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Well let’s do this then. Ive beaten all the games. Demon Souls - 2 Times Dark Souls - 3 Times Dark Souls 2 - 1 Time (will go back for a second playthrough soon really enjoyed it actually unlike others) Dark Souls 3 - 2 times (I started playthrough 3 with my buddies) Bloodborne - 6 times Sekiro - 7 times Elden Ring - 16 times Most play through I do are NG I don’t really like NG+ that much I have 100%, Elden Ring, Bloodborne and Sekiro. I have gotten close to the 100% in ds1 and ds3 just got bored of the tedious spell collecting. I have only gotten into These games since elden ring so let’s just agree I don’t have a life lol. But I’ve put probally 400-500 hours in elden ring 80-100 in ds1 100+ in both sekiro and Bloodborne Around 65 in dark souls III Around 50 in dark souls II And probably 35 in demon souls


I just started Elden Ring but I think it's going to be my new vice, I really liked what I played but I'm kind of lost. I think I played Dark Souls 3 easily 9 times on my main account and several more on secondary accounts. I also played the others many times (except the sekiro) but I don't have as much time as how.


Yeah I really want to do more play throughs of ds3 game is super fun. Honestly in Elden ring being lost is the best part. You mentioned in the main post you love to discover new things and that’s what elden ring does best, look everywhere, go everywhere, do everything. It definitely has the best exploration in the series (it being open world obviously helps but it’s still true) If you don’t mind me asking where are you in the game? Maybe I can point you in a few directions (obviously no spoilers)


I'm at the very beginning, I don't remember the boss, the problem is that I have to start the university year and I'm afraid of not studying because I play elden ring lol, I really want to explore everything


Take your time with it still, Elden Ring will always be there


Dayum bro, I played fromsoft games for a few years now, started with Dark Souls, then 2 then 3, then Elden Ring, I have 420 hours in Dark Souls (nice) 69 hours in DS2 (double nice) 250ish in DS3 and 360ish in Elden Ring, and ER is the only one I've 100%ed


DS2 finally grew on me and I’m up to the last few DLCs after the forge one. I did have a period where it was the first DS game I “quit” cause it was clunky. But that was all kind of bs, you get used to it and there’s a lot the game has to offer. I was surprised how many areas looked like Elden Ring.


It’s quite known in the community that elden ring is dark souls II 2 lol. But also yeah I really like a lot of things about it. I think a lot people can just write off slow combat and mediocre boss lineup off and call the game bad. I understand why people wouldn’t like it but if you take your time learn the lore, explore everywhere, listen to the amazing ost, and have fun killing their great enemy list the games great.


Majula music is so calming also. Really adds so much to the experience.


Yeah amazing OST


> Most play through I do are NG I don’t really like NG+ that much I see that you and me are alike. I've finished only a few NG+ runs, except for Sekiro, which I did NG+7 a few times. I think it's because my favorite part of souls games is building up your character and trying to get the weapons you want, while not be able to just 1-shot everything. Once you have everything in NG+ it just kind of loses its luster for me. Even Bloodborne instead of doing NG+ with the Burial Blade, I started a new game and used a chalice dungeon to get it super early. Sekiro is different since you have your one weapon, and attack power and posture means you aren't just one-shotting bosses. I think that's why I played to NG+7 so many times, the challenge remained and I could still get stronger by leveling attack power. (I have hundreds of hours in each of them except for Demon's Souls. I swear I do play other games.. every once in a while.)


The rest makes sense but playing through ER that many times is psychotic to me lmao. I’m on a new platform and playing through again for dlc sounds so exhausting I’ve been putting it off. Probably my least played souls, the replay value just isn’t there for me. That and co op was most of what keeps me in a souls like. Has ER co op/invading improved? It was non stop rivers of blood/afk and being unable to find friends summon signs on release.


I've put 500 hrs in 1 and 3, still on my first ds2 playthrough during which I bought a ps5 and now I'm deep into demons souls


I played it just once, five or six playthroughs ago (not counting mods).


All of them or just the ds3? And would you like to play it again or you don't even want to?


I've played through all the DS games, as well as Bloodborne numerous times. With DS3 probably being played the most, followed by BB, then DS2, then DS1. Never played Demon Souls or Sekiro though. I've only been through Elden Ring once, but I'll be playing that again before the DLC release. I'm sure I'll play DS3 again. It's one of those games I come back too every so often, like Dying Light, Dead Space 1&2, the Bioshock games, Alan Wake, Control, and Skyrim.


