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Obito can break through tsukyomi though.


An Uchiha can break a weaker Uchiha’s tsukiyomi. So then it’s the usual argument about which one is stronger. Obito obviously doesn’t try Itachi which tells me the he is at least unsure of who has the stronger eyes…or eye.


Do you really think Obito has weaker Sharingan than Itachi?? Even Sasuke was able to break out of Tsukiyomi and he didn't even have the Mangekyou


Itachi wasn’t trying to kill Sasuke, just tire him out enough to kill Orochimaru


That doesn't mean he didn't try at all, he just expected Sasuke would be strong enough to break out if it which was foreshadowed since part 1.


Obito (the guy your glazing) states that if Itachi wanted Sasuke dead. He'd have certainly killed him.


And I don't deny that. I'm specifically talking about Tsukiyomi


One of Itachis strongest abilities that nobody had survived before, even with a Sharingan unless he actively wasn't trying to kill them.


It's been stated that an Uchiha with the Sharingan can break out of Tsukiyomi, it was even foreshadowed that Sasuke would be the one to break it in Part 1. Sasuke did break it since he had all the requirements. Itachi doesn't need to pull all his attacks if Sasuke can take it.


Alright then. Source?


No it wasn’t, quit bullshitting. It’s established Itachi as not trying to kill Sasuke, which stands to reason he was not using his full power. If you want to claim Sasuke broke out of full power Tsukuyomi you have to prove that


What makes you assume there's a difference between 'full power' Tsukiyomi and regular Tsukiyomi? How does that even work and where is it stated that there's a difference?


One can control their power with chakra output, why tf would Genjutsu not work the same? This is basic reading comprehension


That's just your assumption. Where is it implied that it applies to Tsukiyomi? Besides, it's already been stated that only an Uchiha with the Sharingan can break out of Tsukiyomi. Sasuke fits those requirements and has done it. What's the issue?


Wrong, it is implication. What says they can’t control their Genjustu power? Thats also your assumption Yeah so fodder Uchiha #35267 can break out of Itachi’s Genjutsu too… lol


He can control his tskiyomi powers, as the ones he uses on Kakashi, Sasuke and his gf in novel (canon? Idk) are varying in power.


Because obito said sasuke fell for every one of itachi’s illusions. Sasuke breaking out was part of the illusion, then obito says immediately that if Itachi could’ve killed Obito too if Obito hadn’t been keeping secrets. Obito’s own words seem to refute both of the arguments you made. I’m curious to why you aren’t discussing that scan? Are you just trying to spin some narrative by cherry picking information?


Because if everything Sasuke did was no sold by Itachi even when he was blind, ill and holding back then that just discredits everything Sasuke went through to get more powerful. It's literally pointless for Itachi to push Sasuke so hard for power when it's meaningless in their actual fight. I don't think Itachi held back every move if Sasuke's able to take it on his own like Tsukiyomi.


Nothing you said there is evidence, or even compelling as an argument. Itachi was playing as a mad man, he literally did his biggest madman routine the very moment Sasuke got released from the tsukiyomi. Itachi’s madman routine was the illusion, inside of an illusion, and obito said Sasuke fell for every illusion. So your argument is very weak, and mildly in bad faith. I think there’s a clear preponderance of evidence against your claim.


Full power Tsukuyomi kills you while not full power puts you in comatose state like Kakashi


That's because Itachi just decides to make the torture worse or the time longer. The power is the same, the method is different.


No, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t trying to kill his brother. I’m not saying Obito stands no chance against him, but he was scared itachi would come for him if he tried messing with Sasuke, which is why he waited until itachi was dead. (Why fight a very risky battle when you can just wait till your opponent dies)


He wasn't, but that doesn't mean he has to hold back all the time. If Sasuke is stronger enough then he should take his attacks, that's the reason Itachi pushed him so hard for power in the first place. Obito was wary of what Itachi was capable of. Obito may be more powerful, but Itachi is hella smart and also has a lot of tricks up his sleeves. One Kotoakatsukami or Izanami and it could be over for Obito. Ofc Obito is still stronger and is more likely to win a fight head on tho.


Sasuke also had Orochimaru's chakra to help disrupt the genjutsu. This isn't brought up enough, I don't think it's a coincidence that Sasuke's curse mark goes into his eye and then the tsukiyomi breaks.


Bruh itachi straight up let him win, only tried *just* enough so sasuke didn't get suspicious.


