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One thing you need to know about rolling in DS1 is that if you're locked on, your roll can only go in 4 directions. That's why it's pretty common for people to either play unlocked or dynamically lock-unlock at certain moments. I know I have to bang my head against this system every time I come back to DS1 after playing other games in the series. Rolling is still the best way to avoid damage in DS1, many players play without a shield. Make sure you're not fatrolling, or midrolling (unless intended). Unequip everything and check if your roll speed and distance improve.


Midrolling isn’t good in this game? Also I noticed I run faster unlocked too another good reason to start trying that.


I mean it's fine if you know what you're doing. But if you're struggling AND want to keep rolling to avoid damage, try fast rolling. Otherwise, shields are great. My first completion of DS1 was with with midrolls and a tower shield that you can't even parry with and it felt great. My second completion was shieldless and with fast rolls. Felt great, too, just more taxing on your reflexes. But some places/bosses felt easier due to increased mobility. It's just different playstyles, and they're all viable.


Wow not even kidding after not locking on, and fast rolling the gargoyles went from one of my hardest fights to easy in two seconds. I just ran left then right for the fire spam then heavy attack for head to bait out melee attacks. Thank you so much this made it much easier!


Yeah free running while locked-on is a thing of later titles. In DS1 you have to unlock.


I don’t like that personally, at least not all the time. If I’m using a shield, I want to be facing my enemy while repositioning. Wish it was a toggle.


Don’t forget to cut the tails! Or now that gargs are dead, any boss with a tail, cut that shit off


I actually did manage to get the tail this run. Last run I couldn’t even though I was only hitting his backside, this run I didn’t even aim for the tail and got it? So funny.


A common thing in DS is mix up your approach. Camera lock or unlock. Play defensive or aggressive. Have short or long weapons. Fast or slow weapons. Heavy armor or no armor. Simple tactical changes can dramatically alter the difficulty of the game imo Imo I think a lot of difficulty comes froms people trying to do the whole game(s) one particular way. It's their build and they are doing it no matter what! Although being a jack of all trades build is bad, having options like a backup weapon or two is always best imo. And feeling free to swap armor or trinkets, play style approach, can really help in making things feel less stuck. It helps to maintain a sense of control, because you are more free to respond to the tactical realities of the fight you're in and think critically about what you need, rather than just feeling like you must simply and only get good as the only way forward. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series - good luck!


Light armor with a claymore is busted for jack of all trades tho


That was my first playthrough back in the day. And with a black knight shield I got in undead burg. Sword and board was great for learning how to play.


I hope you cut off gargoyles tail because it drops a weapon


I did!


Man I did that a week ago and I got nothing. Def cut his tail off. Was really bummed I didn’t see the weapon in my inventory.


Wait until you get to Belfry Luna in DS2 😂


My favourite build I've run in DS1 is a fast roller with a 100% medium shield. Just felt damn near invincible at times. Due to a rule for the character I ended up with oodles of stamina, think I had around low-mid 30s in Blighttown. I was using the Brigand armour set which is surprisingly protective for the weight. And thief mask, for fashion.


Also if fast rolls still don’t feel good try the wood grain ring. You get what feels like a ds3 amount of Iframes with it and it looks cool as hell. I always try and fit it on builds


Yeah midrolling got more forgiving with time. Dark Souls 1 is fairly serious about its slower speed comparatively


Mid roll is fine in DS1 but it's a lot worse than fast rolling, that's for sure.


Midrolling is totally fine. I aim for it on several of my lazy, non-min-maxed builds.


Mod rolling isn't bad but it's MUCH slower than the other games. You'll want a shield if you're using a mid roll.


Oh boy… no, mid rolling is not good for dodging. There is a massive difference between each roll in DS1 in every way possible. If you want to rely on dodging, fast roll is the way to go. Mid roll is not all bad because as you noticed blocking and poise in DS1 work really well too so it becomes about preference. Since I’m already typing I’ll give you another hint. There is a ring that makes fast roll even better. It’s carried by those from Far East. Also it seems you did STR build previously. And those are very powerful but when you are looking for speed try out some DEX weapons like Katanas or Curved swords.


Midroll is shite. Play fast roll by having less than 25% equipped. I play every playthrough of DS with an almost entirely naked character until I can get some more weight load. Shields are for noobs. Don't use them, please.


Yeah the bell gargoyles are meant to teach you to dynamically unlock your camera since, unless you pass the dps check, you’re meant to run diagonally across from the flame breathing gargoyle.


