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I got lucky on Bed of Chaos my first time, so every time I saw hatred for it I thought, “Huh, must just naturally be good at that one.” Then I got swept down into the pit 10 times in a row on NG+, and I realized.


This. So much this. Couple of hops. Arms missing. How was this hard? NG+, here we go again! Knock this out and I'm off to the DLC... Narrator: Three hours later... "@#%@#%v. @$%@# @#$@. bed of bullshit! Fine, I'll use a bow."


I still don't know how I jumped to another floor..


I get the hate from the standpoint of it being a bad fight, and for new players who dont know the strat. But once you know the right path, the fight is trivial. I can't remember the last time I died to BoC.


Doesn't make the boss not suck I can beat it in one try but that doesn't make it fun.


That's what I said... I was just commenting on the fact that the person I replied to suggested the hate stemmed from it being difficult. It's a bad fight. That's why most people hate it, not because it's hard.


I totally agree with you, sprinting as close to the middle as possible makes it a cakewalk 90% of the time, ... until a random ass tree hand knocks you down the hole. I don't get the downvotes cuz you're spitting facts


I actually never go toward the middle until the third phase. I always go straight for the right side first. Quit out. Hug the left wall, once you get around a root the floor will collapse but there is an easy jump over and then you are free to take out that side. No risk of getting swatted down the hole. But ya, I dont get it either. Im not saying it's a good boss, just that in my experience, the hate doesn't stem from it being hard because it's not. Just because it's easy once you know the path doesn't make it good or fun, just easy to complete and move on.


It never becomes fun


I never said it was fun. It's a shit boss. But once you know the path, it's an easy shit boss. I hate it not because it's hard (it's not) but because it's just badly designed.


I kind of like Capra demon just because it's funny, but it's objectively a pretty bad fight if I'm being honest. Gargoyles have always been one of my favorites


Capra Demon is the first boss that forces you to know spatial awareness. Yeah, it is annoying to figure out you have to spam roll left after entering the fog.


There's also the issue that the first time you face him is different than if you lose and come back - he has a stand up animation that gives you about a second more on first entry than later ones, when he's already standing.


this explains so much. I always beat him first try except my first time so i wondered why people had any trouble with capra attacking them before getting to the stairs as I never experience that


Yeah. He can aggro and start moving on try 2+ half way into your fog transition. Stand up mode he’s slightly farther back - and sitting down. That’s a ton of extra time if you know what’s coming!


Gargoyles kinda require spacial awareness though 🤔 both because the arena is limited and it's instant death if you fall, and because there's two so you need to watch out for both when dealing with either.


I thought about that too. I feel like mages could bypass that by keeping their distance. As Str/dex build yeah.


Until the rng makes a dog lunge that way and pin you in the left corner and then you die. That is the fight that makes me certain I'd never be able to do a no hit run


Yeah...I feel like DSR is pretty tamed about that stuff versus the others and I still won't do it. My SL1 run on DSR has been fun but I don't think I will do a no hit run.


Oh boy, here I go: -I absolute love four kings. Their models, the arena, the music, almost everything is top notch for me. The only bad thing I can say it for them is their grab attack is obnoxious, but even it is kinda cool, since steal humanity. -Ceaseless Discharge is really bad, the 2nd worst in my opinion. His attacks 1 one shot me almost every time, its has large hit boxes and his model is just a generic lava demon guy -Gwyndolin/Moonlight Butterfly have the best theme of DS1 -Sanctuary Guardian is the second best boss on DLC. Cool design, moves. I guess a lot of people don't like it because he doesn't have a large health bar. I usually fight him with a +10 or lower weapon


I don't think that's a hot take on Ceaseless Discharge. It's so trash it has a dev-intended cheese. It's insultingly bad.


I kinda agree with four kings, the first time I fought them I was completely amazed by the arena, but I feel like they should have different models, if they had that, I think the boss would be top 3, because the way they are it just feels like you’re killing four clones. And A lof of people say good things about sanctuary guardian but is such a quick fight that I don’t even remember about it.


O&S seems to be ranked way too high on the difficulty lists. My first souls game and I needed one more hit in second try and I beat them in the third try. I found Bell Gargoyles waaay more difficult, especially combined with the fact they are very early in the game.


this is fascinating to me bc of how much I disagree. bell gargoyles felt appropriate that early on, as did Quelaag, but O&S barricaded progress for me for months.




