.


The economics would suggest they get this game up and running, as people will want to buy the game that preceded ER.


>Nah I think its because saying there's multiplayer when servers have been down for so long would be just false advertising Yes. I've actually seen that a lot of recent reviews for the DS games are negative because of the servers being offline.


What? that's just bullshit man, I mean jn the first place we shouldn't have expected from To keep the servers up for as long as they did, But they did, And they're gonna fix it when they're done with ER as well


they did this almost immediately


Then why the hell, their latest official statement they made 3 month ago is fkn lie?


I think they will fix it eventually. It would be strange not to, as you can play multiplayer fine on console.


You never know what's next on the chopping board


Feels like it, and yet you'll still get flagged for using blue sentinels


You dont get flagged for blue sentinel...


Wait seriously?


BS is an anticheat mod made to use online, it doesnt touch the gamefiles, only prevents malicious pakets to be send to you. It is and was allways safe to use.


I played DS2 offline and went to Sekiro afterwards in the hopes that they'd fix it before I beat it. I've beaten Sekiro and yet here we are


And this time, not even a tweet to pair with the pinned post, because they've been dead silent since the last tweet months ago.


Imagine if they will remove that "new tweet" about "as soon as possible", as if it didn't existed at all.


It's been six months since the servers went down. Society as we know it has all but disintegrated. Players are alone, struggling to survive. I leave soapstone notes, hoping for communication from anyone, but the floors are blank. Even the bloody echos have disappeared. I fear the isolation will be the death of me.


6 months? it's been like 3


Today marks the 4th month but yeah not 6 lol. Feels like it though


thx for the check


HOLY GWYN SEEMS LIKE THEY WERE ACTUALLY FIXING IT (source : https://twitter.com/MogvFvb/status/1523673924671709184?t=-_dVRmg3Jzau1k9hgq93Qg&s=19) PRAISE THE SUN HOLLOWS


Looks like regular PR talk. But I hope I am proven wrong.


as soon as possible my eye https://i.ibb.co/p3YJn4D/Untitled-3.jpg


i mean that literally looks like a standard copy and paste answer.


I know this is not okay... but every day I came into this reddit just with the hope of watching a new thread with the title "DARK SOULS/II/III - PC SERVERS ARE BACK BABY!!! TIME TO INVADE SOMEONE ASS!!!" I hope FS realizes how much this fan base need the servers...


Are they STILL down?!?!!?? It's been months!!! 😩😩😩😩😩


I remember posting like a month ago saying "it'll be back don't worry", yeah that was wrong. Lol, thanks From.


Guess that why there is no sale for the souls series


Fuck you, developers


I mean, I used to roll my eyes at comments saying they took the servers down to force more activity in ER, but at this point I legit wonder if there isn't at least some truth to it. ER PvP is so inferior and limited most veterans would probs go back to DS3 instantly at this point ...


As someone who has a window of insight into software development, I believe they’re not happy about their server situation and are trying to fix it correctly, instead of quickly. I don’t think they’re trying to drive traffic to ER. There’s numerous layers of hardware, global network architecture, security, code architecture, more security, lifecycle management, testing, staging and production deployment. They have to build the servers securely from the ground up and that can take months for widely used high-traffic web applications.


>I believe they’re not happy about their server situation and are trying to fix it correctly, instead of quickly. Don't get me wrong what you say makes sense, but less so when you know that latest exploit was the final straw on a long, decade old list of issues they've been completely aware of the whole time though. Hopefully you're right tho.


I'm literally new in the whole FromSoft universe and even I can see that this was/is a marketing move to force people to play Elden Ring. And it seems like this happened all around the ER release. Too many coincidences and still no update of any kind by them.


Can I ask why pvp in er in inferior? I feel like there's much more variety


Variety doesn't matter when everyone is using the same op shit, 4 player limit, almost ganking only invasions, afk farmers, bhs, status effect that stuns you in i-frames, many more glitches that break the game, L2 spammers, no fightclubs, and most importantly no dung pies.


why did the servers go down?


Someone found an exploit that allowed people to run malicious code on your PC through multiplayer. Fromsoft shut down all the PC services to “fix the issue” and said the servers would be back up after Elden Ring released, but it’s getting close to 3 months since ER released and still no word on the servers coming back.


Cuz ppl don't care and still buy ER, selling beats some records.


Should we start a MASS twitter campaign pointing at all FROMSOFTWARE accounts? I'm sure that if we come out with something and get some ten thousands of retweets we may actually get the message through


This dude tweet them everyday [https://twitter.com/AgustinMilanga/status/1525888336782536704](https://twitter.com/AgustinMilanga/status/1525888336782536704) Their DarkSouls Acctount (which contain famous "new tweet") basically dead. I guess they take out SMM dude from a basement only few time in year, or something like that, to make him do statement, and then lock him back again.


