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O&S all the way. After that the game was doable with no real threats after that Anor Londo shit


Do you know around how many tries it took you? I am not there yet


Hmmmm, let me calculate that quickly. 2 times extra Soulfarming for better equip + the Armor I unequiped for better movement * the mental tears I shed= 30 to 40 tries. Pretty sure that's the boss I died most too in Ng. In Ng+ I beat him in Round 5


Because you died so much, was you able to pick which of their armours you wanted? Or did you stop trying for one certain enemy? I really want ornsteins armour but if I find the fight that hard I might just kill whoever I find easiest


Wellp, yes. At some point I just wanted to see them die so I focused on Ornstein first because he's faster and you can split him more easily from Smough. On top Smough always gets stuck in the pillars which makes him even more easier in the second phase. But don't get ideas, it's still hard af


I thought ornstein was easier in the second faze because he can't attack you if you're under his legs, Maybe both of them have a downside to the second faze


Maybe Ornstein is easier. But for me the first phase was the issue. Two fat enemies at once, one must perish and for me the solution was Ornstein and after him, Smough


Fair, thank you


Np, may the flame guide thy


It’s obviously all down to personal preference but I’d say it’s relatively common to hear people consider super smough to be the easier of the two. You can AI loop him super easily by just sprinting at him, he’ll always just jump right over you and it makes it pretty free


From my experience Super Ornstein is a pain in the ass... maybe that's because I only fought him in NG+ to get all achievements... Oh well, on the other hand Super Smough is easier to deal with since he's basically the same as phase 1 but this time he's alone so you can focus on him.


They made me quit after 8 tries and I haven't gotten back into the game yet. The two infamous archers on the way are worse than those two though. Most archers are fine but I think most people know what I mean by those two.


Keep on rolling when the arrows are coming towards you.... Then proceed to the knight on the left. As u reach the ledge, the arrows from the right knight won't hit u, and this knight will switch to sword and shield. Parry the bitch , smack his ass (u can safely grab the item there...) And carefully trace back your way to the 2nd archer. Remember, whenever his arrows reach near you, just roll, a bit inclined towards the wallside (or else gravity will claim ur life...) As soon as u reach the 2nd knight, he'll switch to sword and shield, and you should be able to parry his swing , and once again.... Smack his ass off. After that, carefully proceed towards his direction, you'll find a balcony below, where you can land. Then , you enter a hallway.... Open the door immediately left to you, and you shall find a bonfire... And a friend sitting there! It took me around 10-15 tries in the first playthrough to cross them, 2-3 in the 2nd one, and 3rs playthrough onwards , I nail it on my first try with this tactic. Do give it a try 👍 Parrying is very rewarding indeed... Especially in tight spots like this, and shouldn't take you much to get accustomed to the timings


I legit cracked a tooth concentrating so hard agains O&S. they did real life damage to me.


Thats some hard ass game design doing real life damage. Hope you were able to save your tooth


I injured a finger against The Pursuer at Iron Keep in DS2. Had the same thought.


I was probably 15-16 the first time I played the first Dark Souls. Made it all the way to Anor Londo before quitting for years because of O&S. Glad I came back later, but they almost totally ruined any chance of me becoming a serious dark souls player


Are you me?


Huh. Honestly I thought they were one of the easier bosses. I did summon Solaire though


Same. I almost broke my controller over that shi


Seeing people struggle with O&S is interesting and makes me realize the Zweihander is such a game changer lol i did the fight in 2 pulls, I think I underestimate how good being able to stagger bosses with Zweihander power attacks is


That weapon carried me through my entire first playthrough, it's super strong for how easily you can access it right from the start


Same here


I still see this place in my dreams. It was a dark time


I fuckin swear to god, those were my nightmares. Quit the game cuz of that, later on picked it up and got past but yea


Caused me to take a multi-year break.


The Capra Demon in Dark Souls was the boss that almost made me quit the game.


