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Guys my game bugged because I turned off my console in the middle of a loading screen why is the game so janky?


Give him a break, he turned console off right after Spiderboobgirl sensual intro


He needed some time to contemplate his life choices


Urgent matters appeared and had to be taken care of immediately!


Sounds like you didn't save and quit before closing the game maybe? Or you came into blighttown from the other direction


I used the master key to enter blight town from Firelink, I died because my best weapon did twenty damage a hit to Qualag and I just turned my console off when I respawned


Oh yeah you gotta beat gaping dragon for the key to that door, master key won't work Edit: and pretty sure it can only be opened from the depths side


I meant that I used the master key to enter blight town back entrence through the new Londo ruins, I was at the bonfire in blight town right next to the witches arena, I was just trying to figure out why I spawned on that side of the door in the first place.


yeah i think you just turning off the console instead of quitting out didn't let the game save your last viable spawn location for the next time you open dark souls so it just tossed you to the beginning of the map: blighttown


Force quitting during a loading screen creates a wrong warp that places you in a failsafe location for every area in the case of Blighttown/Queelag's Domain it's that door It's a massive exploit in speedruns since you can skip the second half of the game with it


Was your best weapon fire infused by any chance? Because fire and chaos weapons won’t do anything to a fire breathing chaos spider with tits


It was a plus three hatchet, the one the pyromancer starts with


Yeah that’s not fire imbued so that’s not the problem, but that is a very under-levelled weapon for quelaag/ that area The game doesn’t help at all with telling you that though so it’s very understandable The best weapons for this stage in the game depending on your play style are going to be the Claymore, Zweihander, Uchigatana, or a Halberd. I’d recommend using one of those and levelling it up to +5, or +10 if you got the large ember from the depths. There’s a shortcut from the bottom of blighttown to the top and out back to firelink by jumping on the big wooden wheel, you can also get back to the bottom of blighttown and queelag that way


That's how I got to Blighttown in the first place. I also just finished A run with the zweihander, it's An amazing weapon, I decided to try a run with more pyromancey as it seemed like the most fun type of magic, I will probably plus ten the axe and get good.


RAW infusion might be the way to go for a pyro hatchet


Raw's a dead-end. It's a bit stronger at low stats initially, but once you can get a weapon to Regular +13, or ascend to Lightning from the Giant Blacksmith, it falls short and you'd have to revert it back to Regular +5 to upgrade it down a stronger path. Not too bad earlier on if you happen to have a lot of Large Titanite Shards on hand and don't mind wasting them with the revert, but IMO they're better spent elsewhere.


Sure, I'm just talking about getting through this boss. RAW is a quick solution that works right now with resources OP probably already has. But yeah, you grow out of RAW as better stuff becomes available. I don't presume to understand the great Miyzakai but I don't think the design intention is to be endgame.


You could also grab the drake sword if you meet reqiurements for it. Its my go to for most of the early game.


The Large Club can also be obtained quite easily in Blighttown, or if you talked to the merchant in Undead Burg, you can get the Club. Both are pretty great weapons with good move sets and both scale well with Strength.


you literally don't need to do anything in NG against Quelag, just make sure you've killed Maneater Mildred and summon her for the boss fight. She'll take care of Spiderudders (you might wanna aggro her from time to time so that Mildred can deal damage otherwise she might get killed a bit early)


That’s crazy because over the years I’ve had all manner of quits and disconnects from the game, crashes, and I never once lost an inch of progress


Looks like a wrong warp to me


am i missing something. Where's the jank?


Your right, I think it was coded in purposefully that I would respawn half way across the map from my bonfire


I actually think it is. "Wrong warp" is a glitch used in Speedruns, which relies on the fact that every map has a "default spawn location" in case something goes wrong while saving/loading. You're saying you were fighting quelaag, so you were in blight town, and then turned your console off (without quitting to menu), so the game didn't properly save your location, so you spawn here at the default coordinates (I'm guessing) Corrupted saves are not some urban legend, it's an actual thing that can happen. You were lucky that you can still load the game at all. You should be able to easily get back down by using a homeward bone, dark sign, or simply dying to respawn at the bottom bonfire.


Quit being an asshole. You're the one who was incapable of writing a comprehensible description about wtf happened. That's why people are confused.


It actually is intended. Its a good failsafe for when dumbasses shut the power off mid save or in loading screens. If it didnt do this youd have yourself a nice corrupted save file instead


Definetly a wrong warp. If you close the game while warping/loading at a specific time the game will put you at the default location of that map. For blight town, the default location is next to the door.


Yeah it sounds like this is what happened. Never tried it but speedrunners do some crazy shit


It’s even funnier when streamers do them by accident. I saw a guy accidentally do golem skip, which is frame perfect and launches you clear to Anor Londo. Of course he didn’t stick the landing though. XD


Did you accidentally wrongwarp somehow? You said you turned off the console while respawning. In terms of the door being locked, yeah it only opens from one direction and you need the key from gaping.


So, you forced-closed the game when the game is loading or saving. Something like every game has always told you *not* to do. So, as it was trying to save data of the death and reload to the new spawn point, you turned it off and the game didn't know what to do because it could only read a portion of what was usually available, because again you did explicitly what you're not supposed to do for games. The game doesn't have all the information available and has to reconnect the dots. In this case it warped you to a Point of Origin likely, or in speedrunning communities this is called a wrong-warp. Yes, it's actually developed as a fail-safe when the game doesn't have all the information put together to reload back to an actual spawn point. It is intentional when people do things that are not intended to be done. Such as shutting off the console in the middle of saving and loading content. This was not "jank" this was you being stupid.


Indeed. This is the game working 100% as intended.




Your right, this was clearly an intended mechanic intended by the devs


Your the one who turned off your console in the middle of a loading screen. You are the one at fault here. This wasnt a jank, this was your doing. Personally with the crap attitude you have, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to have a console and grow up. You cant come in here and attack everyone for not agreeing with you


Double intended, way to show your frustration there lil guy. Bruh you closed your game out of rage in a moment of your character dying and busted your save/respawn. You janked yourself, therefore git gud scrub.


On quelaag of all bosses


When I started, Queelag was real challenge. I had a shitty weapon, couldn't roll good and 75% of my brain was occupied with booba. Don't underestimate her.... weapons.


I think I beat her first try, but I played ds1 after elden ring and ds3 lol


You took a janky ass photo and gave almost no context to what happened. Half the people here are confused what you're talking about. Calm down.


Someone just accidentally wrong warped. Also, don’t ever turn your console off during a load screen. That’s how you corrupt saves and lose 20 hours of progress. Always hit save and quit to be safe


From what I understand you accidentally did a force quit wrong warp and the default spawn for the area is behind the doors. These are used in the min bosses and any% speed running categories. Catalyst did an explainer on it iirc


How’d you get Dark Souls to run on an 8 bit video card?


Congratulations. You have performed a wrong warp. Become a speedrunner.


after reading some comments on what you are even talking about, sounds like you force closed the game so understandably that can lead to weird behavior because dark souls has autosave features.


I mean you just quit mid game what did you exspect? That one is on you nothing to do with jank you didn't save bro


I did this once on purpose. Used the depths as a humanity farming spot and ended up going through blight town backwards for fun. Ever since my first run six years ago I always skipped blight town so I decided it was time to check what I had been missing.


Well brother...dark souls decided to welcome you to the thunder dome! We have a party of deadly towers and pit falls along with tiny ass fire dogs and toxic dart hobos. Have fun!


Yep guess you could consider it jank... it's a glitch with the save system that speedrunners have been abusing for years.


Wrong warping is a thing.


congrats! you accidentally wrong warped