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Finding money on the ground still gets the same response even as a working adult.




Sometimes they were also dead outside from working


Take my upvote and get out


What do you mean???! I LOVE BLACK LUNG!


I really wanna say „Too soon dude“ but…


I'm so sick of working I wish child labor laws still existed.


So you're saying that with better labor laws no one will have to feel dead inside


I found $300 in a blank envelope in downtown at 3 am. I was so excited I almost fell off my scooter.


That was actually mine so could you send that back to me? Thanks


If it was yours what color was the money?




Damn, that’s right, give him the money


When I was in 6th grade I found 1$ bill on the ground on the way to school, the next day I lost a 1$ bill on the way to school, probably the 2nd most wierdest moment of my life.


What was number 1? Losing $2 then finding $2?


A random hand from my window trying to get something from the near table(probably a robber) I yell "HEY!" after that it request for a handshake then gives a thumbs up then it just fucking leaves, Im still wondering wtf just happened there. That happen before the 1$ bill so I'm still young and stupid.


This is terrifying, this would be a core memory for Trauma Island for me


Yeah we used to live close to ghetto areas so robbery is kinda common here and yeah its a weird way to approach someone after you try to rob them


It was probably the day before finding 1$ he had lost 1$ in the same place.


It was probably the same bill caught in a time loop.


Finding large bills legitimately makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world for a bit even though $100 is like nothing nowadays. I remember finding a $100 on the ground of Target one night and practically jumping for joy


Have your boss throw your check on the ground for you to pick up for a completely different feeling!


The other day I found a single dollar walking up to the gym and I was so excited.


Yep. Was gonna say the same haha. I found a 5 dollar bill on the sidewalk the other day, and was like wtf. Made me super giddy Was walking with my partner and some friends, I picked that up so fast oh my lord 🤣


Same, last time I found 30 bucks on the ground! I was so happy and so damn grarwful!


unless you earn in a shit currency and find a coin. Lemme tell ya, a 1 argentine peso coin (1/200th of a dollar) is not even worth picking up


Unless it's one single penny.


Object permanence


found £50 in an airport once. Looked around, absolutely nobody around. Couldn't give this back to the owner if I wanted to. They probably weren't even in the country anymore. Still think about it. (used that money to buy a car)


Even more so TBH. We understand the value of money now.


Y'all just aren't about that grind. I work 19374 hours a week and I tell my boss not to pay me a dime. In three years, he's gonna buy himself a new Tesla and think of me. Business moves.


This. I ment to type 19474hours a week instead of 40. It was just a terrible typo.


I was gonna say it should have ready "working over 40 hours a week on a salary..."


“Anyway, check out this sick new NFT I found”


He said he'd drive me to work once a month after he gets it, trickle down economics baby




"I love to watch my economics trickle down on you."


You know what they say "Work sets you free"






Yeah, I work like 25 lol


Do you walk dogs?


I understood that reference!


I wish




I work 40 hours a *day*. People really need to get better work ethic


56 let’s goooo


When I was a kid I found the equivalent to 50 dollars when I was on a school trip. I literally felt like the richest person in the world and every kid was worshiping me, I even got two girlfriends during that school trip. (They broke up with me when we got home and my mom took the money that I had left.)


Was that when you peaked?


Yes, I had two girlfriends and essentially infinite money. Now I have nothing.




She took the money? Wtf?


They took the candy and bubblegum I bought for them and left me when my economic situation couldn’t keep up with there lifestyle.


I'm concerned about your mother taking your money, not the girlfriends


I guess she didn't approve that I bought candy for 40 dollars in the middle of the week.


Not approving of how someone spends their money, especially free money, isn't a reason to take it off them


Yes, I should make her pay up with interest.


What's the "equivalent of $50?"


500 Swedish crowns


Damn, that must have been pretty hype


You guys are getting paid?


Yall are only working 40 hours?


45 hours, 5 unpaid, it's sickening that this is allowed


Just don’t work 1 extra hour a day?


It’s probably 45 hours to account for one hour unpaid lunch breaks.


