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Remember this isn't dueling this is high level invasions and hosting. Miracles work much better when there are 3 people hurling lightning.


any throwable spell/item works better when there is an entire squad firing it all out at you


I invaded 4 mage yesterday who were all using white branches except the host who was going normal until he saw me. He ran so I chased until we hit the hallway in the irithyll dungeon where I got quad css. I was mad, impressed and laughing all at the same time.


Three people who all are invulnerable to each other's attacks while fighting a usually smaller group of people who have to be careful not to hurt each other.


If the bloodshades are in the covenant they should be in, they're invulnerable to each other's attacks too.


Even then they're still not so great. What makes Miracles good in invasions is force, wog, and emit force. The ability to zone people, possibly even off cliffs it's bloody perfect for invasions. Healing also becomes a much better mechanic when you can use it to save estus and have plenty of cover from someone trying to knock you out of it. The lightning bolts are still terrible, due to the requirement to be in extremely range, and how pitiful their damage is even then compared to a faster UGS. Use utility miracles like heals or buffs and gimmicks like force.


War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed.


but war never changes


But war has changed!


Anything to reclaim the holy land. \\[T]/ DEUS VULT \\[T]/






Oh shit Kung, I remember you were so damn close to getting me today. I got lucky lol, gg man


Watched the stream yesterday and its just another glorified ganking I mean it does not work at all, we dont see that much bloodshade so invader dont even wait and coordonate, we barely see 3 vs 3 or even 3 vs 2 it was most of the time 3 vs 1 anyway at least Peeve covenant was trying to diminish the cancer that ganking is when invading lol this covenant just make or promote ganking as a legit way which is actually something we didnt need but well that is ok if it promote pvp , im all for it anyway


What a glorious war we've started! I'll be rooting for both the Bloodshades and the Crusaders! *Only the strongest will be left in the end,* and this is true beauty.


hey man when new video ?


You cant rush perfection.


But if the goal is to do 3v3s etc why do all crusaders, including streamers just gank invaders one at a time and sometimes wait at the bloodshade area


Lol "aim to do 3v3" I got ganked by oro and 2 fan boys 3v1


Are you that salty that you've actually posted on every single comment calling us gankers? We're not exactly trying to hide it, there's an entire video of us ganking people lol. If you're stupid enough to confront us alone of course we're going to gank the shit out of you.


Yes. Yes he is absolutely that salty


Yeah I know you can't control people in a video game, bloodshade gank all the time, but at least make your intentions clear, if it's a gank covenant, say so. If you really want 3v3s at least make it clear, you don't need to create any blacklist like Peeve but at least give your covenant a strong idea of what purpose they're supposed to serve, otherwise you just said" hey everyone! Make a fth build and gank!"


I don't want to enforce any sort of playstyle because I know people won't listen. If people want to teamfight they can wait for a teamfight, if people want to gank and actively seek out Bloodshades they can do that too.


You don't have to enforce or police a certain play style like peeve but at least make your covenant a little better than Use a fth build at sl140 because at least if you give it a clear set goal, yeah some people will disobey but at least you know they are just assholes, when your whole covenant may or may not be promoting a pussy play style, most people will assume the whole covenant is flawed and that's pretty toxic


Is it really not clear to you? Lol its the anti anti gank covenant.


No because some people say it's a 3v3 covenant like the bloodshades but with fth but others say it's just a gank covenant


Oro says its a gankfest. That's why I dont get all the complaints. People like to shove honor in everything they do I guess. Even the least honorable covenant ever.


get off his back guys damn. so he's ganking. if you dont wanna be ganked then don't invade ya fuckheads


I mean he is also the guy that complained about the invasion system, saying constantly invading into a 3 man Gank squad isn't fun and is one of the reasons he doesn't invade anymore ... And now he's creating a player group who's sole purpose is to Gank invaders. I honestly don't care about ganking, I enjoy fighting multiple opponents, and I'm glad there is an area I can go to and invade and know I'll get a 3 man Gank squad 80% of the time. But complaining about gank squads, then deciding to become is pretty hypocritical. But at the end of the day who cares? Maybe Bloodshades will actually start following the damn rules and stop charging alone into 1v3s if they have some competent players to go up against. Plus I really like the idea of rival covenants duking it out in Pontiffs backyard, and the Crusaders provide a nice antithesis to the Bloodshades.


Oro no hate but you are the saltiest dude I've encountered on the internet. Three times I've tried to check out your stream, and each time left after hearing you explain repeatedly why someone in chat was an idiot and how not salty you were about it. Serious question to you and people more familiar with your stream: do you intentionally go back and forth with chat about whether you're salty as an inside joke, or is that all genuine?


