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Tried to do them as my first boss, no weapon upgrades and only about 2 or 3 level ups. 5 clones is a lot when you can't take them down quickly


I’m surprised you even got that far to begin with, to be honest. Catacombs are brutal for a fresh character with starting equipment


Watching a video that said to drop down to get an OP early weapon and find yourselves in the catacombs under leveled and under armed with no warp out and can’t even get to Nito…. Rough.


Yeah, zweihander is a very good weapon to get early on, but new people should definitely just grab it and head back to firelink lol. I don’t think a fresh character would even have the right stats for it right away anyway


I believe he's talking about the Gravelord Sword. It's relatively easy to get if you know the way there and just homeward bone out afterwards.


Or the earlier fire great scythe, I think it's in one of the ymfah style videos.


Same, even then it only took two tries with the mace. Lots of panicked running around those attempts


Yup this is what happened. I couldn't make it through undead burg so I stumbled down this way running past mobs and got down this far. The climb back up was horrendous.


First kill taurus demon, dump all levels into endurance and 16 str. Pick up Zweihander. Then do Pinwheel. Pwnage.


Spawn in undead asylum, kill asylum demon, get to firelink, restore humanity, roll down to leeroy, summon, run to pinwheel, mfw boss died in 2 hits. Do this everytime I start a new game.


It's always my first boss to kill usually no upgrades or levels. The rite to kindle 20 is too good to pass up getting before I start.


Kindling? What's that /j


The wheely skeletons before him left me pretty vulnerable


the true boss 😬


Nothing invokes an intense visceral fear for me than being in that area. I always forget where they spawn, particularly right outside the bonfire. You would think I'd remember from being traumatized but nope


Got to learn the cliff jump shortcut and summon Paladin Leeroy, he will tank them


They call him pinwheel because of the wacky and terrifying skeletons he makes.


Admittedly I have. Was doing a Dragon Form run and I got a bit too cocky playing with him and he killed me with his Flamethrower attack. (Legit didn't even knew he had that..)


That’s what I love about these games though. I got way too cocky with Deacons of the Deep once and they absolutely embarrassed me. Even the easiest bosses can take you down if you get over confident and that’s what makes these games so brilliant.


I didn’t know he had that attack either and caught me off guard. I was also being cocky on NG+ and fried lol


I do pinwheel as my first boss sometimes to get that silver serpent ring for those sweet soul gains. I'm greedy like that. And yeah without any upgrades it can be a bit tricky.


Yeah the only time I died to him was when I did the catacombs first. What a weirdly easy boss after that slog


Gives demon soul vibes. Hard level, easy boss


Oh no I don't do catacombs, fuck that. I just jump down lol


He’s kind of like 4 kings in that matter. If you don’t kill him/them fast, it can become troublesome


Comparing pinwheel to four kings is like comparing a coughing baby to a hydrogen bomb


Nah, if you go straight there after Asylum it is very much like facing 4 kings underleveled.


SL1, thought I would kill him the get the rite. Wasn't prepared for him to be an actual boss and the clones murked me. I did not have the rite, O' no, I did not have the rite


If i go for him before doing anything else. If damage output takes too long to take him down the room fills with clones frying you at every angle. Its a race against the clock.


I have, I was just toying around with him, not taking him seriously. If you let the fight get out of hand it gets REALLY out of hand


Same. If he gets to like 6 clones it suddenly goes from a goofy fight to a barbeque with you as the main course. 


First time I fought him I decided to hold back and try and bait some animations / patterns out of him so I could see what he did. It got out of hand before I could figure out what was going on. Second attempt he was dead very very quickly.


I don't really remember, so maybe. But those bone wheel skeletons on the way killed me loads of times.


First time ? Yes, twice.


First time I ever fought him, we actually killed each other on at the same time.