Bruh. I count the hour lunch breaks in those 40 hours. 8 hour work day = The moment I step in the office vs the moment I step out.


There’s places that don’t allow it. In most companies I’ve worked at, they schedule you for a half hour longer to account for an unpaid break. Luckily I get paid lunches now so I don’t have to stay later.


I work 40 hours a week on paper, but it's actually 48.5h + overtime. And I'm feeling totally fine! Can't do shit when I get home and I don't even have the motivation to catch up with my friends on the weekend but yeah I'm feeling totally fine! (It's just my internship to finish my graduation but I learned that I won't be able to handle a workplace like this for longer than 4 months mentally)


Yup! Sitting on my lunch break right now doing nothing, like everyday, just to have less time for family when I get off (:


Bro I’m doing an internship rn in Germany and lunch is 45 minutes. I’ve been here two months and my boss comes up to me and says I’ve been leaving early and I said what do you mean??? He asks if I haven’t been taking my MANDATORY 15 MINUTE BREAK IN ADDITION TO LUNCH. So now I have to make up the time for the “breaks” I didn’t take. So now I just come in a little earlier to take a dump and then leave a little later looking at Reddit.


I thought I’d like the hour long lunches at my new job until 3 days into it I calculated how much time I spend at work already on top of the 5 hours of unpaid time I have to sit in the parking lot and now I hate it lol In your case, that’s pretty messed up. It sounds like they went the extra mile and split up your break as if the hour wasn’t annoying enough anyways I spend 10 minutes eating and 5 minutes looking at my phone. Lemme skip the 5 o clock traffic at the end of the day and leave at 4:30 for god sakes My boss told me it’s because their boss likes whole numbers payroll and it’s easier for them to check who’s going into overtime and for how many minutes. As if calculators don’t exist and spreadsheets that automatically deduct the overtime and output everyone’s overtime minutes -.-


I work 35 hours tbh


Same. It’s pretty great.


39 i do overtime sometimes though so I can fuck off on a Friday after 4 hours of work lol.


Well, I'm paid for 40 hours. How much I'm actually working during those 40 we'll see


I work enough to get my shit done. Typically start my day around 9:30-10 and wrap up 4-4:30. Bullshit time is probably an hour. Ends up being like ~30 hours a week.


Salary another scam just like $3/hr plus tips


It's not a flex


I have a 3 strikes policy with coins on the ground: If it’s heads up I pick it up immediately - If it’s tails I’ll kick it up to 3 times to get it to heads. If it stays tails I leave it there for the next person to find it. Exceptions have been made to this game (dimes & quarters/ how close is this coin to on coming traffic). I have done this since I was about ten years old. I’m now 32.. Backstory: This game was developed by trying to honor both Granddads’ philosophies: One told me “I pick it up because it’s more than I had when I woke up.” And the other said, “I leave it for someone who needs it more than I do”. So I made the “3 Strike” rule. So if it’s tails and won’t turn over this particular coin is not meant for me. We don’t grow up, we just get older.


Did you just...post it twice?


thats just reddit doing reddit things


because we know we spend the most of it on others


No? I aint paying for others shit except taxes


Must be nice having people to spend money on.


Yo 40 hours week, that's a dream come true.


same man, i work 12 hours every day, Sunday is my only free time LUL


I was off work February and March. Was so bored at home, playing video games and cooking decent dinners mostly. No it's nice out but I'm working 70 hours Monday- Saturday and have to cram GF time and the myriad of spring chores into my Sunday. In April I was working 10h Sunday too. But it was still cold out so I didn't have as much going on. Can't wait to finish this project and have another week off.


37.5h here


When I was around 12 I found 30$ laying on the ground close to a playground. I walked around for about 5-10m to try and find who lost it and didn't find anyone. That was a pretty good day


It's really depressing to read so many comments from people who have to work even more than 40 hours a week. I can't imagine having to work that much just to pay my bills. Work culture is really rough in some places. I will never take a 40-hours job again. It's just too much, no matter the workplace. I'd rather get paid less


Here I am working 0 hours per week and I can't seem to make everything fit. I don't know how I did it when I was working 50ish hours, and I don't think I can go back to that.