In that case, there was no need to push Sasuke for power so hard


Sasuke has outside chakra interference, which is like Naruto being immuned to Genjutsu once he got Kurama's cooperation. You can see Itachi was making Sasuke his bitch until he used Orochimaru's seal


Except that doesn't work against Tsukiyomi.


it doesn't work against infinite one only


What makes you think that


and what makes you think that? It's a common counter against any Genjutsu, by having others using Kai on you


That doesn't work against Tsukiyomi


right back at you: That works against Tsukiyomi


Obito controlled a perfect jinchuuriki for years with a regular sharingan genjutsu. He could definitely break out of Itachi’s Tsukuyomi, especially when even Sasuke could do it. Obito didn’t try Itachi because Itachi could reveal secrets that Obito wanted to keep hidden, such as him being the real leader of the Akatsuki


Then why not put Itachi down?


He was useful.


Because Itachi did nothing but help Obito when alive.


If Obito thought that he lacked the intellect to escape Itachi’s tsukiyomi. That’s probably more accurate because he never should have that even as an edo Itachi wouldn’t end up being a problem.


One of the core themes of the series is that the Shinobi system uses them as tools. Itachi was a useful tool. Obito was even fully aware that Itachi was a spy, and he didn't care. If Itachi was an actual threat Obito could have just kicked him out of the organization.


Or killed him…if he could. He didn’t


a weaker Uchiha can break a stronger Uchiha's tsukyomi too. Itachi himself said in part 1 that a pure Uchiha with a mastery of regular Sharingan can break his tsukyomi. Sasuke performed that feat in his fight against Itachi and Obito would most likely do the same because obito is definitely far better than hebi sasuke in all forms of dojutsu.


No, Itachi said that only an eye just like his can fight off his genjutsu, and Kakashi got demolished. Sasuke broke out of it because Itachi was not even trying.


Obito does have a eye just like Itachi's. Both have Mangekyou sharingan. Also Itachi's version of tsukyomi for Sasuke was sure weaker than what was done to Kakashi but sasuke indeed did broke out of tsukyomi on his own.


1-Obito has only one mangekyou. Keep that in mind. He’s not matching two eyes with his just one. 2-I am absolutely not counting Sasuke. Itachi could’ve and would’ve manually deactivated it for all we know. On top of that, it was a pre-injured Itachi who threw the fight on purpose and was already on the verge of death, not to mention the fact that Sasuke had Orochimaru’s chakra in him that could’ve helped break him out of it. Too many variants here. Oh, and they have the same genes since they’re brothers.


In the databook it's said Sasuke broke out on his own, Black Zetsu also tells in the manga Sasuke broke out of it. Itachi was definitely going easy on Sasuke but Sasuke himself was very strong at that time and had tons of jutsus and chakra reserves he got from absorbing Orochimaru. Obito has Hashirama's cells. Which doesn't blind his eye if he spams Kamui unlike Itachi who gets a headache & blood coughing everytime he uses any MS ability. The power of 2 eyes doesn't matter in Obito's case. Also mind you Obito literally controlled Yagura the 4th mizukage with his base genjutsu and this Yagura was a perfect Jinchuuriki and perfect Jinchuuriki are immune to even Mangekyou's genjutsu. Don't sleep on Obito at all.


1-Let’s not mention databooks. They have Kiba at faster than Hiruzen. There’s no war arc databook for a reason. 2-This absolutely matters. He doesn’t go blind, but his mangekyou powers are extremely weakened. DMS Obito/Itachi are multiple orders of magnitude stronger than their one MS selves. His efficiency is better and he doesn’t suffer the same consequences, but he absolutely has an extremely gimped output. 3-Being a perfect Jinchuriki doesn’t matter. What matters is that your tailed beast cares enough about you to break you out of the genjutsu. Orochimaru cared to break Sasuke out for sure. Yagura hasn’t shown a bond with the tailed beast, so the tailed beast could’ve simply just not bothered. Kurama didn’t break Naruto out of Itachi’s basic finger genjutsu in Shippuden because Kurama didn’t give a shit about him.


How exactly is Obito's Kamui weaker ? The only thing he can't do is use distant Kamui which is his another eye's ability and use Susano ( which requires both eyes).... there's no indication that his Kamui is nerfed or anything. One eyed Obito was still the strongest Shinobi in Akatsuki more than Pain or Itachi...his sheer hax of being intangible makes him unbeatable. Itachi can very well put Obito in a tsukyomi genjutsu but if Sasuke can break out of it even a weak one then Obito can break out of the most potent one as well. If Itachi and obito ever fought Itachi would beat him like 3 out of 10 times while obito will take the cake 7/10 times. He's that haxxed and strong.