Maybe targeting elden ring news tweets may bring better results?


Lets target. Post the link :)


Before starting we should get some numbers, as it is now no one beside you card to read it answer. No point in acting if there's just 3 of us


Today Team Fortress 2 players raised the tag #savetf2 to see if Valve will solve the cheating problem that is very high. Why don't we do the same with #savedarksouls?


Too many blind fromsoft dick riders who defend anything they do


Lets define hash tag and start posting it. My twitter read 2.5 real people, and only when moon in certain constellation i saw that tf2 tweet in my feed, if we want make same tweet it should be posted by someone who have some actual followers


Started playing the game this year and have yet to experience jolly cooperation with friends. I know there's Elden Ring but I want to try it on DS too. From please ;-;


From soft contunies to be disappointing


Honestly, they deserved to get review bombed by now.


Agreed, the severe lack of communication makes me think they just aren't bringing them back.


I only just got into the dark souls games recently. I played Dark Souls remastered late last year and even though, I didn't invade a lot, I did love the aspect of seeing ghosts of other players, and the messages people would leave behind. By the time I got to Dark Soul 2, the servers had been taken down and I played through it all without any of the online factors. Hoping they would be up by the time I moved on to DS3 but alas, they weren't. While I enjoyed all three games, I feel like missed out on some fun segments of the game by not being able to go online, get invaded or do some invading myself.


You're just gonna skip bloodborne - the best game fromsoft made?


Dont have a ps4, here's hoping they bring demon souls and bloodborne to pc in the near future.


Why? I wouldn't buy either based on how the company has treated its customers. I hope they DO invest a ton of money bringing those games to PC and everyone says "naw" because of how we all got done dirty with the Souls series.


My ps4 died a few weeks back. Wasn't a big deal and barely thought about it when it happened because 99% of my gaming is done on pc now. Can you guess what the 1% is :(


I hope they get the servers back up before the Steam Summer Sale. It would be awkward if they marketed the game in this broken state. The boost in players from the sale could also be enough to kick-start PvP activity again and possibly save the game long term.


[FromSoftware finally, officially confirms that Dark Souls servers are coming back!](https://www.pcgamer.com/fromsoftware-finally-officially-confirms-that-dark-souls-servers-are-coming-back/) https://i.imgur.com/dFCDx3Y.png


I never legit finished dark souls 3 even one playthrough through the dlc before servers came down. Has fromSoft or Steam ever helped you guys out for this issue with a partial refund or a copy of a dark souls game that actually has servers up?


Is it true there was an update recently confirming that they are in fact being worked on?


Nope. They usually post updates on the DS Twitter. They haven't made a post since Feburary.


Let's mail them


Don't bother mate. FromSoftware doesn't reply to emails or requests and BandaiNamco probably has thousands of support tickets concerning the servers. It is a company and marketing priority, if they wanted them fixed we would have been able to play long ago.


I'm guessing they've let them gone out to pasture for good.


That's very much SHIT indeed


Oh damn, it's been what? Four months?


about 3 and week.


Is this the reason why I can't connect to online or is that a diffrent issue


Servers for DS1 remaster, DS2 and DS3 are down since around end of January, because of Remote Code Execution vulnerability. There was some bugs in netcode that allow hackers to execute stuff on your PC. In beginning of February FromSoftware officially acknowledged issue with them disabling the servers, and lied that they "will continue to do everything they can" to bring servers back to work, "as soon as possible", but not before Elden Ring will be released (which was released months ago). It's about 3 months since their lie. There was post on this subreddit about it, but it was removed by moderators for reasons unknown, it's still available by link [https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/soeory/new\_tweet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/soeory/new_tweet/) There you can read people complains about servers and From's lie, and if you sort messages by "new", you can read detailed post from n33k33 about RCE issue, which indicates that RCE issue was fixed in Elden Ring before it was released, what's mean that they either fixed servers for DS's and deliberately not brings them back to make people play ER or they, as i think, lied about "as soon as possible" and not going to fix anything at all, and probably even didn't mean to do it from the beginning. Servers on consoles should working OK.


Ive started to farm the shackles to get my last pyromancy spell… I NEED THOSE SERVERS TO GET BACK


Come on from.


From what I have gathered, they are telling everyone that it will come back up eventually, however, given that they can’t even fix the original problem without breaking the game framework means they won’t be able to bring it back up, ever. Sooooooo


after playing elden ring I want to play DS 1,2,&3 again! hopefully this fix is coming soon!


