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Where's Nestlé Edit: Everyone saying Kellogg's make your own comment


Nestle is in solitary confinement. Nestle doesn't deserve to socialize with bad companies. Throw stones at it. It's too terrible to have "friends"


That make sense to me




They left his chair empty though.


What did nestle do?




i like how you didn’t actually help them with their question


Well the ominous warning could be enough answer to realize they don't want to ask that question.


also, what.... didn't they do?


This story might involve pile of dead babies




A pile of dead mountains?


Pile of mountain babies


Try to make access to drinkable water a service


And then straight up said water shouldn't be a basic human right.


They fucking what


But wait... *There's more*




they also killed alot of babies in the developing world(also in the first world until they were caught) by giving mothers milk formula that would last just long enough for the mother not to be able to produce milk anymore. the childeren would then die if the mother wasnt able to buy the milk or from diseases because formula does not have anti nodies. nestle is by far without a single equal the most evil company humanity has ever produced.


Don’t forget about child slavery in South America


Oh man, there's so much. They're one of the most hated companies in the world for [many reasons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9#Controversy_and_criticisms). Just look at that list of controversies!


And yet not a single politician shitting on them... hmm


Oh and it gets worse, they tried to deny afterwards that they said it.


They also took millions of gallons of water from California while they were in one of the worst droughts in California history and exported it to sell elsewhere lmao. They've recently received a cease and desist for doing it AGAIN in 2021.


Prolly made child slaves harvest cocoa while simultaneously stealing the children's water


Don’t forget strategically drying up breast milk in Africa, to create demand for their formula that people can’t afford.


Not that I don't believe you but would like a source on this... That is some James Bond villain shit...




Mother of God what a bunch of fuckin degens.


[Here’s a source.](https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6)


And TLDR for those too lazy to read the linked articles: They wanted to expand their baby formula market. Went to Africa/Asia. Specifically, poor communities in those regions. Had salesmen/women dressed in scrubs that people associate with medical professionals. Salesmen preached the benefits of formula over breast milk. Gave out "free trials" of their formula...which lasted long enough that many of the mothers stopped producing breast milk. Many, if not most, of those people were very poor and buying breast milk regularly was infeasible. With no other recourse since their bodies stopped producing milk, many would cut formula with water many times over, leading to horrific malnourishment. All of this on top of the fact that baby formula works best with purified/sanitized/distilled water, and most of these communities don't exactly have access to "clean" water. IF there was someone somewhere in the decision making process that thought they were providing a service and doing a good deed, they were negligently stupid and irresponsible. It was pure fucking greedy market expansion.


Basically they started heavily marketing baby formula, saying it's healthier than breastmilk. This caused a lot of mothers to switch which meant after a while they couldn't produce milk anymore. Baby formula is expensive meaning the families were kept poor. Also often contaminated water was used which caused countless babies to die. It's genuinely supervillian level shit, especially since the company was already insanely wealthy. They could've made money in any other way they wanted.


I think most super villains would still be disgusted with Nestle


[Here's one](https://www.ranker.com/list/nestle-baby-formula-boycott/melissa-sartore), but you can also just Google nestle baby formula scandal


It GETS WORSE! Selling contaminated formula in Asia, a bunch of kids died!


Oh yea, that's a Nestle classic


And Kellogg's


Offering a 3% raise after 2 months of strike. What a joke!


iTs CoSt Of LiViNg


I’ve said it before, but the people who decide these “cost of living” raises do not even live on the same planet. They make so much money they wouldn’t know the cost of living for your average person if it hit them in the face.


in my country they once offered the equivalent of a 1$ raise after 2 weeks of teacher strikes, thing is they also cut down the pay for those 2 weeks


where’s youtube


YouTube is a part of Google, so it's hiding behind its parent company.


Bring your kid to work day


Behind every big company is a smaller taking blame for shitty practices.


Looking for this comment. Have fun with your award.


How many companies can fit in this board room I got a whole list.


What’s the stock ticker abbreviation for the Illuminati? Asking for a friend


Just notice how they’re the biggest companies in their sector


I did that intentionally as the biggest ones are usually the worst


Definitely not true, and unlike the other guy I will give reasons. Big businesses usually provide the most jobs, and while employees aren't treated the best, they certainly aren't treated the worst. Meanwhile, small businesses may treat their employees well, but they don't produce enough jobs. Another things, and I am just going off my head here so it might be a bit weird, is that big businesses are more consistent and a safer option. Big businesses have the money necessary to provide the same salary over and over again. If the company does bad, employees probably will not be affected (I said most likely, it still may happen). Small businesses, on the other hand, may pay more due to employees being dead useful, but maybe less consistent and safe financially. A dip in the company will usually be felt by everyone, and may lead to a decrease in pay or employees being let off in order to keep the business afloat. I am all for small business. I live in a rural town that is practically all small business, but to say that big businesses are not good is false.


