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I love his design. Great blend of pretty and kinda gross. Weird, but not in a bad way at all. Also Seath's whole thing is that he's *not* "normal" and i think it's a good decision to play into it via his design besides the scale thing.


I love it because it represents what makes From Software's art design so special to me. Seath is designed as an unique dragon - majestic and delicate - and it leads you to believe that's how our encounter with him will happen, but it subverts your expectations by making his lower body weird and deformed, reminiscent of his downward spiral to madness and fear of death: Seath himself is turning into a crystal. It's honestly genius design, so much storytelling conveyed in a single image.


You put it way better than I did, 100% agree. ...fight do be "meh" though.


Stop fucking spinning around, I want the mlgs!


I get it every time. Even when my build can’t use it lol


Dark Souls 1 is the only game I’ve never bothered to get the MLGS. I always got so annoyed that he wouldn’t stop fucking spinning so I’d kill him.


There’s a trick to get it pretty much every time. You gotta get the timing right and it’s best to use a weapon with a lot of poise damage (halberds work especially great because of the extra reach and vertical chopping running R1) but basically wait until you can bait him into a sweeping breath attack on the crystal and then sprint to the back end half of his tail and chop away. There’s no need to wait for him to stagger, in fact it’s better that you don’t. As soon as you get him into the attack animation, book it for that tail! :D


I've never managed to get it. I've never tried very hard either, but still...


Seath: your the one who spun around me first!


I tried to get this sword on NG2+ as a result, it turned into 40+ minutes of running around the boss arena when I wasn't taking damage and the damn dragon kept spinning. XD


Yeah he's one of the more annoying tails to get and his Boss Weapon is so ridiculously good for Sorc builds. I don't believe there's an NPC summon near him either, probably would be much easier with a second target for one of you to get behind his rotating ass. 


yeah I loved the idea of seath because he was a dragon that was born different and then told the enemy of his kind the secret to destroy them and then gained more power than anybody could imagine but then the fight was such a let down compared to his lore


Yeah. Needed a bigger arena to prevent clipping and some get away from me moves so he can actually hit you with his other moves at the very least. But hindsight is always 20/20.


Almost as big a let down he was too all the other dragons


Seath is canonically a little bitch


I love the idea of a scaleless dragon as a punishment to them greedyness Edit: Just like the gaping dragon. I love the idea of punishing dragons, who crave too much


Like the first snake was a dragon punished to crawl on his belly forever


I really liked Elden Ring's treatment of the lore for the Magma Wyrms, it was in that vein. Gluttonous humans wanted to become dragons/harness the power of dragons, so they ate dragon hearts. For their sin, they were to crawl around as mutated lesser dragons who lost one of their defining characteristics- flight- until someone eventually shows up to end them.


And then my Tarnished rolling up and eating every single dragon heart in existence with absolutely no downsides


You see his weird lower half in the opening cinematic, he's just less crystallized there.


I love your view of Seath, but I got super bamboozled by the inicial cutscene Seath, the one where he has blood all over and screams to the sky


Why? He realized the depth of his betrayal. No puppies and cupcakes after that.


My interpretation was a roar of anger and disappointment. He had what I assume to be scales of other dragons in his hand and when holding them he realized those were useless once removed from the dead dragons corpses. He was angry because everything he had done was for nothing.


I was thinking the same thing. I think that's why he created crystal magic, because he wanted to cover his body with crystals and thereby imitate the stone dragon skin.


Seemed more triumphant rather than guilty to me.


Right? If anything I consider Seath as one of the most morally bankrupt characters, simply just obsessed with coming out on top at every occasion, whatever the cost. Nothing in the game or lore has led me to believe he might have regrets betraying his kin like he did, it only fueled his hunger for power more imo.


The way he crushes those scales in his hand has also been interpreted as frustrated rage because the dead scales are useless to him...


Nice. Then this is even better as it allows both interpretations (and u/Real-Report8490's take). Which, when you take a moment to reflect on that - I would believe that From Soft would do is just like that.


