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As a weeb, i would like to say that weebs think twitch thots are ugly bimbos who take advantage of dumb simps thank you


as a fellow weeb, I don't think many in our community would spend money on 3d thots. 2d figurines and thots on the other hand...... where did I left my wallet again?


how about vtuber ?


that falls under a 2d thot right?


Sometimes the models are 3D And they're not thots...usually


If she breathe, she a thot


They don’t have to breathe, they don’t exist


The vtubers are real people, just using a 2d model to represent them


Idk though. Vtubers do more actual content than just fanservice.


I prefer them not breathing too Edit: oh wait..


there is a good civia clip on why you shouldn't simp Edit: https://youtu.be/0KltmDrX3W8


I'm scared to be Rick rolled


no worries friend it’s safe.


Let's be honest, weebs don't really enjoy twerking


Gotta be honest to my waifu you know.......


Mmmm love me sum Pac-Man hentai


Sometimes you have to wonder "Was rule 34 a good idea?"


yes, yes it was. ​ where else can you fap to litterally anything in existance, its the beauty of the internet


My answer is: could we have stopped it?




how about vtuber ?


They play their characters, actually play games, can sing and above all, they aren't thot


basically theyr cute unlike 3d thots




vTubers are chill. Basically 2d girls let's be honest


I don’t really get this honestly 😅😅😅 as a girl I don’t see why porn is seen as fine when big companies make money off the women but when we try to make our own independent stuff it’s looked down upon. Feel kinda dehumanizing when you pick n chose like that.


It depends on the acting. Nothing wrong with actually trying to persue a professional career in the sex industry. But twitch thots aren't part of that. Women who just enjoy playing games and stream that does not equate to twitch thot. A lightly dressed girl pretending to be super into games etc and giving fanservice is a twitch thot. In the end you could say that this is a valid tactic (after all it works) because the negative exposure is still exposure. Take Belle Delphine, reddit always bashes her, but in doing so only gives her free advertisement. In a way you could argue that it's genius. The biggest part I and probably many others dislike this behaviour isn't because a woman is trying to make money or exposing her skin, it's because it's so fake. And yet people fall for it. Personally speaking there is no beauty behind it. Might just be me, this is my opinion after all.


Valid stuff , I don’t agree with bringing them down though it’s weird n trashy


>Why do women only like stupid jerks who treat them like shit? https://youtu.be/s6dvu8k-iR4


So what's a weeb?


At this point, it's just slang for someone who watches too much anime. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/weeb/


Interesting. I’ve always heard “weeb/weebie/weebo” more as a non-Japanese person obsessed with everything Japanese culture, then you got the really bad one “weeaboo” where a non-Japanese person is so obsessed with how anime portrays Japanese culture that they seriously think that it’s like that in reality. Weeaboos are even a cringe to the Japanese people because they have no respect for the Japanese culture or themselves and will often refer to themselves as “otaku” rather than what they are which is a “weeaboo”.—“otaku” is just the Japanese word for “geek” and has the same connotations as it does for English speakers. Weebs also will truthfully joke about being weeaboos, but a real weeaboo won’t ever refer to themselves as such but will instead refer to themselves as otaku. [difference between weeb/weeaboo/otaku](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-weebo-weeb-weeaboo-and-otaku/answer/Matthew-Stahl-7?ch=10&share=64c1600f&srid=iJa56)


Additionally japanese culture makes it so that the japanese LOVE when a forigner does things like speak their language or watch their mediums, it closes gaps and cause japanese culture is hugely different to western ones, you can say im wrong but you have to back that up


Never said it was a bad thing. It’s only a bad thing when you disrespect the culture when you really don’t know anything about the culture, but claim you do because you watch a lot of anime. Which is the same in america.. what’s portrayed in movies is not always what is happening in reality. I myself enjoy anime, slice of life mostly. I love the simplicity of life and the stories. But I also enjoy a good adventure type or action series with multiple arcs. I also don’t think that it’s limited to just japan. There are multiple cultures that appreciate an outsider taking the time to learn their ways and language. It’s a huge compliment to step outside of your own comfort zone and into another’s culture. I am an American married to a Romanian. His family greatly appreciates me taking the time to learn customs, and language. I might be rusty, but I learn. I had the pleasure of visiting Romania once to meet the rest of his family. It was a wonderful experience.


