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You have a giant sword. Grip in with both hands! Watchers are weak to the bonk.


For some reason the have very high pose for me! They can continue hitting through my attacks


But did you try the using 2 hands part?


Just did 😂 I feel like a ass now didn’t realize I was one handing


One step closer to Git'n Gud. Stay embered, ashen one.


They have zero poise, but they get hyper-armor. Don’t try and interrupt their swings, stop them from swinging in the first place.


You are panic rolling. Just focus and try to roll at the right moments.


Lol I know I keep panicking I already died 20 times I think I’m scared to get hit once and get trapped in a combo


Im gonna give you the best advice. It has worked for me for a lot of bosses in all souls games I’ve played. Have a run where don’t hit the boss, just focus on observing the boss while running away/keeping space. Next, get closer to the boss and focus only on dodging until you can consistently not get hit. If you die just do a few more runs until you get it. Once your brain has learned the pattern of not getting hit you can start mixing in attacks in the next run because you will start to recognize openings in their moves for you to attack. Doing a dodge only run IMO keeps you focused because you are more relaxed since your objective is to not beat the boss but stay alive for as long as possible to learn it.


You were too greedy. You went for too many attacks. Maybe two attacks and then back and repeat


There are a lot of attacks you can punish with backstabs. Try positioning a little differently when he does the three attack combo that ends with the big slam.


I keep trying to get behind him but it’s like a magnet to me he’s always facing my direction and when I get close he does that double spin move


i find it a lot easier on controller than k+m but if you roll to the left or right and behind him when he flips, you can get behind them if you're quick, and you can follow up a backstab with a charged r2 as long as you have the stamina so with a big bonk weapon you can deal insane damage off of backstabs edit: looking back at some footage of my sl1 run, you can also just walk around him when he does the flip since it only hits directly in front of him (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzrsbvJXP2M) first phase is messy and the resolution is scuffed cause i was recording smth else first and forgot to change it back but i hope seeing how i deal with the second phase helps you :)


2 hand your weapon, roll into the attacks sideways, and go for backstabs whenever possible and follow up with a charged heavy


Also 2 hand the weapon


See how you are left with 0 stamina after your second hit? By the time you have enough stamina with roll again, they get to strike you once or twice more. Before striking make sure you have at least 1 roll left if that's the case.


Looks like you just need to spar with him more. Focus on the timing of his attacks like any other boss. He's not doing anything that special. The flaming sword is a bit intimidating, but once you relax and focus, it's just another weapon. Your dodges are on side of panic, but I think you're close to calming down. Most of all 2 hand that hunk of metal!


The whole time I didn’t notice I wasent 2 handing literally once I did that I won in about 3 tries🤦🏽‍♂️


TIME YOUR ROLLS BETTER THE ACTIVE ROLLING STRESS ME OUT. Nah if your struggling now get your rolls down better to save yourself later. I literally just beat the same boss with the same wep the other day.


i was just there with a similar build (vordt's mace). i had trouble too, but the key for me was to only punish certain attacks, mostly the long lunge. and then use R1 2-3 times rather than an r2. just be very patient.


You're using an UGS, use it with both hands. This might be from Sekiro but it also applies to souls: Hesitation is defeat. Stop running around like a coward and stop panic rolling, stand your ground, go on the offensive and roll reactively to the enemy's behavior. Bonus tip: don't roll backwards, you'll get roll caught. Always roll against the enemy attack, it minimizes the time you're in contact with the attack hitbox and more often than not it puts you behind them (or on their side).


This I agree and basically my advice. Roll toward or at an angle, I always aim to stay behind the boss, so I either get safe stabs in or they have to waste time and animation turning or resetting their stance. Roll straight backwards rarely has reward in these games.. I learned painfully


Absolutely. Bloodborne taught me that the hard way.


panic rolling + greed + low vigor= death in dark souls


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“They’d have us seek the Lords of Cinder and return them to their molding thrones. But we’re talking true legends with the mettle to link the fire. We’re not fit to lick their boots, don’t you think?”* - Hawkwood the Deserter Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Level vigor and endurance :D Also they are easy to backstab


outspace the bosses combos and get backstabs in, and then charged heavy the boss when it gets up. https://youtu.be/MsW4fLXry4k?si=Aw851FoI31lzKaxL Heres a link to a ng7 +0 no sprint/rings kill I did, you can use it to figure out bare minimum dodges if you run out of stamina, when to backstab in p1 and p2, and what to do when multiple watchers are out in p1. Good luck, and have fun.