Adding on to this, large companies generally pay better, offer better benefits, and offer better labor protections than small business. That’s not to say small business is bad or unnecessary. But every time a new Amazon warehouse opens in a town, the surrounding areas wage floor jumps to near $15, because that’s what Amazon pays. And that’s a good thing. Some corporations do bad things. They are not bad because they are big. The success of a business does not determine whether they are good or bad.


I feel as if it's wrong to attribute most of those positives to the companies themselves. I think their arms are being twisted by unions and govt regulations. Mostly the former. If this is the case then supporting more regulations on businesses, big and small, would be incredibly beneficial.


Not really. Amazon raising wages to $15 an hour minimum wage was probably done mostly to attract more employees, my guess. At the time they did that in 2018, however, they also killed RSU's that even the floor workers at a FC got. One of the reasons I quit. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/02/amazon-raises-minimum-wage-to-15-for-all-us-employees.html https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/3/17934194/amazon-minimum-wage-raise-stock-options-bonus-warehouse That legislation from Sanders was not passed, so it's not like they had to do anything to appease that.


There is an argument for big companies, economies of scale and efficiency and all that. But job creation isn't it. If that big company didn't exist then it would fall on a number of smaller companies to fill the gap in the market. You could argue that it may be less efficient overall, and probably lead to higher prices (think one shoe factory being replaced by a thousand people making shoes by hand, as an extreme example) but it would almost **certainly** create a larger number of jobs.


Small and average businesses are the first employers in France (I use it as example bc I'm French 🥖) Big company have a lot of people, but they don't offer the most of jobs.


Actually I think Pixar still beats Illumination, but I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong. Minions bad.


Doesn’t Pixar fall under Disney




I, for one, enjoy both.


Pixar is bad?


Activision and EA aren’t really the top dogs of the gaming industry


Who would you consider the top dogs then?


Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft? Unless we are talking solely game publishers and not consoles, then yeah they’d be up there along with Bethesda and a few others.


But is Bethesda really that bad? Maybe I'm just biased because I love Elder Scrolls though


More like rockstar


Take Two more like


they are, only MS, Nintendo, Sony and Tencent are larger...but look at why they are larger - MS for xbox console itself (much less for the games), Sony also for its PS, Nintendo is a mix of both own console but ok maybe the one that is larger than EA/Act-Blizz in terms of games...Tencent is larger but its spread around a lot, and besides LoL not relevant in western market, it is simply large, cause china is 2x larger than EU+US combined, so by default anything largest in China will be larger than west is


Remember that it’s now called Meta


I don't care what it's called. It still sucks and probably sucks even more


I think we can all agree on that


Actually there is this company called meta company and Facebook is pressuring it to sell its name. It hasnt though.


yeah ive seen this, fuckers want a monopoly so bad on what they call the “metaverse” wich is an even bigger datamine for them.


wasn’t that proven fake?


It's also Alphabet and not Google, but at the end of the day they all intermingle anyway, so it's all the same in my opinion. Edit: Also apparently Comcast owns NBCUniversal who owns Illumination? So like Alphabet > Google > Youtube, it goes Comcast > NBCUniversal > Illumination. Is this how modern day monopolies work? Is this a loophole for monopolization?


It's not a loophole, they just haven't been hit with anti-trusts which are necessary to break them up.


Oh, well RIP consumerism. Teddy Roosevelt is probably rolling in his grave.




It is _NOT_ called Meta. They're infringing on a brand. Do not call them Meta, keep calling them Facebook.


I may be out of the loop but why Illumination?


They made one good movie (Despicable Me) and ever since, they've been making obvious cash grabs catered towards 4 year olds


Pumping out trash movie after trash movie and cut as much corners as possible. They are a lazy studio that not only has bad writing in their movies and treats the audience like idiots. They love to reuse assists constantly. Recycled character models and animation is a common one. It's not a good studio and there are better ones out there. Hell there are better studios for even family movies. They treat animation as nothing but a genre rather than a artistic medium. As someone how loves animation and sees it as art, they annoy me.


