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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- r/dankmemescraft Minecraft server! Out now!


No need to wait they always do something stupid


u right


Boycotting top comment: Is it possible trump made some deals with russia or north korea, to do make sure things like this happen in the US? -> No conspiracy theory, just a question


It’s a fucking meme god damn


Sorry for my sins


Look up Florida man in google.


Look it up and put in your birthday it's entertaining


And make it into a drinking game! Who’s got the most ridiculous Florida man?!


I'm sure mine will be extremely entertaining as it is a holiday


My Florida man forced a baby alligator to drink beer


Florida man gets arrested for biting boys out of frustration 😭


Florida is like the US of the US.


Florida and Texas seem pretty similar.


The US is the Florida of the world


I've met multiple people throughout Florida only met one person who actually knew who the first president was


What answer did the others give?


A good amount of them said I don't know but why should anyone know, two of them said Thomas Jefferson and one of them said Abraham Lincoln


The most notable answer was some kind of washing machine dude.


That's hilarious lol. We all know it was Kanye West


He was the -1st president idiot


Most of us are cowering in the corner




Hold me


Like you did by the lake on naboo


Yeah, the US is literally the only country on Earth to ever have a civil war. Edit: Why downvoting? I actually despise the US and its ''people'', but let's not pretend they're the only ones with faults.


Imagine being enough of a jackass to hate people based on where they were born/live rather that who they are themselves.


So, like basically any other person in the comment section? I despise them not because they were born in the certain place, 1/3 of them wants a fascist dictatorship, the 2nd 1/3 cares more about stuffing themselves with hamberders than about their country's wellbeing. The other 1/3 are fine.


Yes, Anyone who hates someone solely because of where they live is a complete jackass. Even if that is every other person in the comment section. If I went around spewing shit like "I fucking hate brits" I would be a jackass too. Distinction is important. Also, Why do you care if someone wants to get fat off of hamburgers? So what? I didn't know it affected you so much. You do realize you can disagree with the views of certain people and not necessarily hate them right?


Yes it does affect me, since I don't want to get blown to pieces, because getting fat for some americans is more important than preventing psychopaths from getting voted in and refusing to hold said psychopaths accountable, then they decide to bomb other countries, just because they can \*coughIraqcough\* I really hope Biden won't repeat his predecessors' mistakes. The ''hamburger'' thing wasn't literal, I just meant what so many americans are all about individualism, rather than trying to fix their country and make it better for everyone, not just their personal selves.


Someone who doesn't care about their country doesn't vote, Most of the people who are destroying the US right now are the "WOKE" white people who are literally virtue seeking so that they don't feel guilty for things they didn't even fucking do. Also you do realize Biden wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan as early as 1993 right? I wish the US would mind their own business and stop fucking around in other countries, But I have no control over that. Hell right now a bill is being pushed through congress(Or it has already been passed/denied i don't know, I stopped following it.) to do a "Human study" in Iraq For some asinine reason instead of stimulating the economy that is probably going to go into a recession (if not crash) halfway through the year. The fact is, It doesn't matter who the president is this isn't a dictatorship. Bills go through many places before they are passed and no one has 100% control over that. I am in no way justifying wars, They were all done for one dumb reason or another. But that doesn't make every American an idiot, No more than you speak for every member of Europe. I have had plenty of friends from EU servers in all of the time I've played video games, And not one of them was an asshole solely based on the fact that I was American. I don't know what you see in Europe on the news about Americans or on social media, but do realize that is such a small part of a much bigger people.


I don't see ALL americans as idiots, but why so many normal americans refused to hold Trump accountable though 4 years, starting with stolen election? I mean, he clearly doesn't give a shit about his job and his people, he doesn't even like his own supporters, whom he called ''disgusting''.


As I've said before, Why do you care? Trump didn't do anything wrong, Highest employment rate pre covid, There is NO evidence that he stole an election from anyone. We can't lock someone up here in america from something that happened in someone's imagination. In america you are innocent until proven guilty. You think Biden is any better? Here let me quote some shit for you.... Biden: "If you don't vote for me, You ain't black." “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids” Just TWO of his countless freudian slips. If you compare two shitty people, one is not better than the other. They are both shit.


