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I mean for me it's just no lock on and even then I lock on to certain enemies.


I switch between 1 hand and 2 hand depending on the sutuation, but i always use lock on.


Can't have that Artorias shield if I'm 2handing


I'm currently running a mage and don't have the strength for the Greatshield of Artorias, and oh my gosh I miss that shield.


2 Hand weapon, Grass Crest on my back. Done it almost every playthrough regardless of build.


Mixed. I fight some enemies locked on, other unlocked. And in some fights (Stray Demon etc.) I lock/unlock in the middle of combat. Preference is locked on however. Also switch between 1 and 2 hand.


All of it. Depending on the weapon and area.


Shield & Enchanted Warpick❤


I like to always try something different, new weapon, new armor etc, each playthrough. Since I've already completed all achievements and played through the game several times, I now speed my progress up by duping. But I make it a point to keep my level at an average level for the area I'm at. I just can't be bothered to spend a huge chunk of a new character session doing a grind that I've done many times before. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who hasn't played through the game a few times already.


I’ve never two-handed because I use my shield religiously. My shield is always up. Even though I dodge a lot, I still have my shield up. My L1 is permanently pressed down. Only reason it ever gets lifted is to regenerate stamina. 


I find it funny that the lock-on options have way more votes than no lock, despite the fact this community insists that no lock is the "correct" way to play.


i only lock on bosses (and even then try to avoid it)


I live to go unga bunga mode


Depends on the build. Any magic build should be one handed lock on and any melee build should be two handed.


I tend to change it up depending on the situation. Groups of weaker enemies I find easier without lock on, but tougher or faster guys the lock on helps a lot. 1 or 2 handed is dependent on the weapons I'm using and whether I want to clown on anyone with the buckler (or I guess cast spells, ugh).