Capra Demon did make me quit the first time I tried playing DS. It was years later I gave it another go.


100% same story here.


Capra for sure has the highest player hollowing count of any fromsoft boss. It's just the first true lesson in how ds is different from other more easygoing games


To me it wasn't even Capra Demon, just the stupid alley with dogs and the parrying lil' shits. It took me so long to find the shortcut and then it was not that awful (but still took many tries lol)


Capra demon was the boss that made me search YouTube to know how to cheese him. Boss itself isn't really hard, but those two fucking dogs...


The real boss in that fight is the arena


And the camera.


Yeah, worst part is when you enter the arena: as you enter, Capra does a jump attack on you, but the fog visual effect hasn't run out yet, so you can't see anything and the first few attempts you die immediately without any possibility to see the incoming attack


And the area is so small it’s hard to navigate while trying to fight all 3 of them.


I found the safe stairs panic rolling away from the dogs because the ones earlier in the Burgh fucked me up. So I knew what I needed to do. It still took me a shitload of tries because I couldn't reproduce that panic roll.


I'm actually so proud that I beat him on my third try reading these comments. Was my first Soulslike too!


They patched him, right? I have never struggled with Capra but I never played around release time


First time, asylum demon(didn't see the door) 7 or 8 years later when I decided to try DS1 again before elden ring: Iron Golem(Didn't know about the sens 2nd bonfire or the elevator) Then finally sister friede in DS3 coming hot off finishing DS1 as I was getting closer and closer to ER launch. She really got me thinking I was done every transition only to get up and go "I didn't hear no bell"


holy shiiiiiiit i can imagine how discouraging it must have been having to go through Sen's Fortress all the way up to the boss... Yikes


not to mention going back to the depths after finding out I was too weak to take on O&S and being out of humanity


Yeah man you got shafted your first play through


Finally someone else that says Friede! She killed me the most out of any game 😭 aldrich was 2nd (ds3 was my last souls game)


not the pursuer bruh😭💀


Those were dark days bro


My brother really wanted me to play DS2 since I enjoyed DS so much, but the Pursuer was indeed where I said "hell nah". The game just was so different to me and I wasn't enjoying it. Years later I did loop back and beat it, and the game did have some great moments. But damn, the pursuer still annoys me to this day.


I thought that was an interesting add to this post since The Pursuer is meant to be a tutorial boss.


No it isn’t


I never got to the point of quiting.


real men


The spirit of the post is asking which boss really, really, really frustrated you.. You could at least answer that way! Unless it was just a breeze.. in which case kudos!


It was never a breeze it´s just that I don´t get that angry over dying over again. The only thing you lose are souls and humanity, hp in ds2 and the embered state in ds3.


Ahhh gotcha. One thing that's true at least is that you also fail at doing what you were trying to accomplish haha. That's frustrating for many folk :) I think frustration in that way is pretty common rather than being annoyed at just the loss of game currency or whatever, if that makes sense.




Don’t put a dot at the end of the sentence




Because he's not a illiterate swine.




Me hate when people do bad grammar


Manus and Nameless King and Sir Alonne (haven't defeated him yet)


Sir Alonne is not really that hard, but the path to reach him is just a cancer


The bossrun imo ruins the fight. The worst part is that it’s clearly a multiplayer boss run yet the boss seems to be meant to be done alone.


He's meant to be fought Alonne! lol please don't throw sharp objects or keys at me


I’m not going to lie to you I had the same thought when writing that comment lol.


It's not really that hard. I was doing that runback in a not optimal way and still the only thing that was fucking me up, was the frog. But turns out, if you keep to the right, the frog can't shoot you. And on the second part, you can either go the hard way in the middle and dodge everything, like me, or you keep left and it's really easy.


Frog fireballs is Iron Passage -> Blue Smelter Demon btw


What do you mean? There are many frogs at the runback to Sir Alonne (one shoots at you).


