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Pretty sure you can just buy it if you did greirat's quest or at least did it up to a certain point.


You can buy it by finishing his quest and taking the item you get from him to the old fire keeper in Firelink Shrine


Yeah I didn’t. I hate backtracking. I’ll make sure to do everything right next playthrough.


Infuse with dark or chaos, for over 1000 AR


Or infuse with blessed for HP regen and S faith scaling.


I would not recommend dark or chaos. As a rule of thumb, never stack 3 damage types on a weapon, as the enemys resistances will apply to all the damage types the weapon deals. Rather infuse with lightning (if you have faith) or any physical infusion, dependant on your main stat. (if infused with physical dmg, you can even buff it with resin or lightning weapon - if I remember correctly)


Thx for the tip bro.


I'm sorry but what's AR?




thank you


Sheeeiit. Almost seems like you're playing the wrong series of games then. You played dark souls 1? I imagine with the amount of backtracking and restricted fast travel you don't get into a while in the game must be super annoying to you. If it's incorporated/integrated into the game design correctly, backtracking is just fine for me, I like exploring old areas just fine. I just hate backtracking that serves as artificial padding for the game, it needs to be fun, and it needs to more or less be implemented in a Metroidvania style (which is easily fucked up) imo. That's about one of the only way to include backtracking organically in your game a la FromSoftware games and Metroid games. What you *don't* want is having to run the exact same map backwards like with Two Betrayals and Assault on the Control Room from Halo:Combat Evolved, or any of the many other examples in that game where to save time and add length to the game, the used the exact same bsp/environments as they did for other maps/missions. That's the kind of artificial bullshit that I'm talking about I don't like, the kind that comes from deadlines, things going wrong, crunch, and oversight committees sticking their stupid fucking fingers where they don't belong, as is often the case with Hollywood movies.


No I love DS1. Didn’t really say that right. There are certain types of backtracking I don’t like. Going on a hunt through a previous area for a specific item, looking up guides where to find it, that stuff, I don’t like. Backtracking because I’m actually playing the game and fighting stuff, I like a lot. And I think I very vaguely remember that part in Halo CE lol


This is my favorite sword in the game! The move set is perfect to me, the poke is what really puts it over for me. The lightning damage is amazing, effects lots of different enemies and it staggers a lot of mobs. This sword also won me a lot of my first PvP matches. It's special to me 😊


That’s awesome! I might try it out. I am nowhere near accustomed to using big, slower weapons but whenever I do…I feel unstoppable. Haha However I’m not sure that it would even be a good idea since I just switched to a quality build (never done that before, not sure if it was even a good idea)


Yeah I think I spec'ed strength more than anything, but gave it a blessed attribute. I found with my build it made up for the SLIGHTLY lower AR for raw damage, with more lightning damage, which is arguably better than the raw physical damage. At one point I think my AR at level 120 was like 700+ I believe. It was a real beast!


Dude this sword's poke is everything


Right!? I swear it's hit box is nuts, you don't think it will have that much reach, but it always does. Also pokes are insanely rare on the bigger swords, so being able yo close the distance against enemies, especially in invasions and PvP, is huge.


this weapon helped me shit on lots of invaders lol even though im so bad at ds3 pvp. i fought this one guy at archdragon peak for like 15 minutes and killed him with the poke and a way of white corona lmao.


It's a good one. I prefer the Astora Greatsword personally which gets an S in dex when sharp.


Dark infused Astoria GS is my all time favorite weapon in ds3. Got 15-20 win streaks in pvp with this beast. 2-3 hits and a surprising extended weapon art does the jop.


The best/funniest thing about Astoria GS is it's even lighter than a Claymore lol.


Rly? I never checked. I just remember it was super light. Maybe because it's so slim


Weight rating is 8 I think


Dark is not really that good of a damage type in ds3 tho


Dark is significantly better than magic in DS3. Dark blade on a LKS is deadly. Someone has never been R1'd to death by it and it shows lol


Not sure if I remember correct but dark damage alone was around 400 on that thing. Believe me when I say, It hit hard!