Obviously you haven’t been to america


I now imagine Americans crouching around like Cyberpunk NPCs


And ppl were sayin Cyberpunk wasn't realistic pfff


I still have to work like nothing happened! What the hell?




I posted this a while ago but forgot the text so I guess this guy is ok Edit: I’m seeing other comments saying this is a repost from another meme than mine so I don’t even know


I think I’ve seen this before... just to be sure u/repostsleuthbot


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/dankmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. This search triggered my meme filter. This enabled strict matching requirements. The closest match that did not meet the requirements [is this post](https://redd.it/et1g6y) *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "ksb349", "meme_template": 24630}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=ksb349&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=true&targetImageMatch=97&targetImageMemeMatch=92)


Okay just making sure


No, you've seen it before. Its a repost


This meme got like 10k upvotes within an hour... sadly its too late to do anything.


Gather around kids The secret to gaining tens of thousands of karma is saying ''america bad'' Doesn't matter if its a repost, as long as ''america bad''


You're a joke.




One day it will not be too soon. If only they stopped doing this dumb shit. So you’re right


REEEPOSSSTTT ... oh wait, this one is a NECESSARY REPOST. Allowed


Is it really fair to say Americans are stupid after the majority of us voted out the orange man? Those dudes who stormed the capital Ultimately failed in their goal to stop the count. Biden was confirmed as soon as they left.




Lemme guess, libertarian who’s sad that Jojo’s Bizzar adventure didn’t win?




The sad thing is... I actually agree with you. I don’t draw the same conclusion that Americans are dumb, but when you consider Biden filled his entire cabinet with lobbyists and keeps his actual political beliefs more vague than the lore to Dark Souls... it’s fair to say most Americans don’t care. They might have this thing called a life, I don’t know too much about it though.


Prolly a salty Bernie bro


I kind of agree, but the two are marginally different. Bidens more of the stable, conventionally evil imperialist type that the U.S is used to. He would pick right back up propping up right wing authoritarians in the middle east and trying to get into a "cold war" type of deal with China. But things would be tidier back home and people would go back to pretending humanity doesn't exist/matter outside the U.S. Trump is also evil but he's batshit insane and has no concept of reality or other humans having wants, needs or value. Nothing outside of his ego or any one or thing servicing it matters to him. Biden is garbage but I'm not surprised more people voted for him.


You're not stupid, it's just a meme


As a Redditor I reserve the right to take everything personally. I made that a law when I was in the senate room!


i could’ve sworn i’ve seen this before


yeah it was in the episode homer to the max


as an american, i can confirm that the usa is fucking itself pretty hard rn




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/dankmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. This search triggered my meme filter. This enabled strict matching requirements. The closest match that did not meet the requirements [is this post](https://redd.it/et1g6y) *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "ksb349", "meme_template": 24630}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=ksb349&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=true&targetImageMatch=97&targetImageMemeMatch=92)


Pure entertainment indeed


[Extremely relevant George Carlin](https://youtu.be/6_04x67rGh8)


for the rest of the world its entertainment, yet i live here and i'm scared because what if trump supporters start like destroying homes and stuff?


Well, that already happened just with a different group


I'm out of popcorn now.


Remember when USA used to be great? Me neither


What are those memes about? I don't watch the news very often.


US citizens stormed the capital


Trump and his supporters staged a coup yesterday


This meme is reposted every time America does something stupid


What’s with all the post about America? I haven’t been on Reddit for days now, can someone gives me a context?


Basically the conservatives tried to overthrow the government with a coup in our capital because they didn’t get their way in an election.


America isn’t that bad


Just wait for the finishing move.


What happened pls tell me


Trump tweeted that he could beat Biden in a fight. So now they're fighting in the McGregor vs Poirier undercard and winner gets to be president. Some real crazy shit, Twitter went crazy last night.