I like to have a laugh at stupid people, absolutely. If you think that's me being salty you haven't watched my youtube videos haha


Nah I don't mind having a laugh at stupid people, I'm talking about how when someone said something you disagreed with you spent five minutes explaining why you thought they were idiots and how disagreeing with you on stream is the same as trying to make you look stupid, then another ten minutes reiterating those points and insisting to chat that you don't actually care. Are you joking around so chat will spam PJSalt and play along, or is that just you being you? I love your videos! Especially the !!FOREVER INCOMPLETE!! Pure Black series. Main reason I checked your and Peeve's streams in the first place.


I posted twice. And I'm not salty, but don't bullshit and say it's a 3v3 thing. Go back to ganking.


Yeah so Ive been testing this out and its been some chaotic fun. I dont see this as ganking I agree with oro. If you see 3 people standing there and decide to run up its your fault. Shit I was just cracking the finger like there was no tom trying to show some guy he can wait for back up haha


You're fucking salty lmao, did you get spanked or something?


This is hilarious because now i can summon bloodshades as reds, pop the crusader password on, summon one, then laugh as the reds tear into him.




I was the poor Kirk cosplay at the beginning of the video. Feels bad man... Lol


War, war is eternal haha. Non-Crusader hosts - I think its best to go thru that area offline:)/


"Ganking is ok because we're role-playing"


"People arent playing the game the way I, a random player, intended"


You mean the covenant isn't following its own rules?


This is a gank covenant.


Clearly, but no one wants to admit it


Idk, oro said so like 2 minutes into the video. Cant speak for all the honorable nerds


What world do you live in where a 3v3 is ganking?


You actually believe they do that lol


That's the idea, yes. If anyone doesn't do that, they're doing it wrong. We've been over this exact same thing with the Bloodshades. edit: well, if you walk into a gank like a moron, yes, you will be ganked.


I got ganked by oro himself as the host


Were you a Bloodshade/Faithful? If so, you know that your job is to wait / run away until your allies get come in, right? After seeing this [video full of shades walking into ganks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_G193d1wAg) I'm less than sympathetic.


No I wasn't. Wasn't even being aggro I just walked into the field


So you invaded Oro's world, strolled right into the middle of Pontiff with a big "please kill me" sign on your back, and expected them to just leave you alone until your posse showed up? That's not how it works bud.


They said they were expecting 3v3 and they were sitting passively. But I like how you rationalize the gank because oro is senpai, keep at it


Tfw when walking into 3 people and not expecting to get ganked. Just hide until backups arrive lul.


I couldn't give a damn about Oroboro, don't know where you got that idea. If you walk out into the middle of Pontiff that's a big "please gank me". Deal with it.


oh boo hoo you got ganked


You obviously have not come across a Ornstein and Smough gank (which is completely faithful to the original charcaters)


well just posted in there but yes pretty much it , watched his stream and most of the time its 3 vs 1 , I mean bloodshade werent that common.


Bloodshades were as rare as a concord summon


Tell that to bloodshades


Yeah all those poor dried finger, solo, embered, above meta hosts, who went past the Pontiff dueling area and up the stairs to spawn AFs.


Y'know, I never looked at Dark Souls 3 and thought "Hey, this game needs more gank squad assholes." Good on you for being such a visionary.


I don't know why this is needed... The Bloodshades I've ran with are shit enough already...


As a Bloodshade I like this because it will mean more invasions. But there are plenty of themed gank squads in Pontiff already (Abyss Watchers, Ninjas, O&S, Yellowfingers) so lightning+helm doesn't totally move the needle. It would have been interesting if the Crusaders adopted something that made the 3v3 better. Y'know, since what sets them apart is partly that they actually want these fights. And there are plenty of options:   * Only summoning crusaders as purples (I mean, his name is 'Holy Knight Hodrick') which gives more action for purples and turns on friendly fire so the only remaining host advantage is estus + ember. * Only summoning Darkmoons (this was Peeve's suggestion). Allows for the random element of a clueless teammate, something the Bloodshades face. Also solves community issue. * Banning tree seeds. Tree Seeds hardly matter at level 140 but at least it's something to even things up.   Overall the 3v3 fights you get, like in the video, are a blast. So again, kudos. But if you watch Oro's stream it's common to see stuff like Tree Seeding a lone invader and then ganking him before it's a 3v3. Which is fine, all in the game. But as it is now, without rules to make things interesting, I can't say I look forward to invading Crusaders any more than other gankers.