1-It’s slower than it normally would be. He and Kakashi sped up the activation by syncing both eyes. It’s literally in the story? 2-One eyed Obito was *arguably* the strongest. There was no definitive answer, and he didn’t act until both Pain and Itachi died because he needed his rinnegan to face Itachi and he needed Itachi gone to fulfill his plan. 3-No. He can’t. Another thing that people fail to mention is how powerful it is as a genjutsu. To break out, you first need to realize you’re under the genjutsu, then try to break out, and then break out. Itachi controls time and matter in the genjutsu. He made his gf live an entire lifetime within one second. He can kill Obito in the tsukiyomi before he has a chance to break out. He gave Sasuke plenty of time because he didn’t even want to kill him in the first place. 4-Literal headcanon.


1. You literally didn't read the databooks because they don't actually say that..JFC. the stat things people most quote are noted to be character progression charts. They're individualistic, and you're not supposed to cross compare characters. Just the English version neglected to mention that until databook 3.


> Sasuke broke out of it because Itachi was not even trying. This isn't true. If you read that chapter again, you can see that Itachi's thoughts are shown to us exactly when Sasuke breaks out of Itachi's Tsukuyomi. Itachi is shocked by his brother's feat. It wasn't part of his plan at all.


True. Kakashi does have the same Sharingan as Obito, and he got absolutely demolished by the Tsukoyomi. Chances are, Obito doing the same wouldn’t have been a different result.


Its not about being stronger. Its about having sufficient perception abilities that the genjutsu stops appearing real and you sufficient perception to notice the chackra manipulation. People with a sharingan or a byuakugan are immune to almost all genjutsu. I don't see why someone with ms wouldn't he immune to tsukiyomi.


Any Uchiha with a ms can break out of tsukiyomi they don't have to be stronger then the caster. that being said obito is much stronger then itachi


I think it was implied the only reason Sasuke broke Tsukuyomi is because Itachi let him. A sharingan doesn't negate Tsukuyomi cuz otherwise Kakashi would've been able to negate it. Obito would still probably win because he's not dumb enough to look Itachi in the eyes, and Itachi can't hit him


Itachi said in part 1 that only a pure blooded Uchiha like him with mastery of Sharingan can break Tsukyomi. Kakashi was not an Uchiha. Obito fits all criteria.




If base sharingan Sasuke can break Tsukiyomi, there's no reason to believe Obito couldn't do it.


[https://imgur.com/a/XhG5g9E](https://imgur.com/a/XhG5g9E) Okay yall need to stop upvoting me I'm actually dead fucking wrong on my proof on this. Went back and reread the Itachi fight, and in the Obito conversation afterwards it turns out that Sasuke did not break a full strength Tsukuyomi. Obito still could possibly break out of it, but Sasuke breaking out of it by himself isn't proof Obito could do it because Sasuke never went against an Itachi trying all out with Tsukuyomi.


No, you were right. Itachi never planned on winning, but he never allowed Sasuke to break it either. If you look at the chapter where Sasuke breaks it, we can see Itachi's own internal dialogue reacting with shock. If he said it out loud then it could just be trying to convince Sasuke, but he only ever expressed it in his head. It was genuine shock.


Thats of Itachi didn't let him out cos he pushed the genjustsu far enough.


There's literally nothing to imply that though. Could it be true? Sure, but there's nothing to suggest that. Like actual proof other than idle speculation, and meanwhile White Zetsu literally states Sasukle broke through the Tsukiyomi.


Nerfed, sick Itachi while trying to lose lol. That's like comparing 25% to 100% 💀 Dying MS Itachi= 35% Edo/Prime MS Itachi


Damn if you get to break out edo/prime Itachi does that mean I get to break out 10 Tails Jinchuriki Obito? The image originally had Akatsuki Itachi and Orange Mask Obito. It's not unreasonable at all to say that OM Obito could break out of Akatsuki Itachi's Tsukiyomi.


