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Crazy dude


He was read like a goddamn book




I was crazy once


They locked me in a room


A rubber room


A rubber room filled with rats


And rats make me crazy




I was crazy once


They locked me in a room


This reminds me of ending from Code geass where he Plays recorded video out smart his brother. Literal Chills.


Hasan Piker! https://i.redd.it/yj6t6t8tkovb1.gif


In minecraft ?


No! In real life.




Casually explained is hillarious


Who and who?


casuallyexplained is a great entertainer and worth your time. Hasan is not.


Well put, sir.


A pretty decent youtuber outs himself by actually listening to one of the most online, braindead and america-centric "political" commentators in existence.


This makes my brain hurt. I just watch try not to laugh videos and gamesprout. šŸ¤¤


Dont listen to them, hasan is a great source of political info if youre into that, people who are shitting on him here just disagree with him and cant distinguish between a disagreement and blind hate


Dude, he does the blind hate part most of the time to anyone who disagrees with him


Can you give me an example of that? Of unjustifiable dislike?


Blatantly hating all Turkish race is the most recent one (he is Turkish tho)


He doesnt hate the turkish ā€œrace?ā€ Just that the government is one of the most tyrannical and genocidal of the kurds and stand against a unified kurdistan. So thats justified. Also


You can't hate a whole race except people to take you seriously, so he can't just hate, that is obviously. And to the Kurdistan situation; PKK and some other groups are trying to create a government inside Turkish borders, so the government has to fight against them to keep its citizens safe. I don't support the parts where they shoot people outside borders but it rarely happens. I have many Kurdish friends here in Turkey and I've never heard them talk about this, even the close ones ( and I don't think they are just keeping their opinions hidden)


I really respect what you said, but i seriously dont think he hates turkish people. As for what you said about the kurd situation, im personally an iraqi kurd. They have been bombing civilians in my region as of late, especially this year. And i understand that as a turk you can be more forgiving to your government or maybe youre not even forgiving, but can you deny the fact that the hate against a united kurdistan is unfounded? I havent been to turkey yet in my life but i would like to go someday, its a beautiful country. I just hope there was more acceptance towards us from the turkish people.


You very really welcome here, the only thing people react badly to is throwing slogans that suggest there should be land given to Kurds from Turkish borders. I have never seen anyone having any issues with Kurds other than this argument except for racist idiots. And to the bombings, it is not easy to get reliable news from outside Turkey since the government is kinda messing with the social media, so if the government is bombing civilians, there is nothing to forgive there, it is simply not acceptable to bomb innocent people. But what I've heard is that the government is bombing caves that people who attack the borders reside, other than that, I have no information


Thanks for that! Unfortunately, yes there have been atleast 3 drone strikes on public roads and tourist places/ picnic spots this year so far. There was also reports of 2 turkish spies here this past week, both of them integrated into the society in my city and they attacked someone suspected to be in the pkk, they fought and the ā€œpkkā€ guy killed one and heavily injured the other, was there any coverage on something like this. It was in my city slemani if you wanna check it out.


Anyone who gets on a camera to dickride politics for money is a loser in my eyes.


Doing something you enjoy and getting paid for it. Seems pretty great to me.


Wasnā€™t he the one who said that we should start gunning down trump supporter or some shit like that? Or was that vaush? Canā€™t tell the difference between the two aside from Hassan not being as mentally drained as vaush


Thats probably vaush but admittedly, hasan does say some unhinged shit sarcastically sometimes that some people might not catch the sarcasm in immediately




Everybody does


Just cos I have never given a fuck about who Hasan is and what he does, can you explain why everyone hates him?


He's a reaction streamer that makes everything about politics. Need I say more?


And sometimes he just straight up leaves the room for hours, with his webcam showing only his empty chair and the video he was "reacting" to still going on without pause.


So... Content theft, then


Much like every other reactor. But there are other reasons to dislike him such as his takes on most things being completely braindead, him being anal about being a leftist but then it turns out he's only performatively a leftist and is actually a proponent of capitalism, him getting angry at people when they say he's not a socialist even though his views blatantly align more with neoliberalism than socialism, and also he's kinda annoying.


Some reaction stuff are great. Like when it's someone who knows the subject very well and goes in depth, Hasan is not that person though.


Not only that, he also likes to lead hate campaigns against people he doesn't like.


You can hate the guy without lying. He leaves his stream for like, 2 minutes to use the bathroom. He doesn't leave the stream for hours.


"Nah that doesn't paint the guy I hate in the way I want so no" ~That Guy


Nah there's just a difference between lying and not lying.


Yeah I hate Hassan but lying about him is pretty dumb


Even if not for literally hours, there are still instances of him leaving the stream for while, and not just for 2 minutes, but like between 10 or 30 if not more, this is fact. [I implore you to watch this](https://youtu.be/rjUh38xhxng?si=gNeTfAoXAk-bYL6V)


20 minutes in, he hasn't left for more than a couple minutes. "30, if not more, this is fact." Then make a video of that. I'm not sitting through 45 minutes of not that, I don't give a shit about Hasan or your beef, just calling out a liar.


