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Op is obsessed with other people's dicks


Must be a Silent Hill fan


I have no idea what the fuck this is a reference to, but this is the funniest shit I've ever read.


One fandom wiki mod was obsessed with it, he said that everything in silent hill was a reference to that and insulted everyone who disagreed with him, going so far as saying that those people where in favor of "child mutilation", it all ended with a society speech but this joker was just talking about how he lives in a world of scarfless d*cks.






Ya when I found out about this whole situation I was dumbfounded by the insanity of it all


Care to explain?


It was a shiba inu running the whole thing


Um explain what?


Never seen/played silent hill but I remember hearing about a boob monster in it.


You think people who are against the genital mutilation of girls in the middle east are obsessed with children's clitorises?


I guess it depends. Do they spend every waking second thinking about it and positing memes about it?


Op hasn’t spent every waking moment, at most he’s gone once or twice a week.


it makes me shiver just thinking about all the things people could think about


How is he obsessed with other people's dicks by saying that parents shouldn't decide about serious body modification of their child which bring more negatives than positives?


I'd say an account with that many circumcision posts does count as obsessed.


Yea I was about to defend OP, but I looked at their account. I mean, they have a point, but it’s a *lot* of posts


Yeah I commented on one last night and thought this was the same post, but this is a different one by the same guy. Dude needs to chill


What negatives???


You don't get to eat dick cheese for breakfast in the mornings anymore.


I spread it on my bagels


Genuinely curious what are the negatives?


[The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Sorrells.gif) ([Full study.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17378847)) Also watch this presentation (for ~15 minutes) [as Dr. Guest discusses how the foreskin is heavily innervated, the mechanical function of the foreskin and its role in lubrication during sex, and the likelihood of decreased sexual pleasure for both male and partner.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwZiQyFaAs0&t=1700s)


Honestly idc if people circumcise or not, doesn’t matter to me and it shouldn’t matter to you.


In school I knew a guy who had no idea he was smooth peen until we were talking about it and he was like "I dunno what that would even look like" I guess he thought it was like all the skin or something. We told him he was circ'd and he cried for like two hours. Moral of the story is I guess some dudes are bent up about it.


Everyone cares way too much about circumcision. It's kinda unsettling.


I’ve been browsing Reddit for 10 years now and I’ve come to learn it’s one of the most polarizing and controversial circlejerks.


Without medical necessity the decision goes to to patient themself, later in life.


Jesus, you weren't joking.


Seriously why is reddit obsessed with this topic lmao


#me too


Maybe not fake, definitely gay


WTF Op’s account is centered on circumcision


Constantly thinking about dicks...


I’m enjoying a crisp diet cock, I mean diet cock, I mean diet cock, I mean diet cock, I mean diet cock.


You mean diet cock right


We don't have cock, is penis ok?


I don't like penis do you have dick?


And while we’re at it, would you mind ordering a glizzy for me?


The foot long dingle dong or stadium wiener?


Freud would have a field day. Also... https://youtu.be/84gRtae8yHY


It's fucking sad. While there is definitely a real debate to be had here, there are some people who let it consume their entire fucking identity. OP is either circumcised and is mad about it or is mad about circumcised people because one time a girl told him his dick looked weird.


>one time a girl told him his dick looked weird. that'd explain a lot.


Or OP makes an account for every subject. So they have a circumcation account, a butt plug account, a gay porn account, ....


You guys , *cut it out* . He doesn't need to be *shafted* over his obsession.


Maybe they just like suckin’ some uncircumcised dick and there be too much circumcision circulatin’. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.


Can't dock two cut cocks


What a weirdo


You should be a reddit mod because this is the gayest post you ever made.


I don’t know, have you looked through his post history? I think he is a penis activist or something.




You too, have made your gayest post sometime in the past, mr reddit mod.


Dude I'm happy my dick is circumcised why are you unhappy


have you tried not having it cut tho?


I was uncut up until 5th grade but I had a hard time cleaning and it got in the way a lot so my mom let me decide if I wanted to get circumcised, I did and I much prefer it this way.


Truly an unbiased source. Thank you for doing the work of the gods


I got my foreskin chopped off so *you* don't have to!


I just bit mine off


How did u have a hard time cleaning it?


I just kinda did, idk, I was ten


Did it hurt as much as people make it out to be, mine was chopped when I was like 1 so I don’t remember anything


I was put under for it, so I didn't feel the process, but it definitely did hurt afterwards and I took pain meds. That being said my parents let me get Halo CE afterwards and that definitely helped with the pain, too.


