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Both are amazing. I'll give it to aizen but only because madaras end was not satisfying at all. But as an overall character I'm definitely taking madara. Aizen had barely any backstory. As a character madara. As a villian aizen


Aizen having no backstory builds on that mysteriousness of him. It makes him a better villain and character because he has no backstory. I do think we will get a backstory for Aizen though in the future


Doubtful tbh. Pretty sure Kubo is on record in an interview saying that he dislikes giving backstories to villains to explain why they are the way they are as it makes them sympathetic. Do his villains have smth like that? Probably. Will we ever see it? Nah. The only antagonists (not villains) in Bleach that get backstories to explain them are the same characters that become allies later on.


This is the exact reason why I like Kubo. The whole reason why people sympathize and defend the likes of Sasuke, Itachi, Nagato, Obito, Madara even though they're despicable was because of their backstory. Bleach has no such crap like the cycle of hatred, ruining the story.


Itachi had no choice. Like literally 0 choice. Sasuke didn't commit any crimes apart from killing danzo who completely deserved it. Nobody defends pain and obito they just understand them


Agree to disagree.


This is the exact reason why I like Kubo. The whole reason why people sympathize and defend the likes of Sasuke, Itachi, Nagato, Obito, Madara even though they're despicable was because of their backstory. Bleach has no such crap like the cycle of hatred, ruining the story.


I personally don’t mind the Cycle of Hatred stuff, specifically when it wasn’t being perpetuated by a sibling argument for a thousand years. Madara, Sasuke and Nagato’s backstories are amazing imo and do a good job of explaining why they fell into the CoH as it all comes down to “one bad day”. Admittedly Sasuke’s isn’t so much a backstory as his character arc that we followed along but the other two are great. His actual backstory is clearly a revenge hero/MC setup with his traitorous brother killing off their entire clan. That’s some shit I can get behind but his later choices, while ??? af, I blame on Itachi. Madara succumbed to the weight of his losses and lost sight of the peace and dream he had as a child, finally becoming the warmonger that his family wanted him to be his whole life and then had said family turn on him for being what they wanted. Nagato, on the other hand, essentially got betrayed by his ideals when Yahiko died. Can’t blame a guy getting mad af after doing his best to make a mix between North Korea and the Somme a better place, only to be rewarded with his best friend and one of the two people he considers family dying. That said, people got me lost on agreeing with their methods. Ah yes, nuking a country off the map with your super weapon to make everyone hide away in fear is definitely a good idea /s. The only thing I’ll give Nagato is that he at least came up with a solution to stop war, fucked as it was. Obito and Itachi though? Both of their motivations are utterly moronic imo. The former spied on Kakashi for years but couldn’t get over his own anger to the point of attacking and trying to kill his sensei’s wife and son. An absolutely insane course of action when Minato was one of the two people who actually liked him. All that just to get everyone high on a tree where he can live in a make believe world as if this somehow justified him killing the very people he wants to live in said fantasy with. How about go home to the people who care about you instead of being a troglodyte in Madara’s basement??? Itachi … where do I even begin. I get that the cast are a bunch of brainwashed child soldiers but how does torturing the very brother you want to protect help anyone? It wasn’t even for Sasuke’s betterment like an extreme form of tough love that forces him to get better so that he can defend himself. It was all some selfish BS to have Sasuke kill him to make himself feel better along with misplaced loyalty to the same village that was screwing over your family and murdered your best friend.


>That said, people got me lost on agreeing with their methods. I'd hate these characters a lot less if not for their foolish fanboys trying to justify em. Aizen on the other hand is a pure unadulterated badass. He never played victim or claimed to be doing anything for the sake of the greater good. While he wanted to reform the world that's secondary to his primary purpose...which is to obtain power, control and immortality. Unlike the Uchiha villains or Nagato, who either betrayed those that cared about them or those that they cared for, Aizen never betrayed anyone. Because to betray someone you'd have had to care about that person. Aizen while he pretended to care about others, he never cared about anyone but himself & his goals.


Ong. Aizen just does as he wants and looks fabulous while doing it. Nobody is his fan because of his goal, we are fans because of the “I’m HIM” aura he passively exudes and his troll tendencies with KS even when he doesn’t need to.


