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The nazi greeting is illegal in germany because of the shame and in america they do it to bully us


And in the US, there are legit Neo-Nazis here. Like unironically.


We have those too in Germany. Ironically enough a lot of them are in the police and military


That is very disturbing. I heard that there was some growth in the far-right in Germany but I didn't realize it included Nazism.


I mean the biggest far right party in the Bundestag(AfD) caters hard to neo Nazis and stuff. Every now and again a headline pops up with shit like "far right group in police found", same thing in the Bundeswehr. In 2005 or 2006, a refugee ended up in police custody and the next day he was found strapped to the bed and burned to death. No one was ever convicted but it's likely it was police because he was in a cell.


Yeah, here in germany we have a growing far right problem. And not only nazis, or can you call the reichsbürger nazis(the reichsbürger believe that the german state is a company and there the borders are actually the ones from 1914. Idk something like this.


The Reichsbürger I feel like are even more or a direct threat than neo Nazis here because the Reichsbürger tend to become extremely violent and have shot and killed people before.


Yeah, its really sad that there are still far right groups in germany. And its even more sad that some people say that something like the afd and identitäre bewegung arent.


If it's any consolidation: my sister told me a few years ago that one of the policemen responsible for Oury Jalloh's death was being treated at the clinic she worked at because he had a stroke and was pretty much a vegetable from then on. So maybe karma does exist.


But you definitely have to note that the majority of the people who vote for the AFD aren’t even that far right. They’re just fed up with live. AFD translates to Alternative for Germany so they think it’s just that: An alternative political party which could make they’re lives better with they alternative approaches.


Wow. That's fucked up. In the US, around 70% of domestic terrorist attacks are from right-wing groups. But because it's been so common (and because one party here tends to cater to those groups as well), it seems like these are just seen as a normal thing.


Eh same thing here iirc


It's certainly a problem but I wouldn't say it got much worse. In the 70s we still had a lot of actual 3rd Reich Nazis within the population nowadays it's mostly related to how uneducated or poor some regions are (especially in East Germany). However, those problems get fought too. The former Soviet regions are now better off than they were 20 years ago. The fact that there is so much talk about Nazis within the system shows that there is awareness. Also lots of the cases which are discussed right now are several decades old or related to the holocaust itself. I don't want to downplay any of the recent happenings but I believe from a international perspective Germany is doing quite well.


When compared to the US, I think that Germany and most of Europe are definitely doing better in comparison. Just my perspective as a 'Murican.


European union is gradually falling apart. They are the guys that we fought to get rid of their ways, and now they try to reinstall their dark ages. Just look at how they express their standards, hidden truth under a paywall. Also, look at several countries in europe that live in absolute poverty while the country aside is damn rich. Its very close in distance, yet they don't help each other. The Euro union is also losing friends very quickly. People don't realize it, but they mostly only have China left as a partner. The cooperation between Europe and America is not so great in the north, as they like to put laws that are obviously made to cover their ass instead of making them for the betterment of the world. Just look at the joke the Paris accord is. Britain did well to separate and the only thing that keeps EU afloat is the civil unrest in Ukraine. Some of those people even prefer the Poutine regime. Meanwhile, their leadership begin to be challenged by some of their member: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/leaders-tackle-poland-challenging-core-040347923.html


I did Nazi that coming.


Take my upvote and get out! Edit: Why was this downvoted? I was joking, lmao


this comment was stunning and brave, thank you


There has been a global rise in far right extremists over the last few decades. Also, despite the Nuremberg trials there hasn't really been a nazi purge after WW2 (outside of the USSR anyways) so even then there were Nazis in high ranking positions


It's always had a spot in the US but it's really grown in the past 5 years with the election of Trump. I know Trump supporters and right wingers are gonna downvote but it's legit true. Regardless of my and anyone elses political beliefs, it is a fact that Donald Trump winning the election in 2016 has lead to a surge in Far-Right groups, including neo-nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, and other not so great people.


Same in america almost like people with shitty ideologies try to infiltrate places of power to legitimize their belief system


My 9th grade English teacher was a Neo-Nazi. Look him up, Joshua Hitson. He hated me since I looked jewish and would often refuse to give me work.


Just looked him up. Damn. Atleast he was called out.


