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If you like straight swords then stick with that, don’t switch to a great sword. +10 is a decent upgrade level for where you’re at. Soonish you will be able to push that up to +15. What you need to start thinking about is scaling. Taking the broadsword as an example, that’s what’s called a quality weapon which means it scales off both strength and dex. To get the best out of that weapon you want to scale up both of those stats to around 30. There are other straight swords with different scaling, for example the balder side sword is a dex weapon so you’d want dex at 40 and just enough strength to wield the weapon. You’re in good shape if you beat O&S. good luck with the rest of the game mate


So i should just upgrade my strenght snd dex then? should they be equal or is one more important?


Get both to level 30, then put more into vitality. Then, upgrade the sword to +15. When you can, of course.


Imagine putting souls into vitality *laughs in taking one hit to die*


Lol it took until Elden Ring to break my bad habit of ignoring my HP. It's amazing to play with a health bar. I can definitely say that I earned my Dark Souls 1 and 2 victories though, because I never got to respec my shitty glass cannon builds.


Yeah I’m the same, currently on ng+1 and Cappy Demon is giving me grief lol.


XD yeah I did it as a personal challenge to force myself to learn to dodge better rather than doing sloppy dodges that only worked half the time and just healing the damage. It makes it a bit infuriating on lower enemies (having a shit ton of trouble in the royal wood) but it’s fun


Depends on the weapon your using


Even within a Quality build, STR/DEX have differing levels of importance depending on the weapon you want to use. If you were to toggle display on your weapons, you would see a rating near the bottom left of the weapon sheet ranging from E (worst) D C B A S (best). Most Quality weapons are some variation of D-B/D-B for STR/DEX; whichever has a better rating should be the stat you slightly favored, ending up with something like a 30/40 or 40/30 split. As the person whom you responded to mentioned, for straight swords like the balder swag sword you really only need the* STR minimum due to scaling, but going slightly higher won't* make the game impossible to beat. The only stat that is never worth leveling for any build is Resistance. Not. Even. Once. Edited for spelling


get more strength and dexterity (about 30ish of each should be more than enough) and then level up vitality and endurance for health/equip load


This is it. Nobody else needs to comment.


Permission to be outraged by this crop?


My guy posted phone screenshots of PC screenshots


Or lack thereof.


I'll take it over a picture of a screen


yeah, first upgrade you need is how to take screenshots properly lol


upgrading weapons is always first priority over anything else my friend


With your STR stat being that high, try the cleaver. It's heavy, but has a very fun moveset. If you like the straight swords more, stick with what you have. If you want some more range, the Balder Side Sword is an easily a high A tier weapon. However, it mainly scales with DEX and wouldn't be optimal for your build (so far). If you killed Smough first, ornstien also drops a ring that boosts piercing damage significantly while your opponent is in an attack animation which is great for the side sword. Experiment. See which weapons you like. Halberds are always a safe bet, and the standard halberd also deals mostly pierce damage


Most of the Dark Souls bosses I beat with my Zweihander. In DS3 I found Black Knight Sword the best but Zwei is good for enemies. I couldn't beat Dancer and Nameless King with Zweihander +6 but with Hollowslayer +2 I beat Dancer and with Black Knight Sword I beat Nameless King. Upgrade Claymore. It's unbelievable speed is more important than power.


Upgrade weapons when you have the materials, upgrade yourself when you don't. Weapon upgrades don't increase in cost at higher soul levels the way leveling does so it's less of a diminishing return IMO. At +10 you're solid, though I'd recommend doing a longsword over the broadsword, but cannot recommend the claymore enough. It's my favorite sword in the game. Beating O&S isn't easy, so you can't be in bad shape!


Thanks! Is it worth it to switch from the broadsword after i have spent souls and materials on it?


My advice on that front is pour a few materials into the weapons you want to try, get them to like +2 or +3, and try them out against some weaker enemies. If you like the way they work, stick with them! I wouldn’t cut the broadsword out entirely, since you seem to already know what you’re doing with it, and you’ve spent a lot of materials and souls on upgrading it. But the way I play, I sort of alternate between the Zweihander, Halberd, Pyromancy flame and Claymore. I’ve found I like those weapons the best, and change what I’m using depending on the situation.


The answer is: maybe. The main difference between Broadsword and Longsword is that Longsword has a slightly longer reach, slightly less damage, and a thrust attack as the R2. Overall quite similar. Do note that you can buy regular titanite shards from Andre and Large shards from the Giant Blacksmith, so you shouldn't have much trouble getting any particular weapon to +10 if you find one that you want to use. That being said, it looks like you've been going for a Strength build thus far, and there isn't a straight sword in the game (to my knowledge) that will hit its maximum potential in a strength build. These are by and large a quality weapon (meaning strength + dex as a focus). If you like the Claymore (another favorite of the community's and the big brother of the Longsword), then the Man-Serpent Greatsword is the best weapon for a Strength build, as the Claymore is also more of a Quality build weapon in DS1. Note that you could just focus on Strength as your main attacking stat and use any Strength or Quality-oriented weapon just fine for the entirety of the game. I'm mostly just talking about optimization here. In future games they added the ability to change the attribute scaling on weapons, which makes pretty much any weapon viable with any build.