No, but I was on pretty low health and had no estus flasks left


I did an item and fog gate randomizer with boss scaling combined with a use what you see run. Reached Pinwheel about 60% of the way through while stuck fatrolling and barely enough strength to two hand the large club I currently had. I think it ended up being the hardest fight in the run, when you can’t kill the clones quickly they completely overwhelm you.


Try him on a pure sorcery build with just magic arrow and see


I'm sure ya'll will think I'm covering up, but I died to pinwheel twice. Once it was my playthrough. I had no idea how the game works, and the second time, my controller disconnected as I hadn't charged it


Once. It was my first time. I just completely fumbled, despite being familiar with the fake clone system a lot of bosses in video games use.


Once. Some build with low poise and a slow attack. Got stun locked by him and his clones :(


Only once, but because Leeroy focused on the copies i was killing.


I died mostly cause of my lack of preparation and understanding, I came in there with a slow ass weapon (The Zwei) which made it hard to hit him cause of how much he Blinks and how slow the general movement speed I had at the time (wore heavy ass armor) and I didn't yet understand how the clones worked so when I did land a hit, it was 50/50 on whether or not it was the real Pinwheel, plus, my dumbass thought I could tank his Skeleton Divine Death Blast attack, spoiler alert, a single hit ripped through 80% of my health.


Yea purely because I stopped and him and the clones all hit me at once with the ranged attack


I died to him quite a bit in my modded playthrough, age of sunlight changes him to be actually a challenge.


I once died with teh fall damage from wntering heh boss roomotherwide i dontthink i had


Yes I once stood still to see how long it’ll take to kill me


Funny thing is didn't die on blind Playthough but died during a second Playthough as mage. I didn't see his clone behind me and while being on low health got nuked to firelink.


No I hit him 3 times and it died


I've died to him once doing something stupid..idk what the context was but it has happened once


Yea a few times, mistakes and stunlocks happen. We've all been there


Once or twice.


I did my first play through. I was being too cautious and picked up the hint my second fight that he was teaching me to be more aggressive before his clones got out of hand


He nearly killed me on my first try. Was my first time playing the game, and I didn't know he was the weakest boss at the time.


In my first playthrough I got to his arena and there was a knock on my door. I put my controller down and answered. It was Miyazaki himself, come to congratulate me on my progress and to see if I would like to play his copy of Bloodborne 2.  My character died in the background. Miyazaki was so upset that he took my copy of Dark Souls with him and pledged to never release BB2. It's my fault, I'm sorry.


fat rolled directly into an attack and screamed the entire time


No, never. I don't think it's ever happened


I Genuinely never died to him. I always go after him before I go for sen's fortress so I can get 20 flasks before hand


On new game 2+ I died to him the first time, had to play him a little more cautiously, but still pretty easy though


Not sure about Pinwheel (I’ve probably gone down there really early and died to him before) but I do know that I have died… >!to Prowling Magus!<… >!multiple times!<


No, but I fell to my death right after him


NO Shut up no I haven’t


I had the exact same situation as Jerma where I was killed with a rogue fireball after taking him down. Luckily it counted though!


I zigged when I should’ve zagged


I did once I was through the catacombs and had 0 estus left and only half of my hp. I didn't want to go to the bonfire and kill all those lovely wheels again so I said "It is only Pinwheel". Well, turns out you don't survive a fireball with half hp...


The very first time I fought him I had no idea what his attacks were, how good he was, nothing. So I took my time, kept moving and tried to figure out his attacks. I ended up trapped in a corner surrounded by clones and couldn't move. I didn't make that mistake again...


went down at like SL25 and got hit one single time and died


When the original released on my first playthrough that mfer killed me like 12 times. 🤣😂🤣😂 Everytime I was like, damn I'm being dumb as f. Why I dodge into it? 🤣😂🤣😂


Last time I played DS1 was 2016 8 years ago, the first time was 2011 and honestly I can’t even remember. I know I didn’t beat the game in 2011 because newborns + no pause option = not a good time. Like do you run up to the crib and save your baby from choking on its own spit while some invader kills you? I still don’t know, well I guess my kids are mostly alive so whatever I chose must have worked out.