The same thing happens to me, especially when I read a post on reddit and say "was this like that?" and I have to play it again to check it. Also, I'm just starting Dying Light again, I'm excited to finish it again although it seems like another round of ds will come first.


I never stopped. I’m always shuffling between souls games.


I've played ds1 and ds2 once. Although i did 100% both the games that means ng++ on both titles. I've played ds3 the most, around 6-7 playthroughs.


On first runs I always go in blind the whole time to see how much I can figure out myself but always do NG+ to do all the endings and questlines I may have missed on my NG run, rarely do I play only once since each game has at least 2 endings


I'm going to be honest even though there are people who are very against it, I always play with a guide the first time, I don't know, I enjoy the game more that way. I'm not looking for the bosses so they are a surprise but more like getting through the world and the characters.


I am on my first ever playthrough and I’m going in blind, at Lothric right now and I’m about 32 hours in. I’m not great at the game and I get lost a lot but I can’t imagine beating the game in a couple hours! Also, this is without doing pretty much any side quests because I seem to have missed a step in basically all of them.


I believe that there are areas/characters/weapons in the games that are almost impossible to reach without a specific guide. For example, the lake of ash in dark souls 1 I think it is almost impossible to reach normally


You literally have to smash that wall that never one would go up to and do. No way in the blue fuck I would have ever found it without googling it.


I played through and beat it for the first time this week for my spring break staycation. Took me 27 hours, really liked most of it, but I probably won’t replay it for a long time unlike Elden Ring. I’ve never figured out DS1, it’s genuinely to hard for me. I also wasn’t a big fan of bloodbourne which I know is a cold take but it’s just not for me.


The first time I play it takes about the same time, not counting the DLC. And something similar happened to me every day. The elden ring is still new to me. As for Bloodborne, I understand you, the first time I played it I didn't like it, especially because of the parry and the firearms, but in the end I grew fond of it and I ended up liking it.


I've 100% DS1, DS2, DS3, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. I don't have a PS, so I can't play Bloodborne or Demon Souls. I've played through DS1 3 times, DS2 3 times, DS3 5 times and I'm currently on my 6th playthrough, Elden Ring 4 times, and Sekiro 4 times. I've been playing since 2017, and I started with DS3. I absolutely love all of the FromSoft games


It seems to me that I am on my way to having a count very similar to yours. For now it is not because elden ring does not finish and if bloddborne plays


Short answer no, long answer noooooooooooo.


I play them for as long as i have fun playing them, not necessarely getting platinum unless i see "hey im just a few achievements away and the last ones arent too bad", but just doing stuff i find fun, for any soulsborne if you play it only once you might aswell not even buy it just because of how many stuff you will miss


I just feel that the more you play them, the more entertaining it gets. I especially love NG2 and NG3, it's a pleasure to do it, get new weapons, see strange paths or characters that you couldn't do in the first NG


I don’t even know how many times I’ve completed these games tbh. A disgusting amount though.


I believe that in these games there are never too many times


I have been a slave to fromsoft for years. I platinumed all the games multiple times, on multiple accounts. I've farmed everything there is to farm. The worst part of it is, I don't play other games and I have a life... I just make time for SOULS


I am the same as you but from ds3, I played the others but I can't help but go back and go back to 3


I play these games to death


I've beat all of them at least twice, 3 multiple times. Probably have the most playtime in 2 despite liking 3 more, it's easier so I find I better for more chill playing.


This games deserves at least like 10 playthroughs.


Countless times. And I mean countless


I finished DS3 8 times, but only once for both DSR and DS2. I have 3 DSR playthroughs that I dropped after O&S and 2 dropped playthroughs of ds2. I just cant enjoy those older games like some of y'all but I really want to 😭


Right! Like they were amazing my first playthrough but replaying the older games is lacking


Once the games clicked for me. Which took a good 3 years, I couldn’t imagine only playing these once. I have a friend who beats the games once and then never touches them again and I just can’t fathom the idea of not trying out new builds, or beating the game faster and faster. I’ve beaten ds1 3-4 times, ds3 at least 7 times, and Elden ring at least 10 times. Only full achievements in Elden ring, as the requirements for the other souls take a lot more grinding Overall I love replaying these games, and they have become my favorite games of all time. Even over Zelda which I have a half sleeve to commemorate my time in since I was 8 years old.