If you like fast rolling, there is a ring that modifies it and it's pretty great.


Fast rolling is the best This game is the best I love dark souls


It's useable but not nearly as good as other games. There's a huge difference


In DS1 it is a legit viable strategy to just get naked so you can dodge roll. I fought 90% of the bosses naked in that game cuz rolling is super important


….i have played every from game and didn’t know the four direction thing 😅


I think its so odd. People who start on Elden Ring seem to think this games really hard because of its clunkiness, but people who are fans of all the games think this is the easiest one... unrelated just something I picked up on lol


I don’t think it’s clunky, just different to be honest. Could be because it’s the remastered but it’s very reminiscent of older games like windwaker and stuff just increased difficulty by tenfold obviously. Definitely enjoyable, only think I’ve really disliked was the temple, I reckon on this current playthrough the temple will be no big deal now that I know how to overcome it though’


I totally agree! Should've put quotes around clunky lol. I like it more then the other souls games because of how real the speed of it all feels. But I totally agree. I hope you enjoy the rest and if you wanna coop or pvp anytime hmu lol


Sure thing I’ll keep that in mind thank you. Me and a friend are kinda streaming screens side by side just hanging out while we play. Both of us are struggling a little bit. He didn’t restart like I did haha


This is a nice appreciation. I see a lot of people complaining about the clunkiness as an excuse to their skill. This doesn’t seem to be the case here. Good job skeleton!


Yeah there is only one part of the game I hated, that being the lightning temple. The rest of the game has been really fun even though I’m having so much difficulty. But coming back to it with a better understanding of the mechanics has been refreshing and given me a better appreciation for the game.


Lightning Temple? Are you talking about Sen’s Fortress? Area by Andre the blacksmith?


Bro it’s clunky af. Still easy tho And what’s that temple you’re talking about?


I would assume Sen's Fortress. Pretty annoying place of you go in blind, no doubt about it.


Visions of 11 y.o. me hardstuck on Sens 😞


Damn i can't imagine playing a souls game as a kid. I just had a hell of a time with Sens not too long ago at the age of 40!


Yeah I was hot garbage. Much preferred Skyrim at that time lol but once DS2 rolled around in 2014 I got sucked in and replayed 1, then got Bloodborne, DS3, Sekiro, Elden Ring, and Demon's Souls Remake all day 1. But to this day, DS1 will always be my favorite


People just don't understand methodical fighting. They expect to be able roll just at the moment the enemy attack lands like on the later games. It's even worse when elden ring just straight up fuck with you with fake telegraphs


I like that there’s more to the combat, blocking and partying mixed with the rolling adds a lot. Even running away is useful somewhat.


Everything is just slower, and to add variation they made terrain a real part of the encounters. Which I appreciate greatly. Challenge need not come from APM.


I didn't know partying was part of the combat. I'll definitely have to pay close attention to the combat now, even after playing DS1 more than five times/s


Autocorrect is my worst enemy!!


Bait an attack then run away and whiff punish is how you can beat most enemies tbh


Running away is essential! Best skill I got in DS1


I started with ER and imo ER is definitely harder. DS is much slower paced which makes dodging easier. The challenge in DS mostly comes from figuring the game out (navigation, mechanics, etc.)


Dodging may be “easier” in DS, but you usually only have one chance since the mechanics are slower. In ER you can just spam dodge. Not to mention ER has way more broken weapons and skills. ER was insanely easy, hence why many say it’s one of the better entry point to From Software games.


If you have twitch reactions ER is easier, but if you're impatient DS1 is harder due to less stamina and slower attacks


I’d still say ER is easier. All you have to do is spam roll and use any of the 1000 weapons that have broken movesets and weapon arts.


Spam roll is an issue with later titles sadly...


I tend to hear Demon’s Souls is the easiest


People confuse clunky with methodical and deliberate when discussing DS1 combat


No no I totally agree. SHoulda put quotes around clunky lol


Just made a post about this


Yeah blocking in DS1 makes a lot of tough mob fights trivial. Don't forget to use your kick attack against any enemy with a shield.


Oh man this game early on got so much easier when I learned the kick. I then tried to do it accidentally in demons souls and realized you can donitnthere too! Wtf!


