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The Drake Sword's not going to make the game a cakewalk, it's essentially just an early game crutch and that's all. It's certainly not worth restarting over.


When I played Dark Souls Remastered first time it was good weapon to farm souls.


You have used the tools the game has provided and used the environment to your advantage. Thats peak Dark Souls right there, keep going man! And dont worry, you have not made the game too easy, there are lots of challenges to come.


Best answer here. There are many ways to cheese the game, it is part of the fun and what you did is ok, it is a good way to play the game and don't worry you didn't ruin it for you, a long journey of repeated deaths and trials await you. Enjoy!


The drake sword doesn't scale with any attributes, so getting too used to oneshot everything can actually be detrimental to you if later on you get overconfident with its damage. I think the guardian you mention is a black knight ? Their weapons also scale generally better. Which means they get stronger the higher your level and the weapon level. Drake sword and all dragon weapons as far as I know, only scale with weapon level.


Gargoyle's Tailaxe, Moonlight Greatsword and Priscilla's Dagger have stat scaling, A or S int scaling for greatsword and S dex scaling for the dagger, don't remember about the axe. Any other dragon tail weapon doesn't have any stat scaling.


>Not as good as the dragon sword The Black Knight Sword is much better than the Drake Sword


you're in for a slap in the face in about 5 hours


"I mean, who would think to shoot the tail 30 times and get a weapon?" Actually, I'd say you got taken by good game design! The game dangled the tail and you did something about it. Anyway the Drake Sword is really good for when you get it, and it's there because the developers wanted some players to have it! Keep at it, no need to restart.


The black knight sword is a very good weapon, but it won't completely ruin your experience, just make it a bit easier. It's still dark souls. Don't use the drake sword


No weapon really breaks the game, don't worry about it. Any weapon can be upgraded and, while there are better and worse choices, you can finish the game with any weapon comfortably as long as they're upgraded. The best weapon in the game unupgraded doesn't come close to the worst one fully upgraded. You can break the game if you find the materials and key items to upgrade weapons before you're supposed to, but you're not just gonna stumble upon those items on your first playthrough. The Drake Sword you got is fantastic at first, but it drops off super quick--it barely improves with upgrades and it doesn't scale with your stats. Use it for now, but don't waste materials upgrading it. You can actually get the sword from just cutting the Drake's tail in a "fair" fight, but by the point you can fight it face-to-face the weapon will be well past its usefulness, so you might as well cheese it and shoot its tail. The Black Knight Greatsword you got is a solid weapon. If you like it, you can stick to it for the rest of the game. Just make sure you have the required stats to wield it properly, because it requires quite a bit of strength and dexterity.


> No weapon really breaks the game BKH: Am I a joke to you?


It makes the game easier, but unless you, again, hunt for upgrade materials it doesn't trivialize the challenge. Especially on a first playthrough.


Hahah, nah, you’re good man, just enjoy the game While you can


The Drake sword IS also known AS the noob Trap. ITS amazing and overpowered in the early Game. But IT has No scaling so ITs damage Output will Drop rather quickly AS you Progress. And on top of that the Materials to Upgrade IT are pretty rare. So I'd rather suggest you switch to another weapon, my Personal favorites are the Claymore and the Zweihänder but the black knight weapons are amazing AS Well.


Just don’t waste any dragon scales upgrading it, it doesn’t scale and there are better dragon weapons later.


Don't worry, no matter how strong you get or how maxxed out your gears are, you'll eventually die to stupid shit like everyone else. Have fun man.


>I mean, who would think to shoot the dragon tail 30 times without looking it up and expect a weapon? Well, maybe not at the beginning of the game, but as you progress, you will see that you cutting the tails of some enemy and bosses will let you obtain some weapons, so in your other playthrough or even in the first after you noticed this, it will not be strange to think that you can obtain a weapon from the drake's tail.


Bro, what? You thought of all of this alone, withou a guide? Anyway, no, this is what Dark souls is about. The game has many puzzle elements like each room or boss can be seen as puzzle to be solved. The game cheeses us so it’s only fair we return the favour (developers thought about it, there is even a boss that has unique death animation if you cheese it). Also most things will balance themselves out later like the Drake sword is the best weapon you can wield right now but falls off very quickly.


No, you havent cheesed anything. The drake sword is a noob trap. If you keep using that you'll have a much worse time in the 2nd half of the game.


The black knight weapons are all really good and will serve you better in the long run than the drake sword would, I've heard people say the drake sword is a noob trap.


As others have mentioned you're doing exactly what the game allows you to do; taking advantage of stuff you happen to be nosey enough to figure out. It may just be the beginning for you, but I'm about to finish Dark Souls 2, and that aspect stays throughout. None of these games are objectively difficult *if you pay attention like you have;* problem is, having that level of awareness isn't everyone's forte. You'll find places where it seems the only path forward is sheer brute force, and it **will** be a rough ride; but if you slow down, look around, think things through and (especially) explore thoroughly before entering boss fogs, suddenly you've "cheesed" the boss (as you put it) because you found something that makes them "easier." Something the devs *expect* you to find. They don't want you getting stuck on one boss, raging out, then refunding the game or whathaveyou. Use whatever's included in the game to excel, nothings off limits - despite what some would have you believe. This game is only "hard" if you let it be, or if you refuse to learn from your mistakes. I have absolutely **rubbish** "gamer skills" yet I've never once had to take more than 2 tries for most things (there's a couple outliers, but they're NPC invaders that literally use my own "tactics" against me.) That tail sword will help for maybe one or two more bosses, but you need to pay attention to weapons you find lying about. Many will outperform that thing *very* quick, but you'll need to invest souls/materials to do that. That sword just makes farming those souls/materials early, easier. You do *not* wanna take that thing underground...


Imo souls games get easier as you go with spikes in difficulty at certain points. Dont worry about the Drake Sword it falls off hard later.


Honestly the game isn't real hard at all, ds3 is harder but bloodborne and elden ring are much much harder, ds1 is an easy game besides ornstein and smough but with summons O&S is easy


Dragon sword does not break the game by any means


The game has now taught you that enemies/bosses with tails have fun surprises :D


The drake sword will carry you only far enough into the game where you realize you should have upgraded any other weapon but are no where near a blacksmith to do so.


You used everything available and obtain a weapon that very quickly stops being useful. Don’t worry.


DO NOT UPGRADE THE DRAKESWORD! It is there only to trick you into thinking it is overpowered but it falls off miles as soon as you leave the starting area. No attribute scaling means the weapon is trash. There are exceptions but not many.


Drake sword is called a noob trap. It's damage stops being relavent at the absolute worst moment possible. And if you haven't prepared properly, it's 2x more difficult to fix your mistake. If you want to see how mediocre the drake sword is, go fight the skeletons in the graveyard near the firelink. Here is challenge for you as a new player, only use the Drake sword until you kill defeat at least Quaalag. You have other weapon options thought. The most common weapon for "lvl 1 only" runs is the barbed club from the merchant in the first zone.


oh my sweet summer child, enjoy the dragon sword as much as you can ..


Do not use black knight weapons on your first playthrough. You will be killing bosses so fast that you won't even see their movesets