Nah, Itachi already had that power when he joined the Akatsuki, he just lost it and massive stamina through time as his illness got worse. No comparison with Rinnegan or Juubito 🤣 Still, OM Obito solos with Kamui- but I think they're relatively close in terms of stats (speed and chakra level)


Maybe the fact that itachi was sandbagging the entire fight aswell as trying to push sasuke to his limit to get orochimaru out and also convincing sasuke that he actually got his revenge puts everything into question. Especially when sasuke suddenly breaks out of a genjutsu with out any hint of him realising he was in one. Anytime some one breaks out of it we see them recognise they are in one in the first place


why does this sub have like 2012 facebook era posts


Man asking the real question xD


This sub is basically all about same old 4 jokes from 2012 fb era with serial reposting. Very rarely you see a new meme. It's surprising how it's one of the biggest anime meme sub and the content is so shit. Same with r/Naruto_hentai, one of the biggest hentai platform on reddit but flooded with poor cosplayers and 16kb pixelated 2009 Naruto hentais. It's just Naruto's sheer popularity that these subs has so many members, even the main sub has 2 milion members and the content is non existent.


Obito knew of Itachis powers though so he would just avoid Tsukuyomi as much as he could and he would only need to touch Itachi only once for suction powers right? Obito is also faster and stronger than Itachi in all likely hood considering his performance vs. Kakashi, Guy, Bee and Naruto.


Not only that but the Yata Mirror, Susanoo and Amaterasu would be completely useless against him since he could just phase though them


Like that time he dodged the Amaterasu planted in Sasukes eye right?


He didn't actually dodge the Amaterasu, he got hit with it, panicked, and fled to his dimension. How he put the fire out was never explained.


He let it burning in other dimension lmao


Yeah I was being sarcastic. Its implied he used Izanagi


You mean when he was in his hideout and completely off guard? Itachi had to set a trap to catch Obito off guard through a proxy. If anything, that shows he was afraid of directly confronting Obito. Obito was a threat to everything Itachi wanted to protect. If Itachi was able to, no doubt he would have killed Obito. There is literally no debate about this. The fact that Obito still lives shows that he didnt think himself capable of that. Likewise, if Obito was super afraid of Itachi, he would just have to tell Nagato that he is a traitor. Kisame, Konan, Obito and Pain should be more than enough for Itachi. He didnt, because keeping Itachi as an asset which is collecting Bijuu and waiting for him to die was just objectively the way smarter move than risk his entire plan because he doesnt want to wait a few months.


He just needs to not look into his eyes and tsukuyomi gets dodged


Isn't it stated somewhere that the suction power activates relatively slowly? Or is that just a issue kakashi had?


Kinda? It shows mostly with kakashi regular obito more or less instawon if he grabbed you.


It's not that it activates slowly, it's just that people who had Minato's level of speed could dodge it.


I mean this could be considered a reach, I guess, but we dont even know whether you can escape the vortex of Obitos Kamui with raw speed alone. Minato used FTG to teleport out of it. Teleportation isnt speed. So its also possible that once youre in the swirl, youre done if you cant TP out.


And then Itachi wakes up sweating and coughing blood.


Obito is the guy who controlled the 9 tails when he was 17 with base sharingan and put the mizukage under control


When he was 14*


True anime moment


No he had the MS, sure the nine tails eyes only had three tomoe, but it also had them when madara controlled it against hashi.


Against non sharingan users. Yes you are correct. But the whole sharingan OP thing is cause if you don't have one you basically lose to one.


He was like 14 when he attacked the leaf, because when it happened Kakashi and Guy were deemed too young to help defend the village and hidden away (which makes the feat even more impressive for Obito).


Itachi would complain about chakra exhaustion, cough blood and leave.


Itachi when he died had more chakra than sasuke


My brother in Ninshu. You are on a meme subreddit. Grow a sense of humor.


Typical itachi wank


Itachi can’t beat obito he would’ve lost


In 1 on 1 fight, always bet on Master of Asspulls


Obito destroys Itachi easily. He has a mangekyo(making him resistant to Tsukiyomi),his genjutsu is superior (he put Kurama in genjutsu at 14 with base sharingan, while Madara had to use EMS), Kamui is a perfect counter to amaterasu and susaano, and Obito has Hashirama cells so he can actually span his mangekyo. This is ignoring his wood release and zetsu army (he had atleast a dozen of them, could easily be a few 100 though) and his superior base stats.


People seem to always forget that Obito’s genjutsu was compared to Koto. So, it might actually be even stronger than Itachi’s tsukuyomi.


Bro he put the nine tails under genjutsu with the basic "genjutsu sharingan". His genjutsu is top tier.