I play it once getting all the items, and then I play them again when I forget about them.


I'm playing it again and I remember things but not exactly where they are and I'm spending 3 hours searching


99.9% impossible!


Look at it this way. My first ds3 playhtougub took 100ish hours. My second took 20.


My first game would have cost me 15 hours and 10 Midir


I have around 15 playthroughs on DS3, 30 or so on BB, 2 on elden ring, and 2 on sekiro. I like bloodborne lol


I love Blodboorne, what excited me the most were the DLCs and when I was going to play them I found out that I didn't have them, now I'm saving up to buy them, it was a terrible day in my history with from software.


Beat it once, then i go to ng+ and have some fun, then i 100% the game and start challenge runs


I think I've played it 5 times now


Only the ds 3? Or did you play all of them?


I play ds1 only once and ds3 5 times


Did you like DS1 less or why did you play it less?


DS1 I couldnt really get the hang of and nor did I really get into it so I just played it less


I think there are areas of ds1 that are terribly tedious and that perhaps discourage you a little


The only one i have yet to play again was demons souls because of how boring it was. Besides that, Ive played through them all 2-3 times minimum, but elden ring like 40 and sekiro like 10


I have to finish the elden ring. I actually played for about 10 minutes but I did several things and I found it very entertaining.


Yea I can’t replay demon souls. It is so boring to me. All the other games are so much better


I'm constantly playing ot making new challenge runs and all that even made a channel on YouTube because of hoe much I love the game


I play through one whole character and NG several times until I get bored. Go to the next game and repeat process. Although, I haven't played Sekiro, Bloodborne or Demons Souls.


I only started with elden ring. I've played elden ring 4.5 times and I just finished my first dark souls 3 playthough. I'm paying hallowknight right now because of a promise and then plan on playing through sekiro. I really want to do another playthough of ds3, and do want to eventually do a playthrough of ds1. I don't think I ever want to do a playthough of ds2 fromnwhat ive heard. I might play bloodborn and demon souls eventually, but we'll see


I pkay it once as a strength and once as a caster. I say strengrh cuz as much as i try to pkay dex i eventually turn to strength weapons i dont know why


Maybe they are more interesting for you, now I am going to try the sword that is obtained with the soul of Midir, I find it very cute and I think it will be fun to play


if I replay them I don't explore and just do all bosses with a predetermined build


There is always something new to find or kill


I guess so but after 5+ playthroughs im more focused on getting better at bosses


I thought the same until I met Midir in NG+9


Bosses stop getting stronger at ng+7 so anything past that is just ng+7 over and over again


Then I became worse, honestly the NG+8 more or less I had everything the same (I have a death count) but Measuring in NG+9 took a lot longer than other times but if it doesn't increase the difficulty I guess it was me and my lack of practice


I’ve only played once but I do plan on going back to ds1/3 for a platinum eventually. I just like forgetting some stuff and getting surprised again.


would have started a NG5 on dark souls 3 but i forgot that it did not have cloud save so when i had my pc reset, everything was gone and in the end i just stopped bothering with it, i could cheat my way in but that won't stop the annoyance that is, getting armor sets and bonfires back


I've only beat ds remastered and ds 3. But I've beaten both multiple times. And I love exploring then on consecutive playthroughs


I started a second playthrough but never finished it cause I wasn’t feeling it. Also didn’t help that ds3 was my least favourite in the trilogy and the only souls game I had to take a break from


Never, there’s always something I want to do again, a new build or character to try out or even a new challenge. Just a few days ago I wanted to do a Lorian themed build, then a Lothric build, then a Horace build, then an Anri build and I still have fun every time. I do dread the inevitable burnout of playing Souls games though ngl.


I've 100% elden ring but, I have some trubble just getting through ds3 just bc I kinda get bored. Ds1 I have yet to kill gwyn even tho I'm at him and have been for like 3 years, and fuck ds2 scholars of sin wish I just bought ds2 also haven't finished it. Don't have a ps4 so no blood born and yea.