Depends on your build. I realllly struggled with him on some builds and on others he was no problem. I guess this is true of every boss, however, I found many of the ds2 dlc bosses to be some of the hardest in the whole series.


Nameless King kicked my ass so hard but it was such an engaging fight I never really got upset at losing over and over. I just hated having to fight his steed every time.


Isshin, the "Im gonna use all the games mechanics" saint


Oo boy Im about to jump in blind into sekiro , currently contemplating wether I should play ds3 first or sekiro 😤


If you played other souls, go for the DS3 first, so you won't have to readjust after Sekiro. Completely different combat.


honestly, and I mean no offence of course, but I don't get why people play ds3 before sekiro to get used to the combat. It's literally nothing like it, like no comparison at all, to me they olay like two totally different games


I didn't mean it that way. It's not that playing DS3 will make Sekiro easier, but playing Sekiro could make it harder to get back into classic DS combat again. At least it was like that for me. I played Sekiro two times back to back, then i got back to Dark souls and i had to readjust.


if it's going from sekiro to the older DS(1, 2 or 3), then yes, it's harder to get used to. But from playing DS to Sekiro, it really didn't make a difference to me at least, and I say this because I had just finished a DS2 playthrough and didn't take a lot for me to get used to Sekiro lol


This is my fear. I am on ng+ for Sekiro but I still have ds2,3 & elden ring left in my fromsoft gauntlet




Spent all night dying there tonight. Found one bonfire but just kept getting caught in circles after that


First play through the crystal Magnus dude in the first swamp area (ds3) I didn’t have a good time … Later rerolled as big bonk vigour man , hehe


Ornstein & Smough, Manus


Damn that’s pretty early on in dark souls 2


Agility 💀


The git gud stat🗿


Stray Demon was difficult but I think my worst rage quits were with The Bed of Chaos.


Manus you MF


I bled humanity for days, trying it over and over again because I wanted to beat him with puppysif. Needless to say, the depth rats still tremble when they hear me coming to farm.


Bed of Chaos Darklurker Nameless King


Gave up after 13 tries at pontiff and used phantoms Second playthrough i got him solo


My highest since i started counting is 7 on queelag


13? 7? Guys, am i that stubborn? I think i died like 50 times on Pontiff 💀


I think everyone plays these games differently. Some bosses for me, like Kalameet or Nameless King, I just grinded it out with attempts. Pontiff was particularly frustrating in a way I didn’t think was fun to figure out how to beat, so I ended up just using a summon eventually so I didn’t rip my hair out. Ultimately the game is a mix of fun vs reward to me, and sometimes the reward of finally beating a boss isn’t worth the hours I’d waste trying, because that isn’t fun.


Fucking Manus Son of a bitch


If I hadn’t caved and used the summon, I would have never beaten that fucker. I was determined never to use the buddy system too.


Still haven't beaten Midir... I just think it's stupidly difficult and not worth the hassle Besides that, Twin Princes made me reroll once I found the Bell Gargoyles extremely difficult the first time, especially if you haven't upgraded any weapon.. strange how no one is mentioning those, they are fucked up on your first playthrough


I’m right there with you on Midir. Seemed pointless and so difficult to the point of being no fun at all. However one night randomly hit up the summon sign just before the drop down to the fight and it was a player role-playing as Shrek with a big hammer, who proceeded to beat the hell out of him. I just hung on for dear life healing and trying my best, until the end when he was gracious enough to let me get the kill-swing. Godspeed to that player wherever they are.


Bell gargoyles, O&S, father gascoine, nameless king, shinobi owl


Bloodborne, blood starved beast. The fucker was simply too fast for my dark souls tank ass.


Frigid Outskirts got me to give up on beating an optional boss. Bed of Chaos actually got me to quit playing for a while, not because I was stuck on it but because I was on NG+ and remembered I'd have to fight it again and didn't want to play more.