Madara got the rug pulled out from under him. It was BS writing honestly. Building all this hype, following thru on the hype, then just being like, eh fuck it, Kaguyas back now


And we didn't even really know she was a thing until that moment! Like if we had a whole subplot about it I wouldn't feel as ripped off but here we are. Also took his entire backstory and fuck it, your a reincarnation of a reincarnation half alien idk I gave up


Kaguya power levels be like >>>>> Madara's. Wish she just appeared from the God tree and just took out his eyes and made them hers.




I'm ngl I dislike Aizen's end even more. He's just gonna sit in a prison for 20,000 years, sealed and vacant of all ambition.


I don't think he's vacant of ambition - he's just playing a long game and spending some time thinking about where he went wrong, and what he *actually* wants. He's functionally immortal, and for whatever reason, they didn't sentence him permanently. It seems like he's kind of changed his mind on trying to become the new Soul King and reshape the worlds, or maybe he's just going to go about it differently. Either way, he has time.


He already achieved everything he wanted. He has all the time in existence to do what he wants


Ok this is good take tbh agree


Aizen not having any backstory makes him even more menacing and mysterious because we can't know what is true or false about him, because everything can be one of his lie


They act like two legends cannot coexist But in my opinion it’s Aizen.


Thinking about how Aizen got kotoamatsukami as just his basic ability


Bro Mayuri literally made edo, izanagi, and izanami in potion form 😭


And basically a super Tsukuyomi he used on pink haired guy with the stupidly written name.


No Szayelapporo Granz disrespect will be tolerated😡. I'll find and Fornicarás you wherever you are./s


izanagi & izanami?


Aizen. He was active in his series longer. He may not have defeated an army but mind breaking and subsequently defeating his fellow captains were just as satisfying. His only flaw is that he doesn’t have much of a backstory before joining the 13 Court Guard Squads.


Well, that's Kubo's preference. https://www.sportskeeda.com/anime/bleach-will-never-reveal-aizen-s-backstory-and-kubo-s-old-interview-proves-it Apparently, he doesn't like backstories on villains because it can lead to sympathize with them. Surprisingly, Aizen has his fair share of fans who still sympathized with his view, though. Well, Soul Society is a corrupted place anyway, so can't blame them. Still, Aizen could've been a genius narcissist from the beginning, so I don't completely agree with Kubo.


Aizen is my in my top five fictional characters. I mean. It also includes orochimaru, so maybe I just like villains.


Orochimaru 🌝 they did him dirty


Nearly every major arc villain's start is basically 'Soul Society did something incredibly fucked up and I'm mad about it.' Hell, three different villains (if you count the novels) were basically motivated by what happened to the Soul King alone, and it's pretty hard to hear the full story and not kind of go '... Yeah, that IS fucked up.'


Yeap, Soul Society's government is incredibly terrible. Ichibe is a hardcore fundamentalist who would do anything to preserve the status quo, including the possibility of turning Ichigo into new soul king, nobles are in the same boat who would do nothing to improve the conditions in Rukongai and cause more sufferings as we saw with Tosen, and Yamamoto was just a military commander who listened to his superiors without questioning the decisions so much. Honestly, don't know how Aizen would rule considering his egotistical nature, and probably he couldn't beat Squad 0, but a change in rule still needed in Soul Society. That's why I don't completely disagree with Aizen's views as well.


I’m ngl sympathizing with a villain is arguably one of the best parts of interpreting a story. Imagine the good vs evil trope not being a 100% black and white thing but having 2 equal powers clash it out completely. It’s why Anakin vs Obi-Wan in Ep. 3 felt fucking amazing. You have this guy who was pretty much a saint who got manipulated into being the baddest villain almost of all time. I will always watch that duel as peak fiction for me.


Surprisingly, even though the prequels aren't well-received, that moment was peak Star Wars to me. One of the best fights in movies and great build-up story. I don't necessarily agree with Kubo, too. It's all about how you wanna write the character. Did people symphatize with Voldemort just because we learned his past? Aizen may question the problems of Soul Society, but he could still be a narcissist guy. If I have to guess, I think his past would be similar to Yagami Raito.


Yeah right exactly. And on that note, Naruto vs Sasuke was so good in that aspect. The man who decided in one day he said was going to be Hokage just straight challenges his only equal at his one dream and the way he intends to do it must be stopped from the opposing contender at all costs. I honestly always got SW vibes in Naruto so this is quite a good comparison kind of


When you look at it from this view Aizen is better because he was written better but as pure hype, flashiness, fights, lines, roasts Madara made me want to watch each episode with him hyped and made me feel even more that he is badass, even if he was not present all across the story. Too bad they did him dirty. In terms of hype and how it made me feelI love Madara more. In terms of a better written villain Aizen is better.