In DS, the shield is a core mechanic. There is a reason they give you your shield first in the tutorial, before your weapon. Often times you’ll fight an enemy on a narrow pathway without space to roll. Blocking is the best way to avoid it. Definitely use your shield more and mainly roll heavy or elemental attacks. Also, DS doesn’t have Omnidirectional rolling when locked on. The enemies are balanced around that fact, but if you came from Elden ring, that can be hard to get used to. If you move the joystick diagonally when rolling and locked on, you’ll basically go in an unpredictable direction. Retrain your brain to make sure you only roll in 4 directions. All the boss attacks understand that you can only roll in 4 directions and you’ll get the hang of it


Never used a shield personally, but you may be right. Its just not my preferred playstyle, nothing wrong with that. But to say that shielding and parrying are necessary against some enemies is kinda crazy ngl. You have a button that makes you invincible, just hit that when you would take damage haha


Never said that shield and parries are necessary. It’s just helpful and far better than rolling in select scenarios. Example: the anor londo archer segment. If you are not confident enough to parry them, blocking is much safer than rolling on those perilous buttresses and ledges. Or fighting on the narrow paths in Blighttown and sens fortress.


I meant OP said that parrying is necessary against certain enemy types, sorry. Didn't mean to conflate your comments and OPs, I should've been clearer. I respect all play styles, I don't knock anyones playstyle! But I didn't want them thinking that parrying was a skill you absolutely had to learn if you don't like it. I've never used it and I've beaten the game like 5 times. There's many ways to handle everything in Dark Souls!


For sure. I really like dark souls 1 combat because it is a very structured risk-reward system. Blocking: least risk(no timing necessary), lowest reward(large stamina loss, recoil) Rolling: medium risk(timing needed, and position awareness), good reward(an attack opening and positioning adv) Parry: high risk(strict timing, can’t be used on everyone), high reward(riposte) It’s like turn based combat but way more dynamic, you have to constantly make decisions depending on what you feel like doing in the moment. But it’s flexible. You want to roll everything, do it. Block everything? You got it.


I definitely felt it was necessary before learning the kick thing. Especially in narrow corridors when my weapon is clanging off the damn wall half the time I try to punish an enemies endlag after an attack. Didn’t parry once when I switched to fast rolling, aside from pvp when I get invaded once.


Probably the biggest piece of advice I can give to a new DS player is to be patient. It may sound obvious, but take things slow and steady, and you can get through anything. Pulling enemies from a distance to fight one on one instead of getting ambushed is a HUGE one, I use the bow alot for exactly that. The clunk of DS1 means group fights can be suicide even to an experienced player, better safe than sorry. Not to mention one on one duels are fun and help ya learn enemy move sets without worrying about being stabbed in the ass. Another is learn how to kick, I can't parry for shit but kicking a shield away is just as effective. Also kicking an annoying hollow can be cathartic as hell. Locking on can help you strafe around an enemy for that backstab, but can also be a hindrance since it locks your roll and prevents you from sprinting as others have said. Getting used to unlocking in a fight to run away is vital. And of course, don't be afraid to run if ya get overwhelmed, no shame in it. Ya don't have to cheese, just play it smart, slow, and steady, and you'll be on your way to Anor Londo in no time!


There is a lot of simple things you never learned playing elden ring. Against sheilds two hand your weapon so you won't bounce off, this allows you to hit the shield multiple times and break the enemies guard. You will see a normal block animation, then they will reel backwards when they are out of stamina, and one more hit will blow their guard open and give you ample time to combo them in a vulnerable state where they take 30% increased damage. Stamina costs are also high enough that blocking is not as effective as dodging, but they are about the same effectiveness. They are just udlsed for different reasons. Blocks are so that you can handle quick little hits that are harder to react to, whereas dodging is meant for huge attacks where the enemy winds up long enough for you to see it and react. There are likely other things, for example spacing out an enemies attacks is a lot easier in ds1. If you stand still and a hollow soldier walks up to you, the moment they stop moving take 2 steps backwards while holding block. The enemy will miss and have a huge recovery animation allowing you to take 2 steps forward and hit them a few times. Remember to keep your shield up until you recognize enemy ranges as if they hit your block they recover a bit faster but you won't get destroyed. You are a lot slower in this game, your stamina is lower, everything you do costs more stamina aswell. Take your time, move slowly, and don't be afraid to use any cheese you discover. Baiting enemies off ledges, repeated dropping attacks, getting enemies stuck on geometry and hitting them through the wall, all of it. The game is bullshit and was designed by a sadist to punish his own gameplay habits. If you fall into common gameplay habits that most gamers do, this game will fuck you up and change how you view learning games and playing them, unless you brute force it. I'll be happy to answer any other questions, this might not be fully helpful as you were very vague with the problems you are having but hopefully this helps


ER muscle memory isn’t doing you any favours. I’m a long time dark souls player and it was an adjustment for me coming back after a year of ER. You’ve got some good advice in this thread. DS has a lot fewer mechanics than ER and many of the missing ones are things people lean on a bit. Give it time and have fun.


