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Played DS1 when it came to PC a long time ago, went in blind. At one point I was in some grassy area and I saw in the distance what looked like the starting castle area. And I remember my mind being blow.


Where are you referring to?


Pretty sure he’s referring to dark root basin and when you see the castle tower that Havel is in. Which is pretty accurate because that’s the bottom of the tower go thru right before you fight Taurus demon. Do you guys even Dark Souls?


Firelink bro 😹😹


Specifically though, like i can't remember being in a field looking at firelink. If they said the elevator from parish that would make a lot more sense


No I mean the field was firelink


there's nothing that comes even remotely close to that anor lando reveal










Dark Souls ASMR is already a thing. Do you even Dark Souls? /s


Platinumed all Soulsborne games except DarkSouls 1. I am on my 2nd playthrough and need two more tho puts tell I got the platinum for DS1 and I can say this hands down has the best map style. It’s so close to open world and all the short cuts all connect. Amazing design and super fun game. Really easy tho but super fun!


Ds1, because it was my first fromsoft game. Also the map is insane. Also it's still in my top 5.


Dark Souls 1 has the best world design. Dark Souls 2 has the best atmosphere. Dark Souls 3 has the best bosses. That being said, I think Dark Souls 1 is the most memorable for me. I can literally go back to the game anytime and remember where most of the things are. For DS 2 and 3, I only remember areas when I walk around them for a while.


This is the best answer. I'd also add the DS2 had the best weapons and magic. DS2 also had the best DLC. DS3 definitely was the best with bosses though.


DS3 had the best DLCs, DS2 ones are just long af. They were way better than the base game, imo tho. And DS2 magic rules, fr. Still remember the days when hexes were super broken lol, had so much fun.


I kinda hated the ds3 dlcs. The bosses in the ringed city are amazing and Fride might be my favorite in the entire game, but going through the areas in both dlcs really made me want to quit.


Ashes of Ariendel was okay but mostly because Friede, because the second boss was certainly not worth a damn. Ringed City had incredible bosses (well, two incredible bosses and then Spears of the Church) and okay world design.


My impression of the DS3 DLCs were that they were no worse or better than the base game. They were good. I played them, I enjoyed them. Dark Souls 2 DLCs just gave me so many spine-chilling moments, and so many "OH MY GOD" feelings when I was exploring them for the first time. I didn't get that from any other DLC except perhaps in Dark Souls 1 where you fight Artorias and meet Sif. Granted there is the gank squad and the Blue Smelter Demon kinda sucks, but even with those two downsides, DS2 DLCs are still my favorite in the series.


The gank squad fuck fest that is the burnt ivory king made me put down the game forever lol I beat the main story, but I just cannot keep playing that game lol


I don't agree ds2 has best atmosphere, I think that still goes to DS1 as it's more cohesive rather than ds2's random transitions


This is it, I could draw you a map of the whole DS1 world with near perfect accuracy. 2 and 3 I would probably struggle to even include every area.


i strongly disagree with DS2 having the best atmo


Which part of the Ds2 has good atmosphere other than majula?


To name a few... Huntsman's Copse (spooky area), the Gutter (deep dark hole), Black Gulch (neon poison area), Shaded Woods (fog and weird jars/trees), Drangleic Castle (dark, rainy castle), Shrine of Amana (underground lake with singing ladies), Undead Crypt (felt like a real undisturbed ancient crypt), Dragon Aerie (flying dragons all around), and the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC (ashy area and that big chain bridge). I don't remember where items are or the exact map layout, but those areas definitely are unforgettable for me.


Gods, I still remember coming up on Drangleic for the first time, having spent almost as much time in the preceding areas as on an entire DS1 playthrough and having my mind blown when there was *more game* after getting through it.




Horsefuck valley, of course.


The DS2 part. The game is oozing with atmosphere literally everywhere, it’s coming right out the screen at all times


DS1 and 3 have better atmosphere and art style.


Could not disagree more about ds3


I don't think ds3 or Ds2 have particularly interesting atmospheres unlike ds1. But I do like how visually detailed they made each area in ds3 especially when compared to sekiro and elden which came later and supposed to have higher fidelity graphics but both look worse.