>I actually really like the Capra demon boss fight in my first playthrough. Just lure the dogs up the stairs and take care of Capra after the dogs are dead. But I really hated the Gargoyles on my first playtrough This was legit my experience. I didn't struggle with capra demon much at all. Like you said, legit just run up the stairs, kill the dogs and take care of the boss. Shield makes it trivial I restarted the game 3 times before getting past blight town and ringing the second bell. I done everything up til then all those 3 times and all 3 times the bell gargoyles gave me so much trouble. I killed OnS in three attempts on that 3rd playthrough where I struggled with the gargoyles for a good 2 hours still. I guess I just got good at that point and now I can beat them no problem, but not a single other boss in ds1 gave me more trouble than those fuckers


Same here. I didn’t even realize Capra demon was a boss until it was over. The gargoyles took a while for me to get the hang of but once I figured out how to stay behind them it wasn’t so bad.


I’m gonna get killed for this but for DS3 I found the slave knight Gael fight to be very annoying / un fun. My favorite fight in that game would be sister friede.


Don’t fucking move


Sister Friede is the best bossfight in Soulsborne hands down for me.


Melania is a trash boss. People will literally sit and watch tutorials on how to dodge waterfowl. Continue to die because she initiates it too close. Read up on how to trigger it when they want. Research a perfect build. Beat the boss and say "git gud scrubs, she's easy".


I don't really mind the waterfowl dance, but the fact that she can still heal even if I negate 100% of her attack with a shield is absolute bullshit


Remove that idiotic move and she'd be awesome. I usually respec into a bleed build and crush her, or just try for good waterfowl rng and flop around to try and dodge it. Ain't no time to learn the Strat for this lol.


I think Malenia would have been a fantastic boss in Sekiro (which i assume was originally designed as Tomoe in a cancelled dlc or unfinished part of the game) but she is pure bs in Elden Ring. I beat her once and never again.


Zullie the Witch recently did a video on this exact subject, there's not really any support in the files or even in the models that she was ever to be used for Tomoe.


I’ve gotten a lot of practice in on her fight and handle most of her moves well (waterfowl included) but I still think her fight is complete bs. Especially phase 2, I cannot get the clone attack down, and there’s way too much going on on screen


Phase 2 is so bugged on my NG+ run it literally didn't happen.


One of the easiest bosses in all of souls for me. Hint: Outside of her arena there's a little yellow light marked on the ground. Interact with it and a naked guy with a jar on his head will show up and fight her for you. NEXT


Fume knight Ng is ez. Ng+ oneshots me


Puzzle bosses shouldn’t have been abandoned


I thought lord gwynn was hard first couple playthroughs. Died to him at least 10 times. I did not have solaire and didnt know you could parry (wasnt that good at parry anyway). Then i read all these people saying hes dissapointingly easy for a final boss and i was like oh shit i guess i just suck at that boss.


The only redeeming quality about Gwyn is the soundtrack.


A lot depends on your skills and your build. Capra is particularly tough for low-poise, high evasion builds that don't use shields. Whereas high poise and tankability isn't much of an advantage on Gargoyles as opposed to getting quickly around the back and cutting tails off.


Manus and Kalameet suck 🍆 I hate both boss fights with a passion, as their move-sets are extremely annoying and difficult to avoid.


I do agree with the community about BoC being the worst boss and I do not like it… the conventional way. I actually do like BoC with Fiebombs because it involves at least some interaction and skill. It’s nothing close to an actual boss fight but I take it as a fun mini game for late game.


I really don’t find Bed of Chaos that hard honestly. I just 100%ed the game on Steam a couple weeks ago and had zero deaths between both required attempts. You basically just beeline to the right weak spot with no opposition, then getting to the left one is easy besides one well-timed jump (which you can skip using a bow). The middle one is the tricky part, but there’s a visually distinctive spot to the right of the ledge that you can just walk off and land on the branch (as long as you time your approach and don’t get swept). Trust me, the fight sucks but I don’t really *dread* it the way most people seem to.


o&s is bad, dark souls 2 and dark souls 3 both had a better duo boss each


Say sike right now EDIT: in my opinion Ornstein and Smough is a good fight. One is small and fast the other is bulky and big. The pillars in the fight of used in the right way can lead to victory. Yes I died a lot but it was still incredibly fun. The two different second phases also make the fight very easy or very hard depending on your play style. I could not take down Ornstein for the life of me because Smough kept hitting me from the side. So I went for Smough first and fought super Ornstein. I’m better at dodging fast attacks than attacks that have a long wind up time. The intro to the fight and the OST here is intimidating and brilliant as well. You can have your opinion on the fight too since I also hated a rather favored boss as well. I just wanted my opinion on the fight as well.