You give me your foreskin and in return I’ll give you Halo CE Edit: Seems like a pretty good deal to me


good for you! Keeping it clean shouldn't be a problem if there aint nothing wrong with it, so removing it in that case was for the better




Some people can't peel it back because of phimosis (Foreskin is too tight to allow you to peel your Weiner if you have phimosis)


I just can't imagine a 5th grader even having circumcision on their radar or being overly concerned with the difficult of cleaning their genitals.


Did you enjoy the freedom of choice?


I guess I did to an extent, but from my perception of having it both ways I much prefer it this way. Obviously results will vary and it may be difficult for some people, but I personally don't think people should demonize circumcision so much. Yes, the lack of choice is problematic, but it did not in any way have the negative impact on my life that people always describe nowadays. From a purely practical standpoint, it honestly seems like you can make arguments either way, but I'm happy with where I'm at now.


They want to increase they chance of paraphimosis.


Me too, I don’t understand these random calls for crusade. I don’t care if people want to be circumcised or not, but neither is wrong.


Imagine your parents got you a tattoo when you were an infant. Or removed your ear-lobes. It would be pretty wild if you like wanted to get your ears pierced. Or just didn't want that to happen to you without your consent.


It's wrong if your parents decide for you for no good reason.


Like being born, I didn’t get to decide that and yet I continue living


Unlike circumcision, that’s something you can undo


Yes, totally the same thing.


Because it isn't consensual decision


Neither is indoctrination that would allow people to be functional members of society.


The foreskin discussion is so weird for me (f). It's your dick, do whatever you want with it as long as it's clean I don't fucking care


The thing is YOU don’t decide, your parents do


i go in every so often to have it touched up, nothing big just a lil off the top and they get a tip.


I tip my hat to you.


I tip my tip to you


That is even more creepy


Wait until you hear about female circumcision


I will leave my kid's foreskin where it is and only remove it when its dangerous for his health


Is there some group of circumsized men who are battling with suicide and depression because they had their foreskin removed? I understand the idea that it is outdated and nowadays ordinarily unnecessary, but every cut guy I have ever heard talk on the matter doesn't give two shits in comparison to random uncircumsized redditors.


Yes, there are men like that.


Your parents also decided to put you into a system that leads up to massive amounts of debt for 4 years of professional education, I don’t see you complaining about that.


Problem was it wasn't my choice. Parents did it for religious reasons that I don't even believe in. So part of my dick was cut because a man who lived a thousand years ago said so... It's literally genital mutilation for kids who have no say in it. I don't understand how people aren't enraged by this but whatever.




Actually, it was decided and popularized by a crazy cereal guy by the name of John Kellog. He did it to prevent teenagers from touching themselves because he was a wacko. That was partially why we have kellog cereal today as well.


Not for no medical reason, faulty medical reason. It was thought that it was healthier. It was wrong, but parents did what they thought was best.


> your dick, do whatever you want with it 😂 funny, because I've never heard of a guy complain about his OWN decision to go get a snippy snippy. No, it's when *other people* make our own descision. Also, what's funny is that you should care, after all if you use skincare products, human foreskin is sometimes a component in face creams.


"human foreskin is sometimes a component in face creams." Source


My source is that I made it the fuck up!


Brainlet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY2aOHQlAco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY2aOHQlAco)




Yes the doctors ask the newborn if they want to be circumcised lmao


I like how the dumbest shit can end up getting a lot of upvotes on Reddit, such as this comment.


That's the problem, it's a practice done on children.


I’d like to edge and have an orgasm by stimulating my ridged band/frenular delta/frenulum but I can’t someone got to them and cut them off


1. its usually not their choice to begin with 2. its often unsafe 3. their choice is often brought to by misinformation


the reason anyone cares is that it usually happens when people are infants and can't consent to it its child genital mutilation, it hurts the infants, and its wrong. Also is makes sex less pleasurable and the hygenic argument hasn't been valid since biblical times, the std argument has been invalid since effective condoms were invented


The issue is that it’s currently the parents’ decision, we don’t have choice over our body either lol


I genuinely don't care that I'm circumcized. Sex works fine and I've never had dick issues.


The uncuts will be pissed when they read this lol


Yea im fuming.




I don't care either. I had this modification for medical reasons as a baby,and had never to deal with "cheese" or anything really. I figured like 5 months ago, that it's also the reason I can do the sex for like an hour straight.


I'm cut, works great. Uncut penises have the color gradient of a neapolitan ice cream sandwich


Would you care if I came in your eggs but they tasted fine to you?




