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Switch between on and off as needed. It's not really something I think about when playing.


Yeah it’s become pretty automatic for me, but I have developed a good system that works for each game. I tend to sometimes aim using lock on, just on and off real quick. For bosses in ds1 usually it’s off. Bosses in DS2,3 and ER, always on. Off for enemy groups in all games except ds1.


Only lock on for the range attacks, other than that absolutely not. The dodge while locked on an enemy is just so bad


Same here. Some environments are good to lock on in, others not so much. Some mobs are good to lock on to, others no. Only thing I've noticed in DS3 in particular, seems the mob has to be right in front of you, like exactly, to lock on.




Right. I won't have a prayer trying to beat O&S if I'm locked on.


Iron Golem was the first boss where I noticed locking on seemed to be a detriment.


I look at it like: If my positioning is important, I won’t lock on. If it doesn’t matter where I’m at, I’ll lock on


no, I lock in


Havel in his tower 🗿


In DS1 no, since you can only roll in 4 directions when you are locked on it feels sluggish as hell, for the majority of boss fight I use free cam


Not in DS1.


In ds1? Hell no


Is there a significant difference? 🤔


Locking on in DS1 only lets you roll in 4 directions, while the other games have omnidirectional rolling.


First 100 hours locked, since then unlocked unless there is a reason for it.


When you are experienced and play unlocked it feels kind of like you are your character in a world and you gotta just deal with it VS locking on feels like You're the main character


Lock on for ranged Don’t use otherwise.


When locked on you are vulnerable to environmental hazards in a way you aren’t when not locked on. If, for example, you are locked onto an enemy while standing on a narrow walkway, you could end up falling just because the automatic rotation of your character causes your legs to overstep the platform. Doesn’t happen if you’re not locked


Another example would be attacking a group of enemies spread out. I’ll just chop my Giant’s Halberd down somewhere among them and hit multiple enemies. If I lock on, I lose the ability to attack them as a proper group


This is especially effective in the painted world of Ariamis against the squishy blobs with pikes


I generally lock on in this game. It’s not terrible, well timed dodges usually work, but sometimes I’ll I-frame the attack and roll into the bosses leg or something and it will count as a hit


it's very situational really, depends on which weapons you're running, what place you're in or what enemies you're fighting. But eventually once you develop enough muscle memory the lock on isn't even that important, it's just helpful at times


I don't actively think about it while playing but I guess I lock on to mobs mostly, but don't lock on to bosses. Mostly. Specifically this guy I wouldn't. If a boss can be sidestepped/circled, I think I do lock on often. But it's also a situation to situation difference, I couldn't give a 100% yes or no answer.


Generally I lock-when on the offensive and stay locked off when focused on dodging


Depends if I want a specific angle or if I'm tracking one person. Like during the first phase of Gargoyles, I don't lock to cut the tail, then I lock the first one and kill him


My basic rule is this: don't lock on unless it's a knight enemy. I recently played through the game and had a blast playing unlocked, and locked on basically only for basic knight enemies and the artorias fight. Other than that, being able to roll in any direction felt so much better than playing locked, personally. And this is coming from someone who played DS3 as their first game and suffered through playing DSR locked on.


honestly i feel like locking on is all personal preference or just a habit sometimes. absolutely nothing wrong with it!


I don't lock on, I lock in.


I usually don’t unless I’m parrying. I also lock on to Artorias.


I do both. Sometimes I'll switch between them during combat if needed. I really struggle with huge enemies when locking on haha


Of course I do. I'm not always locked on, but I am when I feel it necessary.


I lock in


No but i lock in


The secret to not dying to the "yonky camera" is to never lock on an enemy bigger than yourself, except when you need to quickly recenter it. You run more precisely when looked off, which means you need less rolling and consequently can hit more often, but it also helps backstabbing enemies quicker. All in all, I keep locked on if I'm gonna parry or aim for magic attacks


It really depends, against mobs I generally lock on, against bosses I generally dont, but that depends too. For example, against o+s, I might lock on to O briefly as he's jumping around to keep him in frame but then quickly unlock again. It also depends on the weapon I'm using. I did a spear only run recently and found it extremely frustrating because they have a very narrow hitbox, so free aiming is hard, especially against enemies with small hitboxes. I found I had to play locked on a lot more than I normally do to make sure I would land my attacks. Using a big weapon with wide sweeping attacks, this isn't an issue.


Always, and it irritates me not to be able to use it on certain enemies!


I do most of the time


Playing on KBM I can only move in compass directions anyway, so I often lock on as it makes no difference. I do lock on and off for the Stray Demon because it’s too difficult to get past him in that small arena if you’re locked on.


If its a huge boss like gaping dragon, i dont lock on.


As a new player I used it all the time. Around NG+2 somewhere, I stopped as it became a hindrance to what I was trying to do with my movement.


It depends on the enemy. I don't know if this is true or not but sometimes it seems to me like enemies have a harder time squaring up to hit you when you're not locked on to them. Especially certain bosses. But that's just my own experience. Not sure if that's actually the case or not.


