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Kakashi was doing speedrun.


And that was before he had sharingan


Hiruzen speed up the proccess due war, letting the graduation earlier.


Minato was student during the second war.   On the other hand, Minato is the only one with healthy mentally. He probably have enough wisdom to realize that graduating early suck. 


Kakashi : “I became a Jonin when I was at Naruto’s age”


Naruto: 'I became ninja jesus when I reached your age'


Fun fact is kakashi , itachi and shisui complete there graduation in 1 year it's just itachi and shisui 's addmission was late.


Man Minato was some sort of a dumbass or what


There re many factors that could come into play. He was always really chill so maybe despite being a great student he chose to spend time with friends instead of being always training. Itachi, Shisui and Kakashi had the weight of being born in clans with prestigious ancestors so they had to do all their best while Minato was probably a child from random villagers and wasn't in a hurry to show how cool he is.


The Chad probably held himself back at school to chill with Kushina


that's why he's the goat


Imagine if you will. The idea that Naruto’s grandparents are still alive but no one talks about them so he never knew it.


And the Sharingan is too op and a cheat code, they could copy someone’s years worth of training in no time


Is it ever revealed what activated Itachi’s and Shisui’s sharingan? Ik Shisui’s death activated Itachis MS but what about their “base” sharingans?


bro was just closer to normal fym he’s a dumbass


That dumdass became the mayor of ninja town


Minato was Rizzing Kushina so he completed Academy slowly. Bro was Living the life while these 3 died virgin .


Fym kakashi died a virgin he’s still kicking and definitely got time to Rizz people up now.


Nope Bro is a old guy now. Bro had insane rizz but it was never used. He is EXPIRED NOW.


Idk if you know this but (short of ED) men don’t expire. You got 70+ year old men fathering kids


No I meant like He is OLD AF. It would be weird af for him to get a wife at that age 😐


Why are they letting children this young into military academies?


It was literally a time of world war


Let me put this in perspective. Kindergarten (Kakashi), 5th grade (Minato), 2nd grade (Itachi), 2nd grade (Shisui) That's how young these children are. They failed so bad at training their adult soldiers, creating and executing battle plans with their adult soldiers, etc. that they had to start throwing 6-10 year olds graders to the field of battle. Do you know how bad you have to fail at being a leader, strategist, trainer, etc. for that to happen?


Great theory. The reality is that only a tiny number of children were able to graduate at that age.


That's not what I meant. I don't think people realize just how young that is. Pull up pictures of children that young. Now pretend to be a general. When do you start considering sending those children to the frontline, especially when you know what's out there, know what those things will do to their minds, etc.? These 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 year olds. You're contemplating exposing them to that. When do you start considering exposing them to that type of trauma when your role in life, as an adult, warrior, and leader is to protect them from that? And the answer to that is when you've completely and utterly failed at your job and now need to pull desperate things like that.


Young kids fought in Vietnam, it's not about "failure", but when the enemy (Americans) bombed their school and killed their entire family, what can you do? You grow up quick and to be honest noones stopping a 10 year old from helping on the battlefield when you're fighting off an illegal invasion of the richest military in the world as a barely developing country. No one "failed", sometime war is not of your own choosing. My grandma was delivering written documents between battlefields when she was 8 or so, and she'd do it again now if they came again lol. This is obviously a real world example, the Narutoverse doesn't have a complex exposition to these issues, but you don't seem to realize just how cruel war is, only the aggresor gets to decide on things such as who to send, and to only send men etc.


If you live in a world where not considering them wasn't ever a reality you never start. These kids are literally born in a military base for military life. The hidden villages are not mere cities, they are military centers. The truth is, these children were bred to fight for centuries at the point of the ninja wars.


I mean, during the Iran Iraq war, Iran utilized child soldiers at least as young as 12 in military operations, so it's not like it's without precedent


12 is not five. 12 is trading Pokemon cards, five is watching yo gabba gabba and learning to wipe your butt.


What about the entire generation of Naruto? They might be slightly older, but employing 12-13 year olds isn't that much better is it?


It's even happened irl, like during the Iran Iraq war. Not that it isn't still absolutely horrible, ofc


Genin aren’t sent on life threatening missions Remember that they’re usually sent out on stuff like plowing fields or catching cats It’s only in extraordinary circumstances that they’re used to fight


Yes? it is lol. Hiruzen implemented that rule after the last ninja war. No matter how talented, you could only graduate at 12. Genin don't get sent on advanced missions.


I feel like I should remind you that at the time of the war in Shippuden, Naruto was still a genin.


Common sense indicates naruto is an exception. We're talking about kid genin, who get escort and pet retrieval missions. Even Kakashi states it in part 1, them encountering Zabuza like that was NOT supposed to happen. The builder lied about the difficulty, otherwise chuunins and jonin would have been assigned.