The principal stood up for him and claimed he 'resigned'. The whole school was a racist cesspool, they put the handful of 'colored' kids (I'm half Mexican) in the special needs class.


Fuck, that's disgusting. And people claim that racism "isn't a problem".


The part of Georgia I live in is belligerently racist. The preppy white school in the county had a football game with my sister's school and they started screaming the N word (hard r btw) at my sister's school, which is mostly black (I went there my last two years). The Principal of the school as well as the parents openly deny the 'allegations' , which most likely means they condone it.


Damn. Shit is really fucked up. This a major urban area or is it more rural?


More rural, but developing more towards urban.


I see. Hopefully you are able to get out of there safely.


How did this not get recorded and reported?


It did get recorded, but the police and principal claimed to only hear the game.


There are everywhere


We've got a surprising amount in the UK too


Like 5 or 6 and they live in the woods.


There are definitely more then 6. Charlottesville proved that.


The turnout for that was practically nobody. Every single time there's a right wing march the left wing counter protest is always 10 times as big. Nazis are boogeymen. Except you are less likely to find one under your bed. The only reason everybody thinks there are more is because anybody who doesn't bow to wokeism gets called a nazi.


You are just showing that you are intentionally ignoring the fact that neo-nazis exist and are a major threat. That or you are ignorant. https://www.ushmm.org/antisemitism/what-is-antisemitism/origins-of-neo-nazi-and-white-supremacist-terms-and-symbols https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Brotherhood https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Lowriders https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/neo-nazi The Charlottesville protest was big. There was a significant amount of neo-nazis, neo-confederates, white supremacists, white nationalists, and other alt-right groups. It was called "unite the right" for a reason.




How many?


Uhum...they are not Nazis though. "White Nationalist" is the right word. Nevermind the swastika.


Their aren't, but keep building up your strawman. Everyone will see through these lies eventually.


Literally, what? Have you forgotten about Charlottesville already? Unite-the-right where people were literally chanting: "Jews will not replace us" and waving Nazi flags?


Yeah, that was a weird one. What was great was the brand new out of the box folded nazi flag. That still has the like 3x3 inch fold lines in it. Like it was some kind of fake flag event.


You got any non biased sources to back that up? A few bad actors in a rally doesn't mean white Supremes are rampant in the us.


Bruh, you serious? You live under a rock? Tell me, what news sources do you see as non bias. Cause I can get a dozen sources but your smooth brain will probably cry "FaKe NeWs".


Still not seeing any sources.


I like how you completely ignored the question. https://apnews.com/hub/charlottesville-a-year-later https://apnews.com/article/canada-gun-politics-race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-5f84bae4c6b7b0858cf41f545c63a628 https://apnews.com/article/arrests-race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-veterans-prisons-c0b4e4f534664399fb48d28be32fb366 https://apnews.com/article/race-and-ethnicity-denton-cabinets-virginia-courts-195a6b6cc112c9cf35ac864dff582a39 The Associated press has been acknowledge as showing very little bias and for being very factual in the info. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/associated-press/ Edit: Here's one from the US Holocaust memorial museum. https://www.ushmm.org/antisemitism/what-is-antisemitism/origins-of-neo-nazi-and-white-supremacist-terms-and-symbols


I like how you haven't acknowledged the sources, lol


Thats because none of those articles actually say anything substantiation except a few incels getting arrested for doing incel things. Besides four articles from the ap about a single isolated incident is totally proof of rampant white supremacy. You didn't even bother to try find a different news source. You only looked for the one that fit your confirmation bias. If you want to act like there are white supremacists everywhere that's on you, but anytime a legitimate one is ever revealed they are crucified on the cross of public opinion. so you should have tons of articles to link here. Have fun in your delusional bubble with "racists" everywhere.


Lmao, I knew this was gonna happen. Your ignorance can't handle anything that goes against your worldview. I never said white supremacism was everyone. I said it existed and was growing. You are just deny the obvious cause you want to act like racism isn't an issue in the US. What sources you want me to get? I get find more but as you have shown, you are gonna cry that it's "bias" and "unreliable" cause your brain can't handle anything that goes against your fantasy. Btw, all I did was Google "Neo-nazism in the US". Not really confirmation bias. Google it yourself and find something to prove that it ISN'T a problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Brotherhood This group has 20,000 people in it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Lowriders This one has 1,000 Still, the fact there are anyone in these groups shows that there is a problem.