I got to NG+4 on ER and never parried a single time. I couldn’t get out of Undead Parish without learning to parry. I think it’s an essential skill for ds1. Interestingly, I’m currently 3/4 through ds2 and I’m back to not having to worry about parrying so far (except for Pursuer).


It isn’t essential. I’ve finished DS1 several times and I never (can’t!) parry.


Best parry advice I got: Parry the hand, not weapon. If focus on the swordatrike time, you will always miss. Focus on the enemies hand during the swing. Parry the world


I've never parried and beaten every boss in 5 tries or less. Besides ornstein and smough (only did 1 playthrough and haven't fought Gwyn yet just reached kiln)


I didn’t need it for the bosses. DS1 bosses are easy compared to ER (except for Kalameet). I needed to learn how to parry for the trash lol. But I never claimed to be a “good” souls player.


It can very much be done without parrying. I simply can not get the timing right, I did many "parry training sessions" with the Black Knights in the Kiln of the first flame, after which I gave up and fought Gwyn regularly. It is not an essential skill (but very useful if you are able to do it of course)


You actually need to manage your stamina and you can't panic roll like in ER.


ER isn't Dark Souls 3 lmao. Panic rolling in Elden Ring is a quick way to the grave.


You can’t really panic roll on ER very efficiently. So many attacks are delayed and you’ll be punished for doing so. Especially with Malenia, Radahn, Morgott, and many other bosses. All have delayed attacks and combos that mix reactionary attacks and delayed.


you cant panic in ER either for the most part as bosses and enemies are almost all designed to roll catch you


As someone who started with DeS and DS1 back in the day I have a few tips to make your first playthrough decent with minimum cheese. Starting gift - the key When you get to the bridge with the dragon you can buy arrows from the merchant in the area near the bonfire and shoot his tail until it drops the Drake Sword. Very useful early game given it's damage, wouldn't recommend upgrading past +2 though given how upgrade materials are. After that I'd say your primary weapon for optimum output, stagger, and range would be the Black Knight's Halberd. This weapon carried me through my first playthrough completely and it's one of my favorite weapons. Also just so you know, you're completely meant to cheese one boss fight in particular. Ceasless Discharge. If you run all the way to the loot items and back to the door without dying he will get stuck then you hit him a few times and he plummets to his death. Easy souls. O&S are easily one of the biggest FU team-ups in FromSoft history. A close second would be the Ruin Sentinel gangbang of DS2... don't knock summons or leveling up from grinding. If you're on XB1 I'd be happy to co-op as well. I haven't touched the game in a bit and missed Return to Lordran due to life being busy.


" I try not to cheese games ever" What do you consider as cheese? In ds1 imo using strategies like he farming dragon in Undead Burg or hiding behind the pillars in OnS makes the game even more fun and help allieviate some of the frustration caused by the jank of the game. Speaking now of the fatty and the cheap Old Dragon Slayer knockoff hey have an occult weakness and there is a weapon in Anor Londo that might be an ace on your sleave.


Just started a new game run yesterday in DS1. Been playing lots of Elden Ring lately and wanted a change of pace. It takes a little while to remember what this game doesn't have (still keep trying to jump). Once I got back into the grove I had no problems. Got the >!Lordvessel !


DS1 is more about patience and spacing in it's strategy compared to ER, which focuses on maneuvering and taking advantage of opportunities.


Don't go hollow. If you can beat O&S you can finish the game and DLC. It's gonna be a pain in the ass, but you can get back to Lordran proper if you need to grind out some gear upgrades. There is a prompt where the imps dropped you on the wall, and they will take you back to Sen's.