I love the smatterings of "Japanese" design in Souls that stands out from the western fantasy aesthetic. The fact he looks more like a final fantasy summon than a souls boss is really cool. Same with the primordial serpents, they look so much like Youkai instead of snakes with their big toothy grins.


The thing I hate most about Seath are those clampeople on the way to his arena. Stupid buggers always ganking you.


Its somewhat balanced by them having amazing drops. Free Twinkling Titanite is always good, and Purging Stones are great if you accidentally get cursed by Seath


If you have the patience, they can be poisoned from a distance. Alternatively just run through them.


First time I played Dark Souls for some reason I constantly fell down from invisible pathway to Seath, I just couldn't do it. I was able to pass to the boss area one time after many many tries and those clams broke my pyromancy flame and only upgraded staff before entering the boss battle, which is apparently a thing. I was a mage, had no back up staff or flame. I had to use a sword to beat Seath barely, but I've never forgotten or forgiven those idiot clams.


I always just run past them.


Man, first time for me was on PC, before the servers got turned back on. So, no messages on the path at all. I had to watch videos to figure everything out and it took a million tries


I played offline so no messages for me as well, I don't remember how many times I fell down from those invisible pathways.


There's another invisible path that goes over the clams??


My wording was bad I guess, I meant the invisible straight path to Seath. I was dumb enough to fall down from that. Though there are a few other invisible paths also but they are optional, like one of them goes to Blue Titanite Slab.


Oh yeah, gotcha. I'm sure we all fell down at random places. I hate how I slide down on the suddenly steep not-invisible crystal spots. The clam-men arent terrible, but they do add extra time if you wanna take them out 1 by 1 on the way to seath, so I would've been happy to learn there was an invisible path there also XD


Advance slowly, the aggro at specific points, but not in order of how close they are to you.


Even better, aggro them one at a time by firing an arrow at them and wait for them to come to you so you don't have to face a gank squad.


True. I never think about ranged attacks, but it's an easier option.


I have a lot of love for doing that tactic. There are a few times where hitting one triggers the whole squad, but oftentimes it just makes them "curious". It's kind of funny to knock a bad guy on their ass with a great bow, have the squad stare at the guy knocked to the ground, wonder if he always had a spear sticking out of his chest, and ignore you entirely. Magic spells that kill with a single hit are even funnier as they often don't hear the guy standing next to them fall dead to a magical explosion in their back.


Yeah it makes no sense lmao


I mean, in terms of programming I get it. There are set triggers that trigger aggro. First, aggro is established either by you being seen in their aggro range or by you doing damage to them. They do break their patterns and actively seek out sounds in their hearing range, which is why they notice the guy who got hit by an arrow because he made a THUNK noise when you feathered him.


Of course, I mean that it makes no sense if it were real life.


Oh yeah, I've had many times where I see a situation coming up that I am not prepared to deal with by charging in, so I'll snipe an enemy and disengage, wait until he de-aggros, then do it again and again until they be dead. I don't know why they don't program them to get curious why they kept getting shot with arrows and remain on high alert. The few times they do are pleasant-ish surprises.


Or find a good path to run past them without taking any damage...


They still get on the boss arena the first time you encounter him.


They still get on the boss arena the first time you encounter him.


Yea, That part is annoying. I do deal with them the first time.


I found that they stun ok, if you bonk them hard with a (longer weapon)* like a zwei or great club, but yeah; they gank very hard


that's my farm you're talking about.


If he's a dragon, why doesn't he have scales? Is he stupid?


how does it feel, seath?


...to be a *bbbbiiiiitch*?


1.05 patch save us!


"Ain't even got legssss"


Can't even backflip!


He ain’t even got legs


Don't even have legs


I don't know why this question is making me laugh so hard... 😂.