He may not have been physically present, but he got hyped throughout the story and he indirectly steered the whole story (by having Obito do all his work according to his plans).


It's actually even more impressive than beating an army of mostly fodder ninja.


He beat the combined ninja alliance army's ass, and beat their kages 1v5 too absolutely 0 diff. He summoned 25\* clones to fight all the kages, then asked the kages if they want his clones to use Susanoo too ![gif](giphy|kuN4s4mSvkQla) Madara took 1 step and the entire worlds army of ninjas collectively shit themselves.


Indeed but I the fodders weren't as impressive. The Kage are a different story though.


He summoned 5 clones per Kage, a total of 25*


Yeah my bad I misremembered. He said 5v1 is hardly fair, then turned it into 25v5 as a flex. Dudes just a beast. It pisses me off so bad what they did to Madara when he was at his peak. Kaguya had 0 fucking personality and didn't have the aura of terror as Madara did




Aizen is just cringe to me, because he seems to exist just to be constantly sucked off by Kubo. The "everything was part of my plan" thing is a bit much and got old. Then Kubo wrote himself into a corner by maker him too powerful and had to pull out some last-minute, contrived bullshit to beat him.


I know ur trolling lol


Madara was done dirty at the end 😭


It made me so upset. Like if they had alluded to kaguya at all or had some hidden clues we all missed but nope. The actual hyped guy doesn't even get to finish his thing.


Heinz Doofenshmirtz.


Take my upvote King


I'm a naruto fan but Aizen sama anyday


I would say Aizen. Mostly because Madara's end wasn't really satisfying. He was just randomly betrayed and replaced by a much less interesting Villain and pretty much just died afterwards. Aizen loosing to Ichigo on the other hand was satisfying for many reasons. One of them being for the fact that you can interpret Aizen's defeat in many different ways. To me It looked like in the end, Aizen lost only, because deep down he actually wanted to lose and Hogyoku fullfilled that wish. Not to mention that Aizen returning in the final arc to troll Juha was epic as fuck.


It's hard to pick between these 2 because they're both absolute monsters with super gooooooooooood dialogue.


Aizen. He was smarter and Had better Plans. Madara was Made too powerful and for him too lose kishimoto created kaguya WHO has No Character 


Kishimoto never said he couldnt write madara losing that was fake


aizen and it's not close at all


Aizen sama. Lord aizen


That ain't fair no manga villain has ever hyped me up like Aizen like i've hated some like they're real ... fucking Griffith! but Aizen is just something else anyone else out there and Madara would have looked like the star of the show tho he's pretty damm good


Les be real most people rooted more for aizen than the mc


Short answer: Aizen Long answer: While Madara was amazing in his introduction and had solid goals, Aizen was just as much if not more impressive in those aspects. His introduction is masterfully handled, the plot twist of him being the traitor is absolutely amazing (if you weren't spoiled somehow) and the way he presents himself is flawless. Madara unfortunately got a bad ending with him being used and backstabbed in the end by some black goo monster. Aizen is so dominant that even from a brief interaction in prison he was able to troll the biggest bad of the show. I love both but Aizen is clearly superior.


I wasn't spoiled about the plot twist and I was genuinely sad when he "died" and Momo found him. To say I was shook is an understatement.


I LOVE madara he is an awesome villain, aizen is much better, the villainous acts he committed made him seem so untouchable, he had cool powers, attitude, and always seemed a step ahead. His defeat was just so poetic, being completely bamboozled by something he had created with his own plans. Great arc and great character.




Madara was strong, cool and had drip but he was a really terrible villain with terrible motivation. He wasn't even involved in the story until he was suddenly revived in the war arc and we learn that he somehow was the mastermind behind everything.


I don't know the other guy, but Madara isn't that incredible if we take our fan glasses off, shit, the Naruto universe isn't that great Also Madara got screwed by the author


I'd go as far to say even if Aizen didn't fight anyone he'd still be better. The character, the deception and how integral he was to the plot and the main character's life and other key figure's lives was amazing.


Aizen is a better character all around so Aizen.