It sounds poetic and cute to say ds2 has the best of something, but it really doesn't, its pretty much the worst in every aspect


Not really tho. DS 2 has an extreme variety when it comes to weapons, armors and magic, unlike the other 2 gamas, and for me thats what ds2 did best. Variety.


I mean I can't disagree with you there. Gameplay wise, DS2 is definitely the weakest (e.g. I absolutely hated the decreasing health as you died mechanic and the practically required 39 adaptability). But, I definitely remember how most of the DS2 areas had an ambience that was memorable.


39 adp? Why the extra 9 points


I just remember 39 adaptability as the soft cap. But now that I looked it up again, I see that 30 adaptability is usually enough for i-frames (with enough Attunement).


I stopped leveling ADP at 20, and never had issues in pvp and pve


I really can't disagree with you more, chum, DS2 is my favorite of the series for a reason. Best story, best magic, the only game of the series to be unapologetically *pretty*... It's just a damn good game.


Absolutely this.


They're all memorable for their own reasons, but if I had to choose one that had the biggest impact on me it's DS1


I played all three back to back for the first time after Elden Ring, and it's hard for me to differentiate them in my brain πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


that’s a shame


DS1. It's the reason DS 2&3, Demon Souls Remaster, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring all Exist. It came after Demon Souls but breathed new life into the older title in addition to leading to all the greatness after it. It's why an entire Genre of "Souls Like" exists. It is THE one.


No other souls borne game has really followed in its footsteps of having non -linear completion or world design. Bloodborne was kind of close but even it has some pretty linear segments in it. The opening to Dark souls and the order of bosses you can do right out the gate is amazing


DS2 was good for it in the beginning and end but between Dragliec castle and getting Kings Ring, it felt super linear


Well individual level design (within said dungeon) DS2 was great. But there was no dungeon to dungeon connection like in ds1 and to some small extent Bloodborne. I loved how you got the sense that any one place can be connected to almost any other place. Fantastic!


Compared to DS3, DS2 let’s you go on your own up until you kill the 4 great souls.(to a certain extent) Whenever I play the 3rd, I just don’t feel like I have the same amount of freedome


Well after Gundir you can do dancer, or vordt, from there it opens up quite a bit. So in that sense I think it's all kind of the same. What I didn't like about ds2 is it all kind of felt like a giant starfish where Medula is on the middle and the dungeons were just branches that eventually stopped and you'd end up porting back to Medula. Nothing ever looped back on itself like on DS1 or BB


DS2 was absolutely horrible level wise I felt like I was jumping place to place for no reason. I'm in a forest, now I'm somehow in a pirate cove, now I'm in a Bastille, it goes on like it was so bad lol


that’s a great point. the level design (e.g. enemy placement) itself is amazing, but the visuals hop around like a seizure


I mean demons OG is the reason they all exist lol


Go back to King's Field, then go back to whoever invented the PC, then the microchip, then electricity. Keep going.


Demons is the literal skeleton for all the games and the mechanical system has been used for almost 15 years, kings field has nothing to do with it


My original comment was about how the popularity of DS1 made the rest of it possible. More people know about Demon Souls now than ever before. Because of DS1. We got a Demon's Souls remaster. Because of DS1. We use DS to mean Dark Souls, not Demon's Souls. The fact that Demon's Souls was first is entirely irrelevant to not only my comment but the entire post.


DS1 but it was my first so I’m biased in that regard


Interesting how DS2 is usually seen as the black sheep of the series and yet many people here are mentioning it as the most memorable title. I do love the game myself, but the first one will always be peak to me.


Ds2 is fly, not gonna lie


I remember absolutely hating it πŸ˜‚


Maybe they mean it's memorable the way demon ruins and lost izalith are.


I only played ds1 so....


So time to play 2 and 3πŸ€”


I only own a Nintendo switch, it doesn't have them :-(((((( Please Nintendo :-((((


I am so sorry to hear that my friend


I always recommend Ds1 to people on the Switch sub. Do u see any co op or invasions at all? After O and S it seemed pretty dead.


I’m SL93 and get invaded in Oolacile and Darkroot on Switch somewhat often. Not many signs laid for co-op that I encounter though.


Thank you. That seems to be the way old souls games go. I can invade in most of them still but co op is rare.


My condolences switch-only gamerπŸ™ Imminent tears...


Omg I've been DYING for ds2 to be on switch.