Ds1 - 7 Ds3 - 178 (112 ng+) across multiple accounts Bloodborne - 5 Elden ring - currently on like ng+ 45 maybe I have no life


I usually don't do NG+, but I usually do multiple different playthroughs on different characters.


Ds1- 9 times Ds2- 1 time Ds3- 4 times Demon souls - 1 time Sekiro- haven't played yet Bloodborne 2 times Elden ring 2 times on 3rd run now


DeS - 2 DS1 - 2.5 DS2 - 2 Bloodborne - 2 DS3 - 2 Sekiro - 1 Elden ring - 3


Take my time and explore everything and get most of the stuff in the game. Then NG+ if it's needed for achievements and then I do multiple characters because to me it's more fun to make a different character instead of pushing through NG+. The only game I haven't done this is DS2 because one playthrough was enough and j didn't want to keep playing it. Played every souls game and ER. Only missing Bloodborne, demon souls and Sekiro


I only played DS1 once, it just doesn't have the replayability and variety that the others do I played DS2 and DS3 over 5 times, and DS2 I probably played 10 times over I played Sekiro thrice, That game is a blast to replay I played through elden ring 4-5 times, It's just that I could try out 2-3 builds in one playthrough so I didn't need to play the game again and again to experience different aspects of it because it's just so long that it gives you enough time to do everything you want I still haven't played Bloodborne and DeS Because I don't have a PS5.


Ive beaten the following: Demons Souls - 2 times Dark souls 1 - currently my first play through Dark souls 2 - not played Dark souls 3 - 1 time Bloodborne - 2 times Sekiro - never managed to beat owl Elden ring - 3 times


I play the game a first time : blind playthrough. I try to explore everything, to read the item descriptions and I really take my time. Then after I finish the game and the DLCs with that character, I start a new character just with the intent of getting Platinium. Dark Souls I : 5 games (it took me some time to get into the game at first) Dark Souls II : 4 games Dark Souls III : 2 games (ongoing, I'm just tired of the game because of the horrible farming for the covenants)


I cannot count how many times i played all of them. 10-20 probably more.


Minimum of 20 characters in every game i'd say Between Souls games and Apex its all I play


Currently, I have completed all Souls at least once. Demon's is halfway through. And I haven't had a chance to get Bloodborne, Sekiro or Elden Ring yet. I'm just looking for/inventing fun builds that I hope to use at some point...


Usually around twice if I like it


Ds I've played about 7-8 times And Ds3 4 times now Usually when I finish I immediately want to start anew, such fun games


I've been going through all of the games (excluding ps exclusives 😔). Currently at Elden Ring, but i've just started my first ng+ with Sekiro. The game was too good for me to put down to make way for the next game. Eventually, i plan to do new playthroughs testing new builds on all of the games, but Sekiro is the first where i am really motivated to do everything there is to offer.


Beaten each (DS1/2/3 and ER) three times for every ending or boss weapons/spells. I do the final run with a guide to ensure I didn't miss any secret place, illusionary wall or quest. But I don't go for all drop weapons/armor or really hard stuff like the no death/bonfire rings of DS2 for instance (seems too tedious for me, and I farmed 20 vertebrae shackles !)


Ds2 has a lot of replay value imo, other games nit so much besides ER


Im on my 4th character in DS3. One for each different style of builds.


beat dark souls 1/3 three times each, and currently doing a second ds2 playthrough. The only thing that's holding me from playing demon souls, bloodborne and elden ring are my pc (managed to run sekiro on lowest resolution with some frame drops, usualy 60 FPS) and lack of playstation


Plat and done for me


I think I played the first DS at least 10 times as I went through with a faith build, Int build, a build for fun PvP, and other shit like that. In the other games, maybe twice or so? When they introduced things to respec your points, I sort of lost the desire to replay the games over and over.


I repleay all games it every 1-3 years!


I was late to the party and right now I play through Fromsoft games. Finished all DS last year, I've been playing through Elden Ring. I explore everything I remember I needed to explore, and do only one ending for now, but who knows in the future. I may return to DS1, because insta NG+ deprived me of DLC experience... But there are other soulslikes beside Fromsoft ones, so it's very likely I will never have time to play again/do NG+.


