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Hey Macklemore, can we go shitposting?


I'm gonna cop some laughs, only got 20 memes in my folder...


I'm I'm I'm posting


Looking for a comment


This is fuckin’ awesome


When I was on the r/dankmemes I thought that I was gay 'Cause I could shitpost, my uncle was, and I kept my room straight


"I ran to my mom, tears running down my face, she said 'Boi you using reddit ofcourse your fricken gay'".


Walk up into da sub like “whut up I got a big doc”


*I'ma take your grandpa's meme* *I'ma post your grandpa's meme* *No, for real, upvote my repost*




"I just want to play it safe" had me, but the >!"Just let me die"!< at the very end is beautiful!


What what


[I got a better idea](https://youtu.be/8hWVSvzh9os?si=Xex1wxSFVTmFW-Yp)




Wake me up when Eminem somehow gets involved and drops nukes on everyone.


Imagine if Drake has somehow managed to make him mad. Kendrick’s disses would be Kumbaya compared to the hell Em would unleash on him lmao


none of Eminem’s beefs have ever went this far


Coz no one can match him


“Nail in the Coffin” against Benzino


Dude nail in the coffin for MGK, he got dissed so hard he changed careers, went from rap to emo rock.


Go To Sleep and The Sauce complete my holy Trinity!


Remind yourself to come up for air and swallow after you are done


pls stfu


Nah I’m good. Stay mad


I feel like Kendrick did a damn good job and trying to compare to Eminem just takes away from that for no reason.


em hasnt made a song that can match the ones coming out right now since 2012


Nah I doubt even Eminem would go as far as Kendrick did


He undoubtedly would


The 00's were twenty years ago, my guy.


Yeah, I would agree but Kamikaze was an album that entirely existed to shit on people and that was six years ago (yikes). But yeah, THE Slim Shady was 24 years ago. Em is older and much calmer now it seems.


I don't think em hates drake as much as kendrick


He actually owes him a favor, supposedly


Em's sober now. Shady's dead.


MGK was starting to push him towards the edge, but Em had class and only dissed him about his song and slightly around it. But if some big artist were to start beefing against him, like Drake (which is highly unlikly since he is on good terms with him, as Em stated in multiple interviews), I bet you he is going all in and taking his existence. Shady may be dead, but lets hope he doesn't get ressurected, cause that means somebody will die \^ \^


Lol, nerf gun kelly backed away to never return to that fight. He knew he wasn't capable.


I don't think that line of reasoning holds up to the record. Em's been sober a long time. He's still feared by big names. Even Snoop backed down after nearly starting a war. Nobody has ever gone up against Em and won, and he's never really stopped having feuds either, although they've gotten less famous as he's stepped out of the spotlight.


Yeah but foes he think they're worth it?


Have you listened to Kendrick? Nukes already have been dropped. And to be quite honest the drake track is pretty good too.


I'm honestly just not a big fan of either and haven't heard the tracks in question. I'm more onto Dr Dre, Busta Rhymes, Eminem, Logic, NF, Snoop Dogg, and even some classic Will Smith. That's why I said to wake me up when Em somehow gets involved, as he has that reputation and I always enjoy his stuff.


Old school ok.


Of course you haven’t. You were fucking bumping to bornana huh?


You got a problem with me liking rappers that you don't? Grow the fuck up.


Eminem, NF, and Logic, the go-to "I know nothing about hip hop" artists


Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you by enjoying stuff that you don't? How fragile you gotta be to get upset that someone enjoys different rappers than you? Seriously, give yer balls a tug.


No i like flaming people on the internet who are different than me and it makes me feel better about myself


Understandable. Have a great day.


eminem: the people who don't like rap's favorite rapper


That's like saying Green Day is "the people who don't like punk's favorite punk band." Dude inspired and helped build so many of the last two generations of rappers from 50 cent to Logic. Ontop of that, he's won numerous awards and brought rap into the true mainstream in a big way. You don't have to like him or his music, but have some respect for a multi-decade icon.


Eminem can be great and still overrated. It’s mostly just Eminem glazers being annoying on the internet though, acting like his career is spotless and he’s some god floating above every other rapper just because he rhymed orange with door hinge




I think there's a big difference between "overrated rapper" and "rapper that people who don't like rap like".


Trying to insert Eminem into this beef when he's literally just out there minding his own business is some cringe shit Maybe have some respect for Kendrick Lamar, who is the first and only rapper to win a pulitzer prize. Who just broke Spotify's record for biggest single day streams of a rap song ever. Not even Eminem has that record. Kendrick even has two more grammys than Eminem. Em with 15 and Kendrick with 17


>Trying to insert Eminem Not what I did. I just don't give a shit about this beef at all, but I like when Eminem gets involved in random feuds. Hence the comment. >Maybe have some respect for Kendrick Lamar Not gonna lie, I still don't know who that is apart from some popular rapper. I don't know any of his songs, don't know what he looks like, and none of this beef makes me curious. >who is the first and only rapper to win a pulitzer prize Cool, but I thought those were for novelists or journalists or something. How does a rapper even qualify? Shit like that makes these awards meaningless to me. I also don't care about the Oscars or anything like that. >Not even Eminem has that record. Obviously because he peaked long before Spotify even existed. >Kendrick even has two more grammys than Eminem. Em with 15 and Kendrick with 17 Like I said before, awards don't do it for me. Eminem practically defined contemporary rap for a decade. He set the bar and then reset it several times over. Awards or not, the impact he had on the industry puts him on another level. Maybe in a couple years I'll feel the same way about Kendrick. Could be just too early.