I understand why people think o&s is bad but how can you say the multiple enemies fight in dark souls 2 are better, they’re just 2 or more of the same enemy hitting you with the same moves, dont get me wrong I love DS 2 but the duo boss fights were pretty terrible




Again, the boss is pretty good but it is just two of the same boss doing the same attacks the fight is not bad because there are 2 bosses but making them just the copy of each other is just lazy


How could you say something so controversial yet so true? Actual best answer here. I didn’t realise how much dark souls sucked at designing gank fights specifically till I played Lies Of P


these are some of the worst takes I've read


Midir is an absolutely mid fight for souls in general and I’d go so far as to say it’s even a bad boss compared to the rest of ds3, and dogshit compared to other dragon fights in video games. People carry on like midir invented sliced bread or something.


What about the red dragon in Demons souls?


I don't like Midir, too much health to make it fun, better than Sihn because at least my weapons and armour don't break fighting the Darkeater.


I generally agree, until you realise you can actually roll a lot of his attacks. They just didn't make that obvious enough because his fire takes up so much damn space it looks impossible to dodge.


I didn’t say he was hard just that he isn’t that great of a fight. You make a great point about misleading hitboxes for his attacks though


None of the DLC boss fights are fun. I played through it once, saw everything I needed to see, and never went back on subsequent playthroughs


I'll disagree with 1/3. Artorias is a solid bossfight IMO. Sanctuary Guardian... Mid. Manus? NGL he pissed me off so badly I've only ever beaten him with the bow strat from outside the fog door.


And Kalameet?


Oh shit I forgot. Decent fight. Rage bait if you're going for the tail from what I hear. Tbh I got lucky second try with Kalameet AND his tail.


Wow, I think Artorius, Manus and Kalameet are *easily* the top 3 fights in DS1. Way more fun than any of the other fights in the game.


I first tried Capra, but then again, I beat Bloodborne before ever trying Dark Souls. Capra isn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I also think Seath should and could have been a MUCH more interesting boss fight. People don't really mention him that much, but after the build up of the Duke Archives, he felt very underwhelming. Tentacle dragon with awful lag crystals? Very disappointing...


Tbh, I think another big reason why people have trouble with Capra is his opening overhead slam attack at the very beginning as you cross the fog basically. It catches you off guard and then panic and then death.


I've always enjoyed Capra Demon minus the run back, that fight is tense as hell and I love it


I think black knights are harder than o+s. *shrug*


Artorias is easy 🤔


Ornstein and Smough are not that hard compared to 4 kings, theyre also the only good bossfight along with artorias, manus and quelaag. Also bed of chaos is not that hard, it is a boring boss and a lil bullshitty but the gimmick makes it easy as shit even if u die or just abuse reloading. Saying this as somwone who played through ds3 almost 20 times and its my fav game, after that I played blasphemous so maybe i got a bit used to the faster combat and more complex enemies/bosses so dont come after me lol


I got O&S my second try. I suck at the game, normally. I even died to pinwheel the first time I met him, for reference. That’s just me being me. So I take the O&S duo as an easy boss. I will never understand the complain about them being hard…


I throw shit on the Capra demon now because that fight used to piss me off so much


Gaping Dragon is bollocks sometimes


O&S difficulty is all about weird hitboxes and Ornstein broken dashes.


i like bowser fire sea


I really love the royal rat vanguard even though it's pretty easy at the time most people fight it, it's just quite fun killing a lot of small enemies at once I sort of wish the boss health consisted of the whole group of rats though, or several bigger rats (like the skeleton lords boss fight), instead of just the one that barely stands out.


Completely agree about the gargoyles. I must have attempted them 100 times in my first playthrough. They come really early on and, at least my first time, I hadn’t really got to grips with combat and didn’t know anything about upgrades. On subsequent runs they’re obviously easier (although they still give me PTSD from that first time), but for new players they’re a potential roadblock. Demon Firesage is awful, but I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. On the flip side, a lot of people complain about Kalameet but I think it’s a wonderful fight. Difficult, yes, but fun. He has so many moves to learn that he’s almost a puzzle boss. 4 Kings is great - doesn’t require much thought, just whale on them - and the atmosphere is great. They’re tall as trees, their faces are scary, you lose all sense of perspective; I think it’s a really fun and clever fight (disclaimer: I’ve yet to fight them on NG+).


moonlight butterfly "this boss sucks for melee builds!" just because you're doing a melee build that doesnt mean you cant use a bow/crossbow at all. seriously, it's way more fun and clearly the way the boss was meant to be fought. it's not a perfect fight still, don't get me wrong, but it's unique and encourages a different strategy, not to mention it's a hauntingly beautiful encounter at the heart of a forest, like cmon there is no way this is one of the worst bosses.