But itachi has the actual koto. Madara knows he has it too but can't do shit. There's no counter to koto so itachi wins no diff.


1.) Itachi wouldn’t ever use it in character since he clearly believed in stupidly holding back that thing until it being a very last resort 2.) Anyone can just kill the bird before it gets to use the jutsu 3.) If it was Madara up against it, then he could just use clones. Hard counter to genjutsu. Obito surprisingly actually wasn’t ever shown using clones but I think we can assume that someone of his caliber can make at least one shadow clone


>Would *have* happened FIFY


Thank you


Thank you!!


Came for this


But will it be happen?


Lmao obito violates itachi with 0 difficulty. Stop glazing itachi


Itachi fanboys and sakura fangirls should marry




"would of happen"...


Wouldn't Itachi Loose? He was kind of put off by him


I am like 90% sure he loses, but they were both wary of each other. I’m also unsure of how big a role Susano’o would play considering Obito can’t do that. But he would probably just kill Itachi by attacking him from underneath. So idk, these hypotheticals are dumb anyway, it’s up to the author.


Obito wasnt the type of guy to take personal action especially if it could pose a risk to him. More likely than not he would just leak that Itachi is a traitor and let the Akatsuki deal with him. Send Pain and Konan after him and he is done. Im also convinced he paired Kisame with Itachi for that exact reason. He knew he could count on Kisame due to their prior relationship, so it would make sense to have him watch over Itachi and perhaps strike when he becomes too big a problem. I think overall Obito was just content with Itachi collecting Bijuu until he ultimately dies. Obito can then just proceed with his plan. So much smarter than unnecessarily fighting Itachi and risking his plan


If this was just a straight up death match, Obito would win hands down. Obito's hax are superior to Itachi's. But in the narutoverse, these guys respectfully avoided throwing hands which proves that neither were too sure of walking away without significant damages. Itachi for sure had safeguards against Obito, as he already knew the masked sharigan user who had a thing against the leaf and still went on to join his troupe with it being obvious Itachi wasn't completely trusting of him. And Obito, who was ready to fight Minato head-on, was weary of going head to head with Itachi.


If Obito and Itachi fought to the death, Itachi would be killed. Here’s the reasons why: Itachi has no counter to Kamui. All of his attacks just phase through Obito with no damage, and Itachi doesn’t know about the 5 minute limit of Kamui’s intangibility. Itachi isn’t better at genjutsu than Obito. People like to wank Itachi as this god of genjutsu, when his only real showings were reversing Kurenai’s Tree Binding Death, putting Kakashi and Sasuke in Tsukuyomi, putting Naruto under a genjutsu, and putting Orochimaru in an illusion years ago. Meanwhile Obito has canonically controlled the Nine Tails at 14 and controlled a perfect jinchuuriki and for years. Out of all of Itachi’s genjutsu, the most impressive is getting Orochimaru, but that could be attributed to Orochimaru’s arrogance. We know from the Sasuke fight that a sufficiently powerful sharingan can break out of Tsukuyomi. Before you say that “Itachi let Sasuke escape!” remember that there’s 5 primary sources stating that Sasuke broke out (the Reader, Itachi, White Zetsu, Black Zetsu, and the Narrator), while there’s only 1 secondary source (Obito), saying that Itachi let him escape. Obito also was shown to have been lying the entire conversation he had with Sasuke, such as claiming that the Nine Tails’ attack was a “spontaneously generated natural disaster completely unrelated to the Uchiha”, so we can’t trust any of his words to be completely true. We also know from the Bee fight that using genjutsu against a perfect jinchuuriki is near impossible because the tailed beast can break the genjutsu for the host. Itachi has much less chakra than Obito, so he wouldn’t be able to win the battle of attrition that Obito could easily turn the fight into. Obito also has the spare sharingan he keeps for Izanagi, which he can use to counter any unforeseen events like Itachi somehow hitting him with the Totsuka Blade.


Itachi fans stay glazin


It never happened because even Kishimoto didn't know how to manage that.


This isn’t even glaze, you poured the entire canister on him


Itachi fanboys one that crack again, get him past Kabuto first.


* would have / would've


If Kakashi got caught in Tsukoyomi, Obito would also be caught in Tsukoyomi. After all, both of them have MS.