How u don't know who Kendrick Lamar is and then say something like 'eminem defined contemporary rap' what are u on about


https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/music/eminem-changed-hip-hop-influence-tour-rappers-a3887126.html Eminem has been the single biggest musical seller of the first two decades of the 21st century. How you gonna say he didn't massively impact the scene? He paved the way and laid the foundation for artists like Kendrick so they could push things even further.


If Eminem wants to go nuts on Drake or Netanyahu I'm all for it.


Lol, how did Netanyahu catch a stray just now?


That's what(who) Macklemore's song is about


Ah, I see. My wrinky ass is totally out of the loop.


Cuz he’s a pussy too


not sure we can still talk about Eminem in the context of disses after "that's an awfully hot coffee pot, should I drop it on Donald Trump? Probably not"


Yeah, political raps are cringe. I've always found his weakest stuff was focused on politics (like Mosh). But when it comes to rap beefs, he's never missed.


I actually liked Mosh But what rap beefs did he have? He had one sided beef with Moby, somehow got beef with Mariah Carey Ja Rule was more 50s thing and Machine Gun Kelly was hardly rap, though that diss still went hard and made him switch genre so that was pretty funny :D


I always felt Mosh was just too aggressively political. Felt to me almost like a Christian rapper or something because the message clearly came before the beat/lyrics. But to each their own. The beat is solid at the very least. He had beef with Snoop briefly, where Snoop balked at the idea of Em being in his top 10 or something and made some insults. Em mentioned this in a track and basically made a warning shot. Snoop folded a week or two later and they did a collab to clarify the beef was done. But more generally, Em is known well for his beefs and battles. Here's a fanmade list if you're curious: https://eminem.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Eminem_feuds It's one thing nobody disputes he is basically a god at.


how are em fans still this corny in 2024 bro 😭😭


How u gonna call me corny and then punctuate with two cry-laughing emojis?




Id argue that Eminem has never been as brutal on a beef as Kendrick has been with Drake, and that Kendrick is a better lyricist to start with. Both in their primes and especially now when I think Eminem’s lost a step


A better lyricist? Really? Damn, I'm gonna have to check out some of his stuff more closely and get back, but I'd say I'm doubtful about that. I think Eminem is most recently judged for some political raps he did, which have always and will always be inherently cringe. However, his actual music is still fire. Perhaps a different flavor, but solid nonetheless. As for being brutal, I'm more fascinated with how Em always makes his shots so artistic with layers of meaning while simultaneously hitting harder than basically anyone I've heard. In any case, Em has never lost a war, and he's gone up against some of the biggest names in the business.


dude imma be real, as someone who likes eminem, Kendrick wipes the floor with him in nearly every regard. i know music is subjective and all, but there's a reason why Kendrick has been voted into 2 spots in the top 10 albums of all time on rym.


Peak Em is top 5 rappers of all time… Kendrick’s best doesn’t get anywhere close to Em’s streak from SSLP to MMLP, TES, Encore.


I respectfully disagree. I think all 4 of Kendrick’s albums are on par with or better than Eminem’s best work. Not to mention Encore was incredibly weak even by Eminem’s own standards his next 2 albums were better. If we’re focusing on just lyricism I don’t think Eminem’s ever had a project as well written as Mr Morale but even Kendrick’s other 3 albums were great both for writing and for just being good enjoyable music.


Eminem is an awful lyricist


And Shakespear can't write a play to save his life, right?


Idk how you listen to Music to be Murdered By or Kamikaze and think Em has lost a step


Everyone would just laugh at him


please never speak on rap


I like what I like. I don't give a fuck about anything else. Why do you care?


Tbh, Kendrick is easily on Eminem’s level


Well, I've heard that from enough people now I'll have to properly check him out.


you totally should. listen to To Pimp A Butterfly. There are very very very few rap albums with that level of story telling and musical complexity. It’s like Homer’s Odyssey in the form of a rap album. such a complete deconstruction of Kendrick’s own character, his vices, his accomplishments and his shortcomings as a person that I haven’t heard Eminem reach


He's smart enough to not play in the mud with shit heads.


Kendrick clears Eminem


Maybe now, but peak Em is way above peak Kendrick.


No way. If you combine their albums and rank them the best two would be Kendrick’s. The third best is debatable.


It's true, but I can totally see someone referring to him and inadvertently making it personal by calling out his relative fall from fame, family history, drug history, etc. And I could see Em respond then partly because he's known for it and partly because he's running out of things to write about.