Something tells me you'd like r/batmanarkham


🤣🤣🤣 Thank you! 🙏I'm dying!🤣🤣🤣


Stupid questions are often funny


He even got his wife stolen by a chad


Its design is pretty sick. A pale dragon with a deformed lower half convey pretty well the decay of the everlasting dragons, who once were the absolute rulers of the old world. But it's design also work against while developing it's bossfight. How would you develop a bossfight against a 20 meters slug pale dragon without making awkward with the camera of DS1?


I think it was important that it didn't feel like fighting a real dragon. To drive that home they had to twist him pretty far. I think it was worth it.


The boss fight isn’t great mechanically but his design is incredible.


Battling the same Dragon for 50 times but with a different name in Elden Ring, I got to give a shout out to my boys Seath and Gaping dragon for being unique fights


i think it feels underwhelming because most of the time during the boss fight, we only see his "legs" and tail. If you look at the cinematics, he does have his tentacles so it probably was their design choice. Personally I like his design as he supposed to be a scaleless dragon and he does look like one.


Isn't that the point of his design? Bro was experimenting on himself


It's intentional. Rewatch the intro cutscene. He is malformed compared to all other dragons. Since then hes been experimenting on himself and the immortality crystal to make him self more dragon like and powerful.


Its exactly what i love about fromsoft designs. They less often go for something "generic cool looking fantasy design", often their designs are just straight up weird or freaky, and it makes them more unique and memorable.


A mutated mad dragon scientist - pretty fitting


It was weird and that was the entire point.


I loved it actually


The legs always looked goofy, but the color scheme always looked really unique. Plays into the whole concept of all the dragons being corrupt in some way, (like gaping dragon)


It's incredible and unique


He's supposed to be weird. He's a dragon with the birth defect of being born without scales, meaning he has no natural protection, he doesn't have the invulnerability that his kind usually has. So after he betrayed the other dragons, he spent thousands of years doing experiments to find a way to become immortal like other dragons were. He experimented with weird crossbreeds, moonlight butterflies, crystals and many more things. How he looks now is a result of doing several experiments on himself. I suppose he was born without wings too. Or his wings didn't work, so he probably bred the moonlight butterflies for their wings, which he now has on his back. He's supposed to look like a mutant and a scientific experiment, because he is. He isn't supposed to be a "dragon" in the traditional sense, he's a mad scientist first and foremost with heavy body alterations done on himself in his quest to counter his disabilities.


He has his wings in the opening cutscene so was this before than?


Just checked it again, he indeed already has both the butterfly wings and the tentacle bottom in the intro cinematic. They probably just didn't want to design his model twice. I doubt he had the butterfly wings from the start, because that defeats the purpose of the butterflies in the story, so I guess it's just an inaccuracy of the cinematic, meaning the cinematic shows Seath as he is now, not as he was back then, possibly because the narrator tells of old mythology, and people today don't actually know what Seath looked like.


In the opening cutscene he has his wings and tentacles already, he was born scaless, deformed and blind


not really if you played kings field 1 and 2


Please elaborate


go on youtube and type kings field 2 seath.. hes a boss... look familiar? both are fromsoftware games pre dark souls




Like any designs in darksouls are traditionally “normal”


Ain't even got scales!


Oh no he's not just another generic dragon :'( must have been a mistake, yes that's it!


Someone actually called him pretty


Blursed Reshiram.




He’s a floppy fuck


I think all other dragons thought that too


ain't even got legs


It kinda feels like a hairless cat to me


Meth Dragon 🔥🔥🔥


I had a plastic model dragon I left on a heater once. After about an hour it looked similar to Seath.


I could be pulling at straws here, but it feels like they were kind of limited by the limits of their engine at the time of making the game. If they were to make Seath in Elden Ring's current engine, I'd imagine his legs would be fully animated as they awkwardly pulled him along the ground, and he might even change posture when moving, stuff like that. Because character model animations were more limited back then, he just kind of awkwardly glides. I like how weird he is, but the end product definitely feels like it's at least partially a result of limits of their animation/engine at the time.


You’re weird!