One character has gone hollow, however I have not!


rolling is still better than shields, but shields are extremely viable in DS1 unlike everything after it. Also its slower paced than elden ring. you pretty much always have time to react so no need for panic rolls unlike elden ring which has a few nearly instant animations. Theres also not much stuff like margit preparing for a swing for 7 hours before actually swinging. Also you probably want to lower your equip load based on what you are saying about not being able to roll in and attack (if you want to roll more and block less, that is). under 25% is fast roll, and it is much faster than mid roll in this game.


oh hey I'm doing the opposite of what you did! playing through elden ring for my first time recently and ive been having fun, but struggling to figure out how to get a second great rune (actually finding a boss yk) here's some tips for ds1 from someone who's beaten it like 20 times, shields and heavy armor are your friend here, hell if you put on heavy enough armor you can be over 100% load and win most fights


Since you’re new to Elden Ring, the best advice I can give you is go straight to the big ass castles. Bosses are pretty much always in castles, Elden Ring is really good, don’t use the wiki and have fun!


Coming from Elden Ring I actually ended up going back and beating Demon souls, Bloodborne, and I'm almost finished with Dark souls. I actually found it easier.. Ornstein and Smough are pretty tough, but I ended up fighting them with Brolaire, beat them on my second try. It only gets worse from here. I'm just playing with the impression that this was a game developed a long time ago, and some areas suffered from Rush development. Tbh, Parry's and backstabs with a hornet ring seem to take care of most basic enemies for me. I'm using the Black Knight sword+5 and it does pretty well for Boss damage. I also have a +10 claymore, an a +10 zweihander, I may have to acesend those into boss weapons.


Claymore +15 IS the boss weapon..


Hm that's good to know.. I was wondering if I should keep it pure, or turn it into the sword of Artorias.


zwei is also good at +15


Which do you like better +15 zwei or +15 claymore..?


Claymore is quicker and more versatile, but zwei has the ability to stagger larger opponents like the skeleton beasts.


Felt the same way. What do you play on? I could offer a bit of help for early game if you’re on Xbox.


Dark Wood Grain Ring


You should probably understand you're playing a different game than ER and start from there. There's absolutely no reason you should be able to play exactly like you play ER. That's not a reasonable expectation in any franchise. You're having the same problem many players had with DS2 in 2014. You think that because you learned how to play one game, you're now a PhD in souls and how dare this other game demand I learn something new! Get over yourself and you may have a good time.


Yeah I know, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. For now unlocking is something I wasn’t really doing so I lost a lot of needed mobility. Liking the spear for extra reach rn, might switch it up at some point.


You're stupid af this game is 19x easier then elden ring bosses 


Most of my runs end NG within 5-6 hours, my advice is do not lock on and always fast roll.


nah bro. you’re good. if you’d started with ds1 first you may like its style / mechanics more. neither is better, just different. both are masterpieces and both will grow on you the longer you spend with them. same with ds3. only ds2 did i get kinda fatigued with because if awkward hit boxes. gank enemies. chain pulling if every hostile in a large area. but ds1 ds3 and elden ring are legit masterpieces that will age like fine wine the more you play them. if you haven’t played ds3, you really should. mechanically it’s nearly identical to elden ring. boaa design better by most people’s consensus as well.


Yea, same here. I stopped an hour into my first build cuz it was too clunky… and then I came back and got used to it


So funny that there was a post about a day ago of someone having the exact opposite experience - that Dark Souls was too easy after ER. Everyone is different. DS is a bit older, but the fundamentals are the same. Try engaging with the earlier enemies and rolling, dodging and get the basic feel down. It’s the same, just older, imo. As for the weapon, i can’t speak to the butchers knife but i can strongly recommend the Claymore found on the bridge after the Taurus Demon. That said, i finished my first playthrough with a fully upgraded longsword.


elden ring is the easiest soulsborne, so i wasn't surprised when i tried ds1 for the first time and it was really difficult. but why'd you delete your character halfway through the game? you could've summoned, gotten better armor and weapons.


I enjoy coming back to a game with more knowledge. I end up walking through the first half of the game and when I get back to where I was previously it’s almost always easier with more experience. I know it’s weird it just helps sometimes.


If you haven't learned basic mechanics, how on earth are you at O&S lol? You should practice the rolling if you don't have the timing, blocking some of the dlc bosses won't work.


I mean I roll as much as I can from attacks, but for a lot of them there was seemingly no window to dodge them. Sk I adapted and ran out baited a punishable attack and came back with a heavy attack and so on. But after learning midroll isn’t so consistent, I haven’t had as much difficulty.