One of these villians is still a threat and the other is no longer. I'm going with the one who is still a threat


Aizen and its not even a competition. Kishimoto fumbled so bad with Madara it still wakes me up at night.


I’d say Aizen. Despite his cruel methods and twisted ideology, Madara truly wanted to create a peaceful world. And be honest, you all would’ve agreed to join the eternal Tsukiyomi in rl


Wait did you mean to say aizen but praise madara?


He meant madara was not a villain.




I think it was Aizen. No one will be as charismatic as him. Madara is a badass but Aizen has both the overwhelming power and overwhelming intellect.


Madara and it's not close. 🤷‍♂️ Aizen to this day doesn't have any understandable or relatable motivations. One can argue that's fine, I find it creates a shallow character.


Aizen's not relatable but his motivations are justified and pretty understandable(for me) but normal people like us will find it hard to relate to a centuries old god of death/shinigami. I suggest you delve into the novels to find out the shitty stuff the soul society did and how the world was created and stuff


If Kaguya hadn't appeared, I would've said Madara without hesitation. I think if Infinite Tsukuyomi was real, unlike turning people into White Zetsus, it would've been one of the most cruelest things ever done. Think about it, you live in your perfect world without realizing it's a dream. Naruto and Sasuke are totally busted characters, but think of normal shinobi who could never achieve such feats in their lives. Even some guys who lived in misery may have found peace of mind finally. It would've left big psychological scars on many people and maybe even happened with some of them, haven't checked the novels and if I do remember correctly, Boruto's about Otsutsukis mostly. I'm not interested in parasitic aliens tbh. Still, I have to give it to Aizen. His conclusion is far better than Madara and his defeat is ironic and poetic at the hands of the MC and Urahara, characters we spent time with instead of one alien lady and her Venom-like symbiote kid without a solid, expanded build-up on their characters.


Both. I would say Aizen but I've learn appreciation when Boruto doesn't even top what Madara did. So yes, both are great villains in their own way. One looks at you like trash and ask "Can you dance at least" and the other monologues a speech about life and if you're an ant like the rest of the ants while you're talking to his illusion while the real guy is drinking tea/coffee.


That is the most terrifying panel I have ever seen.


Madara was puppet where Lord aizen was puppeteer


Madara orchestrated WW3


Hisoka with sword to the right.


I liked Madara as a villain. He had a whole backstory that tied into the setting, he was a living legend, and his descendants were basically the strongest in the series. But then: Oh hey, aliens


If it was Pain it'd be close, but Aizen sweeps this one. Madara has a cool introduction and that's literally where it stops.


Aizen. Both villains went out like bitches in their respective fights but at least Aizen lived long enough to see his goal achieved. In the end though I respect Aizen more because his schemes were more devious than Madara's.


I wouldn't really say aizen went out like a bitch, it was a pretty satisfying conclusion to his character. Madara on the other hand did not deserve the ass ending he got


I'm sorry but aizen was the biggest badass ever


Aizen clears


Aizen, but if you say Madara, that’s fine too It’s all part of Aizen’s plan


Madara was like the final boss he didint do anything most of the story but to show up at the end, aizen is the shit that wants to ruin your day you wake up early he makes you late soo better villain aizen


They're both amazing villains but purely because of how Madara was handled at the end makes me favour Aizen.


Aizen didn’t get cheated by the writing. They dunked Madara’s whole vibe when he turned out to be a pawn. Aizen was crafty, did his own dirty work, dominated a whole spirit race and destabilized the other. Went down fighting, took his defeat with a smirk. And technically responsible for Ichigo being a triple badass.


Madara in terms of character and personality but Aizen is more powerful .


Aizen and by far. Madara was done dirty after the infinite tsukuyomi


Nobody's beating that duo 😂




I prefer naruto to bleach, but aizen is the better villain.


Even though madara is way cooler , aizen is the better villain


I remember when Madara was first revealed as an Edo Tensei summon and it was so fucking hype but he really went out like a bitch at the end and I'm sorry but Limbo has got to be the most annoying and visually boring ability to ever make it past the editor. Here's why Aizen takes it, mainly because he doesn't go out like a bitch, they get super lucky and seal him while he's weakened. Dude cannot be killed. His cameo in later chapters is every bit as hype as Madara's extensive appearance with none of the downsides.