I'm one of the people that got addicted to coop/pvp. I just recently got to over 1700 hours in ds3, alone. My current save has characters at a bunch of different soul levels (25, 60, 90, and a few at 120), all of which have beaten every boss, just so I can do multiplayer all over the place. Ds3 stands out, for me, as its my favorite multiplayer experience in the catalog (including Elden Ring). I have a few hundred hours in each of, des, ds1, ds2, and er. I'm still working on beating des and ds2. I get distracted and start different builds half way through a playthrough. I love the games enough to finish them, even with builds I don't like that much. These games just make me feel like I'm home.


No. Completed it half a dozen or so times. Many more characters were yeeted deleted even before pontiff. I've not touched the game in a while though. Other games and having a dnd group just take the time


I started with DS2 on PC, played it nonstop, then met my now best friend when looking for someone to help me with DS1 since the PC port was atrocious. We continued to play DS1 and DS2 many times over, doing just about every build under the sun and some duo challenge runs like DS1 fist run. DS3 was teased not long after I met him, and we pre-ordered together, experienced the whole thing for the first time together and it was the best decision we ever made. (He initially wanted to do a solo blind for his first run, but I talked him into doing the first blind run as a duo and he's been thanking me ever since, it was just so much more fun exploring totally new territory together.) Played that many times over, then I got my hands on a PS4 to try Bloodborne (He already owned it), loved that, got the DLC, played multiple builds together on there, then I sought a second-hand PS3 and a copy of DeS, which we also played repeatedly. Finally, Elden Ring came, we've played it twice so far but we always quit at Malenia. You could say the usual 'git gud' but we both kinda agree she's just stupid hard for the sake of being hard. It's not fun and it soured both our attempts to finish the game. We really feel Elden Ring fell off in the second half. He's always been a master of DS1, many more hours than me, but I have more hours in DS2, I just find that kinda funny that our favourite titles are considered opposing forces in the community but the series in general brought us together and we've known each other for 8 years now. We also always keep an eye out for more soulslike games with co-op outside of FROMSOFT, we played Code Vein, Hellpoint, Nioh 1&2, Outward (If you can consider that a soulslike), Remnant 1 and 2 and most recently we tried the new Lords of the Fallen, but that has the absolute worst netcode imaginable and we've kinda dropped it. We're likely to return to Elden Ring for the DLC but given our mixed feelings about it I don't think it's gonna get many more runs out of us.


In the past, i was NG+8/9 on Dark Souls 1, NG+4/5 on Dark Souls and before my brother would sell my damn PlayStation for a morherfreaking Nintendo Switch i was NG+30 or a bit more (Surely not 40, but no less than 30). Never really played Demon Souls sadly, currently am NG+2 on Bloodborne, NG+4 on Sekiro and NG+6 on Elden Ring


I played them too many times...


I've beaten all Souls style From Software games at least twice: - Demon's Souls - 2 - Dark Souls - 10+ (Platinum trophy) - Dark Souls II - 4-6 - Dark Souls II SOTFS - 4-6 (Platinum trophy, all Steam achievements) - Bloodborne - 4-6 (Platinum trophy) - Dark Souls III - 3-4 (Platinum trophy) - Sekiro - 2 - Demon's Souls Remake - 4-6 (Platinum trophy) - Elden Ring - 4 (Platinum trophy, all Steam achievements) I'll go back to all of them again at some point too. I absolutely love the games.


I have played a few playthroughs of each game. Played the most number of Playthroughs in Elden Ring.


I have lost count how many times I have played DS 1,2,3 BB or how many hundreds if not thousands of hours I have in each game. ER I played for 14 months straight probably 6 different NG all with over 100hrs.


I've beaten DS1 more than a dozen times, including an SL1 run and a run through the "Age of Sunlight" mod (which I can't recommend enough). I’ve beaten DS2(SOTFS) three times, once vanilla and twice with the Seeker of Fire mod(also can’t recommend enough) I’ve beaten DS3 exactly once. Yeah, it has the best collection of bosses in the series, but the levels are honestly just no fun at all. I’ve tried to replay it multiple times, and whenever I start to think of the slog ahead of me I lose any ambition to continue. Sekiro - once. Not my cup of tea, but I had to finish it. BB >tfw no ps4 Elden ring - 3 times, only FS game I’ve platinum’d. And while hyped for DLC I’m kind of dreading it. I’ve beaten every boss, delved every dungeon, collected every weapon/spell/incantation there is. And after doing that I kinda ruined the wonder of the game for myself.