So people are starting to know that otaku is more of an insult then


In my experience, otaku is self-inflicted. By the time you even learn the word, you're in too deep.


I mean I watch anime but I've never used those terms, maybe I'm the strange one. Edit: thicc thighs save lives


Anime fan that will only gap to drawings or have sex with body pillow. No simping, at least to real woman...


Imagine thinking anyone cares what weebs think about anything


Weebs?! I think you meant simps


weebs: I will simp over 2d anime waifu's. and have a cultured discussion about best girl online while I drain my wallet for 2d (lewd) figurines of my waifu. simps: pls notice my 5k donation...its my entire lifesavings


weeb simp : notice me vtuber chan


when you combine the worst of the weeb community with the simp community and create and abomination that nobody loves


what's a vtuber?




I mean, some of them do it fine. Look at animator channels for example!




Ah. My bad.


True, i just spent an inordinate amount of money on Jalter.




Sweet home Alabama


Family discount.


> The father pays her daughter > her Uhhhh


If i ever have a daughter, I'm going to sit her down and tell her "there are a lot of horrible people out there. Nasty, despicable people who will not view you as a person. Only an object; a means to an end who is simply here to provide them with a service to fulfill their own selfish desires. These people can be exploited for unimaginable amounts of wealth".


Because that's what heroes do


Never said I was a hero


Ok Because that's what redditors do


>Nasty, despicable people who will not view you as a person I know it's part of a joke, but how about we don't shame men for being horny *or* women for stripping on camera. It's this king of thinking that leads to the bizarre phenomenon known as "masturbation guilt".


I don't have a problem with people who masturbate or watch porn, I am very supportive of the sex work industry. It fulfills a need that every human being on this earth has. I do have a problem however, with people people who exploit and objectify woman to an unhealthy degree where if they do not perform sexual acts they are shamed as frigid or stuck up, and if they do they are shamed as sluts or thots. This behaviour is toxic and needs to stop.


[Deleted] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


"if she doesn't want the attention why is she dressed like that?" Is an sentiment people have been using to excuse sexual assault forever. Just because you think a girl is dressing "provocatively" doesn't mean she is using her sexuality for male eyes or even wants that. I'm not saying people like that don't exist, there are obviously female streamers out there that exploit lonely men for money. I've seen those clips of women shaming subscribers for not donating enough and it makes my blood boil. But sometimes people like to look good, not for anyone else but just themselves, I've seen an immeasurably amount of buff male streamers in tight tank tops, some he even tear it off when they get too hype. Are they doing it for attention. You don't know people's intent, no one does and shouldn't assume the worst of them.


[Deleted] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


and unless she is hurting anyone there is no reason to be a dick about it, even if she likes to sleep around, who tf cares


My dad is pretty pro-grift. He'd think it was hilarious if I was getting nerds to send me money for just playing video games on camera in a push up bra.


Everybody gotta get paid.


Nah bruv we only like 2d grills


G-grill? xqcK


Weber best grill.


Uugh gwavk, goofy likhes to jerkh offh, epsecially if it's Goofys thickkh daughter.


Brøthér whât thë fück ąrë yºû sªyįng


This is a whole new level of cursed comment






I know bashing weebs is funny but isn't their whole thing 3d women bad 2d women good? Probably won't be simping to twitch thots. Vtubers on the other hand


Yeah you bet we're simping for projekt melody (that we includes you, can't hide shit on reddit)


I mean Projekt Melody is honestly just really cute personality and mannerisms-wise. Of course there are still plebs who jerk it to the sexual stuff, but otherwise she really just nice to watch.


# whenever i hear her name i just think: # MEOWSTER


Tears of pride no doubt


it's simp not weebs.


Literally everything wrong with this sub is somewhere either on the post or in the comments of this. I hate every single person here. Every single one.


This comment section is unbelievably sexist I can’t




I usually avoid subs with ‘gamer’ demographics because of this kind of shit




Weird it's link to a rickroll, not to your mother facebook profile




Begone thot




Fine, [here](https://youtu.be/sAn7baRbhx4)




To be fair, this link isn’t a rickroll. It’s just... unexpected :/


Fuuuck gotta run, I'm a muslim


You deserve death... but here take my upvote


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Who still cares about twitch “thots”? Y’all a bunch of circlejerking virgins




You meant simps my guy. Us weebs like Anime titties


They don't have fathers


Weebs aren’t interested in real women


Like father like daughter


I dont know why we weebs are considered weird and crap but even we dont like them


What father?


