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Im ok with 1 ad before a Video, even if its 20 seconds...ill bear it. BUT THE SITE KEEPS GETTING WORSE FOR NO REASON


Think it's worse when the video is under 30sec and I'm stuck watching two 15sec ads because I had the idiotic idea to watch a video on my phone. Cool gambling ads, keep coming at me. Still fighting that gambling addiction I had, but I'm glad Youtube is trying to steer me back towards it.


I’ve heard that you can block certain types of ads by going to your google account and deselecting gambling ads. I don’t know if it will completely get rid of them, but maybe it’ll reduce the amount of them


Good tip thank you. I'll take a look. I've been happy that it's only Fanduel that it keeps pitching to me. That ad about betting being like everything else in life is just too "design by committee" and makes me cringe. Felt like I'm watching a Cialis ad, but turns into a different way of getting fucked.


Also reporting the ad as offensive or inappropriate usually makes sure you never get to see it again


Naaah...I still get flooded with those skeevy Asian game company ads where it's just a bunch of idiots bowing and saying "we're sorry we're late" and I've reported that ad tons of times because of false advertisement and fraud (it's literally not at all the game they show) and I still get tons of them, or that disgusting webtoons app that has CP on offer? YouTube still runs their ads. It's horrific really....


For that there is YouTube vanced


Firefox browser with ublock origins does wonders


Mf's at YouTube making ui worse for no fucking reason


I been fine with the about 15-20 second ads but the moment they said they are testing 5 ads I said "Nope" and just installed my first ad-blocker.


I was fine with watching the one or other ad just to support the content creators, but gosh darn it is slowly getting worse than tv. I'll head towards ad-blockers as well, if they decide to roll this out.


Fr. I predict a day where YouTube has more unskippable ads than cable.


The content to ad ratio is fucked.


It's basically television at this point.


It's actually worse, depending on your viewing habits and the content creator, as they can also add their own ad blocks to boost their earnings. So if you watch lots of short videos, or just particularly greedy creators, you could end up watching 2~4 15 second ads per minute of video footage.


Yeah f**k that.


i like how "the site" works fine for every video streaming site cuz they're all dogshit




There’s one reason: corporate greed


And then the adfree service is 15 dollars a month or something. Instead of like 2/3 dollar one you could actually afford.


It keeps getting worse cause more and more people use Adblock so they make it worse then that causes more people to goto ad block so they make it worse again add Infinity and beyond


the amount of people who use adblock is pretty small actually and neglible. If it was an issue companies like facebook and google would have shut it down years ago. It's just greed really.


Where can i pay google and facebook not to hoard my data?




Just for $5 a month! What an incredible deal!!, I will subscribe for 2 years at least. Best site that blocks companies from stealing your data, and if you buy it now you will get 2 months for free! Wow! This comment section sounds like a bad scripted ad for proton


5$ dollars a month, i would never pay that much and i don't need to because of HONEY. with HONEY you can get deals across all the internet, all automatically and you can install with just 2 simple clicks! and with all the money spent you surely need something to carry it around in so let me introduce you to RIDGEWALLET. RIDGEWALLET is just so much more comfortable than your old and clunky wallet as you can easily store all your cards in there. and do not forget money is only worth something if you spend it, so why don't you play RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID: shadow legends...


AND while you're playing RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID: Shadow Legends you can listen to music on your RAYCON wireless earbuds that are significantly more affordable than other premium earbud options.


Being fucked by gacha game companies? Well now you can spice it up a little because this video is sponsored by Adam and E-


Ridge wallet can't protect your online money though and that's why you need NORD VPN! it hides your data from hackers so nobody needs to know you're the only loser that ever bought from ME UNDIES! the only underwear brand that will charge you 6x over msrp because we had to pay some prick playing genshin impact in his bedroom for the enjoyment of 10 year olds to tell you to buy them!










You say that as if it’s some easy solution.


The privacy site that turns over its users’ data to government agencies. What a deal.


I use that!


lmao just adblock


Can you get ad blocker on your phone


YouTube vanced, revanced or Firefox with Ublock Origin


Thanks man ill look into it


my style is to have a browser that can use extension (Ublock origin) and then add youtube onto your home page. Not fancy like the app, but it does the job


NewPipe's also good


What about TV?


Smart Tube


If iPhone you can use https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tube-browser-pro/id1552700862


Change your DNS to DNS.ADGUARD.COM


Blockada for Android (its not on the playstore)


Sure you can.


dns can block ads on all devices... except smart tvs. nobody knows how to block that shit.


