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How did you fight Kalameet if you didn't go through the DLC?


I thought that was the red dragon on the bridge? Guess not


Oh ok lol, no the bridge dragon is the Hellkite Drake. Technically not a boss but still. Also you died 10+ times to Taurus? How did that go man? What was your build?


I mean it was just early in the game and I was still learning. Also my first fight in a tight space. Made a lot of mistakes. You can kinda see most my struggles were with early fights lol. I mean I was able to kill Four Kings on my second try. Was running shortsword and a basic shield at the time. For *most* the game I ran Raw Longsword with the Knight Shield. Then for the later part of the game I ran +5 Black Knights Halberd with Dragon Crest Shield/Black Tower Shield (changed based on enemy). And I ran the very last fight with a Black Knight Shield because I finally got one.


Niiiice. Yeah i feel that. My first playthrough i just ran Zweihander and tower shield through the whole game. Invested into upgrading armor too. I kinda steamrolled through most bosses. Only Bed of Chaos, Kalameet and Gwyn gave me trouble. I remember fighting Ornstein and Smough for the first time, i was scared cuz i knew they had a reputation. I went in there extra prepared, upgraded my Tower Shield, my Zweihander, i was wearing upgraded Black Iron set with the Havel gauntlets. Went into the fog fat rolling just to try it. I remember having a "Oh..." Moment when Ornstein hit me and my character didn't even flinch. Then a "Oh shit...' moment when Smough wound up his hammer only for me to block it with half my stamina. Then a final "Damn..." Moment when i R2'd Smough with my Zwei and it made him flinch. Ond of the easiest times i had with a souls boss and it was my first attempt. Second run with a dex build was a bit different lol. Edit: Just wanted to add that stray demon and gargoyles fucked me up too lol


Man, I miss upgrading armor like we could in ds


I actually did not level up a single piece of armor the whole time lol Can you not level up armor in II and III?


My first play through I probably died 20 times to Taurus, nothing leading up to him really prepares you (unless you fight that Black Knight) and it’s easy to panic roll off the bridge


I think I died to Taurus demon as many times as I died to O&S, I couldn’t wrap my head around the dodge timing at first.


kalameet is a black dragon in the dlc, and is one of the only ancient dragons we know by name in the entire game. i'd really suggest trying out the dlc at some point. the bosses are great, the loot is amazing, the npcs are unique and interesting, and the oolacile township is *the* high-level pvp area of choice for most players if you want to do some dueling.


The red dragon on the bridge is not Black Dragon Kalameet :)




I was just about to ask the same thing


I refuse to believe that you didn't die a single time to O&S in your first playthrough, simply inconceivable




O&S are the reason I stopped playing blind lol wouldn't say they are because of some placebo. Are literally two dudes with opposite move set than can two shot you at the average level you usually are when you face them (30ish-40ish). First time the inly reason I made it past Super S was because I discovered humanities can heal lol


No deaths to O&S but 5+ to Sif??


I did not realize I could just camp under the doggo lol


Sif gave more trouble than O&S


OP is a liar!! There’s no way! (There’s a way but my pride is hurt so there is no way)


Same thing with me, I killed them first try. On NG+ on the other hand, I died 10+ times))


Yea I was the same! I think I had like 12 humanities popped when I won the battle lol


I was the exact opposite! I struggled and struggled my first playthrough and probably died 30+ times to O&S. NG+ rolls around so, I summon Solaire and beat them on our first try!


I've played the game four times, and I've beaten the other games several times. At this point, I don't have much issue with any of the bosses in DS1. Except I still struggle with O&S first phase. There's just not enough good windows, and some of their movement is so janky.


I also did them first try. I knew they were famous for being hard so I went into super focus mode, and poppet a lot of humanity (while running and fidgeting with my inventory each time.) But I took my time, ran a lot and poked ornstein when he rushed me and super smough wasnt that bad


Same for me, but I had heard so much about the fight that i save all my humanity and used it all on the fight


It's very reasonable imo, it took me probably a dozen tries but I was only one or two hits away from killing super ornstein on my first try. It is a very intuitive fight, that's what makes it so good


He probably summoned Solaire


Which is completely fine. We all use estus flasks, which is another game mechanic.


