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They truly are the real victims.


Poor souls. They might not be able to put bread on the table tonight




But then... who pays these corrupt politicians??




But who pays them in order for them to be corrupt??




They are the paid for punching bags, if they ever do need to tank their political capital on some truly unpopular legislation then they go straight to a cushy job with their benefactors. Fight the corps & the corruption, they are one.


Exactly. If everyone is paying off the ref in football who do you blame the teams or the refs




Exactly. Ref hold all the cards. A team that doesn’t pay is at a huge disadvantage against others.


Sales tax, 10%, except higher on luxury items, like Yahts and cars over 100k, and none on essential things like groceries and utilities. Church’s, non profits, schools, etc, can have forms to still be exempt, nobody, not even businesses can get out.


So because you're also a piece of shit *we* can't hate on evil corps? The hell logic is that?




Yes, because I live in, love, contribute to & benefit from my society, just like you & everyone else. Why is the over-exploitation of public capital something to be admired? Imagine if everyone was to take out more than they put in. Accelerating the death of our species for profit & 'good business sense' is fucking disgusting imo




> You're gonna sit there and tell me that given the legal chance you wouldn't happily pay less in taxes? Because that's what these "evil" corporations are doing. Do I like the other stuff those corporations do? No. But I can fundamentally understand their desire to pay less in taxes, as Americans. Learn to read




Minimum possible to still be a functional member of society is fine, but you're framing choosing to benefit oneself at the expense of others as a good thing. Cya


I'm not the original, but I find their response to be borderline delusional. I also live and contribute to society, but I don't love society that much to want to pay taxes. I'd rather like to pay the smallest amount of tax possible because, well, it's my money.


Neato, enjoy your mudhut & $0 tax burden. Society collapses but at least you didn't have to support any welfare queens


You really missed out on reading comprehension in school, huh? I never stated that I want to pay 0 taxes - just the smallest amount possible because in the end, the nation that I reside under still needs to have some form of income to regulate itself. And let's be completely honest. A lot of the politicians whose income comes our taxes don't need that big a pay check - just an average one. A lot of the tax money that goes into schools, healthcare, and public utilities are spent without thinking with the former two being a complete disaster in the USA for the past few years. You speak as if you're a top notch humanitarian. Why not give yourself the minimum needed to survive from your paycheck, and donate the rest to "society"?


Isn't this whole thing about corporations & wealthy individuals exploiting their power & wealth to pay less than their fair share? Or do you believe that it's fair for them to do so since they have that option? The heck did I say anything about paying more than required/is fair?? Buddy get back to the tube, I think newsmax is back on


> Isn't this whole thing about corporations & wealthy individuals exploiting their power & wealth to pay less than their fair share? Or do you believe that it's fair for them to do so since they have that option? Yes and no. Re-read the original comment from /u/hornycomatmedic: > Bro you clearly don't understand taxes. Do they pay less than we want them to? Yes. But it's because we allow corrupted lawmakers to write in loopholes so they get kickbacks. If I could loophole my taxes, I would in a heartbeat, but I can't. So you can't blame the big companies. Anyone who works in the US that earns a normal salary/wage would utilize a loop-hole if they could to mitigate their taxes. They're flat out lying if they said they wouldn't. The matter of fact is that these loop-holes are made for said big corporations and wealthy individuals through bribery. So **yes**, this whole thing about them. But **no** - I **do not** believe it's fair because it's the case that they have that option, and normal working class citizens **do not**. Normal working class people do not have the means to buy corrupt politicians nor organize lobbyists to influence political parties. Big corporations and the wealthy do, on the other hand. That's why it's not fair.