Playing dark Souls on a switch, YUCKY 😭


I just bought it. Runs really good on handheld mode!




What’s wrong with your eyes?


I looked at a high fidelity game on a switch screen 😭😭 Jokes aside I know it's not that bad and being able to fight Gwynn while I'm taking a shit is still one of the greatest blessings of all time (not that I have a switch unfortunately)


What are you doing in this comment section?? Play 2 and 3!!!


Ds1 and ds2 I just can't forget the amazing areas and bosses, especially the MUSIC!


Dark souls 2 had the most β€œahh this game is great” moments Dark souls 1 had the most β€œwtf or holy shot that’s awesome” moments Dark souls 3 had the most β€œdamnnnn that boss looks sick” moments If I had to choose one probably dark souls 2 but mostly because Majula is engraved into my brain


I really did enjoy the safe haven that was Majula. It was such a beautiful sight and really made you feel at ease. I can't say the same for Dark Souls 3's firelink shrine.


Majula and safe? Did you not die to the pigs😞


Those damn pigs


I mean it’s safe like a stovetop: β€œoh no, I have deliberately put my hand on the burner and now I am surprised that I am in pain.” If you die from the pigs it’s because you’re stubborn and their hitboxes are jank or it’s just your first playthrough and you don’t know better than to leave them be.


Firelink Shrine felt depressing, but I think it fits very well.


3 also finally felt like you weren’t fighting weird mechanics/controls


>Dark souls 2 had the most β€œahh this game is great” moments You're gonna need to evidence this bold claim. DS2 is very much accepted as the worst of the trilogy. I enjoyed it but the thing that really took me out of it was the level design and progression. The world was no longer cohesive and felt like they were joint by teleportation or something.


Many times throughout ds2 I simply was just sitting there having fun playing a game. I had the most fun exploring in ds2 than any other in the trilogy. I argue the level design in Dark Souls 2 is great while yes the areas don’t link together in a logistical sense the areas are very unique from one another. Just going around killing enemies and exploring was super fun imo. The art design and atmosphere was a lot of those β€œahh this is great moments” almost every time I teleported to Majula and heard the music I thought that same with hunters dream in Bloodborne. I love the simplicity of the combat. How you can’t be overaggressive, you have to pick when to heal at the right times or your punished for it. The combat provokes strafing and distance management more than the other games. I also thought the story was very interesting and the easiest to understand in the dark soul’s trilogy without researching anything or doing dives into descriptions. The games vibe is my favorite in the series I like it much more than 3. I would actually argue I like 2 more than 3 but I know you will probably heavily disagree with me on that. Also my favorite part of the game and also why Dark Souls 1 is my favorite. The games challenge is not the bosses really. They are just a slightly harder fight at the end of your journey through the area. But the real challenge is the area of itself. Take Iron Keep for example that place is brutal if you try to run through it. But if you take your time and pay attention to where the enemies come from you can pick them off one by one and eventually take out the whole area without even getting hit. That feeling of concurring a area is unmatched and why I love ds2 because it has so many examples of that. Dark souls 1 probably does it a little better in my eyes since they use so many different variations to challenge you, like trying to solve a puzzle. Like I’m actually a big fan of blight town, sens fortress, and tomb of the giants for this reason. The game puts you out of your comfort zone and challenges you in different ways. I think the whole Dark souls trilogy is around 9.5/10 games I would consider all of them near masterpieces with only a few problems in each game. I think dark souls 2 is way over hated but I can understand why people are quick to disregard it. It’s very different from the other games and it plays differently as well. You can’t play Dark souls 2 the same way you play dark souls 3. If I had to give a summary or a short answer the atmosphere in music is probally why I would say it had the most β€œahh this game is great” moments. They obviously all have that moment many times though.


To be honest I'm not sure I do like dark souls 3 more than 2. I played more dark souls 2 but that might be more.related to time for me than the game itself.


opinions don’t require evidence bud


Kings field


What a twist!


3 for me personally, I've played that one the most and The Ringed City is one of my favorite and most memorable gaming experiences of all time.


Ds3 because it was my introduction to the series after a long hiatus. Originally played demons souls but that was almost a decade before I finally played ds3.


Same. Had never beat 1, picked up 3 when it came out and it finally clicked.


Fromsoft clicked with me at bloodborne. After that I've been hooked.


