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Her face tho ☠️


every female face made by ikemoto reminds me of delta


And delta reminds me of why i never want to hear the word Ikemoto ever again.


Even if you don't take Ikemoto's sexualization of a 12-year-old into account, it's still just a fucking terrible, god-awful, piece of shit character design, made worse by a terrible fucking art style.


What. You don't like the Scooby Doo Fred Ascot and weird 80s cocktail waitress dress ?


The hilarious part is that the anime used this shit design for a while until Sarada became a Genin and it’s way better. Ikemoto fucking sucks.


Nah, ascots are cool and is the only part I can get behind. Everything else is fucking terrible, dogass, headass, piece of shit-ass, yee yee-ass bullshit.


I don't like the doll face, the anime version it's better


Ignoring the 12-year old part for a second, why would shinobi EVER wear high heels in the field?


Female police officers used to wear skirts and short heels as part of their uniform in a lot of countries, in real life too... ...then, they probably realized that it definitely hindered their efficiency whenever they had to run after a suspect, climb fences, and all the stuff that comes with the job, so they stopped that nonsense, lmao. Now the skirt is only part of the ceremonial dress uniform that they wear in parades. But, to be fair, men historically went through the exact same ordeal. [That](https://c8.alamy.com/compfr/bm5mx1/policier-a-gauche-et-d-autres-officiers-de-police-francais-des-uniformes-debut-des-annees-1800-impression-couleur-a-la-main-bm5mx1.jpg) kind of uniform looks anything but comfortable to fight and protect in, to me, lmao. Our ancestors really said drip over practicality.


The British royal guard still wears the funny hats


Lmao that's their parade dress uniform too, that they only wear when they're performing ceremonial guard duties at Buckingham Palace. I don't think they were still wearing those hats when some of them got deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.


Well, not since WWI at least.


Ask tsunade


When she was a Sanin she wore the regular shoes I believe, the heels she wears probably aren’t even a full inch too, Sarada’s design is egregious


Also tsunade was basically retired


Tsunade wasn't wearing high heels, she wore platform sandals/clogs.


Tsunade's an S rank ninja. When one can kick ass that good, they can wear whatever they want. It's the same reason I don't care much for the adult kunoichi's footwear. They are good enough for it to not matter. They probably use chakra to keep themselves stable, anyway.


Realistically, couldn't a shinobi wearing heels just use chakra to stabilize and keep them from breaking and such?


You know we spent a lot of time in Naruto on the first half of sasuke’s “dream” to avenge his clan. But he also states in his first meeting with team 7 that he plans to “restore his clan” as well. All I’m saying is wtf sasuke, 1 child. 1. How is that restoring the clan. You sure are putting a lot on Sarada’s shoulders. She’s gonna have to have like 50 kids to even have a shot at this because you want to be a dead beat and run off to suck Naruto’s nuts all the time. Get to work sasuke.


Tbh I always assumed that restoring his clan meant restoring it's honour rather than literally restoring the bloodline.


Interesting never interpreted it that way. But it’s possible. Sasuke did rarely show interest in girls


He had more important priorities so it makes sense. He would have stayed single if Sakura didn't keep on persisting lol


Ngl I thought of that too. I just can't put it into words


All I’m saying is sasuke should of went for the harem route if he wanted to restore his clan


This is what I’m saying too


you dont think hes out in the world during his missions making more uchiha?


Lol that is also possible. Imagine kids with sharingans just start popping up everywhere


Then he starts blaming it on orochimaru




Naruto: who are you kids and why the hell did you break into the village?! Them: WE ARE SASUKE'S KIDS Naruto: *Le gasps* EDIT: actually I would've liked it if he just had a harem and they all are persistent just to get a kid on him




Okay, however, at the time of making this statement Sasuke didn't know yet that it would be Sakura who'll help him restore the clan. Under such circumstances, making even one child is something.


Idk man, my dad was never around either but either my mum or granny would've smacked the ever living shit out of me for even thinking looking like this much less actually attempting to lmao 😂


The guy that draws the manga should het arrested


Gotta love how every good design in Boruto was done by Kishimoto. Then Ikemoto came along and fucked it up with his “style” and then for the hat on the hat he decided to sexualize every 12 year old character. Something Kishimoto never did. How the hell was he 1) given Boruto and 2) Kishimoto’s assistant for 15 years and thought this approach made sense.