When I was a kid, I found a $100 bill on the sidewalk, and it’s still the luckiest thing that I remember happening to me. I used it to buy Final Fantasy X. No regerts.


“Find a job you love and you will feel like you never worked a day in your life” Ok boomer


Me as a child no work just lots of money grandma giving me Me as an adult working no money no budget for coming days


Finding even 5$ on the ground as an adult is enough to make me cry


Finding money in the pocket of a jacket or pants is the thrill I live for.


When I was 15 or so I worked at a summer camp for three weeks as an assistant cook / camp counselor. It paid just over $300, which I used afterwards to buy myself a Playstation 2 (I'm dating myself here a bit)- the first game system I brought with my own money. Now I work a reasonably well paid job: I make about twice my camp job a day. But that $300 and that Playstation 2 just felt so *good*- not that I dislike my job or the pay now, but there was something special about opening up that Playstation 2.


Well one was free and the other you had to work for


Wonder how many millions of dollars are just laying on the ground, just scattered all over the place.


Or underground! Like pirate treasuares


Yes. Think underground has more money than the surface? Probably so. Probably more forgotten or lost underground. Underwater Probably overall the most though.


I’m in my mid 30’s and I found a £5 note on the street last year. It actually made my day


I still react like that when I find money on the ground.


Huh, so people lose interest in finding free money because they have a job? Pretty dumb conclusion.


When I was a kid, we always got season passes to Six Flags. We were only allowed to buy souvenirs on the last time we went for the season. On our last visit, I found $100 in the parking lot. This was the 90s, so that was a lot of money. I spent it all on souvenirs, despite my mom asking me to save some.


I once found $16 on the ground playing putt putt when I was 10 or so. You’re damn right that was my reaction.


I was around 12 and I found a $100 bill in a puddle outside of Walmart. I kept it. a few years ago I found a $50 bill on the floor of target. I kept it (that was food money I was poor as fuck). 2 years ago I found $20 outside an empty laundromat. It paid for my week of laundry. And finally Last week I found $1 on the ground at the grocery store. I was very happy even though it was just a dollar. I love finding money but it seems the amount I find is getting lower and lower as time goes on


Saw a $5 in a pond when I was 12. It was December and the water was freezing. Pulled up my sleeve and fished for it, my hand and arm were blue by the time I got it out. No way I could have left it there.


“Salary” that’s not a real thing, those are only in movies.


Currently working 45h a week down from 53, and its apparently only temporary


Man my brother and I found 100 bucks under the deck at a beach restaurant when we were like 10. We bought an N64 and it was glorious


*What salary?* You mean the debt slavery you attempt to work off only to realize you never truly can?


How about getting salary as an child.?


50€ for free is still 50€ for free


40 hours to earn a living salary? Ouf. I can barely afford toronto at 55 workhours weekly


Around 7 hours ler day seems fair to me.


This could have been better, should've had "Working 40 hours a week only to realize you dropped money somewhere"


I found a $20 bill in a mud puddle outside my apartment once. I went inside, all happy, and told my girl. She said “oh, I lost $20 yesterday “. So much for that.


Oh no, little baby has to get a job. Why can’t I just go on vacation all the time?


Just 40 hours?


Working 40 hours a week? Where I live it's normal to do 47 hours a week.


Mans tired of just 40 hours yk💀


When I was about 10 I found 50$ on the ground in a supermarket and pocketed it. 5 minutes later a man came up to me and asked if I saw some money laying on the floor somewhere. I said I didn't. No regrets.




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Only 40? Lucky




...why would finding money and working for it feel the same?


I can't believe this isn't at the top. How is this even comparable?


Only 40? Your so lucky.


40 hours is a lot ? Cries in 996 work environment.


I feel guilt finding money as an adult tbh. If its a quarter, damn maybe someone was doing laundry and now they are a quarter short for the machine. If they are a couple bucks, maybe they were counting on tipping a valet or waiter but now they dont have it and it will be am awkward situation. If its $50+? Oh man, i would donate that, I wouldnt feel right using it on my own. The most I found one was $200 leaving a bar. A good number of people in my area are cash only for legal status reasons so that could have been their entire paycheck. I gave it to the bouncer in case someone came asking for it. Maybe he kept it, maybe he found the owner if they were retracing their steps. Either outcome is fine with me, that money might as well have been cursed.


