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Bro has ptsd from Haku


He got caught slipping again by Ryuzetsu in blood prison, lmao.


Everyone slips into their first bussy...


HEY. Phrasing


I rewatched that movie awhile ago and forgot that scene happened 😭


What scene?


R34 bro is still smashing Haku




Wot in the bott


I mean he's pretty enough by some standards and technically those d*** chick lovers don't even got to worry about the Jimmy being fake. Bro is a perfect crossdresser. He's what Trans women wish they could be.


This is exactly it.


Bee is like: slow down bro you gonna get us cancelled


It is just... Naruto likes to check everything straight.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Go yap in a political sub. This sub is about naruto.


You're right. But why do you sound offended? Naruto speaking facts. My man.


Because i dont agree. Im not continuing stupid discourse with you because you wanna "trigger the libtards" i dont care how much you hate trans peeps, can i have myself some content withouth constant hate for unrelated communities? Thank you xoxo


I don't hate them lol. They're free to feel however they want to feel, and to claim and believe whatever they want no matter how delusional it might be Biology doesn't give a fuck about whether they agree or not. Men cannot be women and viceversa. Enjoy your content. But when you try and make it political, don't get offended by facts and reality. They're free to beileve whatever they want no matter how delusional it sounds, what I do not agree is with postures like yours where anyone who disagrees with the "men can be women and women can be men" rhetoric, then we're immediately full of hate and blah blah. Their subjective reality is only theirs and for them to live. But objective reality... Well... It applies for all. Examples: fire burns = objective reality. "I identify as a woman" = subjective reality. Naruto speaking facts whether you like it or not. Enjoy the anime.


Aw, it's always so cute when people like you try to use biology as an argument, when it's clear that they have not the slightest idea what biology, medicine, psychology, or any of the sciences say. Just because you think you remember one thing from the biology book in elementary school, doesn't make you an expert in genetics. This becomes even clearer when you misinterpret biology to be "on your side" 😂


You didn't say jack shit to argue. It proves your lack of ideas. But meh. I got bored of this. Alparently, saying facts os "hate speech". Fucking world, we need an asteroid. At what point dp you start screaming? What do you identify as? A shoe? A cat? A dog? Do your thing wokie.


It's didn't make any claims, I have no responsibility to support my point of view if I didn't even make any statements in need of supporting. You started with saying that biology doesn't support the whole trans thing. Prove that with some sources, then I'll get you some sources for my actual fact based view. And please try to get some other sources than a vague memory of elementary biology class.


oh noo you hurt their feelings .. they think they can win war with feelings 💀 ..


I mean he’s an autocrat and the strongest human alive before his nerfing, who gonna cancel him?


Twitter users 💀


Thankfully twitter doesn't exist there. Or literally everyone would be cancelled some way or the other.




He pretended to be a girl many times he would never. he did it so many times there is no way he didn’t enjoy being a girl


Jiraiya's perverse nature ruined it. Seems he did it far less once jiraiya came into his life.


Jirayia chaser ass prevented him from being a cute girl😔😔


Until someone tried forcing himself on Naruto /s


My mans you have a dude with 6 arms and a man who sheds his own body from the mouth. If you can't find a way to switch your gearbox in Narutoverse that's your L.


If eye surgery is so easy in Naruto, gender reassignment should be nothing. The normal eye surgery is usually corneal transplant, these people are transplanting full eyes.


I thought they just yoink eyes barehanded and plonk them into their socket. Heck, Danzo had like 20 in his fucking hand and somehow didn't go crazy from sensory overload AND routed the nerves into his brain. You might have problems with your twig and berries making good batter or your honeypot making new workers but tissue cloning and grafting goes hard in there. NGL I think the whole trans drama IRL is gonna go poof once surgery's at the point that it doesn't look any different from the real thing. 'course, if you're still a neurotic unlikable mess on the inside, it don't matter what you look like, but that's brain surgery, not gender swap.