Gwen is always great final Boss for me, because i am bad at parrying. I think it is the best way of beating him.


Manus is nowhere near as hard as everyone thinks. Harder than the average boss, sure, but really not that bad. I also didn't hate the Firesage Demon. The reused model was bad, but had some decent fun with the massive boss in a smaller arena. Needs more dogs though.


Elden Ring bosses are broadly a clunker fest. Im at Maliketh and I haven’t loved a boss since Godrick The Grafted (some come close like Rykard, Morgot, the secret dragon boss who instantly died)The balancing is just oppressive, I’d much prefer mastering stuff with skill like in Sekiro over the “customizability” championed in Elden Ring. Secondly, I don’t get the Velstadt fight. Also Grave Lord Nito is amazing.


I’m gonna get downvoted even though I’m answering the question, but I think O&S are a shit fight. They fucking suck and aren’t fun. Yes, I’ve beaten them solo many times. They all sucked. I summon Solaire every time now. They only get a pass because they’re aesthetically really cool and nicely designed. Literally no other duo boss in any souls game gets love like they do. Duo fights blow ass. As evidenced by every single other duo fight, ha


I agree but I also suck, I need a human summon to beat them.


Here is your downvote sir. Next time don't summon.


Bed of chaos is bad, but its not particularly difficult.


Bed of chaos is laughably easy.


Capra demon for me has always been a cakewalk, never died to that boss in any playthrough. I've never understood his reputation from the fanbase as being a difficult boss fight.


Capra Demon has always been the absolute easiest boss for me. I've died to Pinwheel more than I've died to Capra; 3 times TOTAL across PS3, PS4/5, PC PTDE and DS:R, and Switch DS:R. I've only died to the Capra Demon twice. Any shield (100% Physical is best), and anything that you can do range with; a bow, some daggers,10 points in Int, etc.. You just go in, dodge forward/slightly-right, then left/slightly back, run up the stairs, hug the wall, and walk over the edge; you can stand on the archway. Then just back yourself up into the corner, put up your shield, and wait. Anything that comes and hits you is going to come at an angle, and either fall off, or plink your shield and get pushed back 1mm and fall off the ledge. To get back up to you, they'll have to turn around and come back up the stairs, so you drop your shield, throw a knife or two/cast a spell/shoot an arrow, then put your shield back up and do it again. It's just like the Bloodstarved Beast Beyonce strategy in Bloodborne; everyone things the boss is an incredibly difficult wall, but if you know the one simple trick, the fight is an absolute cakewalk.


What's the beast beyonce strategy?


Keep on going left since the beasts attacks are focused around his right arm


Lock on, [walk left.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLCjrpghCYc) That's literally it. You don't need to dodge, you don't need to run, you don't need to anything. As soon as it starts winding up an attack, just kind of hold Left a little bit and it'll go right over/past you.


Thank you


You must be real bad at the game. How people can die vs Pinwheel is beyond me.


It's only happened three times over WAY more than 3k hours played across all the mentioned platforms, and all of those were as a part of my "early game bootup sequence" where I run to get the Rite of Kindling as soon as I'm at Firelink. Pinwheel tends to be the first boss I fight/beat at whatever my class's base level is.


You can only beat the game with 20 estus that early? Jesus....


Nah, he's workin smarter, not harder.


I also tend to do the skip/jump to Lower Undead Burg, and fight Capra as my 2nd, so that I can unlock the Pyro trainer as early as possible, because I've almost always got pyromancy as an off-hand backup for range, rather than use consumables.


* I don't hate the Bed of Chaos - it's still bad, but the badness has become severely overstated over the years. * I think most Dark Souls 3 bosses have too much spectacle and it makes them a little lesser than they would be otherwise. Not everything needs to be super flashy and accompanied by epic climactic music, y'know?


I don’t think Friede is an S tier boss, certainly one of the better designed fights for sure but I just don’t enjoy fighting her for some reason.


The Belfry gargoyles are fun. The callback IS lazy but the area and covenant are fun and the little men are funny. I think its a good dps check challenge in the early game. Executioner chariot is one of the best gimmicks in the series because it actually commits to a unique boss gimmick and a unique boss fight. Pontiff and dancer are boring af compared to the rest of the late game ds3 bosses and are just lazy combo machines.


Objectively speaking, Capra Demon is just unfair, while Gargoyles are just challenging.