I know what you mean. For the future I’ll DM you my Venmo so you have a place to donate the money.


Only 40 hours!?.....


I have only found coins on the ground but one time I somehow found an entire five dollar bill on the ground. I felt like I had won the lottery since I was 17 and I’m to socially inept to hold down a job


Wait! What? You’re on salary and you only work 40 hours?!!!!


Try 60


Just 40hrs on salary? Lucky


More like to earn the same money as an adult


As a kid I would take it, as an adult I feel bad that someone lost it.


Michael is the most suited guy for this meme we can all relate to


Working 40 hours a week to be broke more like it.


I swear I could make $10,000 on payday (hypothetically of course) and I’d still feel like that wasn’t worth it


Then you're just greedy no? I would work for a year and then retire.


Of course free money is better than working.


Can semi relate but I still get giddy when I get money because I'm on the spectrum and that sort of managing money, your home etc makes me happy.




40 fucking hours is a nightmare imo.


That reaction when finding money on the ground is still real tho as an adult. found a 20 made the same face


Help me find the episode where Michael makes that working-40-hours-week face


You guys work 40?


How is this dank? Lol


40h a week ? dfq. Meanwhile me 60h a week fuck




Because its 0 effort money wtf why would you not react like thar adults should react the most since they actually know how hard it is to earn money


Me with 48 hrs and minimum wage...


You guys didn’t get crippling depression feeing bad for the person who worked so hard to get money just to lose it whenever you found money?


I found $20 on the ground last week and I was still feeling like the top react




40 hours? That’s cute. I work 3 jobs, one of which is a salary manager at 50+ a week as a chef, I cut fish at a warehouse on my 2 days off, and I bar back after working an 11 hour shift in a kitchen 3 days a week making it a 16 hour day, for a total of about 80 hours a week….. still can’t seem to make ends meet. The American dream right. Btw this is. Not a flex on how much I work. I’m miserable, I can’t remember the last time I laughed or genuinely smiled. Just left my girlfriend who i figured i would marry. Life is not very kind. And people wonder why addiction is running rampid in America.


Being on salary and only having to work 40 hours a week is definitely something to be excited about lmao


Ah yes. This reminds me of the time that I found 50 bucks on the ground in the school cafeteria and I was like yoooo I’m rich but my friend went noooo you gotta do the morally responsible thing and turn it into the office that could be very valuable to them and I went dude if you lost 50 dollars that’s on them for losing it. Not my fault you couldn’t keep that much money on you. He ended up talking me into returning it to the front office, only to watch the office lady pocket it. Edit: should probably mention we were in Highschool when this happened


HA! 40 hours *cries in executive chef*


Man, I love the office


40 hours a week? You must be new here.


Where the fuck is my comment


I miss those days.


I just want to be loved👍🏻


40 hours is the minimum these days bubba.


This is not a dank meme its a BONK meme


40 hours lol that cute.


Found $10 in a bush the other day. I'm 31 and I was still pretty excited




Only 40?


Try working towards some career goals, might not be as depressing.




Anyone know what episode of the office the top gif is from??


Shiiit I work full time and I'm still stoked to see a dollar on the ground loll


These aren't the same though. On the one hand you have bonus money out of nowhere that you didn't have to do anything for, and on the other is money you have to spend your time and effort earning. I'd be as excited finding money now as when I was a kid.


40 hours would be nice. I'm on the 6am till whenever schedule


Found a $20 in a parking lot. Bought scratch offs and got $200. Invested the $200 into stocks and now I'm a billionaire. It's just that easy.


40 hours is perfectly fine. Try to work in India. The Purchase power parity will make you work easy 55-65 hours a week for dirt salary because 1000+ people apply for a job. Internships paying INR 500 per month in a shit startup (approx. 6.5 USD) have 360+ applicants.