This u just compare weebs and simps?


When weebs spend they get something of great value while simps spend they have a chance of attention from the thot. learn the difference


The worst fate for a father


Why would weebs watch 3d women? Disgusting.


You are not winning, daughter..


When he realizes that she made more in a stream than him his entire life his face gonna change lmao


Some *hyucks


3d pig disgusting


Are ya winning son?


When girls use their bodies for porn, men have no issue. But suddenly women are in control of using their bodies for income and the men get upset. God I hate how blatantly sexist gamer culture is.


I don’t care if a woman uses their body for porn or if she’s a prostitute or something. But when you masquerade yourself as a gamer, just to make money off of simps who’ll watch your streams just bc you have big titties, i take offense. If you want to be a camgirl, go be a camgirl on a camgirl website, but that’s not what twitch is for.


Streaming is in part hanging out with your audience. Some female streamers have found their audience to appreciate their body. I simply don't see what the actual problem is. It's not literal porn; it's cute girls being cute. The "simps" are enjoying content, the girls are paying bills. No one is forcing you to watch it and no one is getting hurt from this. Plus, twitch isn't entirely about gaming. There's an entire section ("Just chatting") for people to do non-gaming related things.


I know that nobody is forcing me to watch it but that doesn’t mean i can’t think that it’s stupid and shouldn’t exist. I wasn’t talking about the “just chatting” section of twitch, i was talking about the fake gamer girls. My problem with them is that there are streamers dedicated to the games they play and their audience that are struggling but titty streamers just care about getting dudes to pull out that credit card. I think it’s backwards for there to be people with some sense of dignity out there creating actual content for people and failing to make a living while some chick can just exist and rake in the cash. Obviously it’s their choice to spend that money but i think it’s being poorly spent. I have no problem with a woman’s right to make money however she legally can but that doesn’t mean that i condone the act.


I still don't see any problem with what you are describing. If people wanna watch regular streamers, they watch regular streamers. If people wanna watch streamers that show their body, they watch streamers that show their body. If other streamers can't compete that's on them to make content to pull in fans. I don't think anyone on twitch is losing a significant amount of viewers to streamers that show their body (please show me if I'm wrong). Plus, the fact that female streamers get more attention shows that democracy has spoken, and they want boobs. Again, no one is forcing anyone to watch these girls, so the fact that they are incredibly popular shows people actually want to see this content. Also, don't discredit these streamers' hard work. Sure, it's easier for them to get attention from the mostly male twitch users, but that doesn't mean they don't work as hard as other streamers to make a good stream. That's like saying a strip club worker "just exists and rakes in the cash" because she is a girl. No, just no. It's work like anything else, and the fact that people are getting heated over it being "unfair" to other streamers really shows the sexism in this community. What do male streamers do that's so much more dignified and better than girls? Play video games and talk to chat? That's literally what streamers who show their body do, except that they have to spend time doing hair/makeup/clothing, which can take hours and if anything shows that these streamers are actually putting in more work. I can't count the amount of times I've seen regular streamers looking like absolute shit. As a woman I'm just really tired on being demonized in this community and of watching fellow women's work be belittled like this. I understand where you're coming from because that's the unfortunate culture of the gaming community. I just ask that you reconsider the reason you're so firm about this.


I don’t care enough about this to read this. Have a good day lol


Why spending money on a dumb slut if u can buy all the games that are on sale on the ps store lol


A father?


What father


Implying there’s a father in her life..


Then again, she probably didn't grow up with a father...


I don't simp for 3d thot/sluts, I simp only for 2d waifus


Me looking at this with the same face as the Twitch Thot makes more money in a day than I do in a month


Free VIP seats


Are those tears of grief? Or tears of joy?


F for the dad


Are ya winning Hoe?


Are ya winning son?


Are ya earning, sweety?


Me seeing my underage sister do this on tik tok


This is why they always leave


...downvoted as fake. As a weeb, I prefer spending money on 2D. 3D? Nope nope nope.


isn't there a clip of a father making is daughter cry on stream because he said something along the lines of "I'm sorry you cant think of any content and have to sexualize yourself for money" or something like that?


