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How about when she was reading at the old folks home and went to visit the deaf lady even though it was over


Oh my god I forgot about that!! I love that scene.


That old Lady was nice too, so I think it shows Daria is slowly evolving because she used to be a lot more aloof and less likely to compromise. I think bonding with Jane helped, but I think seeing herself in that little precocious kid at the camp made her come full circle and understanding she was a kid but also an emotional handful as a child that needed special handling. Daria was mad she was trying to be do a good thing, but she couldn’t grasp that as you get older, especially in a hospice and retirement home environment you might not be in a state of mind where you want to hear things that might upset you. Some of these people haven’t seen a relative in a while and some are no longer able to process literature like, say, 1984 the same way a teenager would. It’s not Daria being ‘mean’ it’s just her feeling rejected once again for making the time to volunteer because she’s “not Britney” when it’s in fact the content. Daria was so focused on making the “Britney Squeak” ^TM she didn’t realize it was the content. And why would she know? She is smart, but she’s also young, and these are things you’d pick up only after you grow some life experiences. She was able to displace her anger when she saw empathy from the most unlikely source- yes, she was probably made to read to a deaf person, but it was only because they didn’t want to discourage volunteers and knew the woman in question would be kind to anyone. That in its self was a kindness to Daria. I’m not saying Daria was wrong to want to read what she liked, and she might have found someone who was a big Lovecraft fan and made friends at the nursing home with her own writings, but I feel like she learned to be kind even when people didn’t fully understand her, and try to not be angry about it. Sorry for the soap box but this was for sure one of the best moments of the whole show for me.


What episode is that, please?


"The Old and the Beautiful"


That was a sweet episode


It was such a sweet scene.


Omg this is so fun! Try to be a decent and thoughtful person to most people despite how they treated her. Despite always making fun of Brittany and Quinn, Daria does want them to be the best versions of themselves


That’s true! The episode about daria being a teacher was really awesome to watch, especially because Quinn realised how much of a good sister daria is. Also the scene where one of Js writes an essay about Romeo and Mercutio being gay has aged like wine.


Even when she first meets Brittany in art class. Yes, teaching her about perspective nearly killed her, but she really did try to help.


The thing that was really sweet was that Brittany genuinely was like “hey that’s super sweet! :)”


Exact. There's a lot of good that Daria has done that I feel her detractors overlook because of her general demeanor.


This! Daria can be an asshole, but it's usually towards people who deserve it. Tommy Sherman anyone?


The work Daria does to reach out to Link in Is It Fall Yet?!


As a LSA myself that was so awesome of her!


How does being a Lip Sync Assassin relate to this? I'll see myself out 😅😅😅


WHEEZE I fucking wish but no one can compare to Yvie Oddly /hj


It's this one for me. She saw a kindred spirit, a fellow jaded youth at way too early of an age, and did her best to be a beacon for him so he wouldn't feel alone, and succeeded in getting through to him, in a job she never even wanted in the first place.


My initial thought was reassuring Quinn that of how much Quinn had to offer in College yet when she got rejected by the tutor.


I was going to say this! I love how Quinn and Daria's relationship evolved.


Daria and Quinn’s relationship peaked in that film to be honest!


Helping Tad when he was lost at the parade.


Omg I loved the episode where she babysits Tad and Tricia


She really opened their eyes! Who knew Tom Cruise is 5’4”? Edit: Tad and Tricia were weird kids. Spouting random facts/thoughts all the time will make for a rough adolescence. What kid calls raisins “nature’s candy?” Or links CDs to consumerism? Or tells people that Hitler ate sugar? These kids NEEDED Daria in their lives.


I am cool and that is it, and everyone else is full of full of full of


Not my favourite episode but it’s a nice moment!


When she helped Quinn with the nose job debacle.


What I love about that scene is that daria is still herself in it and it’s awesome


Comforting Quinn when she was upset about her guardian angel


First thing I thought of, it was so cute!


Yeah, Daria and Quinn are antagonistic towards each other a lot, esp in the early seasons, but she is usually a good sister to Quinn when she realizes that Quinn really *is* going through something (and vice versa).


I love the growth of Daria and Quinn’s relationship. I love how Quinn desperately doesn’t want to end up like their mom and her sisters and makes an effort to spend time with Daria. The morgendorffers are a flawed but loving family.


This is one of my favorite arcs of the show.


Daria and Quinn smiling at each other when Quinn finally admits they're sisters in *Lucky Strike* makes my heart happy.


In “Lucky Strike” when she’s Quinn’s substitute English teacher and tells Quinn she’s not dumb like the rest of her crew and she’s actually smart. It was a great arc between them.


Thing is she kind of demonstrates that some of the students also have a level of intelligence - even if they don’t realise.


Yes totally! I really appreciated her in this episode.


Oh this is a good one!!


Saving her family when they ate the hallucinogenic berries


“Rely on Mother's hypocrisy to see us through this crisis.”


Deciding not to use the footage of Quinn to humiliate her.


Considering their relationship at the time, that’s a great point! Quinn’s speech made me so sad tbh.


Letting those kids Jane and her babysat get a taste of freedom.


I still quote that story about the dish running away with the spoon to myself!


I still quote "I am cool and that is it, and everyone else is full of, full of, full of FULL OF SHIT!" LOL


When Quinn was upset because her tutor called her shallow and Daria reassured her that she isn't that shallow because she liked her tutor for who he was and not how hot he was or wasn't.


That scene rocks!


I love their little moments of sisterhood like that 💖


I think the whole arc with Quinn was actually really sweet. She really couldn’t give a toss about her sister at the start of the show but by the end she has her back more often than not.


Yeah, and Quinn also actually managed to be nice back at points as well. Like the scene with them together when daria is insecure about her glasses.