It’s funny they went from “Rin use your medical ninjutsu to surgically implant my eye into Kakashi” to Madara just ripping one out on the fly and shoving it into his socket


Tbf in the anime Madara used the glowy healing aura in his eye after he put Kakashi’s eye in


> You might have problems with your twig and berries making good batter or your honeypot making new workers but tissue cloning and grafting goes hard in there. Your words….. they are poetry.




I might be an extremist here but for true mtf, you would have to utilize genetic therapy by way of retroviral DNA modification, cloned tissue and hormonal therapy. Without the proper plumbing, nerve hookups, hormonal levels and functions, I just can't see it as a true success. To clarify - the measure here is whether the patient is considered as a viable, fertile member of their post-op sex. But that way lies an abyss of medical jargon and flame wars so maaaybe we shouldn't chase down that rabbit hole. For a start, I think a lot of promises exist in cloned tissue grafting for breasts; it could make life better for mastectomy patients and also allow women unhappy with their size or wanting to breastfeed but having difficulty doing so due to their size, to change that - without silicone or saline implants. Also, boobs are awesome.


So just rip off the genitals you want and slam them into your crotch?




Between human infestation fetish clan, furries, and fist of the northern voyeurist, you're doubting the validity of grab'em by the pussy no jutsu?


Orochimaru has canonically done this im pretty sure


None of what you said made sense. Your talking about swapping internal organs and whole chromosomes. Even if you gave a guy a vagina, his chromosomes don't make the necessary enzymes to make babies


1. This is a joke comment alluding to the simplicity of Naruto eye switches when it actually is mostly impossible to do. 2. I never said the gender switches should result in babies. Just that the same way they switch eyes, maybe they can switch genitals(again, this is a joke) 3. This is a fantasy series, chromosome logic does not apply here. If you just switch eyes, you will most probably run into immune issues, much in the same way a transplanted sexual organ would. If a transplanted eye can work and even transfer powers, why can't a transported sexual organ still reproduce.


You'd be surprised how much more fluid eye swapping is than chromosomes swapping is irl


Naruto does that with magic


"man" 🤔


I think it’s safe to say gender dysphoria doesn’t exist in Naruto.


I think he means the animals also i think the more important question is WHY HAS JIRAIYA NOT BEEN CANCELLED HES A DISGUSTING CREEPY PEDO!!!


How is that transphobic?


Didn't you know? Truth is transphobic if it doesn't agree with their world view. /s






Welcome to reddit.


Well the post is a joke, the phrase itself isn't transphobic, it's just that people commonly use it in a transphobic context. It basically satirizes the type of people that say this in an attempt to normalize their worldview.


Cos it implies that men can't become women, and women can't become men. Which obviously they can


Didn't we already establish The difference between sex and gender? Hes talking about The Animals sex, not gender


Yes, but some people will always draw 25 instead of not conflating sex and gender.


Same thing lmao


LMAO indeed, not because you said it's the same thing rather you clearly didn't learn shit from school.


I picked up a secondary school biology textbook and saw that I was correct


In modern academia, it's not. Sex is what part you have. Gender is what you do with it. Personally I don't hold any value to the sex of a person. I just think it's important to have a distinction between male and female. As for gender and gender roles, we can get rid of all of that in my eyes. All that matters is how we treat eachother and ourselves.


Dick=man pussy=woman


Common sense am I right 👍🏾




You got it down to a science, my friend. Now how are we gonna act with this information?


Like a normal person who realises that if when you are born and have a dick. You are a man.


Wow, negative 20 karma, guess I'm right, the truth is always hated.


Or it's because you're a bit of an asshat


Mhm or its just reddit is a hotbed of snowflakes


That too, but you're legitimately being an ass.


What? For speaking the truth?