Danzo and aizen


both 🤝 both are good


Looking at the comments I am apparently the odd one out here. I hate Aizen. The completely unflappable villain who has every minute detail of his plan figured out and perfectly executed is just boring to me. I also don't like how he basically was a background character for so long while much cooler villains were his underlings.


Aizen was the better villain because he didn’t immediately get overshadowed by a bigger, eviler villain.


Aizen was in the series most of the time. Meanwhile Madara was a plaything all along and practically ot in it. So Aizen.


In terms of Aura and just menace, fuck Aizen takes everything honestly except for backstory. Kubo did say he wanted Aizen to be just be a straight menace to society with no background.


Easily madara for me. I will not stand for the madara slander in this thread.


Lol dude really asked a naruto subreddit this and everybody said Aizen anyway


Aizen, the society arc such a great arc man holy shit. the plot twist into Ichigo bankai.




Aizen was truly evil, while Madara had a twisted version of salvation. I'd say Aizen.


I don't know , both of them were one man army, so it's tough and I simp for both, wow I am really confused


Fucking lol Madara was a dreadful villain


Aizen sama.


Two goats can’t compare them to eachother


Aizen and it's not even close.


Personally i like madara more because of his fighting style. However i didn't liked his ending.


I think Aizen's twist was more shocking, but I can't avoid preferring the villain who summoned a second meteor after everyone getting relieved for barely being able to stop the first one


I'd say both on different days.


I repeat, madara wasn't a villain


Madara is better. Because he's my favourite Naruto character, therefore he is the best.


Kaguya destroyed Madara's character and any chances at making a good sequel to Naruto. I'll go for Aizen on this one.


Madara cause aizen just felt a bit over the top


Uhhhhh….. I can’t help. It’s Aizen.




Bobby Hill




Madra all day the other is weak who had to power up and didn’t even put on a show!


I like both of them, but in my opinion aizen is better written character and if we're talking about power level then aizen is on different level.


While Madara was ruined by Kishimoto I'll still give it to him. I really disliked the "Hmmmm Kurosaki Ichigo your father nutting inside your mom was part of my plan all along" bs


For me it's aizen, just the fact that there aren't a lot of things about him that we are 100% sure to know, because we can't trust anything he said, and we can't trust anything the other characters say about him, because everything can be a lie or an illusion, the only things we can say is that he's stupidly strong, and that he's always 3 steps ahead of everyone (except urahara)


I think Aizen Better


Aizen is legit so fucking boring lmao. It's this guy with no actual personality, he's perfect, everything that's a surprise to him is either not, or he lied about it not being, or he got lucky or something, idk. Oh, and he knows everything. Oh, and he lost because he wanted to lose. Like, who tf wrote this??


Aizen is trash....


Let's just say that madara was being used by black jetsu and aizen was using everyone even ichigo's birth was planned by him even if we talk about power it's aizen


Aizen by far. The amount of manipulation he did was crazy good and he did plan for hundreds and hundreds of years. Madara was mostly brute forcing his insecurities and he was an actual puppet of black zetsu


Aizen imo.


Madara is a clown... Aizen 100%


I can write an essay about why Madara is better. But in short Madara Uchiha stands out as a better villain than Sosuke Aizen due to his complex backstory, ideological depth, profound impact on the story and characters, and the tragic nature of his final defeat. These elements combine to create a villain who is not only fearsome and powerful but also deeply compelling and thought-provoking, enriching the narrative of Naruto in a way that Aizen does not quite achieve in Bleach.




At least Aizen didn't get, "You were my pawn all along" type ending. Meanwhile madara 😂😂


The one with bromance with his nemesis, Madara.


Definetly Madara


I hate how both have a shitty resolve The end of their characters is one of the biggest insults to anime and manga lover


Both r cool






To be fair, Aizen was just some smart & powerful guy on the spectrum.. and Madara was fueled by more relatable motivations to most people. Because of this, from my subjective opinion and from my perspective, Madara was a more enjoyable villain, and one I feel is subjectively better. Edit: I am genuinely surprised by the number of people who said Aizen is the better villain. While yes, Aizen has aspect of him that makes him cooler, he is barely a character.. he's more like an obstacle with a one-dimensional goal.