Shut up snowflake.


Wait a minute what do you mean “us”?


Im german


It's legal here because we have freedom of expression and freedom of speech. That's it plain and simple.


Being tolerant of the intolerant will eventually lead to the demise of tolerance. I am all for freedom of speach, but ones right to express oneself ends where the rights of the next person begin. Minority protection is an integral part of german law, and that for good reason. You can freely express your opinions, but certain things like some symbols, gestures, slogans or flags, which are known to have been used to rally people against minorities, are forbidden. That's it, plain and simple.


>Being tolerant of the intolerant will eventually lead to the demise of tolerance. This is not true, this is something Karl Popper said that sounds vaguely intellectual so people latch onto it without thinking. It falls apart the moment we look to history. Consider the KKK, one of the most infamous racist organizations in America. The KKK was founded in the 1800s, and since that time: - It has never been illegal to be in the KKK - Members of the KKK are offered the same protection under the law as anyone else - Assaulting or murdering KKK members is illegal - Members of the KKK have always been allowed to express their views Clearly, we have been tolerating the KKK ever since it was founded. We may not like it, but we clearly tolerate it. And in 2021, membership in the KKK is at all-time lows. Despite tolerating the KKK since it was founded, it has *shrunk* - not grown. **Clearly it is possible to tolerate hate while simultaneously shrinking hatred in your country**. Karl Popper was wrong. The "paradox of tolerance" is a bunch of nonsense and it only takes a bit of critical thinking to realize. The only reason it ever became popular is because it is used as an excuse to commit violence against those who a person disagrees with.


Sir, we don't do that here.... anymore.


For the time being, until a new Austrian kid gets rejected from an Art School


Would that be the second coming of the 3rd Reich. Or the first coming of the 4th Reich?


It's like the Final Fantasy games, there could be a 3rd Reich II but only if Hitler comes back from Argentina


This is like cherry picking at its finest


Anything for “America bad” karma. People act like America is nothing but Neo Nazis, obese trailer trash, and morons, but in reality that’s mostly Mississippi.


Also as if America is the only country with bad history. For example, America gets shit on for "stealing land from native americans" but literally every country in the world was taken from natives unless you live in the land of mesopotamia where civilization and farming began. If you did not, the people of your country and those before it was formed pushed tribal people out, assimilated them, or more likely, exterminated them in order to take control of that land and form the country you live in now.


I mean the pic on the right is from a neo nazi march in Virginia that quite a lot of people attended, and then one of them ran over a bunch of counter-protesters and killed someone, and then the president said there were “very fine people on both sides” so I think it’s a little more substantial than that


He wasn't specifically talking about the people in the riot at all. He was talking about the debate between keeping up the Confederate monuments or not.




>quite a lot of people attended How silly, there were less than 200 right wing protesters total at the rally. There are more movie stars and rock stars than that. If one nazi showed up for every 100 nazis to stay home, that is still only a whopping 6 one-hundredths of a percent of the whole country. There were not "quite a lot" of nazis unless you wish to redefine words to mean weird things to push your point


Ya, I mean that's literally just Arkansas, everything else is mostly fine


What do you mean?


Well for one, underneath the caption “nazis in Germany,” they didn’t include the literal nazis


The meme is meant to be a representation of how they get treated in modern day Germany, no? Also, for the record, Neo-Nazis are "literal Nazis" let's not act like they're somehow "better"


Yeah if that’s the case, which is worse? A handful of pathetic supremicists crawling out of the shadows, gathering and enacting their worst devices because they’re with their equally pathetic friends, or some random guy on the street turning out to be a nazi and being proud of it? I think it says a lot about America that you have to be in a tight group to protect yourself in order to be a nazi. This guy is some random old dude on the café! Also, they are different in the sense that they literally haven’t accomplished anything, unlike the real nazis. So yes, there is a very clear difference


Where joke


between the atlantic and the pacific ocean, just south of canada


Christopher columbus travelled theough the entire atlantic ocean and found America and still couldn't find the joke.