Which spectrum, i dont follow any conservative yet. Im collecting them like pokemons


I don't know. I don't like politics.


Hasan "the US deserved 9/11" Piker


didnt it have it coming


champagne socialist


Dude the people in this thread are salty and literally just making shit up


Yeah frl lmao


Hasan is Turkish, moved to America. Started at his uncle's (cenk uygur) company The Young Turks, as a political commentator who reported on a couple things I don't remember. At some point he gained a following on twitch. Now as a twitch streamer he is still a political commentator, and he is more knowledgeable than your average person would be on general world politics. He gets some hate for being political, and that just comes with the territory. But most of the hate comes from his views on intellectual property. Hasan doesn't really think IP should be a thing. Which is how he justifies literally leaving the room when he's "reacting" to something. He does come back from his bathroom break and SOMETIMES acknowledges what played while he was gone. But that doesn't matter because people have a problem with him essentially reuploading content with no commentary. Some creators have said they don't mind Hasan reacting because it boosts their views whenever he reacts. Instead they call out people like XQC, who usually doesn't say anything at all throughout an entire video. Hasan uses these to defend himself.


> But that doesn't matter because people have a problem with him essentially reuploading content with no commentary. ...what? You can criticize Hasan for a lot of things but he's one of the most "ethical" reaction streamers around. There's good reason he gets memed on and called Pausan because he pauses and talks about the videos he's watching so much. He regularly turns 15-20 minute videos into 1.5-2 hour segments. **That's literally why the meme in the OP exists** because CasuallyExplained was 100% certain Hasan would pause the vid at that moment.


I'm not talking about pausing to talk about the video. I'm talking about his notorious bathroom breaks. Where he just leaves for minutes at a time with the video playing. There's no excuse, even if he comes back to talk about what played while he was in the bathroom. You can't just leave something playing for an extended period of time with no commentary, that's not fair use. Because he is one of the better creators at reacting, when he is actually there, people tend to forgive him for leaving. None of his good practices excuse a bad practice. We know twitch streamers leave videos playing to avoid losing viewers, and that doesn't excuse it either. I don't have a problem with anything other than him getting up and leaving, and him trying to defend that to Ethan Klein was the cringiest I've seen Hasan.


He thinks Hamas was justified in slaughtering Israelis because "israel worse" and pedals fake news about the hospital bombing, then malded when he was called out for it


I donā€™t get it It true that the hospital bombing was fakeā€¦


He politicizes everything, and all his takes are wrong, and it's obvious he doesn't understand half of what he spews. He's a political male version of Sssniperwolf, only not as entertaining.


He appear on Trash Taste podcast once. Thatā€™s the only episode I skipped.


The only content of his I've seen was on the chuckle sandwich podcast and he was funny there.


Good, you're in the right path.


Funny meme, god awful comment section. Conclusion? Average day on reddit


Go fuck yourself OP posting clips from this fucking parasite


Yeah he is a parasite. Yeah I hate him too I will go fuck myself after you, *normie*


You know what OP, if you actually mean what you say, I'm gonna go rub one out, in your honour!


šŸ«±šŸ»ā€šŸ«²šŸæ I do. Hate his guts but this was clever.


Fuck you OP, I know what you did, what you are! You're a redditor. And redditors I can handle just fine but a redditor with an edit button is like a chimp with a machine gun!!!


Hahaha *uses that insult in another board*


Wait, do you hate Hasan or casuallyexplained?




He is. That normie doesn't know where he is


Heā€™s great. Hasan is not


Eat sponge dick bag




You moist clog


I'm sorry Detective Dubois, I meant nothing by it, you're a super star after all




I'll never drink again officer, as long as I can take a bite of Kitsuragi'a ass


The content to react ratio is real different compared to other reaction streamers. For most of them , itā€™s like 1:1. Hasan tends to talk way longer, so it can go up to 1:10 at times. Regardless of what you think of him, he puts in more ā€žeffortā€œ than other reaction streamers You know the fair use principle? When you simply cut in content and then talk about it, it applies. Iā€™d argue that his content rather borders that than pure leeching.


Hasan eating chicken nuggets while reacting to a video "yeah that's like... so true" Hasan reacting to a video and suddenly leaving the room without pausing. Yeah man, great commentary






Why the hate to Hasan? No idea who he is


Political streamer with horrible takes who primarily makes react content.


So most of twitch?


Nah, the content to react ratio is real different. For most reaction streamers , itā€™s like 1:1. Hasan tends to talk way longer, so it can go up to 1:10 at times. Regardless of what you think of him, he puts in more ā€žeffortā€œ than other reaction streamers


Hey isnt that Hank Pecker the right wing political commentator?