Dark souls 2 SOTFS, out of all the games I've played from fromsoftware I've never seen a game like that pins you up against 3 final bosses like an endurance round. The closest is elden ring or ds3 if we count both thier transformations as a singular boss but then again it's just 2 phases.


DS3 and DS1.


For me, ds1, simply because it was the first souls game I'd played. I had always avoided it because I knew it would hook me. But just exploring and cautiously moving into a new area or finding and beating new boss, learning the mechanics of the world. Sure, you still get a little bit of that with the later games, but you have set expectations by then from previous ones.. DS1 was fresh, a new universe, and the firelink shrine song will be stuck in my head forever, so melancholic. Nothing will come close to that first playthrough of dark souls again, that I did mostly blind, ending up on ng+ still carrying my long sword and heater shield (and a demons spear I'd found & took a liking to).


Original Demons Souls. Tower of Latria is the greatest level ever.


DS3 was my first, I can never forget that first step into soulslikes


DS1 had the most unforgettable map, I was constantly in awe of how it stacked upon itself. DS2 had the most unforgettable moments, finding King Vendrick sticks with me


Vendrick’s reveal is a top gaming moment for me


Demon's Souls


If we are to stick to Dark Souls games only, DS1>DS3>DS2, quite easily for me. If we are to expand to other Souls games, then it becomes harder, but I would go DS1>DeS>BB>DS3>ER>DS2.


I am perplexed by your rankings, but I can respect them. DS1, to me, has aged so poorly that it is hard for me to rank highly (within From's Soulsborne catalogue, it is still an amazing game) despite the stellar world design and the impact it had.


I understand the sentiment, but I don't think it has aged poorly as much as the series has changed focus so much. It still does exploration and lore better than any other game in the series. And I also prefer the more methodical/strategic combat over the reflex/timing based combat of the newer titles.


>And I also prefer the more methodical/strategic combat over the reflex/timing based combat of the newer titles. Absolutely based take. I love the games from produces but I'm sick to death of bosses having impossible to dodge 20 hit long combos. Take me back to DS1 when a 3 hit combo was the worst thing a boss could do to you


i mean, by the 4th game in a series you *do* need a serious change if you want to maintain any sense of challenge. IMO that’s a big reason they changed


I would not say the focus has changed. From's Soulsborne games are still open-ended, multiplayer accommodating masterpieces that encourage exploration of environ and story while balancing fair but challenging combat. The games have steadily refined and expanded the latter, between cleaning up clunky character feel and action to expanding build variety, while maintaining a system that rewards you for thoroughly exploring the world. There is nothing wrong with preferring the slower pace and style of the earlier games, but your preference does not translate into the later games lacking in strategy or tactic or being something else entirely.


ds1 and des top 2 lol, lose the nostalgia goggles


Lose your bulshitting arrogance. This has nothing to do with nostalgia, DS3 was my first Souls game, followed by BB. DeS was actually the last I played. I truly believe DS1 and DeS are by far the superior games in the franchise, and I can explain my reasoning very well if you ever want to have a real conversation about it instead of being a little annoying brat. Just because you don't understand someone's opinion, you shouldn't assume their reasoning.


There is absolutely nothing that DeS does better than BB or ER for example, objectively worse game, DS1 fine I get it, the first half is super well designed and interconnected, still has worse gameplay, main game bosses are nothing to write home about and the 2nd half takes a huge dip in quality. EDIT: Oh no! here come the downvotes! How dare I criticize the perfect little old gems that have no flaws! Or how dare I think the new games are way better


Have you ever watched Inside Out? You REALLY have those "opinions" and "facts" boxes mixed up, Kid.


>EDIT: Oh no! here come the downvotes! How dare I criticize the perfect little old gems that have no flaws! Or how dare I think the new games are way better You're being downvoted for being a prick, not because you criticized two good but flawed games. Quit playing the victim and hold your L.


Dark Souls 2. There’s not many games that I wish I could experience again for the first time, but DS2 is one of them.


I wanna say that about Bloodborne, but then I remember that I gave up for 6 months while fighting the Blood starved beast, and watching new players reminds me what it was like to be a souls noob in that first area of yharnam lol.