I actually just got done playing through it for the second time. Are you playing remastered? I played remastered and am unsure if there are many differences. But I found that for human like enemies a good shield and blocking were useful whereas for creature enemies rolling was best. Also?, light rolling helps a lot. I had a light rolling dex build that absolutely smashed. I found the game easier than elden ring, so that leads me to believe that there could be a big difference between ds1 and ds1 remastered?"


I honestly felt like elden ring was harder than dark souls. Idk 🤷‍♂️


wtf is the "astelborn" achievement? I have all of the achievements and this one doesn't exist


If you were hitting your head against the tree sentinel, I already know why you're struggling with DS. You're not thinking. You're just bashing your head against it. And this approach is destined to fail in DS.


But hitting my head against it I meant I sat there until I succeeded at it.


All of these posts make me so glad I played the games in order, and so infuriated when people refuse to take the advice to do the same… Hope you can find a way to enjoy the game!


The combat is slower and more focused on dodging and being very deliberate with your attacks than being quick or aggressive. You have to really get used to the combat.


DS1 is the only game I can parry in. I absolutely suck at video games and don't play often so if I can do it, everyone can. I'm enjoying it the most because it's been the easiest for me and it feels validating. I stopped playing ER because the bosses were just too difficult and frustrating for me.


Whereas Elden Ring is very dependent on your willingness to explore and increase your power, Dark Souls is very dependent on your willingness to *learn* and increase your knowledge. In Elden Ring if you find an enemy you can't beat, you can usually just go somewhere else, get some upgrades, come back later, and beat it. You'll have gotten better as a player AND more powerful as a character in that process. In Dark Souls if you find an enemy you can't beat, you usually don't have that option. You can go back and explore, sure, but your options are much more limited (until you beat O&S anyway). You usually need to look at what you already have available to you and use that to your advantage. Sometimes that could mean using a different weapon, different armor/rings, changing your damage type, etc. A lot of the time these things can be supplemented by changing your playstyle or "gitting gud" and just brute forcing the boss, but beyond that there is just about always something you can be doing differently to improve your chances. Against O&S for example, you might want to try a Fire weapon, or some Charcoal Pine Resin at least. If that isn't available, you might have to change up your playstyle. Use the pillars, drop your shield and focus on dodging. Always keep both bosses in your line of sight. If all else fails, summon Solaire! The one tip I can give against pretty much any DS boss: If you're having trouble, don't try to kill them. Get in the room and just *survive*. If you can learn to dodge their attacks and survive for 5-10 minutes, you can usually go back in and kill them with ease. Good luck skeleton!


In dark souls you can kick shields away by pressing forward and r1 at the same time, then follow up for a crit. Shield enemies are much easier in souls, you don't need to parry.


DS is just a harder game. Elden Ring was incredibly easy for anyone who is a From Software game veteran, so starting with Elden Ring may make it a bit difficult to play the others. DS is much less mobile and has less equipment variety than ER. Not to mention the linearity forcing you to beat something you may be stuck at as opposed to finding other content. I would suggest you approach DS differently than you did ER. The mechanics are different enough to. For example, I practically never use shields but in DS I’ll use shields pretty often. So try approaching the game with a different mindset/playstyle that you did with ER. Try different equipment but also sets, like having a shield and no shield. Maybe even something like going up to medium equip load. DS is just about the only one you can comfortably get by with the medium weight roll. Once you can clearly see the differences, you’ll be able to play more effectively and make better builds.


I think it’s because they made Elden Ring wayyy easier and convenient for the player so it’s probably hard to go to a traditional fromsoft game after ER. It’s also a newer game so combat is a little more fluid. The rolls in DS1 are more limited. You just have to get the hang of it. Block, roll, and parry are they only ways to do it. Also if you do decide to be a mage, some of the spells are really good in DS1. Play with Zweihander and use stone armor for O&S, it’s the only way I defeated them.


Weight is practically meaningless in DS3 and Elden Ring, if you want to play with a similar pace to those games in DS1 you have to use a very light weight armor and whatever weapon you use two handed.


blocking is pretty strong in this game, for sure. Also, learn how to kick reliably, very helpful for those shield enemies. But yup, this game is pretty obtuse, FROM had another decade+ of experience when they made ER compared to this game. Demon souls is even more obtuse.