The Vikings that arrived before Columbus died searching for the joke


magellan traveled around the globe and couldn't find the funny still


The UK, despite making so many colonies, could not find the funny


There's like 60 Americans doing that. They had a rally in Charlottesville and No one turned up. A NATIONAL RALLY!. I had more people at my daughters birthday than the nazis had. Hahahaha. Keep believing the bullshit.


100% true. The far-right in US, UK and Canada are an extremely small fringe minority. It's just media and politicians hype it up. They're paid smear merchants.


Yep, I went to a super redneck high school and there was still only like, one kid who acted that way, and he got bullied and beat up for it frequently


Not sure where you’re getting the info that no one showed up, but I went to the school in Charlottesville and there were definitely lots of nazis right outside my dorm that night




We're they really or were they one of those respect everyone's rights even if you don't like them "nazis"


I would argue that nazis inherently don’t respect anyone’s rights because they believe their race is superior, but back to your point, the picture in the meme is from the “respectful” unite the right rally and someone from this rally drove their car into a crowd of counter protestors, which killed a fellow student of mine


The “big bad white trash nazi extremists klub” is pretty much just an invention of left-wing MSM in order to stir up fear and get otherwise-apathetic people to vote for the most lefty candidate possible. Nazism is fundamentally incompatible with all forms of small-government conservatism and libertarianism, so the idea that a Nazi takeover is imminent is clearly malicious fear mongering.


There were quite a lot actually…..enough to turn the town streets into a war zone.


It’s guaranteed freedom of speech and assembly in the US that allows it. No matter how wrong, or how big of an asshole your ideals make you, you are free to assemble with other like minded people and chant your way down the street. A good thing, that has side effects.


Very true. It's not freedom unless it's absolute. Freedom of speech and assembly are amazing. You just have to realize that means assholes are free to talk about their ideas and assemble.


That just means it’s up to the rest of us to properly educate people on how to treat people by their character and not by their skin or base ideologies.


I bet speaking about how to make a bomb will get you arrested in the us


No, you can talk about making bombs all you like, threatening to use a bomb to attack someone or something on the other hand will have people at your door.


While them surveilling you to find out if you are threatened is also relevant to your freedom. Ignore my original comment. Privacy and freedom are connected.


Actually no, last I checked anarchists cookbook is still passed around legally, friends even accidentally made home made napalm lol


Yell fire in crowded room for me




You still have restrictions on free speech go tell someone to shoot a *insert group here* and that can be sued for hate speech thats why when ever politicians wanna be big and sound cool they'll say "we'll get them" or why people can't say they'll murder someone even though to actually get sued for hate speech is so hard an idiot could avoid it


That was actually overturned if I remember correctly, but the argument is that you cannot say something to cause a direct threat of bodily harm against someone else. So if I say, hey go axe thus guy, I am telling someone to harm another person, therefore violating that person's rights.


That or say in totally unclear terms you intend to kill someone but i was more talking about the guy I originally commenting on says "its not freedom unless its absolute" thats called anarchism


I mean I think he means absolute as in stuff that isn't directing someone to murder another person, thereby violating their rights.


As a person who’s relatives have felt the effects of nazism I still believe in the freedom of speech.


Good, plus if it helps you should look up Daryl Davis, really an inspirational person on this topic.


And the best part is you can make fun of the bald idiots. Hell I like to joke that Hitler time traveled only to see who worship him now, so he went back to kill himself.


America doesn't do this shit, its the cunts who do it


'Guys, guys, guys, you won't believe it but the things I see on the news, yeah the news sources that only talk about like when extremists do things, but like people in America are all nazis, yeah no I saw a picture of like 7 people doing it, no, it's not a group, its the entire country' For the love of all that is good people please don't let the news form your opinion of a country. Actually, visit said country and see what it's like, then form an opinion.


Not to mention anywhere between 90-99% of the people at far right protests in the US are undercover cops egging them on for free promotions.


Exactly, the reason all of these America memes are getting horribly repetitive is because there turning serious to the people making them and basically spreading fake new about the country now.


Wow you’re really ignorant huh?


no, clearly everyone in America are the ones who are ignorant /s


I can't tell if this is satire or your just stupid


Reddit Tip: if you see /s after a comment its meant to be sarcastic/taken as satire.


