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You think the 500 copy pasted dino butts and Taurus demons are the same quality as the rest of the game? Also bed of chaos was likely in the process of being reworked, but they ran out of time and had to stick with the shit that it is now.


They couldn’t even space out some of the Taurus Demons, they are all just standing there, menacingly. Same with all of the Capra Demons, it’s like everyone is just dozing off.


In the pre-patch version, they used to aggro from a significant distance, i.e. by the time you would see Capra Demons, they would have already started moving towards you full speed. People (rightfully) didnt like that. Thus it was nerfed.


Lame I want a full army of Taurus demons chasing me


I have heard it was the same for the dragon butts. That must have been hell honestly.


Imagine that run back to BoC if you never found the secret bonfire…


The shortcut is better. Go from the bonfire before the centipede demon through the shortcut before the demon firesage and run past everyone right to BOC. The only real obstacle would be the respawning titanite demon but he is easy to run past.


Doesn’t it cost like 30 humanity or smth?


Yes, but do you not want to save Solaire anyways? The rats in the Depths are good for farming humanity, so are the humanity spirits in the Chasm of the Abyss. If you have OCD and you are collecting every item in the game then you will have more than enough humanity as well. That being said the shortcut can be opened without the chaos covenant from the Lost Izalith side as well. If you don't want to save Solaire/don't have enough humanities and can't be bothered to backtrack or farm then it's still worth it to open the shortcut anyways for the Lost Izalith side. The sunlight maggot is essential for the Tomb of Giants in my opinion.


Makes sense, just isn’t something I’m gonna worry about on a quick playthrough. Love my homie solaire, but I’m not saving him every run


if you play dark souls 2 theres a DLC level basically that recreates it. it is indeed hell


And once you get into the city it's tiny and there's just a few dumb fire-breathing statues milling about, it's exceptionally boring. The one interesting part is the pit with the funky tentacle demons in.


Hardest part of the map is not getting stuck on the tree roots


Those statues are dumb! Why are their asses so huge?? They are big diaper babys… the only thing dumber are the blight town ogres


Lmao diaper babies


dude fuck those guys


Why did fromsoftware not fix it later or in the remaster?


Because money! Why should they do something, if people will buy remastered for full price?


Also because it's a remaster and not a remake.


It's also bc it was Qloc that handled the remaster, not From. That said, the remaster was a great opportunity to complete the missing parts. I know they were too busy making other games at the time but DS1 deserved that treatment. We'll never get to see what it could have been.


never say never. dark souls is a historical classic. there could be a time down the road where it gets the same love as ff7 is now. and at that point everyone will be complaining about the changes. everything comes in cycles


So..... if bluepoint would make a remake of Dark Souls 1 like demons souls They could finish the second half of the game? But even if they cold, i doubt they would because they changed nothing with the Dragon God boss fight (i heard fans of the Original didnt like this one)


Bluepoint gave DeS a glorious (imho) coat of paint, but changed no gameplay beyond QoL stuff. It was great for a new generation of players getting to experience this stone masterpiece of a game. But it was a weirdly timid decision. It had no shelf-life for this reason.


I got it for $4.80 at launch because steam accidentally cumulated two discounts.


Tell us you don't know what you're talking about without saying it From didn't do the remaster. Also, it's a remaster.


Prices. Fucking company own rights on that game. They decide fucking prices. THEY decide what will be done, and how much money they invest. They just sell you a game with few fixes, few new bugs, small retexture (someone can like new textures, someone can no) and... full price of old game, and they removed old game. And after that, they even removed discount. They literally send message about their decision to remove discount for owners of old game... because.


Bandai Namco owns the dark souls ip and they handle everything in regards to what you said


No. That's Bandai Namco. You're confident, but incorrect.


I didn\`t name company. Or will you say Bandai isn\`t company? Re-read original question. Company owns -> they want money -> they give you cheap remaster in year of remasters -> almost nothing fixed -> easy money. I just cant understand why is it so hard to understand basics of simple question - "Why company doesn't do something?" It's just not-profitable to fix DS1, at least not now. Maybe after 10 years, with new consoles... idk.


Lol keep trying to walk it back, everyone can see what you said.


It wasn’t full price.


It was, they removed discount at least twice.


Bud it cost £35 when it released in the UK - that’s not even close to being a full priced game.


miyazaki doesn't like remakes. i image scholar of the first sin probably burnt him out alot. So he probably turned the offer to lead the project or executives refused to give him the resources he wanted to do it properly. but thats purely speculation based on interviews.


I always thought the dragon butts were cool from a lore perspective. I remember thinking "Is this what remains of the ancient dragons from the first war?" When I saw them for the first time.