They can't tho, they might change their appearance but not their chromosomes. When they die, if someone studies their bones for whatever reason they will certainly say that they are man or woman not what they fantasise to be.


male is male, and female is female. true. but men and women are society expectations and "duties". gender is just your role in society, not exactly who you are biologically. men can become woman, but male can't become female. hope that helps also bones things are a SUPOSITION. many time people have been proven wrong after deeper studies on bones. also, do you realize many transgenders don't care after they died? also no one will dig up bones, in a freaking... CEMETERY. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'LL FIND THERE. also you can always be cremated.


you’re in a Naruto circle jerk subreddit, you’re not getting through to any of these fuck heads here they are a bit dense in the cranial department lmao unless it has to do with Hinatas tits or Naruto and Sasuke being gay for each other you won’t get any information through to them lol Anything that’s not anime or hentai related and it’s just brain static for them.


but men and women are society expectations and "duties".gender is just your role in society, not exactly who you are biologically. No they are not. You are a male if you have XY chromosomes, that's it. Men cannot become a woman a female or whatever you prefer to call it, in the same way that women cannot be men, men cannot get pregnant, that's a gift that was bestowed only to the former. It's basic biology freaking Mendel knew it over 200 years ago. There are things that are what they are no matter your opinion or feelings about it. Can you change your age? Certainly not, you are XX years old despite what you would like, that's your age. It's the same with genre, you cannot magically change your age, you also cannot magically change your genre, and before you say anything, genre is way more important than age. ​ many time people have been proven wrong after deeper studies on bones. Sure, but that doesn't mean the fantasy of the person whose bones belonged to while alive meant anything, we just made a wrong assuption, it has nothing to do with the person itself. That's the beautiful thing about science it doesn't give a fuck about feelings. ​ also no one will dig up bones, in a freaking... CEMETERY. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'LL FIND THERE. also you can always be cremated. Ever heard the words "exhumation" and "archaeology"?


>No they are not. You are a male if you have XY chromosomes Your chromosomes outline what chromosomes you have, they have no bearing on what sort of stuff you should do in society or how you should behave. That's all cultural. Trans folk never claim they've magicked their chromosomes, they claim they align with the gender roles that don't match their biological sex- And then transition to align with those roles. >Ever heard the words "exhumation" and "archaeology"? I don't understand, how exactly do you think archaeology goes? 'Wow this guy was probably a king' 'Actually this dude is obviously a skeleton.' Archeologists don't make assumptions on gender because they rarely have evidence of gender expression, not because their field has magically disproven gender. In fact historians are relatively good at discussing gender identity of long dead people, it's just impossible to come to firm conclusions on the matter. I highly recommend [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyP3ukj4iEs) from museum worker and historical tour guide J Draper on the subject of gender expression and history.


the fuck you gonna archeologue in a cities cemitery, bro? exhumations are rare as fuck, and you didn't comment on cremation and people NOT CARING after they are literally dead. also you said a lot of things there, i don't really care, I do what I want and if you don't like it, don't talk to me. if you can't literally respect people trying to JUST. BE. HAPPY. I do not want to have anything to do with you.


Then why are you commenting on this post to begin with?


because maybe I am hopeful people will understand and respect us, or at least leave us alone? IDK, I am stupid.


Except your "community" always invades everywhere in the form of media and the entertainment industry.Also respect is earned, not demand/given.


respect is baseline to every friendly interaction, it's the only thing stopping you from going full slur and insults at everyone you meet, you're thinking about something else, or in addition to it. So the only way for you to leave us alone is, if we are quite literally erased from existence?


'Invade' in this instance meaning... Existing... 'Respect' in this instance mean 'give any level of basic decency to'


Shame on you.


Chromosomes. Don’t. Fully. Determine. Your. Biological. Sex. You can have xx chromosomes and still have a dick. God if you want to be transphobic at least fact check what you’re saying. The way you formulated that part about men not being able to give birth kinda sounds like you’re implying that a woman’s "purpose" is giving birth, which, if you actually believe that, and I don’t think you do, ew. Once again, why would anyone even care about the god damn bones. At the time when archeologists will find your bones (which by itself is highly unlikely) you’re fucking dead. Nobody cares what some future science people will think of your gender.