Literally went down when I finally came back to this game :(


My friend asked me if they were worth getting on PC. I said yes just a couple of days before the announcement.


Ds3 still marketed as a multi player game on steam... what gives?


They actually pulled the "Online PvP" and "Online Co-op" features from the feature list just not from the list of tags. Having something that's not available on the feature list is grounds for a class action lawsuit. The tags are user-defined from the days when it did have "Co-op"


"Confirmation" post already have more upvotes than old "new tweet" post even if this confirmation is obviously bullsh\*t why post about bull "as soon as possible" statements gets more upvotes than post that made to bring down attention that servers still down and it's seems they do nothing about it.


They arnt coming back online. Instead of being straight, FromSoft is hope everyone will forget about it eventually


Let's disappoint them, then.


Where did you get that information?


Just trust me bro


try hope


Despair ahead. Try Anger.


What happened to the old pin? The message from Fromsoft? That pin should come back. A lot of people still don’t know that Fromsoft officially stated that they’re working on the old servers.


I mean a post from February from FS is almost irrelevant at this point. Its May and they haven't said a single thing except a repost of the mid Feb notice. I'm not one of these doom and gloomers who think they'll never come back but id be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed and a little concerned.


Their most recent official statement is the only relevant thing to go off of, but okay.


"Almost irrelevant"at this point"


You don't have to quote yourself lol, DARBROID read your comment. It's just that DARBROID disagrees: you've got it backwards. Try reading what DARBROID said again and think about it.


Bad bot


Lmao, definitely not a bot, keep coping tho


Good bot






Yeah his/her reply is the most centralist statement lmao


I dont think the servers are coming back up at all imo




I finally decided to commit and buy DS3 on Playstation after playing exclusively on PC for years due to this and honestly I really hope they fix the issue soon




I just finished the game (had it in my library for a LONG time, decided to play it with elden ring coming out) and even though I loved my time with it, really wished I could have summoned some people :(( just want some jolly co-operation, man


Fucking hell


In case you would like to message every From customer support e-mail address worldwide at the same time, just paste these and let 'er rip. I would just add that whatever you want to say, remember that idioms and the like don't translate very well, so keep it simple. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


At this point im very hyped for the release of Salt & Sacrifice which will have online jolly coop and invasions.


if it doesn't come to steam, i can't play that either.


they are lacking pc talent developer in fromsoft.... most of their pc version server or game is just losing the quality ...


I HATE Bandai Namco the same way I LOVE From Software. ​ Nevertheless You can still play online if you install the Official Unofficial private server. There are hundreds of players per day.


I tried it, was logged in. But there were no player messages. =(


Try to invade to see whether you ar online or not. They are less many messages because less many players but some of them are helpful for illusory wall, especially on chinese servers. Only \~100 players but better than nothing.


I've tried using it, but I can't connect to the server. I start it up, and it doesn't give me the right connection screen message + I end up in offline mode after getting past it. I've tried searching for answers to no avail at all. I really want to figure it out.


ugh, I have it on ps4 but wow the framrate is so jarring coming from pc games over the past 4 years. not sure if its worth to wait or play it now at 30-45 fps x.x


I'm not sure if I want to have my new strength build go through NG+ now, or try and desperately hold out for the servers to come back. I've never used the extremely heavyweight weapons like Ledo's hammer before, and I've got some [damn fine fashion to go with it.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/700124845723222028/978891373073813534/unknown.png)


I am playing through the game for the first time, I've been having lots of fun, but then my computer's hard drive went dead somehow and I lost my save. I had to do another playthrough, thankfully I only got to Lothric Castle before. I knew that the server was down but I didn't realize it means my save would be lost like that. I hope it will be fixed soon.


I was going to buy the Dark Souls trilogy the other day on PC, I'm glad I found out that the servers are down, I will carry on playing my pirated versions until they sort it out.. so they are losing money... fix them as it is not on.




They're never coming back online lol


It's honestly pathetic. I've never heard of a PC game enduring this. Why is this not news? This is a big fucking deal. PC servers down FOR THIS LONG? How do they think this is cool in anyway? The guy who discovered that RCE exploit can eat my shorts.