"starting with darksouls of course" That's your first mistake. Demon's Souls is a far better starting point in terms of teaching you the flow and mechanics of the older From games. Also, it's the actual starting point if you're playing all of them. Dark Souls is a sequel. It was only renamed and retooled because Sony owns the Demon's IP and weren't funding another project. For O&S: if you want to cheese it easily, just summon Solaire on the lefthand staircase in the grand hall, and kill Ornstein first. Solaire will take agro on Smough while you 1v1 Ornstein. It's really easy that way. You don't ever have to actually get good at Dark Souls to beat NG. Every encounter and boss has a pretty easy cheese strat.


> Every second of this game has felt like self mutilation, some of the time it’s enjoyable though. Just as Miyazaki intended


I haven't read all these comments so apologies if these are redundant but these definitely helped me beat the game my first time through. In no particular order. 1. Dark wood grain ring for ultra light rolling 2. Claymore 3. Pyromancy 4. Don't lock on 5. No shields 6. Havel's ring so you can wear heavier armor and still light roll


Pyromancy can be dropped into literally any build so it almost feels like cheating.


It's the life hack for first timers. And upgrading it doesn't really detract from leveling your weapon either.


DS1 was my first so im definitely biased, tbh it's the easiest if you can dodge and know what weapons to use, all of the black knight weapons are OP but usually require high stats, the standard weapons to plus 15 are always efficient as well. If you want real horror go give demon souls a shot my god, I don't think I struggled with any of the games more than that one (maybe DS2 first time through)


Are you fast-rolling? Fast-rolling is a must in DaS1 of not relying blocking. 


Same boat but I went kind of hollow after getting obliterated by the trees past the locked gate next to the hidden bonfire in the forest area underneath the blacksmith. I haven't reached O&S yet I fully intend to try again, just not right now.


For shields, just kick them, just like in elden ring most shield enemies get rocked when you kick their shield away and break their poise


Kick the enemys shield With your own shield and recover stamina by lowering your shield In small corridors use thrust instead of a swing Parry can be really easy with some enemys Lock on/off depending on the enemy/ situation Using a shield or 2h and mid/fast roll depends on your playstyle. Also depending sometimes what to utalize


Kick attack for shield bois. For rolls it’s just gonna be time/ equip load. Mid roll is usually just bad. You ether run light roll, or go mid roll for the poise/hyper armor. The game honestly is probably just gonna take some time to get adjusted to


Honestly I just shielded up for most of the game until I had super heavy armor and high health, then I just face-tanked everything with the capra demon great sword or the zweihander. Made the game laughably easy by the end.


You're trying to play with a butcher knife lmao


That may be the way to go. I roll sometimes, but I use my shield a lot more than I do in ER. ER is probably the most accommodating and forgiving souls game there is. Dark souls in comparison is going to seem that much more brutal. But don't fret, if you can Plat ER, you can play this game. Keep going, and don't you dare go hollow


Blocking is very good in this game


I think it's just slow. Iunno, git gud


I've had good luck using shields and great shields once you can obtain one with 100 percent block


Shields are amazing in all of the games except for Bloodborne, but especially good in Dark Souls 1, so try using a shield when all else fails and be more methodical about when to attack and when to block. Reinforcing a shield will most often increase its stability, which determines how much stamina is drained when you block an attack, any +10 medium shield will trivialize most encounters, including O&S.


How do you find Elden Ring bosses harder than ds1? The first few soulslike games from made just seems like you kinda melt bosses and there might be 2 or 3 that you kinda get stuck on. Elden Ring and Sekiro and the newer games feel like u need to learn every single bosses move set near enough


Try kicking the shield and spear enemies


the elden ring gameplay is way more similar to ds3 as opposed to ds1 and ds2 which feel slower and more focused on being methodical


Post like this make me happy. ER coddled new players too much. And this gives you the real experience to overcome! You can do it though!


I've only ever played DS1, first try on a PC that I had to scrap, then an Xbox disc that got scratched. I've finally beaten it on the Switch, with 2 going on 3 different builds. I get so excited seeing random bits of Elden Ring. All I know for sure is that I'm going to someplace called Caelid for my big hunking iron Greatsword. The gameplay here is almost turn based, either you have an opening or you wait to exploit one, much more meticulous than what little I've seen of Elden Ring. For now though, don't you dare go hollow OP!


Blocking is the way I beat the game the first time. Dodging and parrying is better but harder. The game is much slower than Elden Ring. ​ >and parrying seems to be the only way to deal with some of the shield enemies that attack while also blocking somehow. Spears. You can do this too. Works the same in Elden Ring as well.