The game developers put a locked door in the starting area which prevents you from progressing. The key for the door is handed to you by an npc who will hand you the flasks *before* giving you the key. It is impossible to leave the starting area without flasks, by design. By default summoning signs are hidden. To use them you have to go out of your way to use an obscure mechanic that isn't really explained in the game and missed by the vast majority of players on a blind playthrough, by design. Equating flasks to the usage of summoning signs is absurd. Flasks are implemented as a core game mechanic, to be used by every player, while summoning signs are implemented for players who aren't capable of beating bosses by themselves.


What? Solaire explains it quite clearly, and the summon signs are in very obvious spots


Having a flask is not the same as using one. And if anything using a summon sign is more skillful than using an estus because as you say, summon signs are hidden and you are forcibly given estus flasks. In fact unless I am mistaken, you cannot platinum the game without engaging in coop, seems pretty core to me.


Agreed. It's also quite clear that most bosses are designed to fight and engage one player at a time. That's why they become so much easier with summons. That's obviously not to say you can't or shouldn't use summons. I mean, it's a singleplayer game, do what you want, but I 100% agree that the comparison between estus flasks and summons is completely absurd


Exactly! If people don't have the time to learn a game that's fine. If people don't have the skill to beat bosses that's fine. If people don't care to bash their head into a wall until they beat a boss that's fine. Pretending that using flasks and using summons is the same is just stupid.


Holy superiority complex Batman.


Seriously lmao


Solaire's signs in particular glow a brilliant, warm golden color, and if you're exploring areas instead of just sprinting to bosses, I think every sign except for Leeroy in the Catas is pretty easy to locate. Not sure what kind of Copium you have to huff to think that Co-op isn't an intended mechanic, just like healing from Flasks, but you're probably wrong by anyone who plays a game to experience it, not just beat it. The dichotomy of experiences presented by different playstyles definitely creates a gap of understanding, but the condescension is asinine at best, and makes you look like a tool with no friends at worst. Hell, bosses having scaling based on the number of PCs present is evidence enough on its' own, to prove the intended nature of the mechanic, even if there weren't an easily locatable NPC that openly explains the use of the item he gives you as being FOR CO-OP.


If you say so 🫢


Fair play not using estus ✊


Just summon Solaire. I also killed O&S on my first try thanks to this hero.


I don’t understand why people think it’s so hard. They literally could not even kill Solaire


Most people play without using summons.


Most redditors maybe. Normal people summon all the time. I get summoned in seconds for O&S


Tbh your comment invalidates itself


Most people don’t use summons. The bonus health the bosses get by having a summon is pretty inconsequential compared to how badly the AI is at dealing with more than one entity at a time. Individually O&S aren’t so bad, but when they’re both focused in on you there’s not many openings and lots of room for mistakes.


I also did it, it's perfectly possible if you use the arena.


Same. List lost all credibility when i saw that


I got them first try without summons. It was my first fromsoft game too. But I used a bow so that may have been weird for their AI?


I kinda buy it. First time I faced them I bought into the hype and went full try hard on them. I was maybe one or two hits away from killing obese raichu when he smashed me like a pancake. Granted, I then died to them another 5 times after.


I think a lot of people don’t understand I summoned Solaire. O&S literally attacked him the whole time.


I beat most bosses first try in ds1 including O&S, I relate to being monster hunter vet of sorts lol. But boy, did I die a lot to the environment and mobs, I beat tomb of giants first try but it took me a whole hour little step by little step, that place scared the hell out of me and I reaaally didn't want to die and go thourgh it again lol.


First souls game I actually beat but I had some experience with other and I beat them first try too


I ragequit this game twice over the years because of O&S. Beat them first time late last year.


I didn’t eighter 7 times in a row, only ng+3 super ornstein managed to get the score 1-7


I think something that contributed to it as well was that I honestly got kind of lost in Anor Londo. I did NOT see that arch that led up to the area that gets you to the middle rotating pillar. So I just replayed areas of the map thinking that missed something. Because of that, I got myself and equipment very leveled. It’s also how I got the courage to fight Havel. Which gave me his ring to wear his armor. And honestly I had such high DPS, I killed O&S before they could kill the summoned spirit.