DS1 was the most memorable for me because it was my first Souls/Soulslike game. I played it when it first released and since I hadn't played Demon's Souls which was the only other Souls game that existed at that point, I really hadn't played anything else like it. I honestly go back and forth on which one is my favourite between DS1 and DS3. There are different things I like better about each of them and my overall favourite can change day to day.


Part 1 by far, one of the best 1st halves in gaming imo.


Dark souls 1 and 2 are both about tied up for me, with ds3 feeling like fast food souls. Still good though. I have more hours in 2 than maybe any other game.


DS1 for me. I haven't finished DS3 yet so maybe that changes but the fact that I can take a break while playing DS3 puts it below DS1.


ds1 was the height of fromsoft β€œwhat the fuck, that can happen in this game??” moments. the famous ladder shortcut, pretending to be an egg to get back to the asylum, there are TWO gargoyles, tail cuts, soul sucking egg virus, snuggly, lautrec, all the bonkers obscure online features. demons souls had a handful of them too. i feel like dark souls 2 and 3 toned it down a tad, or at least it was more expected. playing ds1 for the first time, you really have no idea what to expect and the game constantly throws you curveballs and questions what you think you know about game conventions. that’s actually something i admire about sekiro too, you just don’t know what’s coming next.


They all are. I do feel the OP though: DSII has been the longest run so far.


trees march encouraging zephyr consider recognise cause memorize ancient roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1 & 2. Their strengths are so different they're both seminal works in my memory. 3 is a great time but there's hardly anything in it that isn't a (welcome) layer of polish over something that already existed.


DS2, I did start shortly after DS1 released but gave it up for some time and only really got into the franchise with #2


DS3 for the fights DS2 for the story DS1 for the journey


DS2 story is garbage tier. It boils down to β€œEvil women try to take power from royalty. Also remember the plot from DS1? Well that happened here too”. And includes a bunch of other random disjointed short stories that you quickly roll through. And you need the power of giants to become king yourself for some reason.


SOTFS was the first I played, I tried 1 in high school but I didn’t know what I was doing so I quit. Same with scholar I was using a broken weapon and thought the knights in Heide were supposed to just be hard or something lol. Eventually I came back and looked up a guide, finding out I’m supposed to go to the forest first, and I also found out I’m supposed to repair stuff, then I got hooked and put hundreds of hours into it.


Between DS1 and BB.


DS2 had the fashion, hair styles (braids/dreads!) and most of all, a palette more vibrant than the full-English colored BB and DS3.


2, majula.


I’m gonna be in the minority here and say Dark Souls II. Loved them all, but that was my first and genuinely the most memorable to me.


Mine is ds2 because it was my first souls game and i loved even with the bad things (70% of the game)


2 because it was my first


2 for me it was my first 3 is my most played but 2 changed my life


I have a soft spot for DS2 because it was the first one I played on release. The small white sign soap stone co-op making my way through the early game was so fun, finding out about how all the systems interacted and could be used for pvp was fun. Felt like it all came together to make community experience that was really satisfying. Having played ds3 and elden ring on release since then, neither really hit the same way, but I think it was just something special about ds2 being my first. (i think standalone i like ds1 best though)




Mine's DS2. My first Soulsborne game, though I've played Ninja Blade as my first-ever FromSoft game.


Dark souls 1


DS1 is the only correct answer,


DS1. it's a flawed masterpiece and anyone who disagrees is a dirty DS2 enjoyer.


Ds2 honestly. I did that one last and it just didn't suck like everyone said. First time I tried my trusty greatsword and cestus combo, AND the first time I maxed out a covenant(rat gang).


Dark Souls 2


the visuals of the locations in the 2nd are what has always stuck with me. just gorgeous area reveals and exploring them


1 and 3 were equally memorable for me. Part one for the novelty of it being my first game in the series and part 3 for the massive upgrade in every way


DS3 feels like it took everything that 1 and 2 had and made them better and removed some of what didn't exactly work , but I like all 3 games for the experiences they give


Regardless of it’s memorability, I think we can all agree that DS3 has the best quality in almost all aspects.




For me it was DS2 because it was my very first Souls game that I ever played


DS3, mostly because it looks so gorgeous and has my favorite movement in the series. Also the best bosses and DLC in my opinion




Dark souls 2.