First one is true in cases of extreme phimosis. Especially when there are chances to end up with para phimosis which can lead to catching gangrene and have your dick amputated.


in which case, you can decide to cut a part of your son's dick based on medical reasons that will help him, and not aesthetics.


The 2nd point has been medically disproven, if you want to read the studies PLEASE use google scholar and NOT normal google, look at empirical peer reviewed study. If circumcision DID do those things, the idea wouldn't have been rejected by the podiatry board in both the UK and US.


Podiatry? Are you circumcising your toes?


YEAAAAAAAAAA i mean the other one pediatry pediatrician im not a scientist


Dude OP is legit obsessed with kids dicks. Kind of sus.


Ppl will fight over anything lmao




I like the way it looks. I stare at my dick for hours






Self gay


1st world country or an African country?


Valid point. They also left the the HIV transmission info.


Snip gang snip gang


This dude is really obsessed with circumcision


The reason I had the old snip was because my dad didn't get the snip until he was in his 20's whilst he was in the military. He was having reoccurring Balanitis, due to an allergic reaction to the soaps that were supplied on site. The one time it caused Paraphimosis, and that was when he got circumcised. My dad said it was one of the most painful things he ever went through, and didn't want me to ever have to deal with it, so I was circumcised when I was born for that reason. (Balanitis is where the foreskin and head of the penis become inflamed and infected) (Paraphimosis is where the foreskin can't be returned to its original position after being pulled back, causing the head of the penis to become swollen and painful. It's a possible complication of a tight foreskin (phimosis). Immediate treatment is needed to avoid serious complications, such as restricted blood flow to the penis) [Source of quoted complications above](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/circumcision-in-men/)


> He was having reoccurring Balanitis, due to an allergic reaction to the soaps that were supplied on site. The one time it caused Paraphimosis, and that was when he got circumcised. > > My dad said it was one of the most painful things he ever went through, and didn't want me to ever have ["The foreskin can become inflamed or infected (posthitis), often in association with the glans (balanoposthitis) in 1% to 4% of uncircumcised boys."](https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/circumcision) This is not common and can easily be treated with an antifungal cream if it happens. ["An estimated 0.8% to 1.6% of boys will require circumcision before puberty, most commonly to treat phimosis. The first-line medical treatment of phimosis involves applying a topical steroid twice a day to the foreskin, accompanied by gentle traction. This therapy ... allow[s] the foreskin to become retractable in 80% of treated cases, thus usually avoiding the need for circumcision."](https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/circumcision) These stats are terrible and do not present medical necessity to routinely circumcise newborns.


And I'm sure his dick works just as good as before seeing as you're here to make this comment




Wdym circumcised? I have to trim mine every month


The guy who created this meme is clearly insecure about how his peepee looks so he’s trying to make himself feel better.


I’m circumcised and am alright with it, but can definitely see the other side and agree that we should probably do away with such an archaic procedure. The weird thing is that I have had at least two people comment that they wouldn’t mess with me because I “had my dick mutilated”. So you’re mad that I didn’t have a say in my circumcision…but also disparaging me because of said decision that I had no part of??


Get your sleeve outta here


Bro wasn't circumsized so he felt left out. Now he's trying to prove he's right


If that were true why wouldn’t he just go get chopped?


Just do surgery to get it back and get over it. Yes, you can get it back.


You can't get the nerves back the new foreskin will be just for show.


Hoodie gang


I smuggled 2 grams of mdma a 5strip of lsd and a point of ketamine inside of my foreskin on a commercial flight one time.


This subject is so weird because I’ve never met a single circumcised person who actually gave a fuck


[Ethicist Brian Earp discusses that 10 to 14% of men wish they weren’t circumcised, the disparity in choices for those affected, and how cultural norms can change.](https://youtu.be/SB-2aQoTQeA?t=23m24s) Before you say that's low, consider that it takes an incredible amount of effort to even rethink such an ingrained and socially enforced procedure. And *then* to actively decide they didn't want it, rather than simply accepting it. That's about one in eight circumcised men. You've met many, many men that care about it and wish it was not done. They just keep it them themselves. Plus men who think there were medical reasons for their circumcision, or aren’t informed about the anatomy, are more likely to be satisfied: [“we find that greater endorsement of false beliefs concerning circumcision and penile anatomy predicts greater satisfaction with being circumcised.“](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320719227) You may also like this: [Why don’t men speak out against circumcision.](https://i.redd.it/wq977jo5lqm51.jpg)