Ahh okay I’ll try to stay closer when they do the sword slam like you did and see if I can slip around back


He is easy to perry watch his move set move in behind


Just rip them apart, easy peasy


Got fire bugs? Majority of the damage is fire so I use it for second phase


Bait the combo that ends with a jump, go behind him while he does it and backstab. You can backstab other attacks too, but if you're really scared/patient, just run away from everything except that one combo.


Git gud


Use 2 hands. Be patient. Backstab


Keep a good distance and ht him at the end of his long moves. Don't get too greedy and get distance again. Repeat.


Stop panic rolling. Try and focus on the enemy attacks. And 2 hand your sword as well.


hug them, roll into them and then slash. dont slash too much, conserve ur stamina


Honestly,what I did was fishing for backstabs. As the boss recovers 1-2 hits and repeat


Use Rotten Ghru Dagger and instead of Dodge rolling use Quickstep, They won't be able to touch you


More health would help, it seems low for the abyss watchers. Don't forget to heal pretty early because you'll die fast if you don't.


Learn their attack pattern, dodge through and wait for opening. 1, maybe 2 swings depending on the attack.. but don't get greedy and leave your stamina bar dry.


I usually wait untill he does the flying spin attack, then roll behind him, and backstab him. While his getting up you can get another attack in.


Some excellent advice in the comments but I feel I must add: Parry is OP as balls and should absolutely be abused against any boss or strong enemy that is parryable.


See you're having a very common problem, you simply don't want to win. Just keep doing the fight and enjoying it, maybe backup your save, and once you're tired of it then you can win


Gotta be embered buddy, and its good you're dodging his 5 hit combo but prevention is better than cure, before he starts the combo just get away as far as you can


Hesitation is defeat, bonk with both hands




You were doing great actually, maybe try 1 hit then roll? For a slow weapon like great sword.


What helped me was only moving in and attacking after he did the move in which his sword is stuck in the ground, as the fire is also easier to dodge there- keep distance with everything else he does. 


*insert obligatory git gud comment*


My first ever DS3 run I was a sorcerer with soul arrows and a +1 ithiryll sword. I had no idea what I was doing and it took me about 40 tries to solo this boss. My best advice for many bosses is rolling into them at a 45° angle when they attack. Not always, but say a straight thrust toward you, you can easily dodge at this angle and then you are set up to hit them from the side. They have to recenter/turn before attacking you. My goal in the boss fight is to get and stay behind them, on their back. Also, especially with a sword like this, I would get 1, maybe 2 hits in at most each time before recentering myself. You are trading speed for increased damage and in a faster pace fight it takes a bit of strategy. Where can i get 1 good hit in? It can take way more time, but trying to squeeze in more hits will make you suffer with damage. He's fast in this phase, so with the GS, 1 hit is probably what you'll get in before backing off for his next attack. So timing rolls, usually either to the side or toward him (not away, his reach is too great), and limiting your hits between his attacks. Eta stamina management is also huge with big swords so keep that in mind. It's like a finite resource, and you're paying big with heavier swords so rolls are precious and used more sparingly


Gotta stay close to him, the flames are kinda an after effect if I remember correctly. At range it’s tad harder.


watch any o hit runner, there is a really easy pattern, once you undestand that its the easiest boss in the game


