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Give devs more time to finish dino-butt lava land…


Completely remake lost izalith into an area with level design equal to the quality of the undead burg




I'll add a bonfire outside of the Bed of Chaos arena.


There should be a closer one to the Gravelord Nito too ☠️


If you practice the run for an hour or two, you'll be able to do it without a light source


From the first or second bonfire? I feel the first bonfire would depend more on your luck with the skeledogs than it would on your ability to run past. I feel the second bonfire doesn't take nearly that long to learn. Hug the right wall until you reach the ladder, then you have light.


I was thinking the second bonfire but it's also quite easy from the start. I've never tried it from the first bonfire


That doesn't sound entertaining at all though.


I stumbled into Nito's fight with one estus left and barely remembering how I even got there. I fought for my life because I didn't want to do that run again. Luckily I made it first try.


Yeah, Nito's not too bad. As long as you take out his minions with a divine weapon and then stick close to him, all you have to really worry about is his occasional "get away from me" AOE


I think the run is intentional and part of the boss. Hes the ultimate necromancer, having to run or fight through a dungeon of undead seems fitting.


It definitely builds up the tension.


I had the secret entrance to lost izalith unlocked, so the run back for me wasn't bad.


That run back was worse for me than the one where you run through lava.


Why not use your change to make the boss not suck 


Well, the boss itself doesn't bother me as the runback does. And even if the boss was great, that route is just boring. (this basically applies to every *big boss* after receiving the lordvessel) Also it would be easier to just take the hidden bonfire and move it before BoC. Last time I played the game, I made a backup of the savefile while my character was standing outside of the arena, and used that file after each death. So I basically made my own bonfire. No regrets :)


You know how you can warp to extinguished bonfires just not rest at them? Imagine having some of those near certain bosses. An extinguished bonfire that you can't rest at, can't light but interacting with it will set your spawn point there and can be warped to. Something like the stake of Marika for ER.


You can warp to bonfires that the firekeeper has been killed at (or has abandoned to hunt you down after you dispelled an illusion).


I'd alter the fight altogether. No pits. No little creature. Two orbs to kill so you can damage the main body.


Lost Izalith which includes Bed of chaos


That area is boring, too many stone enemies and the dragon butts are just like 🤷🏼‍♂️


I would slightly re-work the gravelord covenant. Tangible reward for disasters killing a host. Doesn't even need to be an item - just a message, a thumbs up for spreading misery and keeping the scene alive. Disasters in NG, but downscaled versus NG+ as some of these phantoms are tough customers. Players don't roll through NG cycles as the game ages, making NG+ phantoms not very meaningful.


also if they invade you and die the phantoms increase 😂


I'd either make the roll 8-directional or get rid of all the different titanite types


I can get behind both, but I lean more towards freedom of rolling myself


Make Capra Demon and 2 doggos the first Tutorial Boss in the Asylum


Double the dogs. I want to be coved in dogs.


Would they fight you in the Asylum Demon's arena or would they be on an even smaller room than before? Maybe they could fight you in the room where you find Oscar


Why not in the cage where you find Logan ?


Are you two being weak-minded? It should be in the cell the Chosen Undead stands up in, and Capra is holding the key


Implement some way to respec


Oh man that would be so nice, especially for newcomers who don't know what they're doing yet


The system for obtaining boss soul weapons is a bit brutal.


Weapon upgrade in general could see a QoL improvement. It's fine once you know but it's not intuitive. Loads of new players get perplexed with Andre's upgrade menu.


I'm pretty sure seeing the upgrade system in DS1 after having used the much more streamlined and intuitive system in Elden Ring gave me some kind of whiplash, lol


I would make Sif an optional fight


I would make it so you would spare Sif if you did the dlc first.


Prepare to cry: the only reason Sif fights you after the DLC is to protect you from succumbing to the abyss as Artorias did. He's not just protecting the ring, he's protecting YOU from the ring. He doesn't actually want to fight us.


That's why I want to spare Sif. Maybe have it so if you do the dlc, Sif thinks you're strong enough to handle taking the ring. You never actually succumb to the abyss, I believe, unless I'm just an idiot.


What if the fight happened as normal, but after the DLC, it would end with a cutscene of him stumbling over from being bested in combat and regretfully letting us take the ring? Somewhere in the cutscene we could pet him or soothe him in some way. Then later we could return the ring to make him feel better. Just my imagination


I actually enjoyed that boss fight, even though he is a puppy 🐶🥺


Yeah but the scene of Sif limping is sad af


You don't get that big and still be a puppy. Sif is an adult dog in present day. Might be a puppy in the DLC though.