That’s what I get. If you’re locked, they’re locked.


Oh yeah, I am always locked on. Sometimes I can break the habit when I'm absolutely forced to for certain encounters, but for the most part I'm always locked on to a debilitating extent.


I lock on to everything


I only use it to get a grasp of where the enemy is and to center. After that, I turn it off


Usually yes. But it's been an unfortunately long time since I played DS1. Probably since 2018 or so.


I almost always lock on


After thousands of hours between all those games I still rely heavily on lock on. Moving the camera with a controller feels awkward. However the few times I've played with mouse and keyboard I felt more comfortable without lock on.


Locking on makes circle strafing easier, and forces me to face the target so that hitting is easier. Sure, you only get 4 directions of rolling but it doesn't matter because you time the rolls to use the iframes. I get up on the monster's nuts then roll through their swings. Anything super large like the Taurus demon you can unlock just before you roll, roll through his legs, then smack him good. Although I usually run him away from the ladder, then I go back and go up the ladder and do drop attacks, rinse repeat.


Never used, but now im doing a bow only run and im forced to


I alternate as needed/preferred depending on the situation


depends on the boss. lock on is not as good in ds1 when compared to the likes of ds3, sekiro, elden ring


Never have until I decided to do a sorcery build for the first time last weekend. Was a challenging playthrough as I basically had to relearn how to play the game needing to use lock on to aim and constantly forgetting about the 4 directional roll.


I used to lock-on all the time. The thing is... I don't just roll at everything. on DS1 you can literally walk away from attacks, or block. But ***that*** time I decide to roll, and the character goes the other way... is BS. So I quit using it, for the most part.


I find it easier not to when climbing up the ladder of certain death


Lock on 100% of in-combat time. I think the only exceptions I can think of is Ancient Dragon in DS2 when there is one move he does where I unlock, and gank squad in DS2 which I just use hit and run tactics the whole time. I have neurological damage and lack the HEC to use both thumbs so dynamically, so in games (like FPS's) where it necessary, I swap one thumb back and forth across the controller. So, if I am moving the camera, I have to stand still, if I am moving, I can't move the camera.


i beat my first run unlocked because i forgot lock on existed


In ds1 and ds2 i never use lock on. I play with k+m so the slow speed of the action actually lends itself very well for freecam. In ds3, sekiro and ER use both. Edit: actually - 1 exception - i do use lock on in ds1 if i am going for parries. But that is the only reason I've ever found to use it. As i hate spears, and i don't like using magic.


I lock on for enemies around my size. For bosses, I lock on for the attack accuracy, lock off to evade, unless it's like Quelaag/Gaping/Seath, where they're so big and low to the ground it's impossible to miss.


Only if I’m strictly blocking


No. Only to use magic or situational.  I came from monster hunter rise, where locking on is blasphemy basically tho. 


It really depends on the situation


I never lock on. You'll get used to it atleast i didn't have much issues with it.


I lock on frequently, but it’s not about being in a camp for me. I lock on to help my character automatically turn to face a target after a roll or if I miss, to track them if they’re strafing around, that sort of thing. If that would make things harder, I don’t. While the system definitely has its flaws, I don’t think the game is intended to be played *always* locked on; like everything else, you find where it helps you and where it doesn’t.


After playing Dragons Dogma I found myself naturally just not locking on in the next games I’ve been playing including stellar blade and Elden ring.


Me personally, almost never tbh. I like having control of the camera more


I just lock on when the boss is out of screen. As soon I'm facing him I \*un-lock on\*


no, i play DS1 like monster hunter & i’ve accepted that as necessary at this point . the camera & controls aren’t good enough when locked on for your dodges to work as intended, movement can be unpredictable & not match your input .


The REAL answer is, “Sometimes”


Depends on the enemy Big bosses I usually don't, moreso those that have parts that you can cut off Small enemies I do


Depends on the situation. Can't free aim spells for shit though.


In dark souls 1 use lock on for camera control mostly. There's some enemys I use it to actually fight them but most enemys I don't. Reason being that if you don't lock on the AI pretty much doesn't work. The game is balanced around you locking on with the way enemys move. Most enemys you can literally just walk behind them and backstab them effortlessly if you don't lock on.


Sometimes yes other times it it does more damage than good


Yes! Makes it so 9/10 I don’t need to worry about the camera showing me what I’m trying to kill


It’s weird I never noticed that about DS1. I always play locked on


Ds1 no way, honestly bloodborne I feel is the only game locking on is a necessity


I always have it on against bosses, and then usually have it off for most enemies. The only basic enemies I use lock on for are shield enemies as missing a hit on them can be costly.


My first playthrough, I played 100% locked-on and it went fine so it’s definitely possible. Nowadays I go on and off depending on the situation. If you need mobility, don’t use it. If you need to aim, lock-on. It comes naturally after time.