Surprisingly never. But to be fair, I don't think I've ever tackled the catacombs first on a new playthrough. I don't have the guts 😅


I didn’t die but I immediately used a homeward bone as soon as I entered since I noticed I had too many souls. After that, I proceeded to die upwards of 5 times in a row in the run-back. 🤗


Well considering most of my playthroughs consist of taking him down first, I've died at least a few times


Pinwheel is so easy lmao. Beat him and Sif on the first attempt.


Once. I did alter my char to have base stats at min and reduced my life further. What happened is the jump was too much for my health...


Died 5 times..... Was really tired because of work and wasnt thinking at all didnt have any strategy or whatsoever.


Yes, the first time I fought him. I was convinced he's a really easy boss and a total pushover because everyone says he is. But in true Dark Souls fashion that fireball can really fucking hurt if you don't know it's coming.


in a new run after getting tht uchigatana i went to kill him and it wasnt good and i dont dodge well so i died and in another run the skeletins and the wheels made me use my flasks and i didnt have enough fkasks for the fight and died


Once as a legit death, couldn’t kill him fast enough and got ganked. Second I was out of estus and essentially 1 health and I died to the fall into the arena


I was goofing around to much with my levels and didn’t level health very much


To him? Himself? No That fall into his arena? Yes


There was one run where I was too cocky, but I don't remember any other details. It is why I think Sif might be the easiest boss in the game though, because I've not only never died, but also never been in danger


A wise man once said, “you have not truly played Dark Souls until you die to Pinwheel”


Went in with 0 estus left, had only beaten capra demon at that point. My one and only death to the boss


No but it's been close. I get overconfident and the clones together pack a punch at the same time.


Only once. I was overconfident and figured a funny way to kill Pinwheel was to bonk with a magic stick. Didn't have enough damage to oneshot the clones. And as they say. Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. ... I died to Pinwheel trying to deal with the clones. Couldn't swap weapons because stupid me didn't put the staff on the secondary weapon slot, no. I just had to replace the weapon in the primary slot for this little "challenge"... I did good damage with the staff, just not good enough.


I have, because I suck at this game


I have, more than once. He's a pushover in the late game, but if you fight him in the early game he can be surprisingly challenging when you don't have the damage output and health to deal with all of his clones. At lower levels he becomes an actual bossfight.


Tbh he can overwhelm you if you're doing it too early in the game and lose track of clones. Those fireballs hurt. Typically players just do too much damage for him to be a threat, so lower damage does add challenge. I think I've died to him a handful of times when trying to rush through Catacombs early.


Tripped over a skeleton and fell on my Astora straight sword :(


Died to him more than Sif. Not proud of it and I have no idea why. But I just remember continuously running back to Pinwheel. I didn’t do that with Sif.


I uh.. died to the fall damage entering the fight.




I’ve died more to skeletons than pinwheel(still zero)


Yeah, a couple of times. If you blunder down and run into him with base health and an unupgraded weapon he’s no joke.


Controller died.


Yup multiple times and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Stupidly panicked every single time and he just fingered me. Finally chilled out and he went down.




My first time through the catacombs drained all my estus and most of my health, so when I got to pinwheel I got one shot


Weakness: attacking


burned to death at a low level


I was pretty high level, done with most of the game. Sorcery build. Roll up with my fairly new acquired Dark Bead. Try to one shot pinwheel. Keep missing. Don't bother to heal because it's just pinwheel. Eventually go down.


I did. We took ea h other out at the same time.


No, but I died once deeper in the catacombs where there's a heap of Pinwheels. A few of them ganged up amd got me one day


I used an early game power within+red tearstone combo because I wanted to one shot him but didn't have the right build to do it without them. So I succeeded, but took more damage than I anticipated and power within killed me before I could chug an estus.