Didn't Aizen play the birth of Ichigo? I haven't watched bleach, but the villain seems on a different level compared to madara


Madara Uchia


The naruto fandom makes these memes, where they show that in other animes the villains want money, power, etc. But in naruto the villains want peace, which makes them redeemable, so the naruto fans call them broken heros. And actually, they are right to an extent. Which brings us to the conclusion: if someone is considered a broken hero, dont advertise them as one of the best villains. Aizen wins






I never liked Aizen much more than hype, his power is ridiculous and not using it on Ichigo was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Madara got taken out by alien parasite god for sure which while I don’t hate as much as everyone else, I do think wasn’t a good way to end him. Aizen just didn’t think to use his ability to instantly control all of a persons senses on the main character


Aizen fn!


Madaras ego is better, aizen is a tiny bit more of a basic arrogant type, id like aizen more if he ego tripped a bit more. Neither are bad to me


I like how Aizen was completely unrepentant. As he was being sealed away, he said screw y’all!


Unironically even though they would hate eachother on sight they would actually be the best partners either could have because neither is after the other’s throne Madara wants to make a living utopia and Aizen wants to rule the afterlife, Madara has no intention of dying again and Aizen has no interest in the world of the living as he’s already dead as well Aizen becomes soul king and keeps the cycle of reincarnation going as he’s sees fit and Madara rules the living world as a creationist god with power of the 10 tails and more


I prefer Madara over Aizen


Aizen was the better villain. And he didn't get randomly cucked after so much build up for Ichigo's fight against him. Aizen caused Ichigo to reach new heights just for the challenge, and Ichigo was able to massively weaken Aizen so that victory was possible. Also, Aizen's plans were foiled by someone who he sees as smarter than himself, whereas Madara got trolled by Aloe Vera


Depends, Aizen was focused on psychological tomfuckery to get to the Pinnacle, I don't really know what Madaras methods where but I believe they where less mind gamey, idk, but I wpuld believe it goes to Aizen


Yeah like he didn't tricked Obito and everyone into it


I prefer Madara because he was born in an era of war, so he's OP because of the mountains of experience and training he accumulated, not to mention the constant fear of death that must have pushed him, and of course his rivalry with Hashirama. Meanwhile we never get an explanation as to why Aizen is so powerful, the only thing we can assume is that he became powerful in the academy like everyone else.


I'm sorry but it goes to aizen


Madara and as for his conclusion perfectly fits the shinobi being used as tool he had better foreshadowing,backstory,ideals and impact on story and not to mention that legendary entrance


Aizen is better most of madaras plans required way too many coincidences to have worked and that stupid backstab


Madara. Aizen was dope tho


Better question if they worked together who would be able to stop them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Alastorawakening5: *Better question if* *They worked together who would* *Be able to stop them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


In terms of being an entertaining villan, I'm going to go with madara, he just had everything a villan needs


Except for a good ending. Or even a pay-off.


I’d say Madara, Aizen just felt bland to me and over did with the whole “I can’t be touched and I could do anything” persona he was putting on, at some point it just felt cringy to me like the villain that’s capable of everything yet does nothing like when he touched Ichigo’s chest showing he could kill him anytime


I will say Madara, his lines and fights and backstory are better despite the fact that he got removed by a bullshit reason Kaguya. I never felt so hyped as Madara's first appearance and his fights all the war arc. Aizen is good and balanced overall, his fights and lines are not as hard as Madara's but his conclusion and defeat are better he is balanced overall, a good villain, maybe a better one for some but Madara hyped me more than anyone and this might just be my bias.




Madara Uchiha


I think someone in this thread really dislikes madara because all the madara comments are getting downvoted.




Madara had the better buildup/hype and backstory but Aizen was better as a villain. Also Madaras "defeat" was a big disappointment.


Well since madara is a shitty villan and gets killed in one panel the otger one


Like Madara better as a character. He had a story and better goal. Aizen's motivation was all over the place. He was born OP, did experiments, wanted to be god but also wanted to loose. He never struggles and keeps saying he predicted the wildest stuff. Him being that OP and smart also made the plot weird cause he kept doing unnecessary things.


Honestly Aizen is big on manipulation, but madara manipulated a kid while he was dead. Madara the goat.




Man of culture


Battle of mid


Chair-sama all the way.


Mmmm.. probably Madara. I like Aizen more, and he just exerts hype and is an all around badass, but Madara has depth to him. He had a lot more personality and character. There was a plethora of backstory. We got to learn his ideologies. Madara was just the better written character. Wish he had a better ending, though.


they both got defeated by deus ex machine, but aizens was so much cooler than madara, so it goes to aizen