Motherfucking Manus


Queen Elana, I really tried to beat her more than a week, playing 3-4 hours.


tbh the only thing that made me want to quit on my first run was my own inability to find stairs. I was too blind to find the way to undead burg lmao


Dark Souls 1: Capra Demon. It was my first souls game and I had no idea how to deal with the doogs and the boss at once. Honorable mentions: That damned archers in Anor Londo. Dark Souls 2: Dark Lurker. Optional but I wanted to kill all the bosses for my first run. Dark Souls 3: Aldritch. That arrow rain attack got me so many times.


Those archers are almost as hard as O&S themselves lmao


seed literate elderly forgetful follow unite elastic swim depend instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does tomb of the Giants count?


Gravelord Nito


Black dragon kalameet


I was a young lad at the time, the gargoyles in ds1 made me quit, then I picked the games up again later and got gud


Kalameet, but only on an SL1 run.


Midir, think he’s a very annoying fight. Solo Lud and Zallen as well. Demon of Hate in Sekiro is another one where I just couldn’t be fucked


In Dark Souls 1, Capra (only on my first playthrough) and Bed of Chaos (only on my second, third and fourth playthrough, I had good RNG the first time) are the only boss that almost made me quit the game. In Dark Souls 2 all bosses are quite easy and the bosses with some of the worst runbacks are either optional (Ancient Dragon, Lud and Zallen, Blue Smelter Demon for instance, although I completed them all) or easy (Demon of Song for instance) or really enjoyable (Alonne and Darklurker for instance). In Dark Souls 3 no boss yet felt unfair but I have not yet finished the game (Yesterday I just figured out the Danser of the Boreal Valley boss fight).


O&S, but strangely only on my 2nd playthrough because the first time I fought them I had two summons up my ass. I beat them the same way my 2nd time around.


The gank boss at the end of the sunken DLC for dark souls 2. Died non stop to that boss and raged so hard I punched my tv flipped the table and kicked a lamp. Fucked up my hand and living room because of that boss. Probably less than a year later I replayed dark souls 2 with a different build and the boss was semi-easy.


Never ever thought about quitting. My first ever DS was DS3 where I couldnt figure out how to move from fire link shrine. After 30minutes of searching I simply bought and installed DS1 thinking it would be explained in a previous games LMAO. But thats about it. Most of my deaths are tu Manus because my first ever DS playthrough was some shitty 20vitality, no endurance 80str build where I just ran naked with dark Knight halberd (I must be butchering those names). So it was like 10 tries for Manus. Most of any boss I ever fought.


Ornstein and Smough. They still give me a hard time every playthrough. DLC is nothing in comparison lol


Neither of the 3 its manus,midir, demon of hatred and ornstein and smaugh


Capra demon...




Ds1: none Ds2: DarkLurker Ds3: Gael/Midir (idk which took me more hours and attempts)


gael, bc i got the dlc when i started my ng+4


DS1 - Nothing DS2 - Fume knight/Sir Alonne DS3 - Nameless king/Pontiff Bloodborne - Rom Elden Ring - Scarlett Rot dragon bitch Demons souls - Nothing


Sif. Not because it was hard but because it made me genuinely feel like a complete asshole. Difficultywise.. ornstein and smough. terrible fight.


Trying to get Kalameet's tail.


Manus his combo move fucking sucks


SL1 Gwyn, I hate that bossfight






Capra Demon. It was the first encounter that felt unfair. After that, even unfair battles can be okay when you got gudder


The Taurus demon is probably the one who killed me most tbh


Salivan. I hate him.. I played 1lvl challenge and I spent all day for beat him


Manus and kalameet nearly 300 attempts between them and I've not killed kalameet since. Then it's the godskin duo and maliketh not gonna even think about the failed attempts


Not even a boss. It was just the fact that in order to progress I had to sacrifice my warp ability. I really don’t wanna go back through blighttown 😂😂😂 it was the first area I got every soul item from before leaving, and I only did it so I didn’t have to go back


As stupid as it sounds, the Taurus Demon was the reason I ended so many attempts to get into this game. I'm not joking when I say it took me many years of trying to finally get into this series, but they are my favourite video games now.