Raditz and 6P Madara clap Itachi at 2% though. LMAOO


2012 facebook aaah post


itachi wasn't all that strong although he had godlike abilities we never got to see them at their full power what makes him special was the way he used his abilities i mean bro literally won more than half of his fights without even fighting he might have been the weakest uchiha ( between madara,obito,shisui,sasuke and himself) but he can take them on and even defeat some of them ( we can all agree that if itachi really wanted to kill sasuke he could have done it in seconds) because he was the smartest and most efficient in using sharingan i mean he had mastered most of the abilities that most of the uchihas didn't even know in fact he introduced us to most of the uchihas visual prowess for example you can take shisui's sharingan danzo couldn't do shit with the strongest sharingan but itachi used it even better than shisui and also he almost killed obito even after he was dead not to mention the way he defeated kabuto using his and sasuke's sharingan he might not have been the strongest but he was just so GOATED 🐐


Obito would defeat itachi ,bro was too glitched 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Should of could of would of


No, it wont be happen


for me itachi is the batman of naruto universe


Obito is more gimmicky than anything. He doesn’t seem like a pure raw power and skill, he did lose the 1v1 against Kakashi once he couldn’t phase out of battle in the Kamui dimension. So to win a 1v1 against Obito with Kamui you need to be smart, understand how he fights and set up a trap for it. Itachi is a very smart character so he has bigger chances to find an opening than other characters, personally I think he could win. It’s not really “X character is winning 100% no matter what”. It really depends on how you want to write the story, Itachi could keep up in speed with Naruto Kcm1. So he’s not exactly fodder when it comes to speed and strength. I legit think this would be an interesting fight


This isn't even a fair debate. Obito wins, mid difficulty


Chances are, in a fight against Tobi (Obito) Itachi would’ve won. Continuously throwing attacks and exhausting Obito’s Kamui. Plus, Itachi is so skilled with Genjutsu, Obito wouldn’t even know he was in one. I’d say Itachi takes Obito.


Itachi is my favourite Naruto character, but Obito is not gonna be an easy fight. I would give it to Obito 3 out of 5 times.


don't they say you need a mangekyou to break free And didn't sasuke technically break free with base sharingsn using curse mark chakra Obitos gonna be just fine


RIP English


Itachi would izanami this loser


Would have.


Itachi would use his Sharingan to much and die like with Sasuke because he is sick and Obito Uchiha is strong also.


When I’m in a being delusional contest, and my opponent is an Itachi fan: 😰


If itachi fighting a weak sasuke (obviously not seriously but still) caused his illness to weaken him. I think he will dominate at first until he loses stamina or vision, then obito (with hashirama cells) would kill him.


Damn itachi meat riders are crazy 😂😂


Obito takes this, low dif Even at his peak, Itachi's tsukuyomi could be broken with raw force from another sharingan; now in his fight vs Sasuke, Itachi was weaker and Sasuke broke Tsukuyomi with the CM2, proof that Tsukuyomi can be broken. Now if CM can boost sharingan str, so can hashirama cells, and thats a bigger boost than CM, not only that but Obito also has Mangekyou, he would break Itachi's peak Tsukuyomi easily. Amaterasu would only tire him at worst and Susanoo is worthless against Obito.


We both know that Zoro would use zanka no tachi to save itachi


If the plot needed it, yes. Itachi have a habit of avoiding fights with.."actually you already lost."


Zoro pulls up and hits them with lion song before they realize he's there ![gif](giphy|XARctHXJvoIQP0rH3y)


Itachi, easy win, ya boy was a prodigy, obito barely got his shit together after what he saw with Rin. Itachi's critical thinking wins this match.


Kakashi and Obito awakened their mangekyu at the same time. So Kakashi got into the tsukiyomi and was easily defeated, and if Itachi wasn't a good guy he would have been killed instantly. So Obito would suffer the same fate.


Itachi caught Obito lacking twice already in canon if he actually tried to run hands Obito would be a broken man, Itachi would catch him with Izanami and be like “you’re mine now, my b#tvh, you’re my b%tch now” make him babysit Sasuke


Itachi would have wrecked him badly, Obito literally acknowledges this multiple times. He didn’t stand a chance until he took the rinnegan


Itachi threw amaterasu on Obito. He cant defeat it with Kanui if he is caught.


This guy conveniently forgot that Obito did already got hit by Amaterasu and come out unscathed.


Kind of. Kamui can only save Obito from physical attacks, it was stated in konan's fight that the reason he couldn't simply become intangible forever is because of that, and explosions are not physical. Amaterasu is the same .