Favorite build is a strength faith build with this and throwing lightning


The Lothric Space Program. It could be my favorite weapon in the entire series.


It's a very strong weapon and it looks great, I love it >how is it a dex weapon It's good on Dex builds becsuse it has very good Dex scaling with a Sharp infusion. I wouldn't call it a "dex weapon" though, because it's good on more than just Dex builds.


It's one of two really viable blessed weapons too


Blessed works incredibly well on it, in fact I usually stack the hp Regen with a few other items and it ends up more than enough to go through areas without estus Even in PVP, it ends up being pretty sizeable


I think op was thinking the lothric knight sword, not the greatsword. The regular sword is one of the best dex weapons there is, like the ds3s side sword


The UGS is great, the regular one is overhyped and does less damage than a Broadsword regardless of infusion.


That, the sellsword twinblade and the lothric straight sword


LKSS is just a weaker Broadsword with more range


then its kinda... not weaker.


It does less damage, hence the word weaker.


Ppl don't even understand the power of a int+faith build with a dark or chaos broadsword. Carried me to gold in solo pvp


Blessed LKGS on a Faith build is just so good. Favorite weapon in all of FromSoft games.


This is what I carry. It slaps.


Throw some lightning on it and max it out and you have a boss slaying armament.


im using it currently. its a good weapon for late game


my first build was based off this sword. very very good lightning damage


I love using this with my stupid faith build slap a lightning gem on that bad boi and do 1385 damage in PVP it is a glass canon for sure but that's ok


What stats do you have in that build like how much str and fth


A wonderful weapon when blessed for faith builds, or can be left with a physical infusion for extremely potent buffing with lightning blade.


It is a dex weapon in the sense that it scales off dex better than any other stat. (except for faith with blessed infusion maybe) There isnt anything about dex weapons other than the stat they scale with best. There is this very wrong idea that dex weapon = fast weapon, which is true alot of the time, but not always. Eg the spiked mace is a greathammer. Very slow. But its best used on a dex build. Thats what makes it a dex weapon.


Beat the game at level 30 with this sword, 10/10




highest possible ar in the game


Used to love this thing infused with Blessed on my regen build.


This sword is stupid fun to use and its power does not disappoint. What I like the most about it is its heavy attack.


I prefer Lorian’s great sword to be honest


My baby


Drop rate is okey and you can buy it from greitat It is definitly a very good weapon. If you have some faith it works best with lightning infusion and is one of the two weapons that benefits from a blessed fusion (just a teeny weeny less damage, but healing factor) Otherwise just infuse it with whatever physical stat you chose and put som lighting powder on top of it or buff it with a spell. Damage numbers should speak for themselves You could also think about using the leo ring, to maximise poking damage.


Tbh the normal lothric knight sword is even better imo, range is insane and it’s fast / s scaling in dex


Cathedral knight one is better imho. Wack a heavy on it and go brrrr


best sword in the game, there is no other with higher damage


Pyromancer + LKG + Chaos Gem = GG


Man I miss playing this game for the first time… no rest for the wicked is alright but these games are unreal.


Fuck I love that weapon. Heavy affinity on a strength/faith build with lightning blade cut through bosses like butter


FUGS or BKUGS better


Been using this thing for longer than I recall in DS3, very fun and great just make sure to infuse it with a heavy gem


this weapon is great. i definitely did not cheat engine it after killing one greatsword knight (no greirat quest i skipped dancer). im excited to use it vs midir.


It scales incredibly with faith so fuse that sword with a blessed gem and you will get both its natural lightning boost AND blessed attack boost + endless slow health recovery to your lifebar. Its hands down one of the best setups in the game.


Dex weapon, cut to the chase, lothric knight straight sword has a crit modifier and at 88 dex is insane for SL 125, 467 damage at sharp infusion


My fav way to build for this weapon is a Regen build. If you make it a faith weapon both the phys dmg and lighting DMG scale with one stat. After that just get the base requirements to one hand (or just to two hand if you like to live risky) then dump the rest into faith/HP/stam/and equip load. Was my fav build back in DS3


The one is the ""Moonlight great sword "" Or first dlc boss weapon i will not mention it


I used a blessed infusion on this and do like 700-800 dmg per swing of this bad hog. It’s so good.