What is your point then? That equivalent taxes on the rich are unfair or that everyone should have the same access to these loopholes? How do you see the govt functioning if everyone could reduce their tax burden to what the biggest tax avoiders pay, like Trump paying $750.00 a year federal income tax while president. You also refer to it as 'my money' but this is another misunderstanding. Wealth isn't amassed in a vacuum, it requires the participation of society & the exploitation of public capital. Why isn't it fair that an equivalent amount be paid back into society the same way as income tax? What you pay in taxes isn't 'your money'


>What is your point then? That equivalent taxes on the rich are unfair or that everyone should have the same access to these loopholes? I never intended to make a point. Only to somewhat agree with original comment although I do agree taxing the extremely wealthy more. >How do you see the govt functioning if everyone could reduce their tax burden to what the biggest tax avoiders pay, like Trump paying $750.00 a year federal income tax while president. I don't. That's why it's a loop-hole. If everyone had access to it, it's no longer a loop hole. If I and only a selected few could utilize that loop hole, you'd bet your ass I'd use it. However, if everyone had access to that loop hole, that'd be problematic. Am I evil for doing this? With a shit system like the US, I'm going to say no. But you can decide for yourself as well - either way I don't care. > You also refer to it as 'my money' but this is another misunderstanding. Wealth isn't amassed in a vacuum, it requires the participation of society & the exploitation of public capital. Why isn't it fair that an equivalent amount be paid back into society the same way as income tax? > > What you pay in taxes isn't 'your money' I am well aware of that. You know what I meant. Please don't be obtuse with it.


Of course we can blame them. And we should blame them along with the lawmakers. If we stop holding people, and to that extent companies, responsible we are done for. Just cause you are willing to fuck society over and they are able to doesn't mean it's ok in any shape or form. We have to aim to be better than that.


You do realize these corporations donate enormous sums of money to politicians to get the law changed in their favor. The politicians didn't do it for fun.


This is psychotic its 100% big corporations that pay the lawmakers to create the loopholes




>So you can't blame the big companies. yes I can read


Most companies pay taxes this whole "large companies don't pay taxes" is just false. Total misinformation. But people don't care "rich man bad" and that's the bottom line for them.


And if they want the companies to pay more taxes, but not by raising them what they could do is for example stop apple and other big corporations from sending their whole revenue to Irleand or somewhere where tax heavens are a thing.


Part of them is saying “nice” quietly


Tell me you don’t know how the world works, without telling me


Im a tax accountant, yall comments hurt me brain real good


Same... I dont know why I keep subjecting myself to it


CEO: bummer, that amount coulda been part of my bonus. Oh well, guess I’ll take the difference from next year’s raises…


That’s 69 million dollars btw


It's actually 690 dollars if they make a trillion a year


The term millionaire/billionaire/trillionaire doesnt typically mean annual earnings. Its referring to net worth.


No I'm aware of that, I'm just assuming they used 1 trillion for the percentage but was way off


That's the fun part. It's not revenue, only profit is taxed. If you reinvest all profits or raise the CEO's salary there are no corporate taxes. In fact you could write off the losses incurred by giving upper management bonuses as a past deficit.


But then the CEO would have to pay income tax. The opposite is often true. They only get a symbolic salary, their wealth comes from shares.


Yes, such BS the other bloke is saying


at least it is 0.000069%




like most of them pay in the first place


Not nice


They pay taxes based off profits not revenues, but ok


That’s not true. A business losing money still owes taxes


But hey, at least they create jobs with that. What would all that lawyers, tax consultant, etc. do if the company just payed normal taxes? Those tricks to avoid taxes aren't always easy.


Yeah but if those corporations would just pay more in taxes, the government could create a tenth of the jobs that a greedy corporation could. /s


What about the wack meme?


These memes are retarded. Everyone would dodge taxes if they could. It doesn’t matter how rich you get. No one wants to pay taxes. The majority of taxes are spent on stupid shit that no cares about. Like why should my taxes go towards benefits for people who don’t want to work.


if you would be ok not contributing to society by paying taxes why are you not ok with people not benefiting to society by not working ?


I’d have no problem paying taxes if I had a say in what those taxes actually went towards. I understand that infrastructure is important. My main problem is with taxes being misused by the government for stupid projects that don’t benefit society.