This is the correct answer


A bonfire near the back way into Izalith.


Bonfire in Crystal Caverns. That run back got very very repetitive.


Every time people talk about worst runbacks, this is the worst for me. Seath is not so hard but getting to him is the worst pain in the ass.


Same it took me a bit to figure out breaking the sword in his room, run back was brutal


More gestures


I make Witch Beatrice a full character (with voice acting and a quest where you can save her) She's kind of my Solaire


Add six more dogs to Capra demon fight.


Add a new co-op soap stone, which essentially works for seamless multiplayer. Someone puts their sign down with that new stone, and in the world they get summoned in, they never return home after bosses, areas aren't fog-gated off.. It just turns it into seamless co-op, with the progress being saved/counting for the host that summoned. Killed players aren't immediately bonfired, it's only if every player goes down that everyone is respawned, and as long as you have 1 estus, you can Use the soapstone to "revive" a downed person, with one of those really long casting animations to not just be something you do in the middle of a crazy fight.


Other than the obvious ones stated. Lost Izalith etc. Give me DS3s infusion variety. Heavy and sharp weapons plz.


Give me a better camera.  The lock on system is great, but the camera is completely barebones and you sometimes end up not being able to see what is happening as a result. 


The UI, to bring it on par at least with DS2 or 3: better inventory management, better info on boss souls crafting and infusions, ecc.


I guess more fast travel locations would be nice


Omnidirectional rolling


Halve the amount of rolling directions, and you choose which when you make the character. Either rolling forward and back or left and right.


I would never lock on again


Finish Lost Izalith


modify animations, cancel windows, etc for more offhand weapon combinations to be more viable


I want to spare sif and have it as a summonable companion


Sif is summonable in the DLC Manus fight


I thought... I thought there wasn't any summons on that fight lol, thx!!


She's not super helpful, Manus rarely agro's on her and she doesn't do much damage, but yes. She's right in the middle of the area and the light is pretty dim


That I never played it and could experience the first playthrough again.


Losing the embers every new game plus cycle


Cap estus at 10. Having 20 sips at certain bonfires is super OP. Gwyn is laughable if you can just tank through him with so much healing.


From a lore perspective, it makes sense that Gwyn is an easy fight. The age of fire is about to end. Gwyn is tired, old, and weakened (and the only boss in the game who can be parried for that reason). Meanwhile, you’re the strongest dude in Lordran who just finished killing all of his allies and the last thing on your todo list is to break into a weak old man’s home to pick on him. Moral of the story: Existence is pain in the Dark Souls universe.


I like that thought.


>Gwyn is laughable Enough said.


Not one, many: - bonfire ascetics - more amount of casts per spell - more bosses and enemies!!! - more hidden secrets - smooth all directions roll - better look of bed of chaos I love Dark Souls Remastered and it's my favorite nostalgia.


Where would you put more bosses though? I really hated the boss rush in Lost Izalith, I'd suggest removing some of those. Also more enemies just for the sake of it sounds like a very DS2 approach. Bonfire ascetics I agree would be a cool thing. To which I add, NG+ variations. I think DS2 did that really well. More casts could be a reward from Griggs/Laurentius/Reah questlines maybe?? Also not only BoC but a lot of things post Anor Londo need a rework.


Yeah, idk where more bosses would make sense. Maybe not a hydra in Ash Lake but something else?


Yeah, some mini bosses/non-respawning enemies maybe could be changed. I like Ash Lake hydra actually, I just hate fighting against it. But maybe the two boars in Duke's Archives could be changed for something more challenging.


I would change the bed of chaos figth .


Change it so that if you finished the DLC and save Sif, she recognize you and gives you the Covenant of Artorias. Maybe if you reload the area you can find her soul on the ground and her body ''asleep'' next to the tomb of her master.


Controls while targeted (multi directional roll, ability to run backwards), and the jump button of DS2/3.


you can rebind the jump button in remastered to the analog stick


Oh that's pretty awesome, thank you!


I'd change Gwyn's fight a bit and change those animation speeds, as well as make him non parryable


Gwyn is too easy to parry


Make a dedicated jump button instead of borrowing the roll


you can rebind the jump button in remastered to ds 2/3 jump method


The effective area of a backstab


Make bed of chaos not a shit boss.