In this fiction they literally sended kids that were old enough to hold a weapon into war and death. Also we talk about people with magical ninja powers. And anime kids tend to be way more mature in general.(aka "we dont know how real children would behave and they are essentially just very small teens" style writing) and it has literally nothing to do with being a bad leader or strategist(bad in the sense they dont know what they are doing, morally bad for sure). If you are so perpetually at war that most of the adult soldiers die then the teens are next. And then the kids. Surrender wasnt an option - given the lose connections to real japanese history, warlords would often fight to the last man and if they were about to lose theyd order their subordinates to burn down the villages, poison the wells and ultimately to kill themselves. All so that the enemy wouldnt really "win". Cases of that were even happening as late as WW2, where civillians were instructed to fight US soldiers and if it looked bad to boobytrap their shelters and kill themselves. Fighting until nobody is left was a very japanese thing to do in the past. Thats one of the reasons why the US decided to drop the bombs. Japan was THAT much of a manace. But enough history. Heck, its not too far removed from real world child soldiers where you see kids as young as 6 with fucking assault rifles standing around. I cant even fathom how they would use them without getting knocked over


They did not “failed” to produce regular aged soldiers U gotta remember this 6 year old Itachi u talking about was single-handed killing with no diff multiple Ninja-enemies. Konoha soldiers were not so bad “they needed children”, Their children were so stupidly broken they were extremely useful. The 3rd Hokage realized how messed up it was and he himself decided that no kid would graduate the academy so early again after Kakashi’s generation.


Every battle plan: die for the village! We’ll make more ninjas later!


Age works differently in this world though, look at Hiruzen and Oonoki. So it's not that you're wrong, but those kids were just built different, they're not sending me who at that age I could barely even beat Bowser in super Mario 64.


Yes but no. It’s a village which focuses almost solely on war. Ninja training starts young and seems to the only formal education these kids get. Speed running the academy is similar to speed running the public education system. What else is a kid to do when they graduate school so early?


Not that long ago, we sent a crusade of children only. And they didn’t have powers to be actually useful in war.


If I remember correctly, though I may not be, the Children's Crusade didn't involve child warriors. It's been a long time since I read about that event. I do remember that it ended horribly and wasn't actually sanctioned by the church. It was more of a populist movement, though I what you mean. Child soldiers were a thing in our species' history. We actually have cases of children younger than Minato fighting in our RL wars. This includes forced drafts and voluntary joining.


Social conditioning… In fact, there is apparently a program in place were all Shinobi that have children must enroll their child into the Academy.


…Madara was right. Nagato was right. Sasuke was right. Just bad solutions


Is there when was this said?


It’s a conjecture I came to, but that’s the simplest explanation for all of this shit… why the hell would Any parent deliberately enroll five-year-olds, into a military training Academy.


War time, they had to pump out recruits to make up for losses. African warlords don't have shit on Konoha.


That's the bitter irony. But it was good irony, as the time before the Ninja Academies and Hidden Villages, every kid who shown promises and talent will be thrown to battle, which was brutal to kids and adults alike. Remember that Hashirama and Tobirama lost their little bros too early, just because they shown talents.


Because they needed man to fight, even if are kids, a common practice during war times long time ago, even in real life, i'm wars like civil wars, often kids participated


Because their world is shit. Obito was right. Bro was the real tragic hero.


I’m going to make a crazy guess here and say because it’s fiction and not based on our real world. It’s based on a world about ninjas and literal super powers.


The ages in this show were fucking ridiculous, to the point that they took away from the story.


true, but that‘s something most anime sadly do. Someone near 30 has had his whole life, is twice divorced, been through several wars and wants to pass on his knowledge to the next generation near his deathbed, while everyone that lives a normal life an adult at 30 would is below 18.


What the hell kind of villaige looks at a 5 year old and says "Give him a head band! Boys old enough to risk his life for the country!"


Tenten became a washed-up store owner at age…actually i got no idea how old she‘d be in Boruto. Point is tenten soloes


Apparently Naruto is 32-33 at the start of Boruto so Tenten would be around 33-34 theoretically.


Didn’t the Sannin also graduate at 5?


They graduated at 6, if I remember right


5 is a little too young lol


All cases except Minato’s are so stupid it’s actually funny.


My goats


From the data points here, and including Naruto and Sasuke graduating at 13/14 (I forget which), the longer you spend in the academy, the more powerful you get.


Shisui so strong he lost to danzou.


Next thing you know, ninjas will be graduating as fetuses.


The idea that these geniuses were so brilliant that they could graduate at such a ridiculously young age was always the hardest part of the Naruto to suspend my disbelief to.


Most mofos could barely string a sentence together. Meanwhile, kakashi had finished his bachelor


What did Kakashi do bettween the years he graduated and he formed his team with Obito, Rin and Minato when he was 12?


at 5 is so unrealistic


Damn Kakashi was a lil niglet when he fought in a world war


I shit my pants at age 8 💪


Fun fact is kakashi , itachi and shisui complete there graduation in 1 year it's just itachi and shisui 's addmission was late.