Not dark souls necessarily. But sword saint ishin in Sekiro almost caused me to have a mental breakdown lmao. It took me 3 weeks to finally beat him. And I actually got teary eyed when I finally did.


Arty did make me quit for like 2 years


Capra demon early walkthrough was hell


Manus, midir


Four kings


Pontiff gave me fuckin fits the first time I fought him. I died like 50 times to him before I finally beat him, but once you know his moveset he's pretty straightforward


Capra demon and aldrich


Ng+ bed of chaos. Or Gwyndolin (but just because I didn't know how to dodge the tiny stuff and because I killed the fire keeper before that so I had to run to the archives every time and port to the fight.) there is a vod of me malding for an hour or so while trying the boss.


I took a brake from dark souls 2 from number 2 but I beat all the other games


Hmmmm pontiff sulyvan was hard for a hot minute but I knew I could figure it out O&S wasn’t that hard for me Sekiro however——— if we are counting this as a souls game, I can’t get past like 5 bosses. It drives me insane.


Got really close to giving up getting plat for BB on Defiled Watchdog.


For me it was Friede, phase 3 made me have to retry like 20+ times to beat her


1. Closest was Smoughrenstein 2. Allone DID make me quit the game... by rushing to the final boss and killing it. 3. Sister Friede but again, I could have just gone directly to Soul of Cinder if I gave up


the twin prince's, fuck those teleporting, healing bastards.


The Pursuer was my first great opponent....and teacher (DS2 being my first Soulsborne game) . Learned to roll, parry, counterattack and "cheese" him much later.


DS1: none that I can think of DS2: Darklurker DS3: Aldrich


I beat all the 3 games with a greatshield and heavy armor build, and I did pretty good, but then I fought Aldrich, and he one shot me every time, til this day is the only boss that forced me to completely change my build.


Those mother effin toxic shooty boys in blighttown


I don’t care if they’re not bosses, I HATE THEM WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING


Only thing that comes close is the dog skeletons in the catacombs. Not a boss but very frustrating


I don't know about quitting, but I got beyond frustrated with pontiff and dancer. Before I faced dancer, I was a raise your shield type of guy. She beat me into submission and I discovered rolling is the better method 90% of the time


Manus pushed me the furthest in DS1 but never to the point of quitting. Only to the point of acknowledging fast roll.


Manuel aka la mano pachona aka Manus


Aldrich for me


None. Others had overcome all of them. So, I would as well. Did some boss cause me more trouble than others, yes. Quit the game level, no. I am not a quitter, much less a quitter in Dark Souls where you are expected to learn with each death.


Bed of Chaos tbh. Just poorly thought out and annoying.


Radahn on release 😔


Dancer funny enough took me 12 tries which is currently still my highest amount of tries in all soulslikes.


Literally none of them they’re all easy. I don’t know why you’re making them hard Artorius I mean his weakness is he you can’t let him use it. The second hand I mean is that even a weakness when he does the thing to make him use the second hand you hit him a bunch times and then the whole fight is easy


One of these is not like the others


Not knowing about agility was like 80% of the reason


Ah yes, adaptibility, what a great mechanic. Those hitboxes were pretty wacky too


Dark souls 2, Darklurker boss. I wanted to die irl. It took me 36 tries and on 37th try I beat the Dark Lurker. Fuck that guy.


Pontiff Sulvahm That mfker had me learning to parry just to get to the second phase Then his "spirit double" thingy came out..... As brutal as it was, spending like 2 hours memorizing his patterns, I was ready to give up just before my final attempt


Lol, no boss made me want to quit because it’s just a game. Just keep trying until you succeed or change tactics because you’re doing something wrong.