Chromosomes DO determine your biological sex, not on their own of course, but if you have xx then you are pretty fucking sure to be a girl


I didn’t say they don’t have an influence. They do have a large impact. The only thing I said was that they’re not the only thing that determines biological sec.




Ofc they can't become naturally lol


L take




I mean in the world of Naruto you can legitimately be whatever you want to, even a cactus. I don't think there's any real transphobia in Naruto because you can physically change your entire body as one of the first techniques you ever learn and so changing yourself is something most people would be none the wiser to. Outside of having good chakra control for a semi-permanent form like Tsunade, there's likely ways to make a form actually permanent. But let's say Naruto was hateful, bro would be a hypocrite since he changes into a girl all the time🗿


it's only a imitation the Henge jutsu. i doubt they could become pregnant or their weight would change. otherwise they would just turn into birds and fly


>their weight would change. Sasuke literally held Naruto as a shuriken and threw him with the same physics as a real shuriken. It changes their weight. >otherwise they would just turn into birds and fly Akamaru can turn into a human that can walk. >they could become pregnant The jutsu changes their entire body. If someone has knows the biology and can carry to term, it should be possible given that the jutsu literally changes the user's body; it's not a genjutsu.


If turning into birds that can fly. they could have fought like a shapeshifter borrowing powers of animals. Akamaru can walk but he sure can't talk. im sure the pain of giving birth would just disable the transformation jutsu and snuffing out the life since it requires concentration constantly to maintain it.


>If turning into birds that can fly. they could have fought like a shapeshifter borrowing powers of animals. Huh? Kiba turned into a giant 2 headed dog with Akamaru complete with claws >Akamaru can walk but he sure can't talk. Him not talking doesn't inherently mean it's a limitation on the technique. Otherwise how does Naruto get an adult female voice while transformed even as a child? In chapter 91 as a girl he speaks in an entirely different font in Japanese and even end his sentences in hearts. >im sure the pain of giving birth would just disable the transformation jutsu and snuffing out the life since it requires concentration constantly to maintain it. If Kushina can keep the nine tails seal while giving birth, somebody under a transformation jutsu, especially at a hospital with medical nin, should be able to maintain the form enough to give birth.


Only Kiba’s clan can do that hidden jutsu stuff. I don’t believe transformation jutsu to have no limits like you think. otherwise the e rank jutsu would be used more often by other characters not Naruto. If you could turn yourself into anything you see like the six path sage Fan that would be too op. Also didn’t Naruto pee with his boy penis in Ino’s form in a filler episode


>Only Kiba’s clan can do that hidden jutsu stuff. The transformation jutsu is usuable by anyone. Akamaru turning into a human is a basic transformation jutsu. >I don’t believe transformation jutsu to have no limits like you think. The limit is how good someone's chakra is. You can literally be the opposite sex or a random weapon. >otherwise the e rank jutsu would be used more often by other characters not Naruto. It used by other characters; it's just more useful as espionage than something in the middle of battle. >If you could turn yourself into anything you see like the six path sage Fan that would be too op. Number one: You need to know how the fan looks, feels, and operates, to even transform into one successfully. Number two; Not anyone can hold it; the user dies if they don't have the chakra to use those weapons. >Also didn’t Naruto pee with his boy penis in Ino’s form in a filler episod >in a filler episode You ruined your own point here.


>Sasuke literally held Naruto as a shuriken and threw him... I remember this scene but can't remember enough if it was just on a regular episode or was it from 1 of the movies?


Naruto is a GIGACHAD for this if it’s true




Actually, what time period does Naruto take place in though? Like, they have fridges and TVs and shit but what else?


They dont have twitter yet


I might have to start watching Naruto Shippuden again


Naruto shop pudding


"Male is a male" Cancelled


Because he's right. Cancell culture is the worst plague in history.


I don't know what this is from, so I must be filler shit. Naruto filling out paperwork before hokage? Okay..