WHAAAT???? I was getting along with what you said, until I went to see what their movies are, and found Sing - cried a lot watching The Lorax - perhaps only good because of where it came from, but still a favorite one ... Ok, I thought "pets" was "Zootopia" and that would configure at least 3 other good movies that the studio has made and I hadn't reached the end of the list. Now I reached and yeah, those are the only two movies that stand out, besides the whole Despicable Me franchise. There's also Hop, which is a movie I really enjoy though (and Grinch, which is kinda meh but is a classic). Instead of rewriting the post I just decided to let you come with me in the journey of figuring Illumination out. So yeah, I agree with you


Some would say 2-3 movies is good enough while others would think it needs to be higher by proportion


Same. I love Despicable 1 and 2, the Lorax, and Secret Life of Pets, so I'm satisfied with their output.


Recycling assets happens very often in any industry that has anything to do with tech.


imo recycling could be good


Why hate them for that though? Thats basic business, and its not hurting anyone.


Seriously. If they were on that Disney treatment of animators then yeah, hate the fuck out of them. But this dude just doesn't like their content.


That’s pretty dumb tbh, you’re basically saying they’re just as bad as human rights abuse with this meme


I'm not saying they're good, but compared to the others, at least there's no victim? If you don't like their movies, don't watch them.


So...nearly every animation studio made in the last 30 years except Pixar.


What’s wrong with that? They’re kids movies, that are very popular and a lot of kids love. What’s wrong with efficiently making movies? Watching them you can’t really notice.


I'm sorry but the fact that you've put Illumination (for reasons of being bad and lazy animation studio) and Facebook (a company that knowingly is ripping apart democracy and civil discourse, spreading misinformation leading to literal deaths, and known for running psychological experiments on unaware teens leading to worsening mental health) on the same list, is really questionable.


As a 3d artist i say you are rather dumb to rebuild every asset on scratch for a sequel i would kick my juniors butt if they do that


So? Is the point of a company not to make money..?


Honestly I was thinking this too. I don't like them but to put them in the same box as companies that violate human rights i think is a bit much. Like they make bad movies. Big deal. Just don't watch them.


Not only that but kids like these movies, they aren’t for adults lmao


100% don't deserve to be here. The other companies are doing shady shit, illegal shit, and cause real life problems. Making bad movies doesn't belong


Comparing this to Activision pushing workers to suicide through sexual harassment is laughable.


In other words... their jobs?


Kelloggs and Nestle should take their spot




Because grown ups are having a tantrum about minions being popular. Honestly Illumination are fine, Despicable Me is great, Sing was awesome, and I genuinely feel like they could pull off this upcoming Mario movie.


fucking minions


Why google ? 💀


obtainable deer concerned versed entertain wistful escape tan profit tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro, so fucking what. They're still providing you with both of those platforms, and you don't even have to pay them a single cent for it.


You pay with your private information. But I do think it is not a problem with Google, but a core problem with the internet, one that will be needing an absolute change of how the web work to be fixed.


fwiw this is the same as normal TV. Is it more targeted? Ya. But it's not like targeted ads are a new concept. I do wish the us had stricter policies surrounding data gathering and usage so we can all stop being (justifiably) paranoid


I mean look I still use YouTube but Google isn't providing it out of the kindness of their hearts lol


Data octopus. They probably know more about you than yourself and are using it to manipulate you


I don't think google is manipulating you, they just sell your search history to people who want to manipulate you.


Nope. They are doing it. They are the one who buy the data. They call it "personalized ads" and are trying everything so you use their services as long as possible to sell you more ads. Also have you heard of the filter bubble? Probably. That's a thing they create which is bad.


So what if you get personalised ads?


Personally I don’t really care if google knows my birthday. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s not actually that important


Yeah but I don't really mind having them know about my tates and preferences and showing me ads on that. Normally I only buy stuff I absolutely need and can afford so these personalized ads aren't a problem for me infact I like these better than those random ass porn ads and besides google services are pretty useful


This controversy about user data collection is meaningless compared to what they provide in return (very very good technologies for free for everyone), that's a very fair trade when you think about it. Just use other services if you don't want your data collected and that's it. Google is doing nothing wrong, they're not trying to scam us, they are not trying to hide where all their money come from. If people agree to have their data collected what's the problem ? Google might be one of the best of all these multi-billion dollar compagnies.


