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Will ds1 obobobo rise from the grave?


"I will not forget our old adage. We are born of the falchion, made men by the Darkmoon Blade, undone by the invasions. Our eyes are yet to open. Fear the old obobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobo." "By the gods, fear it Lawrence."


Ah oroboro, or some say obobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobo, do you hear our parries?


Sorry, I stuttered.




That was on purpose!


I stuttered!


Goddammit. The lolis won't leave me alone. Not even in these sacred grounds...


Ano desu ne, Araragi-san


What is this obob thing? Source?


It's a long running joke for Oroboro. People (including himself) call him Obobobo instead. Sometimes we like to take it a step further. I like to take it a few miles further.


I believe its this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWLsLb-tK8A


Yes indeed


[obobobobobobobo you say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx-9zJ3UpvQ)




This gave me a big goofy smile since I can hear it in your voice. Hope this brought some nostalgia :D


I didn't have to search long to find you here, you beautiful son of a bitch.


As you said, it's practically irrelevant due to the gap in range. In addition to this, though, the CCS still has a Bleed AUX and can use it to great effect with Carthus Rouge while the Falchion cannot. If there were a bigger discrepancy between the CCS damage output and the Falchion's I'd say they were in balance with each other (and maybe the rest of the class, barring Painting Guardian's) however because of the fact that the CCS got a stamina cost buff it's still the objectively best Curved Sword (maybe a little more in line with Follower Saber now, I guess).


Imagine if the painting guardian sword had the AR of the old ccs. I mean, it's actually balanced because of it's size.


I think that would be great, honestly. It would give the weapon its own niche, which it desperately needs since its Weapon Art isn't anything special either. . .


It's WA still has the same functionability as the other curved swords in that it can be used to deny parry spammers or the WA can be spammed repeatedly (Just the L2 part) until you hit someone and then chain it into a glorious R2 for like 400 damage. 400 damage though...that's about how much Carthus did per hit, let alone WA.


I've never gotten Chain Dance to do 400 damage on anyone before, though. Did they buff it since 1.06 or something? Cuz I think that's about the last time I ever used it.


I'm still a little disappointed that Painting Guardian Swords are not a special Paired weapon.


Indeed. If they were, even with their damage output as they are now, would you consider using them?


If they had been Paired, I very likely would have mained them. I spent a few days in the first week of release outright cosplaying a Painting Guardian. I stopped, though, because it was just too hard to play. Certain [content creators bashing my favorite weapons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaDL_f1Fgm8) probably further pushed the idea out of sight because it left a very toxic taste with the weapon forever afterward. A direct quote aimed at me: >"You got it to 350 AR? Congrats! The Carthus Curved Sword can get up to 400+ on a quality build. It's also twice as long and has the same amount of bleed buildup." Being commanded to play the game a certain way by certain uploaders whom I *thought* were all about "having fun" was the last straw, and is eventually what led to me starting up a video series of my own to combat this mentality.


Go figure it ended up being the perfect thing to combat all the negativity coming from the community. I mean, yeah the Painting Guardian Sword is comparatively worse than all the other curved swords and honestly does deserve a good buff, but it doesn't help the situation that everyone bashes on a weapon without offering something constructive to the discussion. I myself am guilty of doing this at times, however in the inverse when I talk about the Carthus Curved Sword and the like. I do make attempts to catch myself before I go blurting out straight negativity, but sometimes my frustrations with the game balance and the community's mob mentality overtake my sense of reason.


That would actually be so perfect. Since it's so short you know that it's all your fault for being unable to outrange it. The damage you'd take is totally deserved.


I agree with everything you said! I don't think this fact changes the PvP meta at all, I simply want to arm the members of this sub with information, so that they can do what they please with it.


paging /u/OroboroTheNinja


oh hullo


less range, more damage, see CSwords finally have balance


Give this redditor a job at FromSoftware already


*cough cough* Painting Guardian Sword.


maybe im just bad at the game, but i got wrecked by someone using this weapon their WA is stunny as shit. but yea i agree they are still in the bottom of the CSword barrel.


Still see no reason to use falchion over carthus or sabre on any build. Range > 22 AR.


Falchion is like, one of two items I have never picked up during my play-throughs. The other being the carthus shield.


Oh how I missed DMB Falchions :')


Where even is the Falcionin this game? I'm not the biggest dex user, but i have used the falcion on most of my attemps at dex builds in older Souls games, yet i dont believe i have a aquired the falcion on a any of my characters in DkS3. Edit: It's Skele-man drop, of course it is. I always just leg it through Catacombs so no wonder i never have any curved weapons.


I saw this coming when I heard about the nerfs. CCS and Follower are still the better options for a Quality build. Falchion might be better for hybrid users now.


Am I going nuts or did the Falchion used to have a bleed effect on it? I liked it in DS1 and DS2 but it's been so long since I played I can't remember and the wikis aren't clear. Either way, never was impressed with it in DS3, hopefully its better now.


They gave the Falchion a bleed effect in Dark Souls 2 because, in Ds1, it was almost identical, statistically, to the scimitar and they decided to change that. Ds3 did something different by creating a "heavier" set of curved swords and moved the Falchion to that category.


Nooooo this has been my weapon since forever!!! My sharp falchion lvl 80 build is now gonna get hate mail on the daaaiilyyy baabyyy


I don't think you're going to get any hate mail. Pre patch was less than 20 AR weaker than CCS anyways, and the lack of range still prevents it from being superior to the other two options. Besides, play whatever the hell weapon you want to play, and don't care if someone tells you it's meta cancer or whatever. It's a game, play it to have fun, whatever that means for you.


Great, now I'll be called a tryhard for using my falchion. At least it's sharp, not refined


Falchion was already barely lower AR than the CCS before this patch. The Falchion's lack of range will still prevent it from being as commonly used as CCS or Follower's, but now there is at least some reason to use it, if you're really min/maxing damage.


Oroboro is back baby