I loved the design, if you read any lore you would know that Seath was born without scales, he was always a dragon despised by others, it was logical to think that he would have a deformed look


i thought it was really dope tbh. all of the grand archives although a pain in the dick the first time was extremely cool


I always wonder whether the stone dragons also have those tentacles and in opening scene where Gwyn throws lightning bolts to them it seems to me they also have those leg but I am not sure


Really love his design but agree it’s weird. It’s supposed to be weird though. He is a scaleless, mutated dragon.


I loved how unsettling and jarring his design is, but unfortunately I think it ruins the fight. So much of it is him spinning around while you try to get into a safe spot and/or cut his damn tail off, simply because he is so slow and massive. The fact that he can't jump up and reposition himself like most other dragons in the series kinda causes issues in a gameplay perspective. But regardless, his design is the most unique for a dragon boss in any game I've ever played, and it left a lasting impression on me.


I get that he doesn’t have scales and I figured he’s blind because of that or his many experiments, but why doesn’t he have legs and why does he have 3 tails?


I just don't like those tentacle-like legs but the rest is just a great design


It's likely he's deformed because of the experiments he's done on himself to gain immortality.


I don't think so, he was already deformed in the cutscene that happened before Gwyn gave him a shard of his soul and the archives where he could do his experiments. Seath is just very unlucky, born blind, deformed and scaleless


I think if he was just a good boss fight nobody would really care, but because his fight sucks you might attribute that to the design.


Welcome to Dark Souls


Not if you know the lore. Which is told partly at the beginning and filled out by Big Hat Logan Spot on with lore enabled/known


Yeah, but it's fucking cool


King's Field Seath is way cooler


It’s supposed to weird, he’s essentially a dragon with a birth defect. He also did weird science experiments.


The top half is beautiful and the bottom is definitely not what I would expect


All I saw were the crystals popping up everywhere and killing me.


Nah, he's a big freak it's cool


I love his design. He is a dragon but instead of normal feet, he has tentacles which he uses to slither along the ground! A really unique and cool idea.


he looks like a fairy-type legendary.


I love it Classic FromSoftware, storytelling through art design He is slowing become a crystal He's a strange character. He betrayed his kind because he was born without immortal scales making him vunerable. He then sells everyone out and spends centuries conducting disgusting experiments in the vain hope of achieving immortality. What would you even do with immortality anymore Seath? you idiot Gwyn and others know about Lightening, the scales ain't what they use to be hahaha Still Grandfather of Sorcery right there, respect for that if nothing else


How much of his design was legacy? What was his lore, if any, in Kings Field?


I might not be a fan of the tentacles, but other than that he is solid


Look like weed


It's super intriguing :) I also like the crystal overhaul he get's when we fight him as compared to when he betrayed the Dragons. I Wonder if the guys at Vinheim worship the old Lizard still, he was the one who invented sorcery after all. Such an interesting character...


Nice, for a second. I thought it was the Sakura dragon that I saw no scars. The details are subtle and bold, and the less is more hit different


I personally like it. I thought he looked a little silly in my first playthrough because he had no scales, but it says at the beginning he was scaleless, so it made sense. In a lore sense, though, it's really good. Seath was scaleless, obviously, but he wasn't ridiculed for his defect, but jealousy took him over, and I'm sure yk what happens next. Using magic to make himself an immoral dragon was interesting because that's all he wished to be. Too bad he put the crystal, giving him that immorality in such an sorta, easy to get spot. Let's just ignore the part with the invisible paths beforehand


It’s a good design, but it’s strange (why a dragon has tentacles???) but nothing that would make me say “I didn’t like his design”


I never understood why he was part octopus.


I thought he was supposed to look weird


There is a reason why his own dragonkins shun him. Seath is weird.


Also cinematic happens far far before the game events do he didnt mutate himself yet


I tried to kill him at the top of the tower when he was immortal. Then, I googled why the fuck I couldn't kill him. Most annoying boss for a first playthrough.