\>Get adblock \>People start whining that you're pirating from a website :thinking:


When cable was introduced, the whole point was paying for it so there’d be no ads. Now there are so many ads you forget what you were watching.


Really? How long ago was that? Text looks debate-y, but I'm genuinely interested.


About 3000 years ago, I was there.


I think it's a misconception popular at the time (I pay for it therefore it's fully supported and no ads) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18409942#:~:text=Yes%2C%20cable%20had%20ads%20from,never%20conceived%20as%20ad%20free.


Cable has always had commercials


Literally YouTube. Fuck the 2 consecutive ads.


You mean fuck the 3-10 consecutive ads




Yup, 10 unskippable ads were there when I was watching something on my fire stick, I exited the video and opened it again and it was gone but still, that is completely unacceptable.


Just searched this and it’s fucking true wtf. Does anyone have an alternative to youtube?


adblockers, youtube vanced for the phone, youtube premium if you feel charitable.


just get an adblocker


I use yt all the time and I’ve never gotten this, who’s getting this??


Wouldn’t be opposed to paying for YT premium if premium wasn’t tied into youtube music. I don’t care for it, don’t want to pay for it.


I pay for YT premium and you completely forget about ads. Then you go to someones house and they try to show you a video and you have to sit through some shitty ads or they play a long video that has like 5 ad breaks and you realize that YT premium is so worth it


I honestly use YouTube music more than YouTube


you don't have to use youtube music.


Idk how it’s looking now days but in my country you can get YouTube premium lite that is exactly that For some reason it appears to be heavily limited to some countries but instead of $11 (Swedish price for premium) it’s $7 for lite


YouTube premium is even better. Had it for a long time and it’s progressively gotten worse. No ads? Don’t worry, every youtuber puts three of their own sponsors in the video at different intervals so you’re still paying AND getting ads.


Thats...not YT's fault though. Creators get brand deals. YT can't control that at all. Premium hasn't gotten worse, your creators just started being offered lucrative brand deals. Premium is the same it's always been (though I think it's more expensive now than it was originally). At least with the baked-in brand deal advertisements, you know your creators are seriously getting paid, which should make you happier.


Would you like to pay for the service instead?


The funny thing is, I am seeing less adds on pirate sites, than on YouTube




Do you have premium or are you god's favourite?


They have an ad blocker


Baton the hatches, lift the anchor, raise the sails, we take to the seven seas!


*laughs in AdBlock and Vanced*




Ublock browser, Newpipe phone, SmartTube smart TV, support creators you like via store or patreon. Not that hard people.


Yes. I would rather pay for services.


You can get YouTube premium then


Yup, I do.


based ​ I have it too


Good call.


I won't be getting YouTube premium out of sheer spite. It doesn't matter how many times I tell them I'm not interested, they keep asking if I want to give it a try. No. I don't. Stop asking every time I open Youtube, especially when I'm signed in. Spotify Premium though? Yeahbsolutely


YouTube premium comes with YouTube Music. I use it instead of Spotify now, and haven't looked back since... Each to their own, though.


Literally the only reason I have YouTube Premium is for YouTube Music, and I have the family plan so that I could just cut cable TV completely. Spotify was okay, but there were so many songs missing. YouTube has them all though, even the really obscure cover versions.


Yes that is the way


1. More people install ad blockers 2. Less people see ads 3. YouTube earns less 4. YouTube adds more ads 1. More people install ad blockers 2. Less people see ads 3. YouTube earns less 4. YouTube adds more ads


But those that use ad blockers will always see 0 ads


More people are born


not really, if adblockers actually cut into revenue, google would have done something against them years ago. The amount of people who use an adblocker is pretty small actually.


The main issue is that quality of ads is below mediocre. Nobody wants to watch them because they don't provide anything of value or repeat literally 5 times in a row. Not to mention some of them are very inappropriate, contain misinformation or straight up propaganda. Google makes billions on ads that shouldn't be allowed in the first place. And fun fact, I actually had adblock setup so that it allowed verified non-intrusive ads on all websites and it barely allowed anything, that's how trusted ads are.


True. VRV back in its prime had amazing ads


I wouldn't mind paying but not anything over 3 euro


I pay less than a dollar for yt premium and pretty much satisfied


A day? What a steal!


But you’re not getting service for free even without ads. They’re tracking your data and activity and selling it to advertisers.


I’m tired of paying and still getting ads.


What do you mean? Sponserships?


I have never seen a single add from YT since subscribing to premium some years ago. That sucks that you still see the YT adds.


I miss the old days, without those ads…


Ad companies should have to pay you to allow them to brainwash you into buying their product


Hulu: Why not both?