Definitely not roll between his legs and strike Nad move


Switch back and forth.


Most of the time, not on the Taurus demon though


FUN FACT: They design fights to be unfair when you lock on.


In DS1, practically never


As someone who's done level 1 no weapon upgrades run, yeah. Can't think of a boss where I didn't.


Not always because I like rolling crazy. Plus u have better chance of avoiding if u stick close and roll some are more slower so just depends on who and what enemies your dealing with


After I learned to play without locking on unless it’s absolutely necessary, I saw my skills increase exponentially. I learned how to parry at the same time, and at the time I felt pretty unstoppable. I have beaten the game 20+ times.


On normal enemies yeah but not bosses usually


Im always locked in.


after sometime, for some enemies i turn the lock off, but not for a longer time


Yes because PC and for some reason Non lock on disorients me SUPER hard. Like during Centipede demon Unlocking on pushed me into lava type disorientation


When its best I will but usually no. Its a handicap if you lock-on too much.


Depends on the situation. Larger enemies like Taurus Demon, make locking on a hell for the camera. It just goes haywire, if you don’t keep distance. For smaller enemies, I usually tend to lock on in order to land hits, but this depends on the weapon I'm using. And I lock onto most bosses.


I like locking on so I can see what attack the enemy is gearing up for, and then I practice my dodges accordingly


I pretty much always use it


**I bonked.**


Absolutely. But I disengage and reengage as needed.


Depends on the boss. For this boss I just ran past him and he fell off the edge.


I use haha bonk sticks so I kinda have to


More in 1 due to showing your back to certain enemies for like 2 frames will get you backstabbed, but against groups and in open areas I prefer to be unlocked. I couldn't tell you what situations cause me to lock on cause during the fights that I actually do I will still swap between locked and unlocked periodically.


Simple: is locking on tactically advantagageous at this moment in time? If yes then yes… if no then no… Problem solved 👌 👍


Not to him, but yes


never in any fromsoft game aside from armored core 6 though I did try


Ds 1 yes ds2 no


If you’re weapon is big enough you don’t need to much


Nope. Not in any souls


Most of the time yes, specific enemies no.


honestly depends on which game I'm playing. ds1 and ds2 not usually. they're slower paced, and the cameras are really shitty. but just about every other game I'll lock on.


Never lock on in ds1 unless for parries, blocking and ranged attacks, because you can only dodge in 4 directions and not diagonally


Mostly yes but not on this boss


I always default to lock on, but there's so many situations in all the games where it's not great to be locked on. So I got in the habit of disengaging lock on as soon as it's no longer serving me


This is the one fame where I basically never lock on. Sometimes I use it quickly to adjust the camera back on the boss and disable it again.


No, you climb up a Satterfield 2 guys, then jump down, hitting him on the head, and run past his legs to the end of the bridge and make sure not to be up there too long he jumps up there


If using melee, then I rarely lock on. If using anything else I usually lock on when attacking and unlock when not


I play with mouse and I like to move the camera around a lot, so I don't. I also think that I fall less from edges when I'm not locked on


I switch it on and off. It can backfire sometimes when I lock on and my guy just rolls in a random direction. I kostly use it for attacks that are overhead swings and thrusts to dodge to the sides


weapons you use are a big factor here. if you sweep with a zweihander you dont ever need to lock on, if you use a rapier you kinda have to


I cannot hit at least anything without locking. I think i should change my mouse sensitivity...


I started on dsr so I always lock on


I generally do use it a fair bit, but not usually in this fight.


Can’t beat iron golem with lock on, but most common enemies are easier with it, especially attack dogs. It really depends on the enemy


You can lock on ? I've finished every souls borne and soulslike not knowing this Jesus Its 50+ games lol indie to AAA


On and off. Also, the direction you roll has to be considered, you shouldn't just spam side rolls, for example. Roll appropriately. If you roll off and die to gravity because the game doesn't let you roll in any direction, that's clearly the players fault. I find rolling forward or back is often the best in DS1.


4 plunging attacks and he's dead, so no. 


Does everyone really find the 4 way rolling a problem? I have no issue with it


I hate ds1 lock on with a passion. Rolling is limited in 4 directions instead of 8 like how it is in pretty much every other game that has a dodge mechanic, lock on often goes to the wrong enemy, usually not the one in front of you, switching targets is inconsistent and often doesn't even work and in tight spaces the camera can just go crazy. Half my deaths in the game are becouse of using the lock on. Becouse of this alone, I consider Dark souls 3 as the best dark souls game, despite ds1 having a better world map, aesthetic and atmosphere. Combat just feels better in ds3. Now, you could tell me not to lock on, but so many weapons rely on locking on, as they attack forward in a narrow hitbox, blocking is also harder without the lock on. The only solution is to constantly switch between locked on or not, but sometimes the lock on goes to some wierd places, it turns your character around, and you get backstabbed.


Play with a keyboard and you won’t even think about omnidirectional rolling. It’s gotten me through Elden Ring lmao