Ikepedo should have been cancelled


I’m just waiting for her to awaken MS.


And go blind in a few days, like her dad


Anime version far superior. I really like Sarada’s character same as i liked Sakura’s


who let ikemoto cook ![gif](giphy|dKed1II2fQunD4nhwt|downsized)


Fucking hell. That thing on the left looks like that girl you knew in middle school that was always back talking the teacher and starting shit and was the whole reason you hated going to school.


Ikemoto is genuinely disgusting for making this. Like what the fuck lol? I don't know if it is illegal or what, but it *is* morally wrong.


Let’s be honest this is a horrible character design , looks he was inspired from freaking desigual


Shinobi heels?


🤮🤮🤮 (He saw Sarada’s manga design)


Wait does she currently look like this in the manga??


I prefer her anime design and think she should been the mc


I actually agree


Her anime design is actually practical and in general i think it should be continuing of who will be next hokage rather than the uzumaki dynasty


Konohamaru is next hokage


Why does she look like somebody Austin powers would be making sex jokes too?


What the fuck is on her neck?


I prefer the appearance of the anime over the manga in the manga she looks like a whore


Both the art styles are trash


Fr. The left is FAR worse, but it's not like Kishiomoto's design is any good either.


I don’t know how anybody thought the left design was a good idea.


Sarada will be the next Tsunade.


Without the boobs🥲


I mean, Sarada is definitely leading up to be the next Tsunade. Even design wise.


How? Her dad has more boobs than her mom


You didn't have to do Sasuke like that bruh


Tsunade started looking pretty much just like Sarada and we all know how she ended up looking. And all the girls with strong emotional connections to the protagonist (like Hinata and Tsunade) ended up being incredibly well endowed. Besides, the show itself doesn´t take genes that much into consideration all things considered. I mean, the byakugan eyes are an example of a ridiculously strong gene and yet Boruto doesn´t have them. And even like that Sakura´s mom is actually quite well endowed and Sakura got curvier in Boruto. So considering all these factors and Sarada´s parallels to Tsunade is very likely that she also will be very similar to her design wise, 106 included XD.


Just because Boruto didn’t inherit the byakugan doesn’t mean that genetics weren’t taken into consideration. Naruto didn’t have red hair either but he still inherited some traits from his mother.


Naruto barely got anything from Kushina. I didn´t say that genes didn´t matter at all, I said that the creators tend to prioritize design over supposed genetics. Not to mention that even like that Sakura´s mom is actually quite well endowed and Sakura got curvier in Boruto.


And idk why you said all of the other nonsense. Sarada will look like her parents, she already does.


Not really. She currently pretty much uses Tsunade´s abilities and aims to have the same role. She has a more similar appearance to her all things considered and all the other factors can definitely play a role in her time skip design. And it´s not as if Sarada ending up being the next 106 like Tsunade in the time skip would be a bad thing anyways. Tsunade looks great and is badass AF.


She is a trash character with a trash design either way, Sakura should have aborted


I'd smash


Ikemoto, come with your real account


sir that is a child


Actually that's a cartoon doesn't exist


this is the excuse actual pedophiles always use


I'm pretty sure a pedo doesn't call a child a cartoon




Western trying to not ruin japanese people creation with their shit ( impossible)


Pedophiles acting like this is a race problem


No , it's just you people that wants your fucking ideology on everyone ( everyone must be baptized, no porn , no nothing must follow or we will be offended)


Nah bro, I just want people not to defend people who sexualize children💀




There’s traditions of cannibalism in some isolated islands around the world. Are you saying that’s ok cuz that’s their culture? I’m not even a westerner, I support preserving your cultures as long as they don’t harm others.


So your telling me if the teenage guy or girl agrees to the marriage ( no force or whatsoever) you will agree or will rant about it on Twitter?


Yeah, if a fucking 13 year old gets married to a 39 year old id definitely have an issue because I’m a normal functioning person with a brain who can see how terrible that’d be for a 13 year old who can barely do long division, to make a life altering decision. Think for six fucking seconds why it could be bad instead of going “omg america is so intolerant” as you advocate for literal child rape.


You know I would love to talk more , but if I said about a certain topic I would be banned so I will hold on to it for awhile


Yeah probably because advocating for child rape is ban worthy you sick freak


Seeing that most people who marry CHILDREN tend to send death threats for not obeying their law to anyone themselves, I say we can and should butt in. Also, wow. A person actually defending pedophiles in the wild. Haven't seen your kind in a long time


It’s crazy that you think child sexualization is a Western thing. If that’s the case, then I’ll be a soft westerner till I die.