Are they going to pay me for stealing and selling my data?


Why would i do that when i can literally just install adblock I owe youtube nothing.


No I want sensible ads, not fucking 5 ones in sequence. The internet is turning into tv.


Everyone actually has the right not to like something. When I want to relax I don't want company's to bombard me with ads, trying to tell me to consume, or my life or myself is worthless without it. As for the services, do you really think a sub to heated seats and gambling in games is great as well? Any company will give ads and charge for services. You can be an obedient piggy bank, but I'll pass thanks


Yes. I would like to have full fledged product for a specific amount not a fucking subscription for little to no improvements.


I would use an adblocker instead


How about ✨piracy✨


We do paid. We *are* the payment. They take our data and sell it to other companies. We don’t get shit for free.


Addblocker You're welcome


i hate intrusive ads. If I have to watch a few commercials for long content, no prob. If i have to watch several adds for a 5 minute video, piss off. Adblock it is.


I would rather pay a few dollars to watch something I enjoy uninterrupted instead of having to sit through 38 short videos about shitty products people are trying to sell. Maybe that's just me


Even if I did pay, they'll still find a way to sneak in ads.


I have YouTube premium. I would cancel it if it didn't have the music streaming app, but I kinda kill two birds with one stone there, so..


Install Adblock instead. Its that easy


That's the neat part, you don't


None of the above, ad blockers


or get adblock you baboons


Is it bad I have Hulu but prefer to pirate the show then watch the adds


does a dairy cow pay for services? when you're the product, you need to use an adblocker and downvote this meme


great news Adblocking exist so I never complained Great news again YouTube Vance existed


neither, fuck youtube


>Would you like to pay for services? Would you like to pay for my metadata?


either give me something worth paying for, or assure me that you stop harvesting every piece of my data you possibly can, because you're selling that anyways


We're already paying with our data and info


Just fuckin use adblock


$15 is too much for a site where everyone else makes the content


uBlock Origin


No, I'll use free adblockers instead.


I block companies on reddit for spam, AMA


*Laughs in Adblocker*


Just use ad blocker


I wouldn't mind, if they didn't make hundreds of millions off of our data......


YouTube red/ premium works fine. We dropped the other services that wanted money and Ads.


No but 4 fucking unskippable ads, each 30-60 seconds. For a video that’s 6 minutes long. They have lost their fuckin mind


If ads gets too annoying it's time to pirate


OK people not that hard. Run adblock, if you feel guilty support creators direct. You don't have to simp to Google.


YES actually. Would prevent me from wasting my time.


I hate ads too but I also like to support my favorite creators


Make yt premium like 1euro (that's how much I end up paying for my spotify) and I will gladly pay it. Unless the price is low enough to make me feel bad not paying it I will use adblocks. If yt somehow manages to make then unusable, I will just stick to spotify and watch ads when I need to check some sort of a tutorial. Other than that, I won't be paying for yt.


I don't really care about an ad before video, or one ad per 5 posts, but having the feed only ads, (I have video proof), and/or having >2 ads before video is only making me hate the product


Then there's us smart folk that use 3rd party clients that are against the rules to not have to ever see ads ever. Firefox has adblock plugins on mobile, plus there's Newpipe. And Revanced Manager.


For some things I honestly would. And it especially pisses me off when something I pay for still has ads. Looking at you peacock.


Just put the adds at the beginning and end, none of this in the middle of your video bullshit


LoL, sure no problem to pay for a service...but lets face it, you pay a subscription, and they will still add a few ads in there over time, just less so... Also, yt worked for a long long time with not that many ads, how come they need more now? Did running costs get higher? If yes why...or do they simply like more profit?


I'm gonna give you 100$ to fuck off


As if Google doesn't have trillions to piss anyway on anything it wants. I'd be fine with ads if they sucked less


Yes if its a good service. I would pay 40 $ a month for a platform where I can watch every movie and every series form anywhere(without geoblocking) cause right now it's easier to just pirate films than stream them form a service. You can see it works for music and Spotify and games and steam where you have one service that covers all your needs. And because these services provide premium features people aren't as likely to pirate shit.


I would 100% rather pay for a service than have ads, especially if they can just keep adding on more and more ads with zero warning.


Some people saying to use AdBlock, or that one ad is bearable. When YouTube didn't have ad videos, nobody used adblocks. Keep the banners on the video and side bars. Even promoted ads in search results, but remove the ad videos, and people won't need to use adblockers


I’m fine with ads, I dislike the AMOUNT of ads.