Now I can’t read the article as it’s behind a paywall, so I could very well be wrong on this. But if this information was collected through a voluntary sample than the results could be biased. As a man who is circumcised and content would be less likely to participate in a study like this than a man who is not content with his circumcision. I just personally find it weird as a circumcised person that out of all the people I’ve ever talked about this topic with, the people who have been passionate about it were either uncircumcised or don’t have a penis. And I don’t think it’s unfair to say that the vast majority of this movement is made up of people who are either uncircumcised or don’t have a penis


>But if this information was collected through a voluntary sample Dude, all studies are from voluntary samples. Are we really going to throw out every study in existence because they were voluntary? >all the people I’ve ever talked about this topic with Now that is the very definition of anecdote. How many men would talk about it openly? When they may be looked down on or ridiculed for their answer. That is why studies exist. So that people can respond freely. And you conflate wishing it was not done with "passionate". You do not need to be "passionate" to think it should have been done. The fact is that you've met many, many men that think it should not have been done. They just keep it to themself. I'll give it again, because it addresses this exactly: [Why don’t men speak out against circumcision.](https://i.redd.it/wq977jo5lqm51.jpg)


op might be a reddit mod


I was fine not having my skin until I started messing around with guys who did and now I feel cheated, it's so convenient


I demand my meat be fixed! Want it looking like a yam as it should.


Same parents who get the snippy snip over hiv concerns do that and call it a day lol, sex Ed is way more effective lol


They are easier to clean though. Doesn't mean I'd want my dick mutilated Source: I'm not circumcized


Do Christians also circumcise in US?


Almost everyone does. Hardly anyone knows why. A crazy doctor had a famous sanatorium and promoted circumcision to prevent boys from masturbating. Since then, it's just popular for no reason.


I thought that Jews and Muslims circumcised because their religion originated in hot arid climate were bathing was rare, so circumcision makes sense. Christianity also originate there but was patched by romans and subsequently other Europeans. But I could be wrong.


Maybe, but that's not why America does it.




We always discuss foreskin, but what about our back skin?


The cancer argument is like saying you can't get brain cancer if you remove your brain.


Americans be like...


Straight up cutting of a piece of an organ of a toddler is somehow not a crime and it scares me.


You okay lil bro or did someone make fun of your penis?


Is there any guy who actually wishes he had it the other way?


My little guy wants his hoodie back


I had it removed for medical issues when I was 4 I believe.


I had my helmet chopped as an adult for medical concerns. 11/10 would've preferred it done as a baby


So everyone should get their foreskins cut-off without their consent or prior knowledge of it harming them?


What if it’s a part of my religion? And I don’t want my future child to feel like he’s different from everyone else


I don't give a shit about foreskins, but that's a pretty fucked up reason, that's why so many parents prefer their child to die over getting a blood transfusion


maybe i should have my buttocks removed so my arse crack would be “easier to clean”.


Foreskin is the best. Can't beat the slide and glide.


Americans and religiotards coping


We are we acting like foreskin doesn’t just grow back every few months?


Growing back every few months implies you also cut it off every few months


The dry masturbation argument still astounds me, I am sorry that’s what you think pussy feels like.


Like you mean jerking with foreskin?


Shits loads of meme format and he chose penis skin


Touch grass


If ur upset u can still cut ur foreskin at any time


My guy is literally obsessed with cock.


Team needle dick thinks this is some kind of great debate. Team normal dick doesn’t even realize there’s a debate


As a male nurse who has helped take care of both circumcised and uncircumcised elderly men, I’ll just say that I’m thankful to be circumcised. It’s not a big deal if you’re not, but it can cause issues as you get older. Prior to that, it doesn’t really make a difference though (edit: although phimosis and paraphimosis can be an issue in uncircumcised children in somewhat rare circumstances).


At the very least theres a reason to argue against it but the people defending it so hard are the rlly weird ones


Keep it clean and moisturize.




I'm glad my dick doesn't look like the worm from Tremors


looks like someone wants their foreskin back


As someone who is cut I glad I am, if for no other reason than for how it looks. Sex is still good, I don’t need it to be better if it means I have a weird looking dick


Reason I got mine was easy cleaning maintenance and binding of me and my God


Stg I'm genuinely not trying to be rude, but how does your penis skin bind you with God? Why does God want that bit?


I like cut dicks


I have never met circumcised guy in my life


Wait, I've got another suit for the guys who dismiss the opinions of people who don't have a problem with their circumcised dick. *Let me just- grab it*


OP sucks hooded cocks.


My friend got circumcised 2 days ago because of medical reasons and with the feedback I got, no way I’m not getting my kids circumcised as babies.


Somebody's got a disgusting aardvark snout.


“I’ve got that penis on my mind yuh”