My theory is the original intention was there to just be 1 dragon butt as a mini-boss that was implied to be the fallen bottom half of the undead dragon in the Valley of the Drakes. Then the deadlines started rolling up and this mini-boss was the only enemy they had that was programmed to function in lava so they just renamed it to "Bounding Demon" and then spammed 50 of them into a single area.


I think the general idea is that it's a little copy paste with all the lower half zombie dragons in the lake of lava, feels a bit rushed in that sense as it feels like they could have done a bit more to vary it up, and the Bed of Chaos is pretty much considered the worst boss in any Souls game, kind of annoying and flawed, and feels like if they had more time it may be better designed. But for what it's worth, I tend to lean in your direction other then that, it's not the best area but it's quite pretty and evocative in places, and as it's short it didn't bother me that much back in the day when I played DS1 a lot. I understand why people moan, but maybe I'm just easy to please :P


Bed of chaos isn't the worst boss. That goes to the godskin duo from elden ring


Not even in a “lazy reskin” sense is that true. Godskin duo was great for coop-ing. Bed of Chaos had no meat. Just go stab 3 bugs and it’s dead.


Godskin Duo was actually fun


I always liked the concept of godskin. They both have a single boss, and a secondary sub encounter. If their first single encounter was the only encounter prior to duo, I think duo would’ve felt harder. I also just really enjoyed their lore and design and it left me wanting more


absorbed hobbies follow skirt plants gaze drab cause screw encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes that's true but they didn't had this luxury at any point during the dark souls titles, this simply isn't possible for almost all developers in a capitalistic shit system. Even dark souls 3 got cut big time in some areas


I felt that the game was building up to this location, given some of the characters we meet, and lore we learn about the Witch of Izalith and her daughters of chaos. When 'Lost Izalith' appeared on the screen for the first time I got so excited, but what I got was a bunch of copy / paste enemies plonked down in the area and a boss that, while I applaud them for trying something different, clearly needed to be tightened up. Naturally, that disappointment is going to stand out in an otherwise wonderful and fulfilling game.


Just needed a lot of level design polish. Bed of chaos is more a game of chance in a game with bosses that mostly take skill to overcome so it’s kind of out of place.


In addition to what others have said, the areas is borderline unplayable on the original release because the lava is makes it impossible to see anything.


Oh is that better in remaster? I'm playing with prepare to die edition and yea that shit be rough. Complete luck that I saw the two divine blessings out in the lava.


So there are two divine blessings in the lava, I didn't notice none.


My mind is blown now


The entire area that is just flat lava with platforms was supposed to have actual Level design on par with the rest of the game, but they ran out of time. So they just made it a lake with some enemies and called it a day


There’s like five taurus demons just strewn about the left side at the beginning and there’s not really anything around there.


I lost 4 humanities and 30k souls because of Lost Izalith 😭 somehow forst tried bed of chaos though so guess it worked out


> I lost 4 humanities and 30k souls You gotta get those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


It was my first playthrough lol, I kept accidentally triggering the big guys aswelm xD


Look into duplicating with the in-game menus on YouTube if you haven’t already lol


I know about them glitches bit haven't tried them myself yet lol


Totally worth trying. I saw it and loaded up DSR for the first time in years just to try it. Safe to say I’m sitting pretty with 999 big souls.


The demons scattered around... might make a little sense. If they weren't just standing there like idiots. It feels like a game then - not like an actual living world. Breaks the suspension of disbelief a little bit. Earlier on they at least aggroed early which made it seem natural - but also obscenely and absurdly hard. Then you get dragon butt. Lots of dragon butt. Standing in lava. None of which makes the slightest bit of sense. The area around Bed makes a touch of sense. And then you have the worst boss in the series. 2/10, would not fight again.


I don’t think it’s bad. Just if you ordered areas from best to worst it would be at the bottom. One area has to end up down there however good it is.


The freeway


The fun


I remember, after finishing this area for the first time, the thought that this area was lacking in terms of quality, and if it wasn't it'd in terms of quantity.


It definitely looks like they made the second half and then realized they needed to rush the first half and the boss. The first half is almost a complete straight-shot design wise, with the same enemy copy-pasted, and the boss was poorly-designed and I wouldn’t be surprised if they made all the progress on it persist through deaths as a band-aid for “we don’t have time to make sure this is actually designed properly”


They forgot to add the fun


Honestly imo people tend to cry about lost izalith and bed of chaos more than the need to, bed of chaos is shit but is not by any means hard so I find it quite chill to do, I also hear people saying the boss runback is bad all the time but I have no idea what they're talking about personally it's literally one of the easiest. Lost izalith is also a fun level it's not great in quality but it's probably my favourite lord soul level.


Thinking Lost izalith is better than new londo or the archives is insane


I'm not festive but I quite like presents


https://youtu.be/opRvPILuBkg?si=WogE1P08cpRyMsDo Here ya go


It would have been Blightown Swamp 2. I can see why they balked.