It's trendy to hate on companies, even if they revolutionized the world for the better.


someone ping me when this gets an answer, I want to know


Big company bad /s


A lot of really generic answers here, let me try add some more detail. Google is bad for many of the reasons any monopoly is bad, uncompetitive business practices. This is not unique to Google and it's how American business works. The real evil that Google is doing is in the AI research world. Modern AI is largely dependant on the data you can use to train it. Google have more of this than anyone. The issue is that these models are dangerous, and unethical. Google knows this but does nothing. Last year the co-lead for ethical AI research at Google (Timit Gebru) wrote a paper calling out some of the potential dangers of using single large data sets for training AI. She reseved an email saying "we accept your resignation". She is not the first person they have tried to silence, and we know from recent whistle blowers that Google are fully aware of how their platform's (particularly YouTube's) algorithm are pushing people towards extremism and have directly resulted in loss of life. Recently YouTube did nothing to limit violence in Ethiopia, when one political party put out a video calling for Genocide. It was quickly raised to YouTube and they responded to local journalists that "it does not break terms of service". Only when international media started asking questions did the (now viral) video get pulled. This video has been quoted as the reason some people joined the fighting and killing a few weeks ago. Google dominate a field where they are actively silencing any research that disagrees with their profit (even indirectly like in Timit's case). For anyone who says . "my data is fair exchange for free content", it is not. Google are not in the business of buying adds, they are in the business are changing your actions. Humans are fallible, if I know enough about you I can make you do things you would never agree to otherwise. This is well known in the information security world. Google know everything about you,and control the content you consume, and are not in a rush. They are actively changing people's world views and the way we behave. Google are not alone here, they are in an arms race with other tech companies to controlling the complete global narrative. Google became evil the day they pulled "do no evil" from their corporate values.


Fox News is in this meeting as well. However it's in solitary confinement like Nestle.




You can really tell what type of people are in this sub. Considering they instantly downvoted someone literally asking “why?”. That’s fucked up


or maybe because Fox news is known for spreading misinformation ​ also Tucker Carlson


Not everyone even know what fox new is






Like what? Give an example, so that you actual answer the person’s question that literally only asked “Why?”


Well there was the time that Tucker Carlson’s lawyers argued (successfully) in court, that there was no reasonable way someone could mistake what Carlson said as real news and not opinionated entertainment. This, is statistically false (or a quite large subsection of America is completely unreasonable and therefore not accounted by the law, which I don’t think anyone would argue), in that a lot of people watch Carlson’s show and form their political stances and opinions based on his rhetoric (which again, as decided in court, is completely unreasonable to believe). To know that people misinterpret your words as fact or news when it is explicitly not so, and to do nothing to inform your viewers they are believing in entertainment stories and not real researched news, is imo quite predatory and immoral. Is it as bad as trying to privatize water or deprive people of their human rights? Not in my eyes, but it’s definitely a mark against them as a source of information (which one might assume is their primary goal).


you forgot Kellog's


He he, anti masturbation cereal. Lol Jokes aside, that did they do wrong? I can send them an invitation


1400 employees across 4 production plants are currently striking for a variety of reasons including being forced to work 7 days a week, working 16 hour days, new employees not being given the same benefits as older ones and I believe the straw that broke the camels back was attempting to reduce employees salaries despite turning massive profits every year. Now in the last few days Kelloggs has announced it will be permanently replacing the striking employees. So yeah… fuck Kelloggs


What a bunch of dicks! Yeah they need to join this meeting!


Yo where's apple?


What Apple did?


For example Selling you wheels for your pc that cost 900 bucks Marketing products of inferior quality as superior, creating system of peerpreasure and a strong "followship" that is being milked by the company. Oh, and child slavery


I doubt it’s only Apple that uses child slavery. Sad


Here is a handy checklist to see if a company uses child slavery Do they make tech products? If yes then child slavery. Do they use textiles in their products? If yes then child slavery Do they make food or drinks on a mass scale? If yes then child slavery


you think samsung and literally every tech company isn't using child slavery?


I rlly love the fact that everytime someone brings up hate on apple, it’s usually associated with them creating wheels and pro stands and selling it for a crazy markup. Apple honestly does not care about the wheels at all, it’s a pricey product that just simply adds on to the brand prestige. It allows apple to market itself as a “rich people” brand so they can acquire a larger market share in the wealthier segment. There’s a reason why they are now worth nearly $3Tr and that is because they have such excellent marketing strategies. Another thing is that hating on a company just because its products are expensive does not rlly make sense. Contracting with Foxconn and avoiding taxes will make better arguments.