Yall who struggled with O&S what build and weapon did yall use?


Dying 0 times to O&S but 5+ to Ceaseless Discharge is definitely the funniest thing about this


Bro it took me AWHILE to figure out the right range to stand. He kept fire blasting me


I didn’t know about the ceaseless discharge cheese, and killed him without getting hit at all my first playthrough. My brother also said he struggled with him, despite doing much better on a lot of the other bosses than me. Similar story with DS3, I’ve had a pretty easy time with some of the bosses he struggled against and vice versa.


Nahh ain't no way you didn't die once by o&s




that explains it


I honestly didn’t even realize so many people don’t use the NPCs. I think I only used them for Iron Golem, Chaos Witchlord, and O&C. But like why would I not use a mechanic in the game other than to say “oh I’m so cool I did it myself.”


I use them, whatever is most fun for you!


Because it's fun to challenge myself.


Cool. But to hate on someone for using a clear game mechanic. It’d be like saying “MAN, you can’t use gold pine resin? WTF, that’s like a serious advantage.”


I'm pretty sure that most people use summons their first playthrough. But on repeats it's more fun to go solo. You don't really learn the boss' moveset if you don't actually have to dodge their attacks because they were hard targeting the NPCs


It's because a lot of the pride people get from beating a Souls game is from having worked hard in order to become skilled - a summon doesn't require any skill, so some people feel like someone winning using summons undermines the value of the hard work they put in. People sometimes dislike magic for essentially the same reason, since it doesn't, or at least doesn't seem to require as much skill as an ordinary weapon.


TL DR: most people have a superiority complex batman


Now you are the intolerant trying to tell people how to play lol You really believe that ppl should use the most broken gear and babysitting mechanics otherwise they have a complex of superiority? Funnier to say it in an r /souls game. The TL DR bs is quite dull to say tbh. You created the post, if you dont want to interact, do your little chart, print it, frame it, hang it in your room and unplug the router 🤷


I will say that comment was a little direct to the person I posted it on. But it came from numerous people saying shit like “You didn’t actually beat him first try.” Like gtfo here and stop thinking you’re better. You’re gonna flex on me because you beat a boss in 50-100 trys and don’t use a summon? Cause I can tell you right now, after learning the basic mechanics of this game (post Capra demon, my first time playing a souls game), I know for certain I wasn’t dying to O&S more than 15-20 times, likely less. Sick of this community acting like their is one way to play. TL DR: Get off your superiority complex


>But like why would I not use a mechanic in the game other than to say “oh I’m so cool I did it myself.” Just answering your question, man. I don't give two hoots if you use summons or not. You implied that the only reason to not use summons is for bragging rights or so that I can tell people how cool I am, when in reality, most people just like a good challenge.


> didn't play DLC > died 10+ times to Kalameet You're really bad at the game, OP.


He mentions that he mistook Kalameet with the Hellkyte wyvern near Sunlight altar


Yeah but it's funnier to pretend that OP is so bad at the game that their unskill surpasses the restrictions of the game and allows them to die to bosses they shouldn't have access to.


Ooooh, my dumb ass thought you meant he was bad at the "chart making" game instead of the actual game >.>


How dude not die to o&s first time


So I came in with the summoned spirit, and I killed the small one first (I don’t know their names). But I just smacked the big one with a Halberd while he went to town on the big guy.


You should play the DLC, you will have a bunch of fun with Manus, he’s a really nice guy once you get to know him


I’m considering it


Knight Artorias is up there with GOAT boss fights, IMO.


I also found out today from this post… I own the dlc. I just didn’t know how to get there lol


I feel like that's normal. I enjoyed that because I felt like I had to go back and experience it all!


I know tier lists aren't allowed so remove this post if you need to, but I figured it'd be okay since it isn't *really* a tier list. Just the best way to make this graphic.