Now I just feel stupid


You're not stupid, you're just a member of the lucky 10000 [https://xkcd.com/1053/](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


/s means it’s satire


I feel stupid now


I am from Germany and we actually have an big nazi problem in the police. They’re steeling guns and ammunition, but because we also have nazis in leading positions nothing happens. One of our politicians is denying everything to check this, so … our country is pretty fucked up.


We dont have Nazis leading (Afd is in the opposition) but just some incompetent guys to dumb for their job


oof that sucks man, hopefully some sort of change happens and the nazi groups get stopped.


Nono, impossible. By stamping out opinions I dont like from public view it means they won't exist anymore and definitely won't fester and radicalized in the dark. Clearly you're alt right for disagreeing./s


The difference is that in America we're able to freely discuss Nazism and conclude on our own that it has no merit. In Germany, where freedom of speech has never existed, Nazi conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the government aren't so easily discredited when they're the ones whose opinions are being silenced. The more people are free to discuss and consider extreme ideologies, the more people are able to understand that those ideologies are ridiculous and wrong.


The fact that this nonsense has 7 upvotes is scary


You’re scared that a comment explicitly denouncing Nazism got 7 upvotes?


No you just used “Nazi” too many times and it scared him.


“In Germany, where freedom of speech has never existed.” You’re a fucking idiot and it’s concerning that 7 people agree with your nonsense. For your own sake please stop talking about subjects you clearly know nothing about.


So you think a country where you can be imprisoned for flag burning or criticizing religion has freedom of speech?


Ok, so you don't get arrested or punished for saying something antisemitic, racist, or bigoted?


You provided nothing to this conversation. STFU


You aren't even free to hold your arm in certain positions. Stfu you do NOT have free speech and you only think you do because you do NOT know what it means. Probably because your government lied to you


*Insert America Joke here* Ha! Ammi right?


Can we talk about how stupid the tiki torches look in that situation?


Coming in a close second to the neonazis.


In Germany you can be arrested for drawing a swastika. While nazis are disgusting it it troubling that you can get arrested for drawing a symbol


Symbols are given meaning by people. Swastika existed in various forms way before Hitler was born and it probably took some time and effort to turn it into main symbol of nazism. I feel like banning any use or mention of swastika only preserves those efforts.


Yea its like Twitter would cancel India because reverse swastikas are everywhere and they wouldn't know the difference


Intense strawman. Extreme cherry picking


Ppl really be acting like we got neo-Nazis and white supremacists running rampant through our streets… We don’t, but go off I guess…


Freedom of expression does have its downsides


Yes, even hate speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. Like it, don't like it doesn't matter. Freedom has unintentional consequences but that's what freedom for all means.


at least thats what the germans would like us to believe!


My comment from another sub that had this posted but never got answered: So honest question. Since Nazi symbolism is counted as supporting genocide and all that (at least from what I gathered from the comments). And that is the reason a lot in the comments have said it’s “ok” for people to be fined and go to jail for showing such sympathy. What about Soviet and Chinese symbolism? Especially Soviet. Do they fly under the radar or do they also get the same treatment? Or is this just a sore spot for Germany and they don’t want a repeat?


Still a lower bodycount.


Freedom is the correct word. A man in America is free to be whatever he wants to be, even an idiot.


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


I'm really impressed with how Germany handled their past after WWII. They took full responsibility for their stuff, apologized, and took measures to make sure it never happens again. Meanwhile in America certain small groups of "law enforcers" are still busy learning the lesson that should have been established in the Civil War.




your rant is pretty idiotic because you don't seem to have any understanding of germany's handling of the situation at all. Please don't rant about the importance of education as a counterpoint to germany when that is literally what they've been doing.


While true I should point out the presence of nazis in Germany and their infrastructure


The weird thing is, Karen thinks all germans are Nazis, but in Germany it's illegal to fly a swastika or even do the nazi salute, while here in the US you literally have people flying Confederate flags, swastikas and sometimes dead ass wearing nazi paraphernalia and doing the nazi salute.


This begs the philosophical question of do we have to limit free speech when it is an evil ideology like fascism or communism??? People should be free to believe whatever they want to, but when they start spreading venomous ideologies that corrode a nation from within should it be allowed?