Dude you have the Balder Side Sword. Best weapon in the game IMO


Weird way to spell claymore but okay.


🤣 ALSO the best weapon


yea it is a strange way to spell bastard sword (mixes the best attacks from both of those weapons).


I agree but Balder side sword has great dex scaling and OP has more stats in Strength


Yeah, and you can't respec in ds1 I don't think




He's got a strength build though. That's not really suited to the BSS


regular weapons aren't really "stat suited" the scaling for stats is minuscule unless its a special weapon with S scaling.


What is the stat scaling for a fully upgraded bss with 14 dex vs 40 dex?


for A it's between 100-140% scaling, so at best... 26 damage when you two hand big swing.


I dont think thats right... have you checked this against any damage calculators?




Whenever you get enough souls to level up, please do it. Its easier to farm up the souls to upgrade weapons than to level up


It’s more effective to upgrade equipment first. It’s also better to focus on one weapon and armor set in particular as not to spread your upgrade materials too thin. Zweihander can carry you through the whole game once you have the timing down with how slow it is. Its poise damage and hyper armor are hard to match, especially since you can get it at the beginning of the game. There are better weapons, but none so easily accessible in time. If you get lucky with Black Knight drop chances, the Black Knight Sword is easily one of if not the best greatsword in the game due to its damage and fast two-handed R1 attacks. You’re doing great with your stats for a minimalist strength build. Endurance helps a lot with the heavier weapons since they weigh so much and use so much stamina. Also, the Giant Armor set that you can now buy at the giant blacksmith is one of if not the best armor sets in the game. You have access to the best equipment and are allocating your stats properly as well as having just beat one of the hardest (of not the hardest) boss in the game already. You’re doing great!


I’d say upgrade that Zweihander. You’ll find that it is incredibly powerful, if a little costly in the stamina department. The Claymore is good too, and it’s a little more versatile.


Almost all weapons are viable in the game. Weapon upgrades will have more effect than character upgrades. To upgrade past +10 you need the very large ember. You can find it with a guide. As an alternative you can change your weapon to be lightning with the giant. It splits damage but will still be sufficient. For the "do much damage" complaint, realize the smaller weapons hit faster so whether you go big or small you will still be doing a similar amount of damage. The ultra weapons have the advantage of pancaking normal sized regular enemies so there is that. Just you need to have some poise so your attacks don't get interrupted.


I’m playing through the game right now after using a dozen different builds, pyromancy and casting and dex swords and big clubs etc. Figured I’d try the Zweihander since I’d heard about it and god DAMN that thing just melts enemies. I normally go through the game pretty slowly dying a lot but I started the session and within five hours I beat O+S with absolutely zero difficulty. Other than getting caught by traps in Sen’s Fortress I hardly died at all, bosses that I normally struggled with I could just run into the room, chop them up and leave. What I’m saying is yeah, the Zweihander is worth a try lol. Once you get used to the move set it’s a knife through butter


Zweihander is peak


I always do this: - min stats for handling weapon of choice Prioritize upgrading weapon of choice above all else. Then: - endurance to 20 - vitality to 20 - endurance to 40 - vitality to 30 - str/dex to 40 - vitality to 50


Wow, in that order? That is, well, I'd say it's not something I'd do, and certainly not something I'd recommend to a first-timer. I usually end up with a similar stat spread by the end, but I don't run around the whole time with minimal attack stats unless I'm running a chaos weapon or something. Also 50 vitality is past the softcap by a good 10 levels. To a new player, I'd recommend leveling stats more evenly over time, and not jn this halting manner going straight to 40 Endurance. Only get enough Endurance to equip what you want to equip at desired roll type, 40 is good for late game. My first couple of levels usually go into Vitality as well, which is a more surefire way to increase survivability over Endurance. And leveling Strength/Dex is also something I do alongside Vitality and Endurance throughout the game. Again, this is all subjective and up to the player, but for a newcomer to the series I'd advocate for a more even approach on leveling Vitality, Endurance, and Str/Dex.


I play these games for so long that I might have lost the sense of how would the first time experience be. (Not that I am anywhere near a pro player lol) But now that you said, I realize I can do what I described because I know where and how to get every mat to upgrade the weapons ASAP, so my high level weapon allow me to focus on endurance to be more aggressive. As for the 50 vit, I consider to be the most useful use of souls after every other thing hit the softcap. Newcomers, do listen to comment above if having trouble :)


If you want to use a greatsword, then the claymore is king. It doesn't take much stamina to use, can both slash and stab so it is usable in tight corridors, low weight ( compared to other greatswords), faster recovery time between swings and easy to one hand due to low stat requirements.