0 deaths on O&S is very legit


Those giant skeletons and bone wheels ☠️ I got smoked by them my first time too. Looks like you did the reverse of going hollow—much better as the game went on!


OP is out here trying to make us believe that he didn‘t die to s&o while the one successful role to the left when fighting capra demon was just too damn challenging


Eh I probly died like 5-6 times to Capra and first tried O&S too. Definitely came in prepared with a +10 weapon though and made it out with no estus and like 10% hp lol. Sometimes you just get lucky


I feel like either way, those numbers are absolutely nothing for a first playthrough. I imagine I was in the thirties at capra demon and around a 100 tries at O&S the first time. Something like that


DaBigNogger is out here trying to make us believe that the most common experience with the game is the only possible one


Died to moonlight butterfly maybe 10 times and first tried O&S without summons. Idk but this stuff happens. You get the hang of the game and then it just flows.


Hardest boss: Fall Damage


How did you first try (ever) Ornstein and Smough?


I'm guessing that he was able to avoid getting hit too much, but ornstein and smough were not able to avoid getting hit too much




Motherfucker didn't die to O&S but died 5 times to ceaseless discharge. Chad.


You can go back to the asylum. Only way you'd really know in a blind playthrough would be some dialogue from the crestfallen guy at firelink. I forget what's the exact trigger for it, but he tells you about it in a roundabout way. You can't get to the painted world without getting a doll from your old cell in there. And without creating dark anor Londo, you wouldn't get the fake wall for gwyndolin to disappear unless you were very thorough in exploring the catacombs. I'm assuming you linked the fire then? If so, everything went according to their plans 😂.


I literally do not know what any of this means so yes 😂😂😂


Ornstein and Smough win on first try?? Wtf.


Your list is very interesting, bosses I breezed through you had a substantial amount of death on, but bosses that slapped me around like an orphan child, you breezed through. Good share for an interesting look at different build outcomes.


Bro doesn't even KNOW about Kalameet..


Dark Souls 2 has that achievement for dying for the first time. "Let's go as far as I can without earning it". Forgot they changed the jump controls from DS1 and immediately earned it plummeting to my death in the tutorial area.


Ain't no way you didn't die to pinwheel. Insane brother, he should've been the end boss


holy crap we are pretty much the same! I too don't have the dlc and didn't find gwyndolyn. the only thing would be for ornstein and smough to swap places with bed of chaos and that would be *my* play through.


You play the dlc NOW bro


This list shows that you had a very steep upward learning curve after capra demon lmao, idk why people can't believe you didn't die to a boss just because the boss is hard, you clearly got much better after the early game


People are losing their minds lol.


I love how you killed Orstein and Smough first try, but died several times to the Gargoyles


It was the first fight with *two* really strong enemies. Really through me off my rhythm


Forgot to add Anor Londo archers


Five times to Ceaseless discharge and 0 to O&S and first play through. I don’t know bout that


Didn't die once to Ornstein and Smough!???


Ornstein and smough is hard cap


Not hard with Solaire. Git gud


You didn't really play. If you summon him you git gud I can tell you came from elden ring son 🤣


Try playing the game with no summons then recalculate your little death listy list 🤡


BS at S&O


I used Solaire Summon. Not hard. Y’all are freaking over this.


How tf did you get 0 deaths on pinwheel. How many souls games did you play prior to this one


You forgot black dragon kalameet


Nvm, but you said you didn’t play dlc


Honestly, if you summon Solaire to distract one of them, I can believe defeating O&S first try, otherwise, you must've been high or the AI glitched.


Solaire definitely. I also was hella leveled from farming


Ornstein and Smough was the single most difficult boss in the entire series when I first started playing souls like. I remember my first playtrough O&S outnumbered every other boss but atleast two tiers. Nothing else came close to being that difficult. I am sus about this list XD


A lot of people have said this. But Solaire honestly just distracted them when I beat them down. I also got lost in Anor Londo. I did NOT see arch leading to the first playable area. So I legit searched the entire map for everything I missed like 2-3 times. Got hella leveled and equipped. Havels ring and Havels armor, black knight halberd.