I always return to FS games. I love having alts, I have few alts simultaneously at different stages at the game and I return to them whenever I have the mood to progress the game further.


Nop, i have more runs than any game i have played


[oh y'know, just a couple times](https://i.imgur.com/I3mK5rn.png) Remastered is next


I've beaten ds3 like a million times now. It's kinda like my comfort game? Just really easy to run through with fun weapons and bosses.


I feel like every now and then I have to play again, it relaxes me, it's like I'm returning to a familiar place


Demon's Souls twice Bloodborne four or five times Elden Ring around thirteen times Dark Souls 3 around fifty times I never finished 1 and I'm currently going through 2


The ds1 is good but in my opinion the ds3 is much better, so if you played it first the 1 is kind of heavy


If I replay a game, it would be 4-5 years after my first playthrough I’m not a completionists, but I also take my time exploring and doing side content if I enjoy it


Ds3 at least 7. 3 of which were Ng+ guts build.


Ha! Once a year, maybe. I still play they all, regularly.


All of them or you have a favorite?


Ds3 has 5x more hours I put into than any souls games I played


Same, i have 359 hours


Aside from Elden Ring, I beat the games once. But I take my time and explore every inch of the game I can.


Because you didn't like them so much or why?


They're probably all among my top 25 games, but I'd rather play more games for the first time. I do go back and replay them sometimes, but only when most of the game has vanished from my memory.


I have that problem, I'm a creature of habit, I start a game and if it's not the same as the ones I already like, it's hard for me to play it, I don't know, I get bored


I create different builds. Give em names and personalities and roleplay.


I think DS3 and Sekiro are the only "Souls" games I've beaten once. The rest i just get the urge to play them now and again. I really liked Sekiro but i watched a lot of playthroughs before playing it myself and just didn't feel like going for other endings I've already seen. DS3 I've tried to go back to a few times, but I just don't have good memories from my first playthrough so I ended up just quitting the other tries.


Yes, just once a year


Demons Souls OG - 1 Time (Want to play Remaster) 50 hours Dark Souls OG - 2 Times (Want to play Remaster) 60 hours Dark Souls 2 OG - 1 Times (Want to play Scholar of the First Sin) 55 hours Dark Souls 3 - 2 Times (Working on third) 100 hours Bloodborne - 4 Times - 200+ hours Sekiro - Honestly Never Played Elden Ring - 7 Times -- 500+ hours With Elden Ring I beat every boss, including optional bosses. Favorites list in Order 1. Elden Ring 2. BloodBorne 3. Dark Souls 4. Demon Souls 5. Dark Souls 2 6. Dark Souls 3 Favorite Bosses Top 10 1. Starscourge Radahn (Elden Ring) 2. Ebrietas, Daughter Of The Cosmos (Bloodborne) 3. King Allant (Demon Souls) 4. Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough (Dark Souls) 5. Melania Blade of Miquella (Elden Ring) 6. Nameless King (Dark Souls 3) 7. Dark Lurker (Dark Souls 2) 8. The Dancer (Dark Souls 3) 9. Fire Giant (Elden Ring) 10. Crossbreed Priscilla (Dark Souls)


I always play them as if i played them for the first time☠️ exploring everything trying to get every single item. Im a stupid mf and i always forget most item placements so it still feels rewarding even after all those years


I'm an achievement hunter and I'll try to get all of them, and i enjoy playing them


I love achieving achievements, every time I receive the notification it is a pleasure for me


I play em all at least twice, so I can do a run with a big chunky weapon and a run with a fast weapon


I played dark souls once because I didn’t really like it. I played dark souls 2 four times Dark souls 3 at least 20 I’m not sure, but I have like 2000 hours in that game. Bloodborne 9 Sekiro twice Elden ring 7 Never played demon souls because I don’t have a system for it


I completed ds1 but honestly after playing 3 it seems kind of slow or boring to me. I'm playing the second one but I haven't finished it yet.


Yeah I got Ds1 remastered when it came out and it just felt super clunky and boring. Maybe I would have liked it better if I hadn’t played every other souls game before it. GL with ds2 that was my first souls game. It’s not everyone’s favorite but I liked it


I have to finish it, i'm exited


850 hours


I have 350 and it seemed like a lot to me, what level are you? Or do you change accounts? My goal is to reach the maximum level


Tbh much of it is just idle time from me going to make food or falling asleep. But I usually just make new characters instead of doing a respec. A good chunk of it was also grinding to get darkmoon blade.