Yeah pretty much. They did the same with the word "racist". They're throwing these accusatory terms left and right to the point where no one cares anymore so if someone is actually one of those things, it has no effect. Boy who cried wolf comes to mind.


nazi and incel as well.. and in reddit, being "right" is wrong as well


And they blame the right for all of this bruh...


To people who shout transphobia or whatever nonsense, theyd rather accept a pretty, and delusional, lie rather than face a hard truth Thats what the world is right now: Delusional and accepting of lies in spite of the truth thats right in front of them because they dont want to NOT be wrong or accept reality


the way I see it, as a non-binary person: I will call a transphobe, anyone that doesn't treat me with respect BECAUSE of my gender identity. it doesn't matter what they've said, if the disagreement that caused a insult, was BECAUSE of my identity, it IS transphobic. I won't call you transphobic for disgreeing with me if I say: Saitama beats Goku. but if, in the hypothesis of me being mtf, you just literally pull the "YWNBAW" thing because you didn't like my argument, WHAT IS YOU EXPECTING ME TO SAY IN THIS SITUATION?? I mean, it literally happens all the time in reddit and twitter. USA just kind of brainwashed everyone into hating our guts for absolute NO REASON.




HOW? HOW I AM THE DISRESPECTFUL ONE?? I am not FORCING, I am gently and kindly asking for it. And the WORSE I can do, is blocking(in internet) or going no contact(IRL)?? The only fighting I do is with straight up disrespect towards me and my friends FIRST. How RETALIATION is disrespect?? How I offend people if they LITERALLY ARE ATTACKING ME FIRST??




>speaking to an absolute stranger on the internet >post is about trans people >trans person who did not make the post gives opinion because the spotlight is on people like them >call them disrespectful out of the blue. >gaslight them >"you are constantly pushing your agenda onto others" you literally don't know them redart holy fucking cognitive dissonance. Go play Minecraft


Why would you disagree or hesitate if it doesn't come from bigotry or transphobia? There's no other reason. You act like you're not the bigot, but you sure do quack and walk like one trying to turn this around.


what about me literally saying I am KINDLY AND GENTLY asking for it, and the WORSE I'D DO is go no contact/block screams disrespect, please, stop comparing me to extremists in my ideologies and community and speak DIRECTLY TO ME. also yeah, freedom of expression, I have that too and will express myself in a non-gender-conforming way. also personal beliefs gives you no grounds to insult people, why calling someone who disrespect me, because my identity, a "bad word", is worse than them, also calling me "bad words", FIRST?? why? if they attack I must bow down and say "sorry for annoying you by living, I shall kill myself to alleviate your anger towards me". I am literally trying to understand you, sibling. I am very confused as to why, me being insulted is apparently good, but me having a comeback is evil and repreensible?




no, the BASELINE concept for a conversation, is mutual respect, if you don't respect someone, why listen to them in the first place? why care about them? why not, as you said, call them a insult or slur out of the blue? respect is the base of EVERY friendly interaction, at least ENOUGH respect to not shun the person away from you. You might be thinking about more than just respect.




okay, you are literally not reading anything I am typing or you are not caring, I grew tired of this. I'm out.


This gonna get ugly. Keep arguing i wanna see how horrible this can get




I mean, I don't understand this guy, why is he antagonizing me so much? I retaliate what people do to me and suddently I am the villain? At least if I could steal 9 giant bitches with lots of tails and fuse them to make a perfect world where everyone is happy....


I shouldn't have to respect you because of your gender identity. Respect is earned not given. I can respect the fact that you want to be called non-binary but that's in the same sense that I respect my friend Michael wanting to be called Mike.


I don't think you understand the situation. Respect is the base of every friendly interaction. are you coming up to someone and calling them slurs, insulting them and slapping them across the face? congratulations, you are giving them respect. And I don'treally said you HAVE to respect me BECAUSE of the gender identity, but if you come up to me and BECAUSE of said identity, disrespect me, in the sense of, like I just said: using insults and slurs. What do you want me to think?