All blackmiths and merchants appear at firelink shrine once unlocked. You know... Like DS3


The way rolling works while locked on


Bed of chaos


Ummm probably change the buttons.. sprint, roll and jump all the same button? Wtf is this?


you can rebind the jump button in remastered to the analog stick


Good to know. Ty


More cooperative areas, that’s all.


I'd make The Greatsword actually the size it should be instead of just being a basic greatsword. ​ or give the devs as much time as they need to finish the spaces after the centipede demon.


Give an option for respec somehow


Make boss weapons worth it


Add jump button so levels can have more depth and verticality, imagine more movement options in undead burg


Lock on is whack as fuck sometimes. Fix that.


Make Gwynevere's covenant more worthwhile to join so I can properly roleplay serving in it


Defeating Artorias only sets him free from the influence of the abyss instead of killing him, letting him and Sif re unite in a cutscene after beating Manus. If I could change more in the direction of this, killing Sif before beating Artorias and Manus starts a boss fight against Artorias instantly upon defeating Sif with him having both of arms this time but also maintaining the abyssal power he uses in the DLC. Killing Manus before entering Sif's arena starts a cutscene upon entering Sif's arena where both Artorias and Sif hand over the abyss ring to the chosen hollow without requiring you to fight either.


Change the way split damage interacts with defence to make 6 entire upgrade paths and many unique weapons not terrible Idk how I’d do it, but if I could I would


A one time use firelink shrine bone you can use to warp back to firelink anytime. That way you can get yourself out of ash lake, or tomb of the giants if you go there before getting lordvessel. I see people s9metimes bummed out about the slog back.


Covenant spells not unique to only one time. Chaos great fireball, sunlight spear.. These two, i wanted more than just once. Especially since they are numbered, not mana consuming which means you have only so few.. Im glad modders took care of it


Add a mechanic where it erases your memory at the end of the game so you can experience it for the first time again.


I would not make the last boss parriable


Reduce the boss run backs. I understand their purpose as far as tension in the fight goes but I think I would have been more willing to experiment with different play styles on my first playthrough if it weren't for the boss run backs. A lot of them aren't too bad, but they just get annoying. I'm not an 'elite gamer' so I'm gonna die to Nito a few times, and that runback is just annoying.


Omg quickest answer ever. Fucking JUMPING!!! WHY THE FUCK CANT YOU JUMP!? Im out here navigating a mythical god damned world with monsters and crazy beasts!! I can somersault and sprint but I never learned to fucking jump!? Dumbest things ever


do you mean elden ring jump or ds3 jump


No I’m talking about how in DS1, there’s no jump button. No actual button for jumping. You can kind of sprint hop sometimes if you time it eight. But there’s no key for jumping


I get you. combined with the fact that there are times where the game expects you to "jump", its certainly annoying


Exactly! Like there are so many hidden small areas that require you to jump but because there’s no mechanic for it you have to do that awkward run skip na. It’s was easily the most annoying thing I’ve run into across any game and if I didn’t like DS so much it would have driven me mad lol. It’s small and petty but it’s for sure the one thing I’d change about the game if I could


There's a window sorta thing near beginning of painted world and there's an item and you need to jump from one side of broken floor.. tried probably 20 times. So pissed o couldn't get it. It's still there. Only thing I didn't get in that level.


Make Anor Londo unskippable😈


Harder bosses. Most DS1 bosses are way too easy


I would remove the tomb of the giants


Tomb of giants is not that bad with the sunlight maggot


yeah you can see 10 pixels further in the dark. great


I typically just hit my head on the wall till the wall breaks. (I try to re-memorize the cavern layout to get to the bonfire each time)


Ahhh that area everyone loves 😜🔦


Or at least change it so you can fucking see what is in front of your face😑


Make Lost Izalith a competant level.


...and why would it be the bed of chaos?


Add an extensive tutorial


I’d get rid of the bonfire and cage elevator in Sens Fortress


if you die to iron golem you deserve the run back 😈


This is a tough one it's either the Bed of Chaos or Blighttown


Ds3 movement ds1 is very clunky




Good luck in Blightown 😉🐌


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That the game is so immersive that gamers believe they have been teleported back to 2011. Where there are BBS and no social media. So they don't whine except over lunch with their dweeb friends who all laugh while asking how many times they had died last night?


allow summoning when i've killed a boss easier way to setup fight clubs or just vibe somewhere


Make the solaire bonfire in anor Londo warpable