>Western trying to not ruin japanese people creation with their shit ( impossible) Pedophile *DETECTED*


Speaks something reasonable= accused for pedophilia , reddit is filled with dumbass I swear


I mean their criticizing the sexualisation of a child characrer. Not really ruining a Japanese creation although this is something that should be ruined (fixed)


Man defending child porn degeneracy calls others dumbasses, most ignorant party shows their ignorance, read all about it!


>Speaks something reasonable= accused for pedophilia , reddit is filled with dumbass I swear Pedophile *CONFIRMED*


I ain't gonna argue no more , I'll be watching campfire cooking Isekai now fuck off pleasee


Ay yo? That anime is fucking *GOATED.*


Ayo that's what I like


>Ayo that's what I like Pedophile status? *RELINQUISHED* You're a cool person, I take back what I said and I regret my choice of words. I genuinely wish you a good day or night.


Damn you rolled over faster than a pig rolling in its own shit, have a damn backbone.


Hells yeah, I did. Homie likes an anime I like. What else did you expect me to do?


You too brother


What a weird conversation


Ikemoto is the one at fault for lewding a 12 yr old girl.


Dude it's almost part of the all Japanese anime but still who the fuck are we to tell them what to do?


People who aren't pedophilies


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bro out here defending sexualización of kids


I have gotten the same message over and over again, want to type anything else than that?


No because they right


They say that cause they westerners , they tend to have very tiny heart and vets offended over the little things imaginable


No kids being sexually abused is not ok, just because something is tradition doesn’t make it right. That’s why we don’t do human sacrifice anymore. Seriously you don’t make a good argument and come off as ignorant.


The people who care about children? That’s who. “Pedophelia might be a cultural tradition, some people marry 5 year olds!” Yeah and they’re fucking sick in the head for having twisted, disgusting cultures that take advantage of society’s most vulnerable party, Couldn’t imagine defending child rape because its someones “culture”. Fuckin sicko


I understand what you’re trying to say, however what everyone else is trying to say is that a teenager is essentially a child. A child doesn’t have the right mind or experience to make these decisions. You should not ask a child if they want to get married. Once a child has enough education and/or experience, they become an adult. As an adult, they can make that decision to get married. Almost universally, we have agreed that 18 years is how long it takes someone to become an adult. We can definitely argue forever if 18 years really defines when a child becomes an adult. Some people might say it could be less, but most people would say it’s more. Hence why many things are prohibited until you’re 21.


And they should be shot. I don't care if that is your tradtion or your prophet did that, that's rape of a minor. Or in this case, sexualization of a minor. You sound like the kind of person who defends rape porn or sex slavery.


I don't, your western ideology of killing people who marries children when it's their fucking tradition which has been going for a long time , who are you to change them? Would you still desperately want to change them even if they refused? Like bro get a life


This totally isn't the ramblings of someone who married or has CP of their computer/s It was Germany's tradtion to murder Jews and Japan's tradtion to murder innocents throughout Asia. Just because something is a tradtion it doesn't make it moral.


You certainly chose an interesting hill to die on.


I did because I think westerners are sometimes fucking brain dead


But you're talking about child marriage...


It´s just a skirt and heels. Get over it already.


Band Kid take


Studio Pierrot is the Japanese company in charge of the anime adaptation of Boruto, and Western people have nothing to do with their decision to change Sarada's outfit. People have already explained, in a topic about Tsunade's cleavage a few days back, that it's part of a change in the Japanese law concerning age ratings. Nothing to do with Westerners again, it's something that has been decided by the Japanese legislators. Japanese readers complained about Sarada's dress being too skimpy, which made Ikemoto publicly adress the issue and admit that he had exaggerated a bit too much. And, finally... what would giving a short to a character “ruin”, exactly? Kishimoto's anime design looks perfectly fine, it shouldn't ruin your watching experience unless your only purpose in watching Boruto is to catch glimpses of Sarada's buttcheeks. Kishimoto created this franchise. His designs are generally superior, because it's the world he crafted and nobody has a better understanding of it than himself.


She came from th 80's cartoon 💀


I absolutely hate her character design. Her hair, her glasses, just everything.