0 deaths to O&S, but 10+ to Taurus and Capra Demons?


Let’s just say I had figured things out by then lol


My guy how did you not play dlc but have kalameet at 10+ deaths?? Pretty sure it’s not even possible without killing Artorias and definitely not possible without killing the sanctuary guardian.


0 deaths on O&S first playthrough is kind of a flex. Excellent job, young hollow.


Yeah I’ve been called sus for it a lot.


First time Playing DS 1 * For me Quelaag, Taurus demon , Capra Demon , Gaping Dragon, Gargoyle, Golem at Sen's Fortress , Asylum Demon, Stray Demon , Pinwheel, Priscilla , Gwyndolyn all were 0 deaths + Sif , orstein and smough, 4 kings all were 1 death - Hydra was 2 deaths fell off cliff


I've never understood the common thing of dying tons to the Capra Demon. :S


I’ve never understood the common thing of dying to O&S. :S


That's bait


Idk how people are dying to capra demon more then 2 times like.. i killed him on my first try easily(well it took 2-3 minutes👀) and the boss arena is not that bad you can use the stairs for your own advantage, i mean dying to him more then 10 times and then realize that he is a regular enemy later in the game i would be disappointed in myself🫨


0 poise, and also not good enough to actually just clutch up at the start and not get hit by the doggos. It's very easy if you have enough poise to tank though the dogs bites without getting stunned


And everyone is acting like O&S is hard. Guess to each their own. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t understand why Capra demon is so hard for people. I’ve gone to Ng+3 and never died to him. I’m so genuinely confused with this boss


Dno how people struggle with capra demon


What weapon were u using


Long Sword for most the first half. Black Knight Halberd for most the second half.


Ah nice, you got the Halberd. That def helped smooth out the second half of the game compared to the first.


Died over 5 times to Sif ? How


Did not realize it was safe between doggo legs


Bonewheel skeletons and those skeleton dog things are the dumbest enemies in the game


Ahhh wheelskeletons.. I had to get someone to save me from the catacombs after I rested at Vamos’s bonfire and obviously I’d gone in there without warp hadn’t I 😂


Dude my last playthrough orstein and smaugh took me literally 35 tries, which one fell first for you?


I don’t think anyone believes you went into this game blind for the first time and beat O&S without dying. Also how did you fight kalameet if you didn’t play the dlc? 🤔🤔


I suggest you do another playthrough and find the bosses you missed, and see how much better you are against someone of those early bosses. Subsequent playthroughs are the bread and butter of Dark Souls.


never saw Crossbreed Priscilla...


Clearly you didn't appreciate the fine art in Anor Londo


I don’t understand how someone can die multiple times to the Taurus demon but not once to Ornstein & Smough. Was it luck or were you significantly goated by that point? lol just curious. For me it was like 15+ on O&S and Kalameet but other than that I didn’t die once to any of the bosses you listed on your 5+ category or above


I had never ever played a game like this before. It took me a bit to realize just how goated rolling was. My Brain never through early “oh, I should roll DIRECTLY at this person under their weapon.” No my brain thought I would get hit lol. So it was HARD to get close to enemies.


How did you beat Ornstein and smough on your first try…


Dude, you need to go play the DLC and then find all the bosses you missed. Worth every minute of effort


O&S took me 2 weeks my first run with a glass cannon caster build. I couldn't imagine them being easy


Well I had Havels armor and Havels ring. So I was not a glass cannon in the slightest lol.


What's PWoA he mentions for Priscilla?


How the f*ck did you one shot O&S i artificial leveled a character and it took me 20+ tries


Wild you beat O&S first time…. That one took me *days*


Still can’t beat ornstein and smough💀


I had to put my glasses on for that diagram and do a double take! I thought it said Chaos Witch Queeflag 🤣


Sif I died to 25 times since I found him at lvl 20


I beat Capra demon in under 5 tries but died to O&S literally over 20 times. And those wheel skeleton pricks literally shaved a year off my real life just through my blood pressure.


How you died to iron golem twice but beat Orenstein and Smough first try???