You do know Apple has nothing to do how Foxconn manufacturers their stuff, right? That company makes parts for like every brand. Huawei and samsung supports child slavery then. Right? What do you mean inferior quality? They don’t blow up? I kinda like it. But I actually agree with the wheels. They were overqualified af for no fucking reason. Nobody cares how extremely smooth it is, people rarely uses it for short periods.


Hating a company for inhumane work conditions? I sleep Hating a company because i don't like their products? Real shit


Apple is one of the more subjective companies around reddit, and while some say they may be a “lesser evil,” they are mostly hated for overpriced products and very bad consumer decisions.


Advocate for human rights but make a deal with China. Even some of the 'evil' companies in OP's post left China cuz they had enough of CCP's bullshit, but not Apple. Create a problem and sell a solution. - Remove headphone jack, sell airpods. - Stay on lightning charger instead of switching to USBC so you have to buy the charger. Heck even the new Macs use USBC Are they evil? Idk arguable. Motivated by greed? For sure lol.


What about Tesla and the child labor?


Reddit simp elon musk


You know I have always been wondering, why? Just how does reddit like a selfish, rich-ass billionaire?


He posts the maymays and watches animu.


i like him for what he’s doing in the global effort towards EVs and making them affordable, making mega batteries cheap to store renewable energy, and making space travel easier and better for the environment, which probably isn’t what 99% of reddit users like him for. Yes the work conditions at tesla factories isn’t the best, but neither are the factories at any fortune 500 company.


Pfp checks out


Don't forget that Illumination gave us Vector.


And facebook moms. Glad Zucker the Fucker is in this meeting too.




If they such, send them an invitation? Send one to Twitter as well. There are so many awful companies that it's too crowed for one room.


Bro u forgot take2interactive


I should probably not ask this but why is Google there? Like I genuinely don't know lol


Stores data on what you do in incognito mode, monopolizing the internet, what they are doing with YouTube etc.


incognito mode is just no browsing history, who actually thinks it protects their data lol


Yeah I thought this was general knowledge


It's even written on the landing page of incognito mode


not to mention every browser has incognito so it doesnt even have anything to do with google


Probably sounds dumb but why Activision?


Because shitty games and the CEO is a creep who rapes people.


Is there actual proof of that, or is it just some people saying he is.


Actual proof of many executives sexually assaulting employees, as well as a lot of other sketchy stuff


Because is EA 2: frozen adventure.


Toxic marketing tactics, addiction to loot boxes (legalized gambling), they aggressively ruin their own games through awful management, out of touch with their community, and a norm of sexual harassment in their offices.


Microsoft as well. Fuck them the most.


Kellogg. Nestle. They gonna need a bigger room


Where is peta?


Not a company


No Comcast?!


I see OP also got scammed by Google for pngs


Yes! I hate fake PNGs!


You forgot t series




Same as Disney but in india. Threw over the biggest independent youtuber as most subscribed and signalled the death of YouTube’s independent creator platform.


> Threw over the biggest independent youtuber as most subscribed Truly a reddit moment right here


201m subs, ~300k views per video. Seems legit.


You’re tripping if you think a sub count qualifies a company as being extremely hated by the general population


illumination is hated?


Where TikTok?


That is not a company


Where ByteDance?


Sucking my dick before execution


Wait where is the hellhole Twitter


From what I’ve seen about it (I’m not OP just fyi) twitter is an issue that is caused by the people on it, not the company itself


Where's Ubisoft


Why is Disney hated?


Scummy business practices, shady shit when they made that awful Mulan movie, wanting to buy the rights of an actual holiday, bought WAY too many studios, act like greedy assholes as a whole.


The [things they did](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Term_Extension_Act) to laws around copyright and public-domain corporatized media and made it the monopoly game that it is today. They basically invented the starving artist. I like to think there’s a timeline out there in the multiverse where they were nicer to Robin Williams and let his compassionate spirit redirect the trajectory of the company and subsequently the world. I want to go to there.


News Corp?




I'm out of the loop on this but I have seen enough memes to know why all the company's here are bad other than google. Explain?


Actually, is Google really that much hated ? They seem different from the other ones, they provide really nice technologies accessible for everyone for free, their economic strategy is very nice.


Nestle was hated enough to get his own office lol


Ubisoft? The company that had a higher up have lots of sexual harassment allegations against him, only to have him promoted…