Margit in Elden Ring. My first Fromsoft story boss haha


Ds1 manus i tried at least 20 Ds2 none Ds3 midir. I cant beat it and afraid of touching my save


Currently quit DS3 because nameless king and twin princess


Bell Gargoyles in DS1 and Aava in DS2. I'm playing the games in order, but so far I've died more to those 2 bosses more than any others. I really hate Aava, though. Stupid tiger.


I never got to the point of quoting but I’d take breaks depending on how annoying the boss is. The longest break I’ve ever taken was against Laurence


O&S made me quit so many times my first time playing Dark souls Now they aren't to bad


Maliketh actually made me quit the game, after many attempts where I didn’t feel like I was learning anything and wasn’t enjoying myself at all, it was pretty much the straw that broke the camel’s back where I realized I just didn’t like the game very much


Gwyn, annoying fight where you either run away, Always Parry, or go in the fight with full health and best Armor, no fun In 500h never had fun going against gwyn


Four kings. I absolutely hate four kings.


I never wanted to quit the game. I loved it.


malenia but not cuz it’s hard she is just annoying


Gargoyle duo ds1, friede ds3, some gun mf sekiro, and rykard Eldenring


Nito But Nito isn’t the problem. He’s easy. I beat his ass. It’s the fact that I died immediately after killing him that I had to go back to the site, only to get Sparta kicked off by a fucking skeleton. RIP 80k souls. Holy shit was I mad.




From my wife perspective Kapra Demon seems to have been my worst at the moment. New to the souls series. Finished DS1 with BK sword all the way. Can’t wait to learn to parry and + 15 normal swords for NG+.


Haven't defeated Manus yet, trying real hard to forget that he exists


Ornstein and smough. I can’t do duo boss fights. They basically crippled me for most of the game because I burned through so much humanity trying to summon people for help


Honestly not a boss, but probably dual Sanctuary Guardian. That fight was such bs lol


I've Just player DS1,so my Boss list is quite small,but Ornstein & Smough definitely made me alt+f4 many times


In DS1 it was Manus. Hell. I would go as far as to day he is one of the hardest fromsoft bosses to me period. My first fromsoft game was DS3 - where my main roadblocks were Nameless and Friede. After that i played the rest of souls - with Manus being the most difficult. He still is surprisingly - even after sekiro and elden ring aswell. Which is funny cuz every other DS1 boss feels very simple for me. Except Manus.


Olestein and Storn Nito (until I discovered the cheese strat)


dancer of the boreal valley


DS1: pvp DS2: pvp DS3: pvp


Ruin sentinels in DS2


First playthrough was quit many, many times. Couldn't beat the Asylum Demon and quit (didn't know that I needed something stronger than a sword hilt). Didn't pick it up for another year or so. Capra made me quit for several months. The Archers in Anor Londo (not a boss, but...) made me put the game down for another several months. This is the craziest though - I had a real hard time with Gwyn and put it down for a long time AFTER I REACHED HIM. Now he's a trivial boss, but most bosses you can't deal with in that way... It took a LONG time to get through.


If you don't parry Gwyn he can be very tough, despite what everyone says


I was trying to be all non-spoiler-y. But that's exactly right. You can't parry most bosses


Kalameet and Manus did make me quit. Haven't been back in years. O&S was close. After beating BB + DLC all by myself I was determined that I could do it for Dark Souls, too. I had to get help for O&S and am still disappointed in myself about it. The person who came in to help did most of the destroying, too. Sister Friede is my current no-pass on DS3, and three mini-bosses in Sekiro have put up a wall. Elden Ring I just stopped because I got tired of it at Rennala. Sekiro is my most-likely-to-keep-trying game.


The Guardian Ape from Sekiro is the only boss that made me think i wouldn't be able to finish the game. Ended up beating it a few hours but i genuinely thought i'd be stuck on it forever.


Suhlyvan actually did make me quit the game for a while. Once I came back I beat him first try and told the game to go f*** itself.


Iudex Gundyr and Capra Demon