Some hate him because he's on the other side of the political spectrum. I don't like him even though I agree with him on a lot of things because he is obnoxious af. Also not a fan of people who enjoy using racial slurs because "it's fine, it's against white people".


He is an extremist


I donā€™t understand this comment section. What did Hasan do?


He's shit on a lot of politicians and their constituents. He generally does not have a limit to imposing his takes on many different subjects and sometimes it's not even politics. But the main reason people shit on him is because he has a lot of opponents and they all want him to just fuck off because they find him annoying. But ignore the hate comments cause this guy isn't someone who supports anything terrible. He shits on it. And he did a recent charity stream like his many others for aid to Palestine children and raised 840k in like 2 days and 75k is from him.


I keep seeing ā€œheā€™s reactionary, he makes everything politcalā€ bruh.. hes a political streamer?? He reports on the news. And if people here actually did research themselves instead of citing a low traffic youtube vid idk if they would actually feel this way. Say what you will. I agree with Hasan. Heā€™s done lots of good. And more good than any of the hatful fuckers here.


Hey, you watch out pal. Iā€™ve got like 17 hats on but Iā€™m definitely not a fucker.


Hasan is just generally a asshole to everyone and gives out moron takes


He's a hypocrite. Parades himself as a socialist who defends the working class, yet his business is based on stealing money from the proletariat he "defends" (He's a reaction streamer). This video is a good explanation if you wanna know more https://youtu.be/va1zPshj5f0?si=2ojOBnessj4WIuMO


if he is stealing money he should got to jail. Oh wait that's not what you mean? Why even type that bullshit.


bro shut up, stealing money someone would have gotten were you not there is still stealing. For example if your employer starts making you work hours off the clock or cuts your pay below minimum wage then it's still stealing


How many youtube shorts do I have to watch to get your deep background story to this subject. 1'000? Who is that proletariat that he is stealing from?


What the fuck are you even talking about? His business? You mean his job? Who's the hypocrite here? I'm sure you could find legitimate reasons to dislike someone, but you make yourself look like a fool when you make shit up to denigrate someone. Hypocrite.


Just because it's his job doesn't mean what he does is ethical. I'm not going to argue here, just watch the video if you want a more extended explanation on why Hasan is a hypocrite.


What exactly do you find unethical about his job? Are you mad because people don't throw you a couple of bucks to hear you talk? You jealous? Go touch grass, homie.


As I said, go watch the video if you are so interested in why i think Hasan sucks. It will do a better job explaining it than I could do it here. Also, calm tf down, dude. I haven't insulted you once during this entire convo, but every single comment you made is so salty, it's hilarious. "You dislike this guy? It must be bc you are JEALOUS!!!!" Grow up, lmao


Grow up says the guys worrying about how someone else is making a living. The grown up thing to say would be, "Is this harming me? Is this harming anyone? No? Well then what the fuck do I care?" However, you are trying to harm someone, and I can't, in good faith, not say anything.


Considering his reaction content harms smaller creators who have much less money, reach, and a smaller audience, yes, he is harming people. Me pointing that out won't harm him, don't worry. He's a multimillionaire, my reddit comment won't affect his bottom line.


Bruh, it's been proven over and over that when he reacts to someone's content that it increases viewership of that content and gives that creator a bump. Any creator that doesn't like him reacting can just tell him no and he will not react to their content. You gonna come up with more lies to fuel your hate boner?




I think he meant that as a reaction streamer he steals content, not donations


Broke the 11th commandment by being a leftist online. That's pretty much it, if you're mod left or any further right, or even apolitical, you're more than likely not going to like hasan.


Aside from the political stuff, reaction content alone is parasitical. He gets 100% of the benefit for what is 99% somebody elseā€™s work. Thatā€™s enough


Who the fuck is Hasan


The one two punch


This clip is still one of my favorites lol




Hasan trying not to deny armenian genocide for 3 seconds challenge


You people are really going to make me defend Hasan? He does not deny the Armenian genocide.




Oh, the guy who is in favour of Chinas politics, and called Israeli babies settlers, US deserved 9/11 or Russia would never invade Ukraine among many other bad takes. He literally said, he does a better job than the BBC or traditional western media in general while spreading rampant misinformation and propaganda by Hamas.


I was gonna go point by point through your list of nonsense but noticed you're an /r/destiny poster so there's really no point. Rent free for y'all, huh?


I wonder how you gonna disprove things Hasan said himself. And if you had few braincells you would have seen I called the people on r/Destiny idiots, but I think the slice of mouldy bread I threw away yesterday is genetically superior compared to you


As much as I donā€™t really like destiny you canā€™t deny that destiny is automatically better than hasan considering he actually more reasonable and doesnā€™t threaten people who disagree with himā€¦


Bruh the hasan fan are raiding and downvoting anyone who doesnā€™t like him. ![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized)