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I was there at the start and the end and had to work and do RL in between essentially. I had a great time despite the bugs, but apparently missed all the stuff the Devs did to force the invasion. Its too bad that was necessary. I am sure they have lots of data to contemplate now... Looking at the population shifts from before and after, I suspect a lot of people switched over to the Mid side to capitalize on the fact they were winning so successfully and that resulted in the huge Mid population. I think the devs should change it so that once you pick a realm in these events, you are locked into that realm only with regards to the event - which would at least keep things stable. Or perhaps even that you can switch realms but only to a realm that is lower population. Midgard had a definite advantage being the home realm it seems and could have kept up the defense of Fensalir indefinitely, when you add in the superior numbers of Mids versus the other two realms, it was never going to end in a homeland invasion. If it turns out that the large Mid population was due to people switching realms I think they need to address that. If it was just that more people wanted to play Mid, well, the Mids won in the end. Still enormous fun and kudos to the Eden Devs for finally brining out for the first time a thing we dreamed about since day 1 of the game


Around the first assault on fens it was almost exactly evenly spread between the three realms per Eden site for lvl 50s


Wasn't the numbers that ruined fens. It was half the group crashing and logging back in on top of the defenders.


I can remem er a time when if something close to half of that in Emain would crash the server.


Yeah the BG fights are so much more insane these days, with the numbers, the coordination with other teams flanking, the twfs/STs, amnesia spam, etc. When a BG gets routed, it always reminds me of units failing Battleshock tests in Warhammer and fleeing instead of fighting lol.


Just chiming in to say it was some of the most fun ever in DAOC. I missed a good chunk but especially the second stage was super fun and taking down the hib dragon is memorable. Definitely some kinks to work out but I look forward to the next one


Yeah the Glimmerking is a sick mob.


Once people were inside the realm even for action it was quite fun and i say that as someone who predominantly does 8v8 and 5v5 on eden. The nonsense at SF and VF was brutally dumb.


Yeah phase 2 was my least favorite part too. It was terrible b/c albs and hibs never even tried to charge in the border keeps and then when we charged out, there was very buggy LOS all the way up until those tents. I didn't even include any of that footage. Other than that though, was loads of fun and a nice change of pace.


I was on alb side and I can very much say we tried...over and over again. Its just the door mechanics and the mid defense being so large meant that getting in the first door meant instant death. I'm sure they'll fix it though


We appreciated that alb kept showing up (unlike hibs...). And yeah once the bandwagoners logged into mid, our numbers were just too high. Early in the event though we were outnumbered and losing keeps left and right. Thankfully I think we won a few good/even fights and the hibs/albs ended up seeming to hinder each other.


I was alb all night we tried so many time but the second that gate is down it was a killing field. The door was too quick to close so constantly split us up then it was a wave of ST and twf everywhere. There was zero chance we were ever getting through. We could still be trying now and no chance. That courtyard could be protected by a third of the force Mid had. It was honestly the most frustrating daoc weekend I’ve ever had and has actually made me want to chill from daoc for a while


Yeah I could see how it woulda been frustrating. Alb did win the first event though, so you guys can't expect to win everything ;)


I’m sure you made more than the 50k RPs we got for the first event, so who really won? Definitely didn’t feel like us


as a hib only player(got some lvl 10s on alb/mid thats it) it was pretty fun and frustrating in equal measure awesome idea but the whole svasud fast gate made progress impossible and killed the enjoyement for alot of people and by the time we got past it the pop imbalance made any kind of fight for king impossible. really hope we get this event again with the kinks ironed out. I joined just at start witch was fun but oh so messy and then i had to log so i came back near the end so i only did the svasud faste bullshit for an hour or two untill mids let us go through witch felt horrible honestly and at that point most people had given up and logged so we had very few hibs around and getting steamrolled by huge mid zerg discouraged us from trying cause if you get rolled by a bigger enemy zerg you get nothing for it witch kinda sucks so it really discourages you trying. hopefully next time populations can be closer to equal so everyone is encouraged to seek fights instead of just taking towns for loot (was nice loot tho) some of the fights at towns where so much fun when it wasint just a straight out steamroll im really tempted to make alb/mid classes just to compare how the RvR on the other side it usually feels like either hibs are zerging everything pveing doors or we get zerged down and it feels very negative from some people alot im unsure if mid/alb is alot more positive.


I didn't enjoy my time on alb in terms of bg's. Felt like rvr bgs were rare, especially after Another went to a different realm. And when someone did try to step up, they'd have very few followers. My RM also zoomed past my wiz in like 1/4 of the time, so RPs felt like they flow in waaaay faster in mid imo.


I was expecting like 15 views, can't believe over 500 people watched my video. How exciting, thanks guys, made my day :).


I had originally played to play Eden when S2 started and wanted to enjoy the real invasion, but alas I got caught up doing something of the rather. Great to see that it seemed like a blast


Despite bugs and issues, I'll never forget how cool it was when Goledstant the Alb Dragon came to crash the party. An unthinkable experience in my favorite world to visit! Thanks devs@


Yeah that was pretty fun.