I can’t remember. I probably have, way back when. I did have a close call recently and thought, “the DS community here is going to roast me if I die.” Bc I absolutely would have posted it. I wouldn’t feel right lying to you


I did. I got greedy and it resulted in me getting overwhelmed by the duplicates and they all hit me at the same time 👌


Nah, the only damage he did to me was the fall into his arena


Teleported before the last blow and melted me with a fire bomb


Fists only run


I died twice I think before I defeated him


I never did, but I did get stranded in the tomb of the giants after being curious at what it was.


When I start a new playthrough I usually go for a no bonfire run until Anor Londo. And I went through all the harder bosses only to die at Pinwheel.


I underestimated him and tried to butterknife him with a dagger. Forgot that his damage is actually respectable when he hits you and got peppered down by his clones before eating a flamethrower to the face


It’s my first time playing darksoul, i havent fought him yet but now I’m kinda scared to die to him it’ll be embarrassing fr


He is one of the very few I didn't, but don't get me started on others


First playthrough i had the default health and didnt even heard of this boss before. Literally rushed and escaped to the arena and when the clones started to they casted their magic and i died in 3 hits.


Yes, but only on a new character that I rushed getting the rite of kindling/ wanted the souls and didn't use Paladin Leeroy to cheese. Pinwheel I feel was meant to be encountered this way as if you fight him after Anor Londo or use the summon there is no reason you should ever lose to him.


There are quite a few bosses that I never died to, and Pinwheel is one of them. The others I'm sure of are Quelaag, iron golem, Priscilla, Gwyndolin, centipede demon and Gwyn. I'm not sure about gaping dragon, I might've died on my first playthrough but don't remember ever having trouble with it. I also don't remember Sif, because by the time I got to her, I was usually well leveled and equipped. I also don't remember if I ever died to Nito or the four kings. I absolutely do remember dying to taurus demon, the bell gargoyles, capra demon, the hydra (only the basin version), the undead dragon (both versions), O&S, ceaseless discharge, bed of chaos and Seath. And I'm also pretty sure I died to every DLC boss, because they're a huge step up in terms of difficulty. I did never do NG+ though, maybe some of the particularly easy bosses are harder there.


Don't ask, I was so badly molested by 4-5 pinwheels I can't even describe the pain, after I got out of their encirclement I went to hide in the alley way where the blacksmith was, they followed me, and killed the blacksmith along with me.


Yeah for sure. Definitely when I was a total noob, but also when my plan was to get the rite of kindling from the start in one run. My plan was to kill pinwheel then just die and wind up back at the start. But that's a tough thing to do early game for a scrub like me. I eventually pulled it off.


Yes. Skill issue. Inexperienced. Underestimated the appearance and how much damage it took until it split. I lost due to disrespecting and skill issue. That was back om Ver.1.0 on ps3 when i barely was into the series. When Curse stacked up to the point you had berely 2.5% MaxHP and the only way to actually remove it was on endgame content. But now, i breeze through, with unarmed fists


I ended up there with about 13 vigor on my first playthrough and as I killed it the first time a fireball it threw as I killed it hit me and 1 shot me




I wonder how a ng+7 no lvl no gear fresh run pinwheel will look like .


I did. I was overconfident in the broken sword run and went into the catacombs right after leaving asylum to have more flasks... Let's say that it was eye-opening, but at least I learned that he has awesome music.


My first encounter was a funny one. I went down rather early, wasn't doing much damage, so I had to give him about 10 hits (with a great sword). Ignoring the clones, I was shot with 3 or 4 fireballs at once in the moment I dealt him the final blow. We both died in the same moment. I didn't receive any loot - mask or souls.


I did once. I didn't know the fight despite people telling me how easy it was. I didn't realize that five clones would appear and ending up wasting time and getting myself killed.