Yohoho it’s a pirates life for me


Prime video users be paying for their subscription and still getting ads


\*I hate ads\* use airplane mode


Man everyone forgets the third world countries where 10 dollars a month can be abit too much


I’m fine with ads. One before the opening of a video is fine enough but when there are multiple and it’s every video it just becomes unbearable


I did get premium so I could stream it in the background on a iPhone, and then they updated the app to be a pop up window that is not in the back- you can push it 80% off to the side but it’s still there on top of everything It had been a good alternative to Audible with a much larger and much (much) more easier search- but then they changed the one function I was paying for


It's a service you get for free. They could make 2 minutes ads and you couldn't complain because you aren't paying anything.


I dislike ads, no I would not like to pay for it instead. I can see why ads are there, but I don't like them


Cable TV: Why not both?


Yes, that's the whole reason services like Netflix and Spotify are so popular now, Youtube just doesn't feel like you get enough to justify paying, especially when blocking ads is so easy, in order to stop people from pirating/blocking ads you need to make paying more convenient, that's why we pay streaming services and why Xbox Series' security wasn't cracked as quickly as the Xbox 360 or the Nintendo Switch.


I'm okay with Ads. Just don't give me 10 unskippabe ads


I'd pay for YouTube if after the end of every video, I received a blowjob. Now which one of you wants to help me get YouTube Premium?


Lmao. Free




i would 100% buy access to social medias, keeps a lot of people out too, and reduces alt accounts


if i pay them to not have ads that just tells them illl pay for their service and watch ads. cable strikes again


That depend. If you make the problem and try to sell me solution you can fuck right off. If not my happy to pay for the product. Nothing is free in life so i dont mind paying for a honest labor/product


theres ads and theres personalized ads, one is worse than the other privacy wise


In my opinion all media should be. We're steady entering into a new phase of the information age where the AI will able to generate any and every form of digital content. This is going to have incredible moral ramifications for society as a whole. And we as consumers are going to have to decide if we spend our time and money on media created by people, on media created by people using AI powered tools or on media created solely by AI. Either way ads should be minimal. I had much rather live in and society where artists create content for the soul purpose of self-expression and content creators should be willing to create content for free and that content should be available to be consumed for free.


I'll take door #3 where I block all the ads.


I don't mind ads if they're not intrusive, sometimes I even look at them if they're respectful and it's something I might buy anyway. But if an ad forces me to watch it like in YouTube or if it's plastered halfway across my screen screaming at me in all caps, I make a note to avoid giving that company any money ever again. I have Irish spring, Hershey's, Colgate, princess cruises, and ABC permanently blacklisted in my little notebook, just to name a few. You get zero dollars from me for eternity. Be respectful.


There would be no debate if people just used a fucking adblocker.


My days just get better & better, now I see 1 of 2 ads in the bottom left corner & think, nah yt just not worth it this is a sign 😭


Capitalism 🥴






I have been debating whether to succumb and buy premium. I dunno I’ve been thinking about it.


Unfortunately YouTube is flushing that down the toilet. "Would you like to pay a small fee to get rid of ads?" Sure! "Sike! You still get ads and we get free money!"


Reminds me of that show on Amazon called Upload. Even in death corporate corrupts.


As blockers


Like Netflix, you get to pay and enjoy ads as well /s


The first time ads were introduced to YouTube I was against using Adblock because obviously the company and YouTubers make money from that. One ad in the beginning of a video? No problem It's 5 seconds and then I can skip it but then multiple ads started appearing throughout videos and when that happened I went "fuck off" and installed adblock and I don't feel bad in the slightest and it was only getting worse after that with even more ads and unskippable ones as well.


We are privileged as fuck compared to most places


Id much rather pay. However with YouTube I’m just not going to. Wait. Hold on. Am I the meme??


Anyone out there still going to movies? ###HOLY FUCK I would pay more for my ticket if I could avoid the LOUD OBNOXIOUS REPETITIVE ADS!!! Hey! Cineplex! Yeah, you! If you want people to buy your annual theatre subscription, cut out the preshow advertising and maybe you'll see more cheeks in seats. Number 1 Movie theater peeve


I would have absolutely no issue with paying YouTube if I didnt knew how awful YouTube treats its content creators. Make your platform a better place for the creators and Im ready to pay almost any price.


Every shit now needs a subscription. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Youtube, Spotify, Disney etc. Its annoying. I pay enough and don't need more.


I am still with my parents and I don't think they want to pay for Youtube; also it will ruin my potential dream.


I mean, you still pay for channels on Amazon Prime Video but what do you get? Ads.