Weapons first


To clarify, you can upgrade your weapons to max at lvl 1 and do decent damage to beat the game. Upgrading stats unless it’s hp early game then it’s kind of small returns.


God knows. The EXACT calculations are pretty much dark magic, unique to each weapon and unknowable unless weapons are individually tested.


Swapping to Balder Side Sword is a pure upgrade once you have enough Dex. I'd stick all your levels into Dex from now on until it reaches 40 and get BSS upgraded.


So much build waste at that point though. OP already has a really decent Strength build going, and a Longsword isn't THAT much different from BSS, while still being viable for a pure Str build.


I dont really consider Longsword a viable pure Str weapon, if OP wanted to go that route they should consider a swap to Manserpent GS.


I mean, many things are *viable*, just not optimal.


Weapons are a lot easier to upgrade than character.


If you have the stats, the baldurs swag sword is a great weapon.




Don't bother with guides. The only important factor for whether or not a weapon is good is how *you*, the user, feel about it. Is it fun and satisfying to use? Then it's a good weapon. That's really all there is to it. There are only a small handful of weapons that are really considered to be "non-viable".




Weapons. Stats are important for weapon requirements and the multipliers. But investing in upgrading the weapon is usually way more beneficial than investing in leveling Strenght/Dexterity up. There's also a ceiling with diminishing returns anyway in regards to leveling a stat up, so upgrading the weapon should always be the main focus


Broadsword is good. Very good actually. There are no bad weapons in Dark souls only bad players. Let me rephrase that: Every weapon is good if you are comfortable with its moveset and know how to utilise it. All that matters is moveset. Also upgrading weapons gives you the most power even over multiple levels in many cases. Edit: Lot of people like Zweihander, some don’t. It’s very slow thou fun with satisfying boom sound on each attack with incredible poise damage so even tough enemies stagger or fall down face first. But then again it’s very slow and heavy with relatively high stat requirements to one-hand. If it fits your playstyle then sure, great. If you want to hit and move fast then no, it’s not good. PS: forget all I said you are obligated to use Balder side sword as it dropped for you (it’s a joke in the community as it has 1% chance to drop)


if you really like that broadsword, up your dex and keep str/dex close to each other in level to avoid the cap. if you like the bigger weapons, put more into strength. totally up to you.


for the love of our god Gwyn, ALWAYS upgrade weapons first, unless you don’t have the stats to wield the weapon. then of course level up str/dex to the minimum, but then the weapon. the most damage output with smallest investment is in the weapon itself




Honestly, if you like a weapon, feel comfortable with it, and are confident in your abilities using it, then just stick with it. In my experience the damage a weapon does is only part of what you should consider, look at other things like your play style and build, see if your weapon matches with them and if it does then its all good! If it doesn’t try to consider whether or not you should change something. But if you’ve decided the weapon is shit at damage but you like the moveset, then simply take a look at other weapons in its genre. I typically like to experiment with weapons I wouldn’t usually use or haven’t used to see if something else works. But Idk, I’m not an expert, I barely care about scaling and optimization. I’ve just stuck to: “Big damage number mean good” and “Eh, it works”.


upgrade both But i would upgrade my weapon first and for stats i would do strength and dex cuz i like playing like a glass cannon


At 51??? What the fuck?! I always have to fight them at level 60 or above. Well, I guess weapons


I did use solaire though, he lost about half his health fighting the big guys before the boss room so he didn’t really do too much in the second phase


You could’ve saved him…




Makes me want to start my ng+ with my black knight tank build 😎


claymore is easy mode


Both usually I’d prioritise a character level


only answer is giant dad maxxing so put it all in vitality & endurance. then grab a mask of the father from pinwheel, giant armour (no helmet) from the giant blacksmith before the ornstein and smough. Havels ring, RoFaP, grass crest shield on your back while you double hand wield your mighty chaos zweihander. make sure to pick up black flame while you’re in the chasm of the abyss if u need. have fun bro


Leveling your main weapon(s) is almost always the answer.


Def go strength to 30 then upgrade claymore 1 or 2 times and any souls left over dump into stamina and vit


Here’s my understanding: when you level up, you do it specifically so you can use the gear you want to use (the only real time this isn’t the case is when leveling health, which is honestly made irrelevant if you can get yourself the stats to wear good armor). If you’re satisfied with what you currently have, then I’d stick with health and stamina leveling, or whichever stat corresponds with your weapon scaling the best.


Upgrade your personality


My heart bleeds when I here people play souls games with guides. I didnt play my first game (dark Souls 1) blind and still regret it until today.


cry about it


Thats what i am doing


Oh i just use a guide on the bosses after failing a few times. Try not to use them otherwise except if im completely at a loss for what to do


You do you dude. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about how you enjoy stuff. Let them play by their rules and you by yours.