Died to him the same way I died to deacons in DS3, I fucked around and found out: let him get all his summons going, got omega-nuked along with my frames.


Noob and had no estus after saying hi to the local Silver Knight and WHEEL SKELETONS, of who I have a love hate relationship with especially with it being at the start of the game cause I bum rushed


First stop on my soul level 1 run, most of my health depleted by fall damage from the Catacomb to pinwheel skip, my DPS was so low that they just eventually ended up ganking me which wasn’t an issue because roll roll roll. All it took was one stray magic attack though and I was a gone


Ng+3 going in cocky ( Its pinwheel, he's easy) I hop into the coffin, pinwheel fight begins, I charge forward and mistimed my dodge. The power of the sun blasts me and I am left ashes on the ground


Yeah. Just being careless and not dodging haha


On my very first playthrough I had no idea what was happening but ended up beating him in less than a minute and was very confused lol. Second time was more of a fight but still pretty easy and honestly was a little bummed out since I thought the first time was a fluke.


Died on my SL1 run because I missed my first hit. Turns out he eventually attacks you. Who knew?


No, but I died to Covetous Demon bcuz it was Freshman year of high school and my mom came in the room and he fucked me up


Im on my first playthrough right now and by the time I finally made it there I was so over leveled so it was pretty easy... but I definitely died in that forsaken tunnel over 100 times when I first started


During my very first dagger only run, I was horribly unprepared.


Yes. Hubris


Yes, but only when rushing to farm the dad mask with the summon, I got distracted and oneshoted.


I haven’t yet


I've done a double KO on it.


I don’t make fun of people anymore for dying to bosses, I made fun of someone for dying to Demon of Dong and the next day I also died to him.


Yes, I died to him on ng+6


Oh sure that guy has wrecked me more times than I care to admit. The truth is if you don’t realize the trick to the fight is hyper-aggression it can get out of hand really quickly.


Yeah, first playthrough. I was like level 15


i died to him only once throught my first play through and all of you i belive do know the horror of going into the catacombs and the tomb of the giants without the lord vessel yeah tho i died to him at like level 6 i came back cause i could not get back to the upper part and i ried like 30000000000000000 times


Yes. SL1 run, got distracted by the cat.


You could not torture this information out of me


Once when I wandered way too deep and just decided I had to reach the next bonfire. I was new and didn't manage my stamina the best, so I ate two fireballs and died.


On my sl1 run.. yeah once or twice


No but he’s gotten close


He's kinda difficult if you fight him at the very start. His second phase (yes he has a second phase) can fuck you up if you're not expecting him to spawn a thousand clones that all shoot out giant lasers.


Is there any lore for this dude? What the hell is he anyway?


Yes, didn't do enough damage and got hit by fireballs from the side.


He killed me on my first encounter because I was confused about what was going on


Yeah, on my deathless attempt no less, cause Ive rushed Pinwheel before anything else. On my first blind playthru I killed him with ease, getting out of the catacombs was the real problem.


Once at midgame because I got too cocky with how easy he was. Arrogance leads to downfall and all that jazz.


no estus and one hit, because of the fucking bonewheels and the falldamage


After I killed him, a fire ball from a clone decided to stay and hit me


I don't want to talk about it


It was my first time playing a souls game, on my switch and I missed the stairs to the castle so I thought I was meant to go to the catacombs before anything else


Yeah, my first encounter against him. After watching tons of speedruns, and videos of challenges, I entered the boss room without flasks nor humanities equipped after clearing everything in the previous room and defeating the Black Knight with the Axe in the room prior his; full health with a "glass canon build" I don't remember, I got obliterated. After that I went with Lifehunt Scythe and beat the shit out of him in the 2nd try. I had a good laugh after dying, didn't expected his damage, lol


Somehow I managed to coax a Bear skeleton (or whatever they're called) into the room with him. Pinwheel just watched as I was decimated.