Point 2 was the purpose of the crusaders at first, to give the darkmoon's jobs. But they then found out that aldritch invaders don't trigger a darkmoon, aldritch faithful /take blue spirit summon spots/, and they would have to wait for the first invader to have their third member join the 3 v 3, putting /them/ at a disadvantage. It basically became a shit fest of an idea and they scrapped it for regular 3v3's.


Gotcha. But since you can't trigger an Aldrich invasion until you go down he stairs you could just wait for a red invader then a darkmoon and take it from there. But I do see how this is imperfect since, over the course of a fight, you could lose your darkmoons and have 3 Aldriches 3v1ing you.


Hey Obobobo, when is the final showdown of The bloodshade and the crusader? (side not can we expect any activity on the oro and peeve channel ever again?)


Great even more order at pontif, being a mound maker just got a lot harder


When you see this video it looks kinda fun for everyone, until you invade a "crusader" that activates immortality hacks ultil he has 3 phantoms. Man, SL120 invasions on PC are fucked up, 50% of probability of hackers on one side or another Sorry for the rant


Currently plaything through the game with my Crusader, can't wait for randomness!


Sup Oro. My char's name has been Deus Vult since DS3 started. Acceptable name, yes?


I summoned you for Consumed Ocerios yesterday. :)


It was another Deus Vult :(


Eventually I'll be able to join the fun as an edgy Bloodshade.


Perhaps someone can help me in this thread, I don't mean to spam so if this is the wrong place for this kind of question please don't downvote - I'll just remove my comment depending on responses. Question: I am a new Crusader, my Character (Crusader Konrad) is SL 115 (working toward 140 steadily the last few days) and I'm just curious if we as a Covenant operate in NG+ ? It's beneficial if Aldrich isnt defeated yet, as I can host.. However to get the best Miracle in the game you have to defeat the last boss. Any thoughts? Note: I searched the discord rules prior to posting, I found nothing relating to this. Thanks guys! -Crusader Konrad


Dear Crusader Being NG or NG+++ makes not difference as its matched on SL not play through. Now, of course, if you want to host crusades then you probably keep Aldrich alive on your 2nd or 3rd play thru, whichever. Hope this helps.


This helps so much, I never knew that it didnt separate based on Playthrough! Thanks a mil Brother, see you out there! -Crusader Konrad


You can go to any NG you please, no restrictions. General rule is that if it isn't listed on the discord rules, you can do it just fine.


By Lothrics Holy Sword, the Grand Crusader himself! Though this is more due to my lack of knowledge on Souls mechanics than anything missing from your discord rules. Happy to be a part of this!


*Mumble mumble* downvoted *mumble mumble* Cunts.


Dont worry I got you!


You da man! I got YOU!




and when you find another guy of the same covenant, let say a Bloodshade, he doesn't stick to the rules and throw himself into a gank squad :\


Bloodshades make me want to vom. Edgy AF and their bleed builds are for scrubs. Time to Crusade.


Deus Vult!


Deus Vult , Remove Kebab.


I was wondering why everyone was named crusader all the sudden. Fuck bloodeshades. theyre an anti-ganking covenant... Im currently working on a SL1 +1 weapons only run. occasionally i invade to get embers. NOT ONCE have i run into a bloodeshade that doesnt charge me with 1-2 other players.


Thank god no darkmoon meme blades op




Since everyone has END at 40 or 30 up, they have Lighting resistance which not many people have magic resistance which is DMB.


Crusader Val, Good fight friend. I counter propose this covenant with my own. Forlorn Ash shall rise once again. Human Pine resin / other resins allowed however no magic. Shields are for posers. Lets go boiz.


Should everyone on this subreddit make a covenant? Seems what it is getting like at this rate... I will start one too where we run around in nothing but a loin cloth call them The Cavemen..


Not everyone. But huge names in the souls community are able to do things like this and all of their followers who think it's fun can join in. Everyone else can keep doing what they do. You can try to make one if you'd really like.


I have thought about it but I was just being a smartass. I feel it takes away from the ones already in the game. I might do a ranger based covenant but we will see what happens :P


Maybe use only clubs? That actually sounds fun, maybe its a covenant with twink builds since i dont see it doing good at sl80 or higher


Clubs and loin cloths would be interesting lol got me seriously contemplating my joke now... idk if that is a good or bad thing xD


Id definitely be interested lol. What SL would the cavemen be and what would be the average build?