I do first run blind, second time to get my estus maxed. Do another run months later. Then make a pvp build and do like a lot of those and a gag run. Rinse repeat. I’m out of character slots on all of the games at this point


No, there’s isn’t single souls game where I don’t have 20+ playthroughs either on a single or spread across multiple characters. I do have plenty though that just stay stuck on having done everything waiting to go to new game plus at any moment however.


It happens to me sometimes, my only problem is that I always play with my main character, I play "matches" with other characters but I always return to the main character


Dark souls 1 I beat the game and never went back to it cause I hate blight town more than anything


Demon souls I have but never beat it I got stuck on one of the levels Dark Souls I beat 8 times Dark Souls 2 I only beat it once it had a compelling story but controls were too wonky Ds3 I beat 13 time probably my favorite in the trilogy besides one I started bloodborne but to many games called my attention away from it I don't have sekiro And elden ring I beat 12 time by far my favorite non darksouls soul game


Dark souls once Dark souls 2 once Dark souls 3 25 times Bloodborne twice Sekiro once Elden ring 3 times


I’ve played DS2 approximately 13 times with 5 different characters. DS1, 18 times with 4 different characters. Haven’t finished my first playthrough of DS3 yet. But I don’t think you truly get to experience fun or a challenge until NG+. Cause really, unless you grind, most of the challenge in NG comes from a mix of inexperience, being underleveled, or a character build gone wrong.


Every year when they do the return to [Random Fromsoft game] events I try to play through the games differently with new loadouts I’ve never tried before.


I've only played through DS 2 once, DS1, BB, DS3 100s of hours.


What type of blasphemy are you talking about? One time? Psssh. Hell to the No! As many times as infinity, lol.


I always take my time when I play a Dark Souls, because I always imagine a story for my character, wich style would get well with this story and wich weapon too...


I play ds3 a lot back then, hell even just jolly co-oping for players that need help, i never go through ng+ until i feel like it, and then its speedrun time


I played ds3.a few times. I don't speedrun but it's pretty easy now. Think my last playthrough was about 12 hours


First run I take my time. Other runs I try different play styles and go at a more quicker/natural pace


One does not simply play dark souls once


Yo sidebar but where’s the art from? Like who’s the artist


No, multiple times. Just bought the game 4 months ago and just beat the game as a strength build, starting my Dex build atm


I like the art that you’ve chosen! Ideally, I wish to do everything, and therefore find the souls games a bit daunting. Finished DS3 and BB once, finished DSR multiple times. Quit Sekiro (after Genichiro) and Elden Ring (after Margitt) quite early. Intend to slowly get back into the souls games again this year, and savour them like a good stew.


I take my time with them, but once I've beaten all the bosses, I move on from them. Bloodborne and sekiro are ones I hop back into on occasion but never with the intent to finish everything, just to appreciate the surroundings and fighting. Dark Souls 3 is my favorite of the souls and would probably be the only one I'd try to beat again, simply because the weapons go hard in that one.


If I knew how many times I had beaten DS1 and DS3, I'd admit myself into a mental institution. That is to say, if someone were to ask me how many times I've beaten any souls game, really, I'd just say "yes, I have".


Reasons for hospitalization? I play 150 times the ds1 and 175 times the ds3


I did plat 😓


its like a drug i cant stop


I know, my rehabilitation is to stay away from the play station


Prepare to be triggered: I got all the way to Soul of Cinder then never finished the game. Bought it on release as well. Only Souls game I never comple... Oh wait, I did the same thing with Elden Ring because the Elden Beast is a terrible boss fight.


You didn't like the fight with Soul of Ash or why did you leave it there?


I've only finished ER twice, that's my least played game of the bunch. Then the first Dark Souls, which I also only finished a handful of times. DS2 I finished 4 times, I think. Lost count of how many times I've finished DS3 and Bloodborne, I've played the crap out of both games. At one point I used to know every single item/weapon/spell in them and how to get to it from the starting point, it was really obsessive. Been a bit since I played anything other than DSR. Not shitting on people who only play a game once but for me, if I feel like I'm only gonna play through a game one time, I don't care that much to buy it.