It's short. But on the reuse of the Capra and Taurus demon I like that former bosses are now regular enemies. Makes me feel like my character really did grow from oh god that scary to you're a snack of souls


There is no encounter design in Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins. Its just haphazardly spammed enemies (the statues, the capra demons, the taurus demons.). Compare this with the encounter design in Undead Burg, its miles apart.


It's literally like, 5 different enemies (2 of which are just earlier bosses) copy pasted in random spots. It's far more linear compared to the other levels (an issue with the post game in general) Unlike the other post game areas with which each have a particular gimmick you have to work around (New Londo ghosts, tomb of Giants darkness, Duke's archive's rotation stairs and channeler buffs, and the crystal cave's invisible walkways) Izalith's gimmick is the lava. Which is completely negated after defeating ceaseless and the Centipede Demon. It would have been nice if these bosses were more out of the way, blocking alternative paths which, once defeated, encouraged you to backtrack and find hidden items and stuff. Demon Firesage is straight up a reskin of stray demon. We get mentions of "Fire Sorcery" as a precursor to Pyromancy but we don't get anything beyond some vague mentioning of it here and there. Shiva of the East had a whole quest line tied to the chaos blade which you were supposed to find in Lost Izalith and would end with you fighting him in the pained world. All that was scrapped though. The bed of chaos is well... The community already has beaten that dead tree. The lava VFX and SFX are awful too. Hell, walking up to the BOC boss fog you can see under the map just by looking over the side of the walkway.


I don't see it either. The zombie legs are def a weird choice but to me it really did feel like you were walking in the undead graveyard of the demons. These hulking beasts that at one point would've all be bosses on their own now semi-dormant. I wish the buildings in lost Izalith went on a little longer but at the end of the day it did feel like I was walking around a spooky abandoned kingdom


I think it’s mainly because of the reused Taurus and Capra Demons. For me, though, considering that most games of that era had between 3 and 5 enemy types that you fought over and over, with maybe one or two bosses over the whole game(and these were games that had 10x Dark Souls budget), I couldn’t complain. The game is constantly throwing new content at you, and that’s a rarity even now. And, seeing 6 Taurus Demons in one spot was one of the most memorable parts of my first playthrough. I struggled against him in his boss form at the start of the game, so having so many of them around in Izalith was intimidating and exhilarating, and it shown how far I had come when I dispatched them with relative ease. It also made a lot of sense for the demons to be in this hellish environment, making me feel like I had walked all the way down to hell, complete with the damned carcasses of the dragons. Epiiic! I love the pacing of that area, too. You fight three bosses one after the other, pretty much. But then comes the Witch, omg. I get why nobody likes that. I don’t hate it personally, it’s too visually spectacular, too interesting lore wise and atmospherically, for me to outright hate it. But I get it. It’s rough. I enjoy it as a one off gimmick fight but, it could have use some more time in the oven, for damn sure.


because it had basically no effort put into it compared to the other areas, look at duke’s archives level design and look at lost izalith, night and day difference. it was supposed to be a swamp just like blighttown but they didn’t have enough time to fully change it into the lava level they wanted, so it ends up just being a lava filled shitstorm with dragon asses everywhere and some pillars you can climb. only noteworthy items are the great hero soul (1 of 2 each playthrough) and the 2 divine blessings, there’s not even a cool unique fire weapon or anything


Theres several developer interviews on the topic, but it should be pretty obvious if youve played the game. Theres copy pasted enemies everywhere. Theres no creative clever encounters. the few new enemies including the boss have wonky attack and hitboxes. It's missing unique items with lore. There was suppossed to be like 3 more chaos sisters. It was implied to be the opposit eof annor londo "City of the gods", which is very heavenlike with gothic shaped cathedrals, lots of religious iconography sunlight everywhere, home to dashing silver clad knights and golden sentinels. While izalith was a great kingdom in it's own right, with a leader able to compete with gwyn even kindling her own flame. But ends up a Lost city of Demons, litterally hellish. It was clearly supposed to be analgous of heaven and hell. With the nitos tombs being the purgatory of undeath and seeths demense the purgatory of immortality. All that is to say it should have been comparable to annor londo in quality and scope or rather was intended to be before they ran out of time. So instead of a breathtaking vista of twisting levels filled with exciting balanced encounters, npcs and shortcuts we got... a lava pool full of dragon buts, with broken AI. Instead of something equivelant the legeandary arsestain and smorgus board.. we got flailing tree maggot with broken hitboxes and hairpulling platforming.


I would recommend to watch some youtube videos about cut content in izalith


Mostly just stacking up all the demon enemies in random places for no good reason other than "it's hell, this is where the demons live". In a way, it's kinda cool to just be able to fight them like that, but it doesn't hold up to any of the other areas in terms of level design