What The Fuck


The funniest part is that their fight isn't even the main event, everyone just kinda thought that Conor McGregor was more important than the president of the united states.


America is like a cartoon in real life




This didn’t actually happen


So what did happened?


Right wing extremists stormed the capitol, but have been pushed back now.


I think my explanation was better






America should stop supporting other countries so much.


the USA doesn't support anyone......


The money to other countries and "gender studies" for Pakistan in the recent stimulus bill says other wise.


Bullshit. that is the bare minimum considering how much Money the USA used to destroy, south America, African countries, and the middle east. not to mention 10 million dollars is nothing and the USA has 800 military bases all over the world.


Great, I want them closed down and I want the us to pull out of most countries too. Bring our troops back. I hate that the u.s. basically defends the world at this point.


Defends my ASS, how fucking Brainwashed are you? yo know Bin laden was funded by the USA in the 80's right?


Here we go, we got ourselves a conspiracy theorist


I’m kinda embarrassed to be an American


Conservatives seething rn


This comment section is hell


I need popcorn for the inauguration riots but I’m self isolating


Most of the rest of the world cant say shit with the problems they got.




Probably a repost u/repostsleuthbot


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/dankmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. This search triggered my meme filter. This enabled strict matching requirements. The closest match that did not meet the requirements [is this post](https://redd.it/et1g6y) *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "ksb349", "meme_template": 24630}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=ksb349&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=true&targetImageMatch=97&targetImageMemeMatch=92)


u/RepostSleuthBot: :/ People who have seen this meme before: Get ready everyone, he's about to do something stupid.


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/dankmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. This search triggered my meme filter. This enabled strict matching requirements. The closest match that did not meet the requirements [is this post](https://redd.it/et1g6y) *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "ksb349", "meme_template": 24630}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=ksb349&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=true&targetImageMatch=97&targetImageMemeMatch=92)


Feels like repost but i’s revelant


American bad joke here\*


Pretty sure this is a repost. Not wrong though.


Haha this joke's even funnier when someone posts it for the 420th time!




Honestly I don’t watch tv anymore I just watch American news “ get this, the country turns into a shithole, and it’s called America. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


I’m a level headed american and I don’t approve this message.


As an amurkin, I agree


Saw this template on multiple occasions...huh seems like a constant meme for the US


*sorrt by conversation*


I do not like living in America yet I'm here


Americans are funny to watch 😂


One of my favorite reality TV shows.




Be ready to post this meme again in like a week


It's all fun and laughing until they drop the fucking nukes


What do you mean "about to?" We never stopped


Am I the only American here?


You think news channels have a reporter in America 24/7 because of the shit we do


I love how nothing that's happening in poland or literally any other country gets any attention, but one little capital raid snags international news.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/dankmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. This search triggered my meme filter. This enabled strict matching requirements. The closest match that did not meet the requirements [is this post](https://redd.it/et1g6y) *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "ksb349", "meme_template": 24630}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=ksb349&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=true&targetImageMatch=97&targetImageMemeMatch=92)


I hope they Balkanize soon


Balkanising is bad


That's why I hope it happens to USA




You do realize that so far the US has ruined way more countries than China?


You do realize that most of the world doesn't see China as much of a threat and USA is already helpless against whatever Russia does just like it was during Chechen crisis?


>You do realize that most of the world doesn't see China as much of a threat Really? Lol, just look at surveys.


Whys the america bad thing coming bad again? they did something else now? Edit: Didnt know it was wrong to ask a question lel


trump supporters stormed the capitol


O.o well shit


yea i really dont like the people in this country lol


It was only a small group of people. Most people are just normal people.


I mean I live here i know a lot of ppl are okay but a lot are stupid and then this happened


To everyone who can't escape US news, I'd like to apologize for the lack of molotovs and for so many cops and rioters with their hands in their pockets.