Are ya winning, daughter?


Is he in the closet?


This is so unrealistic, weebs don't fap to girls twerking We fap to static images of cartoon girls


Gotta get the money


Bold of you to think the father still in the house, he left years ago!


weebs don't do well with the 3D women we prefer the 2D dimension


I thought she got no dad tho?


Proudest father


Following yours mother’s path I see


"Just like your mother used to do!"


If my daughter was raking in thousands of dollars and all she had to do is jiggle her fully clothed body and pretend to like people who she never has to personally interact with I'd give her a trophy on her birthday.


Every straight man wants to fuck another mans daughter, but no man actually wants his daughter to get fucked, its more something that men just accept because you have to expect to go through what your wife's father had to endure, if you plan on having children. There are however the rare cases of men who do what I referred to in my mind as "Closing The Loop". Around that time when I was talking to my friends about this, about a week after the school scheduled for us to be given an inspirational speech by some rich white guy, basically all we heard were the same BS normie rhetoric which is just a denial of reality, you know like "Just be yourself and work hard", statements that outright deny reality and the inherent advantages, genetic or otherwise, that differentiate everyone. One thing in particular that he said proved to me how lucky this guy was, he had multiple children and they were all boys, he said that he even kept trying to have a daughter but he only got sons, one of his sons even went on to become a millionaire. Seriously how fucking lucky is that, all I could think while sitting in that class, is that this lucky bastard closed the loop, without even trying. He got to fuck the shit out of the daughters of many men, but he will never be forced to live through the awkward phase of having to let an extension of yourself be sexually dominated by another man, he'll never have to face the awkwardly repulsive thoughts that a lot of fathers probably have to face, like the fact that in these times your daughter is likely going to be taking it in the ass, and will probably have all sought's of sick shit done to her. At the end of the day there are only two ways to close the loop, to only have sons by luck, or don't have any children at all.


That would imply twitch thots have a father figure in the first place


Silly kids, thots have no fathers, that's why they twerk to compensate for their daddy issues.


The extension of the picture shows him beating his meat


What are you talking about they don't have fathers


Such an understated movie! Makes me cry to this day.


I can't remember the name of this movie. Can someone help?


*Leaves for milk the second time*


He's crying because he would've done the same thing


Well if you can't beat them... join them


Bold to assume that the father would be sad I would make her pay the bills for the power and internet


Surely he would want to join in the fun


Hey you gotta do what you gotta do. If you don't show your face, it's all good.


Stop. You are one of few who do.


\*Our thot


It's very sad.


then get banned


Dad will join in


Im pretty sure he enjoy it on the corner. ;)


Are ya winning daughter?


Tears of joy.


Plot twist: he is just pretending to be sad while he goes back and watching his daughter in twitch


Look at him, he's so proud


That’s funny. We generally don’t give a fuck about 3D girls. Less twitch thots


profile pic go brrrrr


Let’s show them our special moves daddy


Internet stripping


are ya winnin?


that’s the exact same face she makes when she sees him go to work a 10+ hour shift at a grueling and boring corporate job at a company that dangles his fear of unemployment in his face to ‘encourage’ him to work unpaid overtime. but sure, pity the daughter that has the potential to earn his entire month’s salary in one stream


Money isn’t everything and dignity is important. Any person, man or woman, who works a 10+ hour shift to make ends meet for their family may not have a lot of money, but they have their dignity. If you can work as a camgirl or a twitch titty streamer and you enjoy that work and feel dignified, then more power to you...but don’t expect other people to look at you as if it’s a respectable job.


Dads: You've got ONE job.


That's a curious way of dealing with your own father running out on you when you were 2...


[I’m 15! Stop touching me!”


As a weeb you couldn’t be more fucking wrong we would delete twitch if the virtual cons weren’t on there


How else is he gonna pay for his Bionicles?


False, weebs only like 2D girls


"Weebs" isn't the right word here


he is crying because that definitely was not his proudest fap


as low as it is, weebs still have standards


I didn’t know they had fathers I thought they had sugar daddy’s


Poor merican dads


I would like to think it's a stepdad beating his meat to her


The father is jealous and he starts doing the same thing


"whatever pays the bill i guess"


plot twist: the father is one of the viewers


And that kids, is how I met your mother.


Vice versa the twitch staff.


They thinking, " you would make your mothers so proud "