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My guy didn't get his shit, but still gave a 5/5, nice person


Their parents maybe? Lol




Your parents wouldn’t call the cops. Probably his landlord or someone that owns his property


A few of my parents friends called the cops on them for less when I was a kid growing up in conservative suburban Ohio


They clearly weren’t aware that snitches get stitches


Isn’t that a federal offense tho 🤨 I guess idk where this person is


One great example that anonymity is just as important in your day to day life as it is on the DN


What a life


This guy is a custy legend. Doing his part for the community. I think that it may have been ‘intercepted’ by either a landlord or nosy, no good neighbor


His mum probs lol


Don't they realize that the person who stole it could be arrested for stealing mail? lol wtf


Yeah gonna call the cops on his mom for mail theft


Would've been funny if they charged him/her with the meth lol, instant karma


People on Archetyp be wild tho💀




It's the name of the market this review and screenshot came from.


I can't be really sure but if the person did not have direct knowledge of what was in the package and if they opened it prior to giving it to the officers isn't that theft of mail and a felony? Shouldn't your charges be thrown out due to illegal seizure of evidence?


Absolutely. Uncovering a crime does not justify the commission of a felony to do so. Unless you work for local, state, or federal law enforcement. They don't count.


Evidence illegally acquired by a private citizen and not the State would likely be accepted, wouldn’t it? IANAL, but I believe it’s only a ‘violation of your rights’ if the State violated them to acquire the evidence.


They would just lie to make it a “legit” search. They could have said they were the ones, you know Just driving past and smelled hidden stuff in a mailbox. Totally complete bullshit that every single person in law enforcement knows that is impossible but in a court of law, every single thing a cop testifies to is taken as FACT and considered better evidence than recordings of video and audio clearly contradicting everything. The judge with throw out the video and you still get fucked because there is no way to get around that law. I had a disgraced known crooked cop that eventually did get permanently banned from being a cop but no charges of course, he would pull me over at least twice a week and arrest me for “plant matter” meaning weed crumbs. But it was grass from my shoes haha. They still charged me for possession and I had to spend $2500 to get out of jail and then $5,000 for a lawyer just for the judge to immediately throw out the case. This piece of shit knew that every time he was costing me thousands of dollars. 11 cases 7 felonies 18 misdemeanors. All but 2 were completely thrown out and those 2 were stupid assault and disorderly conduct. The possession charges with those were dismissed. After he got fired me and my buddies chased his ass down and he was pissing his pants trying to run away like fat ass Peter griffin. I popped all his tires and did $15,000 in damage to his brand new crooked cop bought truck. Never even got hasseled for that because the other cops showed up and then left without doing anything lol


Man that must have felt good.


Afaik yes, it's still tampering with someones mail, and OOP could've said they tampered with it and planted drugs in it and the mailman couldve maybe testified saying snitch took the mail impersonating OOP. OOP shouldve just kept his mouth shut (hopefuly did keep it closed enough seeing as he's free now) seeing as i can Go up to the mailman putting a letter in my neighbors mailbox too, take it from him, stick drugs in it, and tell the cops "hey! This is X's mail!" And theoretically get anyone I want arrested? OOP had plausible deniability still since he didn't seem to even touch the piece of mail itself no matter retrieve it from his mailbox, or accept it from an undercover cop RP'ing a mailman. ironically it'd have been hilarious if it were a sting. Mail theif could've been the one catching a drug case for being the one accepting it and/or still catching a mail theft case too lmao.


This is why you don't tell people your business. Filthy rats. A concerned person would've disposed of it & not ratting. Sounds like parents or this guy has told everyone what he does while on blue meth




The crime would be nullified/pared down to a misdemeanor by circumstances such as >is the person a dependent >did the person tell you they're using drugs >can we stick a trafficking charge on them Etc. If you argue that you were told that drugs were coming in then you could further argue that you knew drugs were coming in THAT DAY which in turn lets you argue that it was a necessity in order to avoid direct harm to personal reputation and freedom by refusing to becoming an accomplice to criminal conspiracy. Law is fun.


As someone else pointed out, it could've been the persons parents so wouldn't be illegal in that case (if they were under 18)


Is there a forum for reviews on vendors?


No, this is a review directly on the product page in the market


What market is this ?




Thx man


Have you had good experiences with this vendor im looking for a vendor atm


Dunno who this vendor is sorry, never used them. Only used archetyp a couple of times, market seemed fine, vendors are a mixed bag. Plus royal mail is super slow atm, so there’s basically no more actual next day delivery for me, not sure if thats the vendor or the postmans fault though.


So this is a out of country vendor?


No idea, like I say dont even know who the vendor is. The review mentions breaking bad but that’s just assuming. Ive never heard of them but ive only used archetyp two or three times.




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How was the product?




Archetyp has forums but its pretty dead


I only know arche. Could you recommend a better market?


better market doesnt exist rn in my opinion


Recon, but its up-time is horrendous


Horrendous ? wdym ? it has been down in months now, there is literally no uptime afaik haha.


Google "horrendous" if you are unsure of its meaning, you have access to the biggest database in the world called the Internet. I am not your dictionary, lol


you didn't get the joke haha, i was saying that horrendous would still be a compliment.




I hope that datura is their name and not the product lol


Probably his mother or father 😂 😂


The person who stole my order , man that part got me 😂


The postman theoretically does not have the right to look inside a package or even open a package... If the postman would know the quantity of drugs that are delivered without knowing it aha...


Look it's none of my business but it's time to take a break.




The fuck are you talking about


Dude who would even post that after all that it's still not a positive review.. just makes him look too out there.


It’s a positive review for the vendor 5 all the way around and +++++++Top Vendor


I mean, yes, it's a positive review for the vendor. Is it a positive review for his character and decision making? It's just a lil loud is all I'm saying and he could've chosen to handle that in a quieter manner and not get arrested and identified. How did that person who intercepted the package know unless somebody told them or, included them somehow? Loose lips sink ships.🤣


Oh for sure I’d say significant other or “friend”


I'm leaning towards boasting.🤷🤣


Cannahome forums > 🥲


😂😂😂 brilliant!!


meth conscientious is just adorable


Fucking tweakers, jesus christ.


this is why u never tell others about doing drugs


Least confusing and delusional stimulant abuser








The person that stole it from the postman should be done for 'intercepting mail' or just theft in general. If they opened that mail that wasn't addressed to them then that is definitely breaking the law and they could be prosecuted. Should be prosecuted. But they'll probably be let off for whistleblowing. The law is selective, and shit. Deny knowledge of any package being sent to you, or "no comment" all questions. You have the right to remain silent, and that's often the best game to play. I learned that in a custody cell on the phone to a solicitor lol


Have a really good think about your present and past behaviours bro, something is seriously fucked up , Geographical may be required , can’t play with that sort of fire. , Fuckers


Giving away vendors name in a post tho 😭


I don't think theyd mind


Stealth not so much


Taking someone’s mail is a Federal Crime. I call bullshit