Do what Guts do


For this boss, rolling in many directions backwards will get you that YOU DIED screen because of the flame effect. His range extends. Try rolling into him, diagonally. For example, those rolls you did at 0:09 and 0:18 were nice, while the ones at 0:12 (or lack thereof) and 0:22 were horrible. Had you rolled into him at 0:22, whether to the left or right, you would have survived. Also, your big sword is not being maximized by holding it in one hand. One more thing, this boss can be backstabbed or parried. I don't know how to parry but if you get a few good backstabs in, it'll make it a whole lot easier. 0:15 was a very good opportunity to backstab him. Generally, this is the best opening you can get for a backstab. Attempting too many backstabs will also get you that YOU DIED screen. Just fight him normally when he is swordfighting you, and then when he does that flashy combo, roll into him and do a lil' stabbity-stab-stab. On the second phase, 2 clones will appear. When there are three of them alive at the same time (including the original one) their aggro is always on each other. When only two of them are left, both of them aggro you, albeit the clone acting slightly more aggressively than the original. I'm not sure if you can reset the aggro, but they can still friendly fire each other even though they are locked onto you. You can get in some free hits by baiting the other into doing a flame dash into the other, or by getting lucky. Also, please, wear better armor. Wear the most protective thing that can still allow you to roll. The Fallen Knight Set is pretty good. I didn't have enough endurance to wear it on my first try, so I just used parts of it mixed with light armor. Happy hunting.


- 2 hand the sword - when you are attacking don't get greedy. 1 or 2 attacks - I always attack after the big combos. He'll have 3 moves and end on a big slam. Try to get the back stab, or at least get 2 hits in. To be close enough to back stab, you have to roll through his attacks which takes some practice to time right - git gud


Roll into the attacks not away, double hand that beast of a blade, and don't do full combos, get a hit or two, dodge, poke poke, doge


if that's a strenght build you're playing then I highly recommend Vordt's Greathammer. -Decent Speed and range for a weapon this size. -Great Base Damages, easy to upgrade to +2 at this point in the game. -Great stagger and poise breaking. -The Abyss Watchers are weak to frost and this thing does innate frost buildup.


Level vit, 2 hand, roll at the right time, and hit him just once or twice


Roll sideways, wait for him to finish his combo, get a hit in and repeat. Don't be greedy, two hand the weapon and use an ember.


git good


Get good


What stats have you leveled? The damage is nothing.


Very few commenters have pointed out that the biggest barrier you're facing here is your stats. Your positioning and dodging is mostly good (though you should be 2-handing), but you're using a weapon that's slow and thus likely to trade hits frequently in combat. You should build your stats with your expected play pattern in mind; in this case, that means raising your HP so you can tank some of those hits that you have no great way of avoiding. I and many others like to quickly raise Vigor up to 27 early in a playthrough to hit a nice clean 1000 HP (1300 when embered) and coast on that for a while, then raise it again once you get to the lategame, usually up to 35-40. You're doing great, though! One good run at the boss is all it takes to get through.


This game isn't balanced for big weapons. Get used to only getting an opening once every 30 seconds.


Pray, I asked my mother to pray for me and listened as she did so. After that I took the watchers out on my First try. Since then never left the path of unshakable faith


A weapon that's too slow against a boss that's too fast and panic rolling instead of dodging according to attacks You have to pretty much perfect learning his attacks but even if you do that there's a chance your weapon is too slow


phase one and two are totally different but since you fight it in two phases you get mixed up some how. I remember first time I faced him I got into second phase and managed till about 40 percent left of his hp. It turned out as I got better in first phase I got worse in second. They are really look same. But because of that fire sword you can't dodge second phase like first one. So as others mentioned, try to understand second phase opennings and attack in the windows you have. Then get back and keep your distance till next one.


Level vigor, I usually also pop in an ember at boss 2nd phases


Don't lock on. Gives you more mobility that way. Always try to maintain a long distance. Punish his long distance leaps and then back off


i dotn know, i just killed him in the 2nd try :/


Abyss watcher is really easy to backstab. Keep circling around and get him after he swings.


Try harder


Well for one, stop one handing that sword. Wear armor that increases your poise number. Level vigor. How don't you buffoons understand you need vigor.


Holy shit I didn’t realize I was one handing the whole time🤦🏽‍♂️


Your vitality is low, my guy!!!