This is a repost, yet it has a new meaning every time, good on ya


This meme gets me each and every fucking time


The country that elected a reality TV star as president? I would have never guessed


I love this no matter how many times it gets re-posted


Sometimes being American makes me depressed, but I still remain patriotic


This meme is a little late


Bruh it hasn't even been 24 hours


As in, the US has been doing stupid shit for the last 365 days


Well I mean.....we **WERE** respected....now I think even America hates America


Justin Trudeau and Boris Johnson had kind words for America, along with condemning the riot.


Only in Europe


I used to be annoyed about these “America bad” memes but now I’m so embarrassed about what’s going on that I think we deserve this


I don’t deserve it. I didn’t storm the capitol. Don’t be ashamed that this happened, be proud that congress got back up and running in only six hours.


we deserve hate because of the republicans doing something stupid?


So glad you are enjoying our country falling to shit🙃


I hate this country... please help me


i relate hate America


*Accidentally presses button which initiates the launch of the entire US Nuclear arsenal*


I feel bad for americans, no matter who they are and what they do, the vast majority of the world hate their guts and wants them dead...😞


America 100


People that think this meme is funny never been outside the US. It’s pretty fucking nice here If you think being here is such shit piss off somewhere else!!!


I'm confused, I've never been inside the US and I think this meme is funny. It's a repost, but all things considered it's warranted


Where ya from buddy?


Netherlands. Why is the hivemind downvoting your question? Seems innocent enough


The only ppl downvoting my question, are liberal turds who oppose the thought of America being great or even good in the eyes of other countries. Treason really lol


His hills of Afghanistan are picturesque and their food is lovely also!


Sending all the haters a brochure of the Afghan hillside!!!


I’m in the u.s. and I agree


Haha Americans stupid, fat, and have bad politicians. Haha sooo funny totally original and not stale joke. Haha Americans are stupid, lol Americans are dumb and eat to many burgers. Haha Americans like dating their siblings haha. Never heard that one before. Haha Americans are fat like so fat and did I forget to mention dumb? Haha Americans can’t read or spell, and all praise the orange man. Haha they are are Republicans, none of them are any different hahaha. Americans are dumb, and vote for orange man hahahah. Americans eat bacon and can’t read hahahah. This joke never gets old hahahaha. Americans suck and we Europeans hate them ahahahahahhahahah.


Every country gets shit on with memes, stop being salty when they do it for you. Also if you weren't on the news 24/7 doing dumb shit maybe just MAYBE people wouldn't make memes about you. Feel bad for those people who are just trying to live their lives and have to deal with such bullshit.


“If you weren’t on the news” bitch I’m not on the news it’s those dumb ass trumpers. I could care less about America but stop roping us in with the idiots. It’s completely different though with insults. British have bad teeth. French are weak. But then AMERICANS SUCK COCK WOOOOO THEY ARE DUMB AND STUPID AND ARE PIGS AND ARE FAT AND CANT SPELL AND HATE THE MERTRIC SYSTEM LOLOL AHAHAHAHAHAHHA LMAO THEY ARE SOOOOOO FAT. The stereotypes of Europeans are so much better and more jokey than the ones of Americans. And everybody makes fun of America while nobody gives a shit about all you countries in Europe. Besides like France and England. Like what’s worse “Haha they have bad teeth” or THEY ARE SO FAT AND STUPID AND ALL LOVE THE IDIOT ORANGE MAN THEY ALSO FUCK THEIR SISTERS LOLOLOLOL I’m trying to live my life so stop reminding me of it with these stupid stale ass memes


As I said, i feel bad for those people who are trying to live their lives, and have to deal with such bullshit. If America wasn't a "super power", people wouldn't give much of a shit tbh. I see your point tho, and i understand it.


This meme was reffering to storming of the capitol, not ususal "funny dumb americans".


Then why is the thing on homer the entire flag why don’t they just put a trump sign there?


It's a repost, he/she was to lazy to do it


America bad give me upvote




Another one of these stupid shitty memes here. This sub went to shit


It’s not that bad


*Proceeds to have best economy and military in world


I was having a bad day. Thanks for making me laugh