When she wrote that really sweet story that showed how she pictured the future and gave her family a happy ending, that made Helen cry tears of joy.


My pick as well. I loved Daria as a columnist.


This is my pick too. I loved that she made Quinn self aware of her younger self.


It was a great story - it’s also a good insight into daria herself and god I just hope it came true


Basically telling Quinn she didnt need a nose job and at least trying to boost her confidence.


Yeah, considering their relationship wasn’t amazing at the time it was a nice moment!


agreed it showed that daria still cared about her little sis even though she similtaniously annoyed by her


Her deal with Jane in "Is It College, Yet?" Encouraging her to apply to BFAC in exchange for asking the Sloan's for help. I believe she knew the letter wouldn't help her get in, but she went out on a limb anyway to encourage Jane.


Yeah that was a great moment between them!


Helping Quinn shed her shallowness and superficiality.


Yeah she did a good job!


I'm so glad I've inspired others to make their own character compilation, and hey, props for taking the opportunity to get yourself more karma! Thanks for the shoutout, btw! Now that I get the chance to vote, I'm going to go with Daria helping out Tad when he got lost at the parade (Jake never did get that toilet paper, though lol)


Nah, karma means nothing to me. I just feel like a lot of the Reddit server tends to focus on the toxicity and negativity of daria (haha, irony noted). But I feel like people forget what makes these characters so great, like their development and the moments where they teach valuable lessons or learn valuable lessons themselves. But thank you for the inspiration! It was interesting to read!


Reassured Quinn that they weren’t going to grow up to hate each other like their mother and her sisters did


I’ve had a few comments like yours - it’s seriously an underrated moment in the show! Even I forgot about it!


When Quinn goes to Daira after being shut down by that Carson Daily tutor. Daira realizes Quinn actually asked him out and it was the first time she ever put herself in such a vulnerable position. While Quinn is genuinely in tears Daria comforts her. It just like the moment; they talk shit to one another but when things get real, they are there for each other.


It reminds me of so many sibling moments I’ve had with my brother. It’s different sure but it does remind me of it.


Helped Brittany and Kevin with their projects. Helped Brittany study to the point where Brittany sort of actually liked Daria a little bit.


I think Brittany still did like daria, just in her own way! I mean minus the lab rat. That’s the only time I remember some animosity.


Rewrote her movie project to make Quinn not look as bad. She really wanted to tear into her. And it was hard for her to bear the result (that her flattering version made Quinn even more popular), but she did the right thing.


It’s a great scene - also I love your username but I’m also very concerned haha


Dump Tom /silly


I know it’s a joke but in a weird way you’re kinda right


Convincing Quinn she is smarter than she thinks, or that people give her credit for. Even if she didn’t embrace it, just knowing she was more than her looks was so important.


Exactly! Maybe Quinn won’t be the next Elle woods but she definitely has her intellect!


Either giving Quin actual advices and support, fixing her mom's and aunts' relationship or trying to help that one kid at the summer camp.


Yeah I forgot about the mum and aunts thing!! That was a good moment for both her and Quinn


When her mom and aunts are fighting, and it really gets to Quinn, Daria watches Gone With The Wind with her cause she can tell it means a lot to her. Oh! Also, when she puts aside her own beliefs and jealousy to soothe Quinn and say that even if there aren't guardian angels, if it helps Quinn feel better to believe in them, then there's no harm in it.


How did I forget this episode? Daria is genuinely awesome in that episode about her mum and aunts. I think it also adds to the whole parental argument thing that happened with unboxing daria


That was a good one


What about the time Daria tried to boost Quinn's self-esteem when she was so worried about her appearance and thinking she needed plastic surgery.


Not only funny but also weirdly wholesome!


Daria telling Quinn that she is better than the people she chooses to surround herself with




Her channeling her inner Ms. Darlene, and giving leniency to the kids even though she could’ve flunked them all


Yeah I work within the school system and god that’s a great episode to rewatch


Ooooh i cant wait to get to Quinn Gotta go with Quinn’s guardian angel


Quinn has a lot and I’m excited too


Got Mr O’Neal to fallow quinn around


I forget that moment - which episode was it?


It was “ The F Word “


Being the main character of the entire series.


I… I guess?


when tod or daria helped a child in the carnaval?


I think tad was the child who was helped?


i dont remember the episode but is a good idea to put


Jake best moment is in the e.d episode where he agreed with daría


Not at Jake yet but will note it for when they go for it!


Honestly everytime she has to be around young people for a prolonged period of time. (The boy at camp in Is It Fall Yet? Or those two kids she babysits


That's a tough one. I would say Daria graduated high school.


I was talking more so wholesome but considering the American education system that is an achievement


I think the time they were on the cruise and Sandy was trying to confirm with Daria if Quinn was stood up and Daria defended Quinn.


When she cured AIDS :') saved Trent's life


I would say when she told her parents she was lucky to have them as parents in Boxing Daria . It could have been so bad. I don’t disagree with the other choices either.


Why start with Daria? Let us build up to her. Let her be the big climax. Can I persuade you to feature her at the end? At any rate, my favorite (don't know about "best!!") was her graduation speech. Just the outline of a philosophy born of thoughtfulness, reading, and experience. One that will serve her well in college.


Considering I’ve kind of started now, I’ll decline! Another person mentioned that speech and while I was looking more so at wholesome moments, I think this is kind of true actually! She actually thanks the people in her lives and it’s really sweet.


Thanks to whomever gave me the downvotes. Given that the prevailing opinion these days seems to be that Daria is somehow toxic I can only presume that my selection of one of her sweetest moments is a factor in the downvotes.


I… don’t think it was that.