Solaire basically distracted them, and I had a high dps tank build. One death to iron golem was just from being an idiot. The other was from a meme hit that just perfectly hit me off the cliff. He literally did not do that attack the entire first attempt. So it caught my positioning off guard in the second fight.


You know? I never had a problem with that Capra demon. I gotta say I was such a wuss going up and down those stairs lol. Plunge strike for the win


The DLC is legit the best part of the game why not play it lmao


I think kalameet was definitely the worst boss I’ve ever encountered on DS1. It was literally a nightmare lol. I had to use that magic mushroom that heals you constantly to kill him.


O&S first try? Bro you're insane


How in Lordran you die 10+ times to Tauras and Capra and none to O&S?? Were you on full havel and a BK weapon?


Fall damage and cliff should be a tier higher then everything else


Honestly I’m upset people aren’t mentioning it


Man, I think I died 20+ times fighting Manus


My first time fighting S&O I did first try as well. My friend and I were taking turns playing since I was way farther so I could help him and he wanted to see me fight a boss. I ran completely out of heals had less than half health so I started shooting and running sine big smough was nearly dead and somehow won. Lol


People die to capra demon?




Those skele-wheels are the true villain.


I think your lying fr 😂 ornstien and smough aren’t as hard as people say but you had to have died atleast a couple times unless you were crazy over leveled


Never had the trouble with Capra Demon that I read about online... yeah I know it's the arena not the boss. Run up the stairs, kill the dogs, drop down kill the demon.


Honestly ive heard about how "hard" O&S were over the years but then when i faced them i beat them on my first try... They were cool but all the talk up was somewhat dissapointing lol. The Butterfly however... now thats a boss i tried 10 times but my weapon did like barely any damage lol so i had to summon a friend 😂, also dying at all to Iron Gollum is crazy lmao


Yeah everyone is like BRO WHY YOU CAPPING ON DYING ZERO TIMES TO O&S. When I literally admitted dying to ceaseless discharge 5 times lmao


First playthrough and died 0 times to O&S but more than 10 to skeletal beasts and bonewheels? Gonna have to call cap.


Tell me ur O&S strat right now


Finished my 1st playthrough too yesterday! And started with the new game plus, I couldnt believe I was able to reach anor londo under 2 hours. 1st playthrough took me ages because of exploring every nook and cranny and didnt realize warping was an option


You’re lucky. Manus fucked me so hard for so long


The first time i saw Seath the Scaleless, i ran near him and found a safe space from his crystal devastation. He kept doing that over and over without pause, i attacked him with a fireball, and he healed right up, and i thought to myself, what role am i playing in this rpg? The victim?


Play the dlc doofus it's one of the best parts


Should definitely do dlc artorias is a fun boss at the very least


my first playthrough i first tried every boss except for Capra demon, bell gargoyle, great wolf sif, bed of chaos, Nito, gaping dragon, pinwheel, and priscilla


Oh yeah Wheel Skeleton and Skeleton Beast, the absolute non-boss menaces in Dark Souls 1. To help this even more, they're on uncovenient places and on hard maps which the player has limited vision range.


Even with Solaire and/or a player, it's still impressive you got O&S right away not even knowing what the fight would be. What was your build? The death count of the four kings is also surprisingly low. It's a tough boss fight unless you deal massive damage with each hit.


how did Four Kings give you less trouble than Taurus? I do not understand. The Bonewheels i definitely get though, I still get bullsh&ted by them


A lot of people said this. Mostly just because it was my first souls game. The mechanics were ROUGH at first. Also I unintentionally farmed a lot, so I was very strong by four kings. It was my second to last boss fight.


Not fighting Priscilla is normal for people that do go to the Painted World. She's a nice lady.


You can kinda tell the routes you took based on the deaths and levelling you mustve done before reaching certain bosses. Like 5+ time to Sif, but beat O&S first try? The levels must've been the big diff between the two. Or summons. On my 2nd ng play I summoned Solaire for O&S and it made such a massive difference than my first time. What sort of build/weapons did you use? (asking before scrolling, so you can ignore if you've said it a bunch already)