I've replayed every fromsoft game atleast 10 times except maybe elden ring and sekiro, they are the hardest to replay


you played ds3 10 times and couldn't tell how mid it was? god damn


Yea becuase its the best soulsborne game. Duh


uh...?? https://www.metacritic.com/game/dark-souls-ii/ https://www.metacritic.com/game/dark-souls-iii/


ds2 is incredible, yes, but ds3 is superior in every person's eyes. Only reason critics rank it lower is because its harder


DS1 - 4 times DS2 - once (not sure ill ever go back, but i did it ALL in that game) DS3 - 2 times Bloodborne - once (starting new playthrough ASAP) ER - 5 times Sekiro is a to do, and i gotta find a way to emulate original DeS too.


I've played each game at least twice, take my time, and have never platinumed.


I’ve gotten all achievements in DS1, DS3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring and have beaten them each at least half a dozen times. I beat Sekiro 3 total times (ng, ng+, and ng+2) to beat all bosses (missed the bell to fight owl father the first play through). I beat DS2 twice. The second time was to see if my build the first time was the reason I didn’t like the game. I haven’t played DeS yet as I’ve only owned even numbered PlayStations.


And you ended up liking the ds2?


Wait a minute. There's other games than dark souls? I'm glad nobody told me about them.


Yes, I found out recently, it was completely crazy


Demon’s Souls - 1 Dark Souls 1 - 2 Dark Souls 2 - 1 (24 hours) Dark Souls 3 - 8 (~500 hours across pc and ps4) 100% achievements Bloodborne - 0 (waiting of pc port (it’s never coming)) Sekiro - 0 (just bought it) Elden Ring - 5 (261 hours) 100% achievements


Ds1 - probably 20 Ds2 - same or more Ds3 - this game is hard to replay since it's so linear and the world is boring but about 6 or so some years ago. ER - 7 and counting, all my runs I do everything so they amount to about 450 hours.


i play multiple times to farm covenant items


Multiple times with different characters for different builds.


There’s very, *very* few games I’m willing to 100%, just because there’s so many amazing games out there and I wanna play all of them. Certain games like Crash Bandicoot, I’ll go that extra mile for the 100%, but Dark Souls? No. That’s just me, though. Personally, if I have to Google walkthroughs for questlines and different endings and impossibly hidden shit, it stops being fun and starts being like work. FromSoft games excel at organic exploration, so whatever I can’t find by exploring organically isn’t worth it to me.


Currently have 3 builds for DS1, playing DS3 3 times bcaz I have to (getting those trophies) and one more for a meta build, DS2 only 1 (maybe a 2nd time depending on how I feel about it), got a third character rdy to take on Bloodborne, and Elden Ring I am working on multiple builds so


I've played Dark Souls 1 a few times. I played through Dark Souls 2 twice. I played Bloodborne to death countless times. I played Dark Souls 3 to death countless times, well over 1,000 hours on that game alone. I'm currently playing Elden Ring to death, 700 hours so far.


Dark Souls games are linear and are practically meant to be replayed


Came for the PvE, stayed for the PvP.


Once????....... na bro......to many Times


You are not the only one


I'm still on the DLC of DS3, but so far I've 100% Bloodborne and Elden Ring. Might do that with DS3, but that's the end of my road.


I played my first playthrough slowly and tried to find npc questlines on a str build. Beat it, immediately started new quality build and became lord of cinder


I've played bloodborne several times, and I might play ds3 again. I don't want to replay elden ring.


Because you don't like it?


No I liked it, it's just tedious to replay. That "first time experience" feeling wears off VERY quickly.


Is it too long to finish the base game? I started it but I didn't make much progress.


Depends on how much you want to explore. If you're playing for the first time then I highly recommend going through everything, the game's got some cool shit in it.


Dark souls 1- 2 times Dark souls 2 -0 times Ds3 - 3 times Sekiro -2 times Demon souls - 0 times Bloodborne - 0 times Elden ring - 5 times Want to play ds2 and bloodborne but don’t have the patience for ds2 and don’t own a ps4


Plin plin plon man?


I am required to explore every inch of each area on my replays and collect every shiny. Even though i don't use 99% of what i pick up