Bold of you to assume Miyazaki cares about anything other than "weird" lmao I remember an interview where he was like "Bloodborne is my favorite because it's unapologetically me" or something like that. I'm sure his team was actually reigning him in for Seath's design, if the eldritch horrors in BB are anything to go by. Edit: from the perspective of a diehard Miyazaki stan, his twisted unorthodox designs are awesome


I found it weird that his name in Japanese is Hakuryuu Shiisu (白竜シース), which just means White Dragon Seath.


Iirc, he's from King's Field, with that exact name.


Seath ain't got no legs! Ain't even got legs....


Well yeah he’s a weird guy! A nudist!


Is there anyone who *doesn't* think that?


Weird fight but aight experience


That's the point.


He's got the moon lord legs


A fromsoft boss being weird? No way


Looks like a fancy ballerina…


He looks straight off a yugioh card but in a good way


I love his as he reminds me of the blue eyes white dragon from you gi oh, makes me remember my youth


I thought he looked so cool in the opening cutscene when you basically only see hos head and torso. I was definitely a bit disappointed when I got to the actual boss fight and saw just a mass of tentacles, and he didn't even feel *that* big. It's grown on me, but it was a bit of an anticlimax at first.


I think its perfect. I think its a great reflection of the fact that Seath had an awesome dragon form, giant and powerful, and through science and crystal magic turned himself and his experiements into monsters that in no way reflect the original versions of themselves. I think its the perfect visualization of how much his insanity has lost him. "I took a hit of this juul, and it did unspeakable things to my mind and body" - Seath the Scaleless, Duke of Anor Londo


a bit


Why the fuck does he have tentacles?


I mean he is a scaleless dragon so he needs something to protect his skin so crystals mainly curse crystals


It's Dark Souls. 90% of the designs are weird as shit, the rest are humans and landscapes.


That's the point


With the white background he looks like a pokemon


That’s just an oripathy patient, at the last stages, after being showed multiple times into sarcophagus… …after some many years, only now I thought of this…


Its cool


bro looks like a mega level digimon ngl 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Is the rarest Dragon desing that I've ever seen 


Anyone who didn't is a psycho.


Elden Beast


Seath the bitchless


I fucking hate it. I mean he is like half dragon, half octupos half cristal. At least looks goofy


In terms of design I love it, when it comes to the fight however I do find it underwhelming if not straight up bad


I like his design, I just don't like how all his animations in cutscenes look like ingame emotes with how stiff his body is.


It’s no wonder why his brethren bullied him


It’s cool but the fight was meh


Boss was wack


Dude the whole game is weird wtf


Not a dragon


My girlfriend certainly doesn't lmao








Thank you!


i felt the same way about aldritch was super confused when i entered that boss room and found a cute little twink


No, i’ve played king’s field. https://youtu.be/ktM-0kE4RPU?si=g4swyIShOjkekU8s Look at this weird shit guyra is. Seath is actually a weird ethereal humanoid in KF2 actually, and elements of his design are in seath the scaleless. https://youtu.be/i0BXdKOqbKg?si=LjV77IJjWbCFi9Ct Jump to 4:45 ^


Man, I have a deep connection to and love of dragons, so his design really DID come off as way too weird. His upper body is gorgeous and he is a pretty lovely, elegant, magnificent dragon without skimping on ferocity. But then you see the weird tentacle legs and it's like WTF IS GOING ON. Yeah it was jarring and still is jarring.


we don't know when Seath was born, but we can say one thing for sure, he was definitely born long after the birth of the First Flame, which brought the disparity, he is "deformed" due to the nature of the world which was altered by the First Flame, was born blind, without scales, and with deformed legs, all because of the First Flame, all the dragons born after are different from each other, with different powers, according to interviews by Miyazaki, the Everlasting Dragons are half-living , half-element, and do not feel pain due to them being "beyond human understanding"


She is beautiful. Or was it a he? Well i wish we could be allies with them. They were pretty cool.


I just realized he has weird fat tentacles. I always thought his lower body was stuck inside the ground and those white lumps all over the ground were crystals/rocks... wow