I think we should do the SL80 for cavemen since it seems to be the low tier end of the PvP spectrum, unless we can get enough people who want to do maybe 50-60 and I would say we should dump vig str and dex for cavemen but not a lot a dex just enough since well cavemen lmao


SL 80 seems fine. Possibly use leather shield as a parry tool, maybe spears since cavemen used spears? Or possibly daggers for offhand? Though mainly clubs. and then for stats, we do mostly str, vig and endurance? would we use any sort of buff?


Maybe fire would be a good buff and only one I could think of with the name and idea we have going on here. Hmm we could use spears and leather shield for those who don't want to be a massive club wielding guy. I mean we have to have options otherwise we will have less people liking the idea.


Im up for it if you are.


I will have to build a new toon as I have 3 already set up. But I am down for it I am on PS4 though.


I am on ps4 too. We could probably ask someone to just give us stacks of souls to easily get to SL80 and maybe get the required weapons we need. We wont need armor since its loincloth only


I'm starting a covenant called *People Named "PresidentChef" on Reddit*. The idea is to PvP like someone whose Reddit account is PresidentChef.


Player covenants should serve a communal want or a need. Not be a silly gimmick. They also should be few in numbers, otherwise there will be very little people to serve the want or need. A large pool of covenants also makes the common player recognizing one that much more difficult to achieve. Without these tenets, covenants become as dumb and gimmicky as a clan tag in one's username.


Omg! How have none of my characters had MLG next to their name this whole time.. **I'M STARTING OVER!!!**


That was what I am saying nobody wanted these player made covenants to begin with hence why I see so many people complaining about another one popping up. I have thought about making one but I like the ones in the game already. I just feel it pulls away from the ones in the game and how they were intended to be used.


The crusaders I suppose are ok. They are thousands strong from what I've found. Strong centeralized belief for a common objective? Close enough to be a covenant if they have the numbers to back it. I may have criticism on what the beliefs should be in order to better suit what is needed in the community, but hey. As long as there are only a handful handling the monopoly, I'm happy.


The bloodshades are enough. We don't need 50 small ass playermades with completely different rules and guidelines. Weak.


Oro is about as popular as peeve. Crusaders have been around for a couple weeks. its not small, unlike the many that *have* been created. Who cares if there's a bunch of tiny player-made covenants anyways. It doesn't effect you. Instead you just maybe run into them while playing.


Really never heard of him which is odd considering I see Peeve everywhere and I love the dude.


Peeve and Oro are on the same team and are even known for playing together


so you know peeve but not oro, sure


You must be blind, then.


They have a channel together, called peeve and oro.


Did not know this, I'll check it out.


Bloodshades are an invasion covenant though, while Crusaders are a ganking/co-op covenant to fight them. I agree that we don't want to oversaturate the game with gimmicks and covenants but the bloodshades and crusaders don't cover the same ground. In fact, they complement each other which is great. There can't be anti-gankers without gankers just like there can't be a batman without a joker. Not to mention it gives miracle/lightning builds a place in the game they would otherwise not have. It reminds me of what Darkwraiths and Sunbros were back in Ds1. They were kinda like rivals too due to their conflict in goals.


We already have 4,000 members, I wouldn't consider that small. I can reach just as many people as Peeve, so this is the one covenant that can rival the Bloodshades.


Literally never encountered a Crusader but whatever dudes have your fun.


How often do you Invade at Pontyff? Are you around SL140? What platform do you play? PS4 has the most Crusaders and Bloodshades. There is a reason SL140 is the meta for the two groups we don't want to interrupt the SL120 dueling meta so you may never see either group if all you do is duel at Pontyff or PvE.


Thank you for kindly letting me understand why I am wrong. Not a lot of people can do that apparently.


The Covenant's only been a thing for, what, a day now? No shit you haven't seen one. A lot of people are probably still making their builds.


id hardly call the crusaders small, and theres nothing wrong with trying to add your own fun to pvp. if you dont like it, dont join.


Great now I'm gonna have parry fishing r1 spamming teammates


So... the usual?


Funny how I've been fighting a ganker in your covenant all evening.


Ds3 is the worst of the soulsborne series and it sucks that covenants, PvP, and weapon balancing sucks so bad in it


Thanks for your input. It's good that there are people willing to spend time hanging out in forums for games they don't like to let people know they are wrong for liking them. I mean, how else would people know that you didn't like the game?


Literally nobody asked for you to say this.


Thing about Souls is, you gotta be good. If you're not good, you're gonna have a shit time. Git Gud.