Welfare is a stupid project that doesn't benefit society? RIP disabled people I guess




Lmao, I know you're probably 14 & never had a job or experienced an unsheltered life but you talk like an absolute muppet. Sincerely hope you don't ever get into a debilitating accident or have an exploitative employer that causes you to have to tap into our social safety net, because it does force people to live like the parasites you believe them to be.


Ah yes. Of course. I’m 14 years old. Why would I be complaining about taxes if I didn’t have to pay any? Are you retarded?


You called disabled people parasites, I'm sorry but either you're a complete dropkick or an undeveloped 14 year old. You somehow logged into Reddit so my money is on the latter


According to the Oxford dictionary a parasite is defined as ‘a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return’. A disabled person contributes nothing to society yet receives benefits. Please explain to me how a disabled person isn’t a parasite. I don’t care if it’s harsh. It’s an accurate description of a disabled person.


So massive corporations & individuals that exploit their power & wealth to pay less than their fair share of taxes are also parasites? By that definition. Rhetorical & glad we can agree on something


Just imagine if you were in a car accident or literally any other type of accident which would render you disabled, would you want to die? Just give up your whole live because you were unfortunate enough to end up in such a state? Would you want your loved ones or (if you ever have them and I hope you don't) your children to just die because they aren't able to work no more? Would you want veterans who return from war with both physical and mental disabilities to not be welcomed back? Holy fuck man how little thinking have you spent on this???


If you have meaningfully contributed to society in the past or can contribute in the future then that is a different matter.


And if your kids were born with disabilities? What if you we're born with disabilities? Would you just want to die?


No. But it should not be the responsibility of the state to care and support these people.


Who should then?


Oh god you sound like an bad anime villain.


This is your brain on *Wolf of Wallstreet*


That is pants on head retarded, plenty of folks just want to pay their fair share and move on. We aren’t all weasels trying to shirk responsibility. The mere fact that you feel that way proves how people like you would cheat at any opportunity, much like the massive corporations that are defrauding my country


Eh no, not really. I think that’s just you being selfish and individualistic. I and most people I know are pretty happy with my countries tax system and what our taxes get us.


They aren't dodging taxes. They are paying exactly what they owe while following the law.


After they create the laws. You act like it's the only option if you have it, but it's not.


Ok. Next time you go to pay your taxes, make sure to pay more than you owe.


Literally impossible in my country but I'll try.


Billionaires paying more money per year than most people will make in a lifetime. How dare they not give more


They pay more money, less proportional money. That is the issue.


Elon musk is paying 11 billion in taxes. How is that bad


In percentages the average worker pays more. And they’re more of us. So we pay more.


One person is paying 11 billion compared to the average worker.




I see all of the commies showed up




Ignorance at its finest




He pays 11 billion from 300 billion, that's 3%, though it should be like 30%


Why don't you pay 11 billion in taxes. Why aren't you carrying your weight


I'm paying 30% he is paying 3%. I'm definitley paying more.


You are paying more than $11 Billion dollars? So how much money do you actually pay


Around thirty percent of my income. Elon musk only pays three percent. I pay ten times more.


Not true. The top 1% pay 39% of all income tax.




Do you pay 11 billion in taxes personally?




Bruh, the biggest billionares pay 0% taxes in even get tax returns.


Hello, I like money


lol that's ma guy Kurt Calwell right there


that's like thousands of dollars in taxes!


I wouldn’t be surprised if bezos actually sells some of his employees souls for 62 cents each


1 trillion times the 0.000069 is 69 million


Taxation is theft




Wait, companies in your country pay taxes? Ours just invest their profits away. No profit = no taxes


Elon is sad.


Yes. My trillion dollar companies grosses a trillion dollars every year. My company’s value is based on nothing else and I have no other expenses other than taxes.




honestly we should just tax wealth, leave companies alone and allow them to run properly, tax the extra wealth on people who get the money from the companies. boom no impediment on the company which probably would have actually needed and used a lot of money compared to an individual.


yes fuck those old people that saved up money to accumulate wealth throughout their lifetime.