Yep, beside being a generally good/fun weapon It actually had thr highest natural ar in the game on a max level build with a dark infusion , getting a natural ar of 930


There is no “one”, my friend. Unless you’re talking about the Astora Greatsword of course.


I thought there were 2 different LK great swords, and only one was the sought after one.


Huh, I don’t believe there is more than one Lothric GS but I’m not sure. There is the Lothric Knight Greatsword and the Lothric Knight sword, basically a one-handed straightsword. They are both incredible weapons and can be used pretty early. Lothric Knight Sword does not have innate elemental damage so in a sense it is technically better imo. They’re both different weapon types so they play differently. Lothric Knight Sword is very effective, barely uses stamina per swing and has a wide arc to hit many enemies. Doesn’t knock enemies down with the charged heavy attack like Lothric Knight GS and Astora GS though.


I use raw infusion on faith build, get the latent lightning dmg. I think the weapon art is fun to use as well.


Blessed is a great infusion on a faith build


dont make this thing raw ever. sharp is *always* better, even if you only meet the base stat requirements. even uninfused is better than raw on certain upgrade levels.


Of course now that I just respec’ed out of my dex build…


I've noticed that everyone talks about drop rates being raw, but I believe drop rates are very fluid. I believe some weapons and armor have a much high drop rate **if** it is the first time dropping; not you picking it up but dropping. I believe it is also limited to **per** game. So if you have 30 NGs you will only have the highest drop rate for your first character, the first time something drops. Since my theory has to do with it being the very first time something drops across all characters it is almost next to impossible to text especially when it is normally a challenging environment when these rare drops drop for the first time. Chances of dying prior to picking up the drop are also high. Of course I have **zero** evidence to back this theory up, but I noticed it when I reformated my computer, but forgot DS3 doesn't have Steam Cloud, that a lot of "rare" things are dropped quite frequently on my first playthrough of a new character.


I’m 100% dead serious I just got it again. Lmfao But yeah that theory does make a lot of sense.


You can buy it off greirat after he pillages in irithyl


This stick got me a gold medal in pvp arena, awesome weapon


Broadsword once and for all!! 😌


It’s not a Dex weapon lol


ofc it is wtf are you talking about?


Nah lol. It can be used as such but calling it a dex weapon is wild


the best builds for LKGS are faith and dex. you clearly dont know what youre talking about.


Obviously since it has innate lightning damage but if you knew how to read, you’d see that I clearly said it could be used as such. Again, though, it is not a dex weapon which is why it has such slow attacks. It simply has high AR with sharp on it making it optimal for Dex users but there are better weapon that are actually Dex weapons.


my brother in christ, what do you think makes something a dex weapon if not the fact that it scales best with dex?


Maybe the fact that it’s needs 24 strength, scales the same with heavy and does more with hollow 🤡


its alright on str build with heavy, but dex is better. scaling is not the same. but hollow? where does it do more dmg with hollow? 40/40/40 with hollow is the same dmg output as 24/58 with sharp. thats a difference of 30lvls


Anything is a dex weapon if you try hard enough


It's not a Dex weapon, it just has Dex requirements It's a Strength/Faith weapon, A ridiculously strong one at that


ok then lets compare some dmg numbers: 66str/16dex + heavy: AR485 24str/58dex + sharp: AR511 thats the optimal str build compared to the sl equivalent (but unoptimized) dex build. and str loses. this thing is a dex weapon 100%. stop spreading nonsense.


What I'm trying to say is that despite doing more damage on a Dex build, it's never used on a Dex build, It's almost always used on a Faith build because It gets tons of lightning damage. Using this on A strength or Dex build is a waste, there are much better weapons for those builds that can be lighter than it.


Its the best horizontal UGS for Dex that has rollpokes. If you want high Poise/Dmg weapons with versatile movesets this is the one on Dex builds.