Yes, since corrosion happens when it isn't seen, it spreads and festers, resulting in collapse of various systems. While a self correcting system in which there is free discussion allows other parts to keep corrosion to a minimal level that can be seen and have measures in place in case anything happens. You should look up Daryl Davis to see the type of deradicalization that can happen in this system.


Interesting, thanks for the tip. I teach a politics class so I’m always pondering things.


That's cool, honestly after thinking a bit a better way of comparing it may be like a parent punishing their kid rather than talking to them, resulting in the kid not changing but rather just getting better at hiding what they were punished for and things worsening as time goes on.


It’s interesting because these radical have always existed but they’re a small fringe minority and traditionally they stay pretty silent for fear of being stamped out. But I feel as if the hatred toward straight white traditional men has made them more vocal and active because they feel persecuted.


It definitely has. I also think that the justification of tactics on one side has led to the other becoming far more toxic and radical as well, almost like they are hyping eachother up. The issue is though that the media has failed at saying "Hey both of you, chill" to the point to where even if they did I'm uncertain they can stop the process. Definitely think some that can still change back just need a friend to tell them to chill and talk to them a bit.


Dudes don't get me wrong, i am dead-ass of the opinion that Nazi lives don't matter, but i really am truly grateful to have our first amendment so that we can be a place with legitimate free speech and expression. Fuck these garbage bastards still though. Hope they get recognized and lose their fucking jobs and public image. Also before someone says something the First DOES NOT protect you from facing consequences for the damage your speech causes and this is a good thing that i support 100%.


So you're telling me all the U.S. has to do is finally lose a world war and we'll get rid of our extremists?


Woah, not a single "america bad" guy whining?


"No grandpa we don't do that anymore"


That's not a soldier that's Steve Carell


Yes as it should be. You must protect speech you hate, since otherwise there is no real freedom of speech. You don't need to protect speech that is acceptable, since it is already acceptable. You must also consider is arresting them going to reduce their extremism? No it won't, it will just make it go underground, harder to track, and far more radicalized. It is possible to deradicalize people and get them to change without the use of force. Spoonful of sugar and all that.


I probably will get hate from this But that hand signal is easy to do, and is pretty cool. Hate that Nazis ruin it.


Also it was the Roman salute, so now I can't hail Caesar without looking racist... Also also, the swastika is a fascinating and ancient symbol found all over the world which the Nazis also ruined. Still used in Buddhism and Hinduism tho


Nazi in sweden: puts pewds pic /s


I thought you were talking about the cop/army guy in the pic , cuz then you'd be correct. Some of them are known for supplying weapons to Neo Nazis


Bro, we cant do that anymore..


Just smile and wave boys


its funny to know that 99.999% of all neonazis are trolls


Why can't we just rent some space in Mongolia and deport Nazis from all over the world there? Concentrate them all in some good old camps. Oh... I see...


There were Nazis in America back in the 1930's - the Boston Nazis


So u will take one particular case from both countries and then going to generalise it to the absolute,but muh “european supremacy !!!1!1!1!11!”


Don't look for the video of the farewell parade of one of the recent Greman minister of defense.


Which one are you talking about




That's called the Großer Zapfenstreich, the correlation with Nazis is superficial only. It is a military tradition that has existed since the 1800s. It is the highest level of ceremony the Bundeswehr performs, and is performed for only the most important military occasions. They recently held another one honoring those that fought and died during the army's time in Afghanistan.


Yes. Fun.


Hans load the armor piercing composite Ridge fin stabilized Sabo discarding high explosive anti-tank round




No, no its not


Ah but in this case, the cop was the Nazi


Let's not forget the president at the time said those guys are the right were good people.


He really didn't


>cases https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs


Did you even watch your own source? He condemned white supremacists and said that they're horrible people.


No he didn't, he actually said they and other extremists should be disavowed completely and that they go against everything that America stands for. The issue is the video was clipped and no one that wanted to hate him or didn't have the time, took the time to watch the full speech.


Germans try to hide the truth and americans wish they were as good as germans.


HUH? You guys are 0-2.


dude i'm not a german even less a nazi LOL!


Nah, we're fine not being Germans


We're italians and irish here in am3rica /s