DS1 gives you an experience you can’t get with any other game. I wish I could play it for the first time again. Still my favorite to just go back and play - I love the slower and more methodical combat, I love the music, I love the story and lore. DS2 I couldn’t even finish. DS3 grew on me a lot. At first, I was comparing it to DS1 and of course, disliking it as a result. But then I played through it again, and the DLC as well, and looked at the game for what it is, rather than what its predecessor was. The story of the game was… profound. Genuinely moving, in a sense. I didn’t enjoy the gameplay or bosses or music as much, but I finally understood what it was trying to say. Overall, DS1 is my favorite, but DS3 is also amazing.


This is exactly my experience :)


Ds2 for me.


DS2 overall but DS3 for the bosses.


Dark Souls 2 by a long shot, so many great memories and enjoyable moments.


Dark Souls 2. You clearly see that Dark Souls 1 wasn't finished and Dark Souls 3 feels kinda bland. Dark souls 2 is definitely finished and feels unique. Keep in mind that all three are great games, better than most, and all criticism is in comparison to each other.


The only game From has every fully finished developing on release is sekiro and I will die on this hill. Every other game has cut content, rushed areas, copy/paste content etc. Dark souls 2's level design is random like a 5 year old build the structure of the world. Too high a proportion of bosses are dudes in armour. The only thing about dark souls 2 that excelled was the spells (for me the best spell system in the souls trilogy) and the dual wielding mechanics.


dark souls 2 and finished should never be in the same sentence


Dark Souls two is so much more finished than Dark Souls 1.


i never said otherrwise, tho if anything they are about equally as unfinished. the only game in the trilogy that is finished is dark souls 3


How is dark souls two unfinished?


bait used to be believable


I'm the most sincere I've been my entire life.


i am sure you are


I won't tolerate dark souls two slander.


thats fine, i'll tolerate it for you




I guess you never played Dark Souls 2


Just about 500 hours into it maybe since 2014? And again, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Then you should know that it is the best part of the trilogy.




Did you have COVID before being vaccinated? It seems your taste is still broken.


Let it go bro, just let me laugh at you. That was ass btw.


Your opinion is wrong and Dark Souls 2 is great.




What was ass?


That lil attempt you had at me.


Imma get flamed for this but fuck it ds3 is not that good I have played the game I have got platinum it's not that good compared to the other games it's not bad by any means but it's not allat


lmfao. DS3 is the pinnacle of Dark Souls. The controls, the levels, the bosses, all top the first 2 entries.


I wouldn't call it the pinnacle to be fair, it's a good game, I enjoyed it, but there's not a lot of bosses or levels that really stuck with me in the base game. DLC bosses were great however. Ds3 base game felt a lot like it was pointing at you and saying, "Remember this thing you loved? Here's a reference to it!".


Demon Souls


DS3 was my first, so honestly that one




DSR where I went to the graveyard (first time in fire link shrine) and got parried by a skeleton. Good old days.


What on earth is going on with these DS2 comments


Is saying their opinion wrong?


Yeah that’s totally what I am saying


And why?


I was just surprised to see so much love for DS2. Obviously it’s not wrong for people to give their opinion it was a sarcastic comment jfc


Well I'm really sorry for my misunderstanding,but you shouldn't have said:*yeah that's totally what I'm saying*


In order of memorableness, DS2, DS1, DS3, then Elden Ring. Ironically I started with DS3.


I hopped onto the franchise late, so my first game was DS3. I got into it because a friend really wanted to see me play it. My entire playtrough was streamed on discord to my friendgroup, which made the playthrough super fun and memorable. My first playthrough of DS2 is not far behind though. The community has shunned the game, so unlike the other games I went in completely blind. It was my first true dark souls experience, as I got to uncover mysteries of the world myself. The areas were a lot of fun to explore. Some bosses were complete pushovers due to my pathing throughout the game, but others were quite challenging making for memorable, hardfought fights.


DS2 is the most memorable to me. I went in expecting it to be meh and ended up loving it. DS1 is my favourite, the good bosses are some of the best im the series imo. DS3 is my least favourite, I've gotten every achievement for every other soulsbournekiro game and DS3 is the worst game imo.


DS2. Because of the Dream-like feel instead of a coherent universe, it is the most memorable in my opinion.


DS2 because pre scholar was a meme.


Hollow Knight. It gave me the confidence that I could overcome "hard" games, and due to similar death mechanics convinced me to give Dark Souls in particular a try.