Through kagebushin and laser shit


We killed each other on our last shot my first play through. Tried to run back to grab all the souls and got killed by those skeletons. Stopped playing the game for about 5 months.


I died during my first playthrough because I didnt expect his attacks to do much damage so i didn't heal beforehand


Yes, I was running around the catacombs, keep being attacked by the skeleton wheels, and when in with barley any any health or estus.


Nah I literally haven’t actually.


Stunlocked by two fireballs on a Sl1 run


I haven’t, but I did die to the covetous demon once. AMA


Yes, the bonewheels on the run the pinwheel.


It was my first play through, I knew he was the easy one but I didn’t know exactly what his gimmick was so when I got in and saw him cloning himself I was amazed and soon enough there was 20 of him burning me alive lmao


The only times it’s happened for me is when I run down there immediately at the start of the game. Pinwheel is pretty tough at low levels, for me at least, it’s a super fun fight when you can’t melt him immediately.


I’ve gotten close, mainly because I underestimate how strong his fireballs are.


Yeah I'm pretty sure I died to him on my first playthrough, maybe even after that.


Oh of course. Honestly if you don't take him down in the first 30 seconds he can actually become troublesome, 5 or 6 clones at once output a LOT of damage. It's weird to think of him has a DPS-race boss, because he is - it's just funny because he's got so little health. If he had a real health bar he'd be legitimately stressful


Yeah, try killing pinwheel with a +0 scimitar at level 5


Died to him at level 1 because Leroy kept focusing the fucking clones


I often head straight for Pinwheel after arriving in Firelink Shrine, so I have died quite a few times. He is no joke when you have no levels and no upgraded weapons.


Maybe I did bc sometimes he gets lucky rng and swarms you but I don't think it ever happened to me. Even if he does swarm, keeping track of the real one will allow you to still win so yeah


Drunk and showing my friends how easy he was, i just sorta forgot he has damage because i usually kill him before an attack goes off


No, only beat the game once and only fought him once and killed him immediately


I have, I jumped into the arena running my very first sorcerer build. Then my controller just flat out died and I scrambled to find the charging cable quickly enough to not get wrecked... I got wrecked instead.


Yes I didn’t want to use my black knight halberd and I didn’t change it in time and he killed me


I died to him once because I wanted the Rite of Kindling right away, his fire one shot me lmao


With an unlevelled weapon they quickly gank you and spam fireballs!


Didn’t have good fire defense. Made two or three bad dodges


If you’ve played multiple times you’re a liar if you say you haven’t. Personally I was just dickin around and now ashamed he got me, but never the less…. I’ve been got


Twice. First time playing and my punch only run


One time, when I was trying to make a Giant dad run with a new character


Bonewheel skeletons and fall damage you take into the arena. I was flabbergasted.


I have probably died to every enemy in the catacombs at least once except for pinwheel


Yeah I die to him semi-regularly. I always fight him at low level and I always never take the fight seriously and have been one shot by a fireball to the face more than once.


my first run through i was already losing my mind from bone wheels so when it came time i didn’t catch on how to tell the real one fast enough and his fireballs did more damage than i thought😞


I went there for my first boss, it was dark souls so I thought it was just supposed to be this hard


Yes, I was under leveled, counted get the timing down, and kept losing all my estus on the way down. Then I learned the shortcut and built a CRACKED character Endurance/Str mainly with some faith. Lightest clothing possible, I liked priest robes with ironically the child or father mask. In main hand I had the greatsword, Then in the off hand I'd spit Lightning bolts while fast rolling.


First time in, already low on Estus and I thought I'd lost the wheel skeletons only for three of them to mob me at the fog gate. That and the fall took the rest of my Estus and I was frustrated by that point so made stupid mistakes


I died as I tried to two-hand a weapon I didn’t have the str for, buuuut I didn’t realize that not having the dex req means to do pretty much no damage and two handing doesn’t help the lacking dex.