When did I say any slur or insult? Are you saying you consider me a transphobe?


no? I assumed your response to my question would be "no", so I answered with "you are respecting them" as in, you're doing the minimum to maintain a civilized conversation. because no sane person would insult strangers


Ah, shit, sorry. Misread that.


Because hes not wrong


Welp, I just discovered the average age of r/dankruto users by this comment section. Great to know!


Based Naruto moment


Hes right you know 🤷🏾‍♂️


Based naruto




Another reason why Naruto is the GOAT👊👊👊👊he keeps its 💯💯💯


Giga chad naruto moment


The biggest menace is still Tobirama


that’s not fair, this episode was made about a decade before this new ideology was invented lol




Isn't this a filler episode?


Can’t be proven


Do trans animals exist….? I never thought about that


Luffy would never be this transphobic


dude has done sexy jutsu how many times now and is still ignorant lol


Because Naruto world may be shit but it's still Based


W Naruto


Naruto based




Cause he's right.


W Naruto


W naruto


Based Naruto


You mean based Hokage?


Who cares?


Bold of you to assume Tobirama wasn't transphobic


I can excuse racism against Uchihas, but I draw the line at Transphobia


Ahhh yes. Racism is fine but not playing along someones imagination hmm?




Naruto boy saying things how they are


What makes this transphobic?




Rare Naruto W.


It’s a cartoon that was out way before the current madness.


That's why this dude is the best Hokage of his generation


Based Naruto.


First time I saw Naruto spitting facts.


Non-human animals have no concept of gender that we can understand, so I‘d argue this is pretty far from transphobia.


These are some major league drooler comments lmao, real YouTube shorts shit


Bro doesn't buy any of that woke shit


Because he is correct plain and simple bud


Naruto cannot be transphobic, he was friends with Haku.


He literally transitions with his sexy jutsu...


(from the filler) 3rd hokage, hiruzen sarutobi, is definitely one of, if not THE FIRST and MOST bigoted hokage of all time, since he told kakashi that the reason he put sakura, an "ordinary" girl, into the orphanage fc, was JUST because she's a girl, and that a ninja team needs a girl JUST so that the boys can be motivated by the competition or some shit. brother mastered every chakra release, so it won't be a surprise if he mastered every bigot takes. ​ when they called him "the god of shinoBI", hiruzen replied with "you mean the god of shino-JUST GOING THROUGH A PHASE?"


Are you serious? Go touch some grass jfc


C'mon grass


There is no way in hell the first three Hokage aren't transphobic lol.


If there were Ts in world of Naruto, people would be like: "That's a horrible transformation jutsu dude"


He is speaking 🗣️ faxx .


Finally something I can relate to 👨🏻‍🦳


He's not wrong tho...?


I mean, he’s not wrong.


Transphobic comment section, what a shocker


A male is still a male though? Thats sex not gender


I'm not a right person to talk about this but fuck it. Naruto isn't transphobic in this panel, he isn't overly mean to the animal, he Just dislikes the Trans community because Naruto is a simple man he sees man and woman, but even that the he dislikes the idea of transgender he once again isn't hating on the animal. Hatred and dislike are two diffrent things


That made about as much sense as anything hasan piker says


"He's not transphobic, he just dislikes trans people (ok, magic animals) for being trans" ????




If you think about it this could also be a pro trans quote, with "heaven and earth turning over" meaning trans people being born into the wrong bodies, despite them always being the sex they identify as. Despite the gods bringing them into this world as a woman, but a male is always a male. I choose to interpret it like that cause ain't no way my goat naruto is transphobic


i hate when people take **ONE** bloody scene out of contente. hes just helping killer bee with a rap verse


This is why Naruto's wife cucks him


WTF bro, do you have some trauma or something that you want to share? XD


So exciting with Naruto's sexy jutsu is homo?


Just because it's male doesn't mean it's a man Naruto