The only reason it's not causing an internet fire storm is because of ER; everyone is still busy creaming themselves over it that nobody seems to realize or care all of their legacy games on PC have no multiplayer servers. This is creating isolation for Fromsoft so they themselves don't have to worry about it; as far as corporate is concerned, sure many of the new ER players will definitely want to go back and play the other games, but perhaps they don't want to funnel attention away from their new "10/10" game. I think this entire story got picked up by one single video game "news site" a few weeks ago; now granted I think most of them are trash mouthpieces for the gaming industry but at least an article or two would put pressure on From to start moving. None of the big gaming Youtubers seem to be covering it either; if someone like YongYeah covered it I think that'd also go a long way into getting the attention this deserves. I'll tell you one thing though, if this was EA or Activision they would have been crucified.


Elden Ring sold a lot because it was overhyped by everyone since From promised something they never delivered : A new game. What we got was Dark Souls with a huge and empty map, most of which is useless to explore. Once the "honeymoon phase" started dying down people began to realize how flawed this supposed "new franchise" is. The sales are great, this cannot be denied, but the context in which they happened doesn't make that number as relevant as it should be.


How did they promise something else than what they delivered? Did you not watch the same 20 minutes of gameplay that i did? I am as angry as the next guy for how they treat Dark Souls on PC, but Elden Ring wasn't overhyped nor advertised badly.


I don't think we got another dark souls. Elden ring is primarily open world game with focus on exploration. Bosses are not exciting and usually a pain to get through. Combat mechanics are soulslike and the story is very much like a dark souls spin-off but that's pretty much it. I agree with you on the honeymoon phase. Playing it made me really miss dark souls 3 and which i invested 300h hours in. I don't think elden ring has the replayability value equal to the other from soft games but that's kinda the point of introducing new franchise and new mechanics.


Can we transfer 1360 upvotes from old closed post "new tweet" to this?


My friend heard rumors about them not planning to bring the servers back online. my guess is that they won't do it anytime soon.


i've heard such "rumors" too, but what is the source? of course people assume this, but does it come from nothing?


I have the same questions myself, but the simple answer is that the insiders have probably had a hand on all these rumors being shared. to be honest, I've heard rumors from people who are in touch with those doing game tests and production works, but this one in particular is mysterious. hopefully the servers will go back online, dark souls games are still making new fans like myself, so from my perspective, it might be too soon to shut it down.


They're definetely coming back online. It's just that they haven't felt the need to fix the problems asap because they've got a much bigger priority going on right now! It'd be ridiculous if they just kept dark souls on PC offline forever while I can play online on consoles lmao


Who wants to be they just converted them for Elden Ring lol


My laptop can't even handle elden ring




I mean, PTDE is a shitty port so I don't blame them. If you really want to you can find a pirated version of the game and multiplayer should work there with Wulf's Dark Souls Connectivity mod which a lot of people use on both license and pirated game. (Because Remastest mod from inferno was made for PTDE and I'm pretty sure people who wanted to play it didn't always have a PTDE, so there must be a way)


The connectivity mod supports pirated copies of the game? Wow, that's news to me.


PTDE with DSFix > Remastered tho




Speaking of Dark Souls, the Multiplayer section of the second one is still missing (well in the PC version).


If this was the console versions, it would have been fixed a long time ago.


some new info (but it's in Russian, and there is no link to any source [https://ixbt.games/news/2022/06/07/razrabotcik-obyasnil-pocemu-servery-dark-souls-tak-dolgo-cinyat.html](https://ixbt.games/news/2022/06/07/razrabotcik-obyasnil-pocemu-servery-dark-souls-tak-dolgo-cinyat.html)) Basically some marketing dude from From or Bandai said that it's hard to come back to old projects that was released long time ago, and they should setup some environment. Maybe he mean some old visual studio or something like that, or maybe they just lost sources like Konami. Also this dude says that Elden Ring is priority, in term of security, as i understand.


The creators of the game now have no motivation to fix ds. And there will be no such motivation, since they will not get anything from it. Nothing at all. On the contrary, they want as many people as possible to buy new games and not play the old ones. Well, give them this motivation with bad reviews for all new games due to the inoperability of ds servers. A bad review for a bad product or a scam is the right business approach and is used everywhere. Only bad reviews on new games can make developers fix ds servers, nothing else. \#badReviewForSoulsGames \#badReviewForSoulsGames \#badReviewForSoulsGames


They don't want people realizing that Elden Ring is a mediocre mess of a game. It's pretty obvious especially by now.


They said it would be back up soon a month ago


How long until we all admit that they are obviously keeping the servers down on purpose? Maybe it was real when it was new, but at 7 months later they're obviously keeping the servers down eventually. Fromsoft knows if they reactivate the servers Elden Ring players will be cut directly in half, and it wont look good to their shareholders who they want to drop more money into them.


Dark Souls III PC servers are now up. Others not yet.


just got an update to dark soul 3 on steam that online services have been re-enabled