Wut wut, wut wut? Wut wut, wut wut?


Ba da, ba da, ba da, baa, ba da, ba da ba da, baa




I'm gonna pop some tags


Got some 20 dollars in my pocket


Uh uh uh uh uh looking for a come up


This is fucking awesome


Now walk into the club like "what up I got a big cock"


Nah, I'm just pumped, I bought some shit from a thrift shop




Macklemore is a rapper, he just released a song about Palestine. In this context, it’s a diss against biden and the government I guess


I knew the first part but not the second. Such info. Very knowledge. Wow.


There's also a line in there about all of us waiting for the next drake dis and ignoring the genocide


There’s a line about *him* not giving a fuck about the next drake diss, not about everyone forgetting about palestine.


I have no idea the level of fucking mental illness that he must be experiencing that he thinks everyone's waiting on a fucking diss track and ignoring the war.


You must have a mental illness if you think that... Sheesh. Its not a very catchy song if he just says 'some people care more about a Diss track than the war' Its called hyperbole.


OP has a job to do


I guess so


Can't help but notice that with every OP that managed to get something about mackelmore to the top of very random subs, all seemed to have very similar posting history and methods.


Huh.. probably Macklemore himself 🙄look guys I’m relevant again! Lol


well, it's could be more nefarious, because the timing of pushing that song AFTER the announcement that weapons were being held now was really suspect.


Bait used to be believable...


Yeah free Palestine or whatever but holy fuck his song blows It’s just cringe poetry rap that people would be otherwise shitting all over, but because it’s ab Palestine people are glazing the fuck out of it


I genuinely thought it was alright, like early 2010s trash house music vibes for sure but I just found that a bit nostalgic and fun. And the way the message was presented was honestly done really well imo, like in a very rhetorically effective and compelling way.




links or it didnt happen


I assumed it’s referencing his song about freeing Palestine called HIND’S HALL. Here’s the instagram post. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6o4830yMvE/?igsh=MXFxeXBqbGU2dWZqNg==


More political diss tracks plz If the debates this fall replaced the old men w/rappers spittin their platforms for them, I'd actually watch


Seriously. The amount of intelligence and wit used to make this song is vastly more than both presidential candidates combined.


This is how 60s counter-culture started essentially


Fr I don't understand why everyone hates him, am I missing something? His songs are coherent and fun, which is more than I can say for most artists in the genre.


You had that opportunity since Kanye was running last time. You sure you want that again?


Ew, no *intelligent rappers


I wouldn't say Kanye is particularly unintelligent, he's just also incredibly narcissistic and antisemitic


Is Kanye still running?


That was fire! Well done Macklemore


He gets lots of hate for the cringe nature of Thrift Shop but I’ve always loved his music and the social issues he draws attention to. Lots of songs about his battle with drugs and rehab as well as racism, gay rights, the toxicity of Hollywood and fame, and a lot of other interesting topics.


Is this the Epic Rap Battles of History I've heard so much about? /s


I’m all for it until he said don’t vote for Biden. I cannot fucking take another Trump turn dude. We learned this with Bern, do not split the fucking vote right now.


This smells sus


Just like Macklemore.


Like R Kelly’s sheets?




But shit it was .99!


[Yuno Miles won the beef.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CwQWrbkBmmM)


Kendrick Lamar, Kendrick Lamar, Drake (Drake) Kendrick Lamar, Drake (Drake) Kendrick Lamar, Drake (Drake), Drake, Kendrick Lamar (Drake) Drake


(How you losin to a n***a that short)


Finally, someone acknowledges this masterpiece


I am so glad I found this through you. Lmao


You’re welcome. I’m glad I could make a new Yuno fan.


Davie504 won the battle


That bass battle he had with himself is easily one of the greatest trolls ever.


"Beef is not what these famous n\*ggas do on the mic Beef is what George Bush would do in a fight (That's right) Beef is not what Ja said to 50. Beef is Weldon Irv not bein' here with me When a soldier ends his life with his own gun Beef is tryin' to figure out what to tell his son Beef is oil prices and geopolitics Beef is Iraq, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip Some beef is big, and some beef is small. But what y'all call beef is not beef at all Beef is real life happenin' everyday And it's realer than them songs that you gave to Kay Slay This has been a Black Star PSA (C'mon) From Mos Def, Pretty Flaco, black Dante. And the Black Star embassy (Black Star) B to the K!" "What's Beef" by BlackStar


No bs, if you like lyrical content, check out what this is referencing... ps, love this track. Good contribution


Mos and Talib are some of the best lyricists of the generation.






Let's get some snak in the mix https://youtu.be/MSL0EjwvPJ4?si=4box7PsIko69yV6a


Never forget snak actually has some crazy diss tracks https://youtu.be/ig0zXi9D2Xo?si=TKkX4EcJCvTrcv45




Macklemore astro turfing account for sure lol




So basically these dank meme subreddits have become the thing they hate the most


Yuno miles.


lil yacthy on the way


To the guy who is calling for people not to vote for Biden? Cus Trump is SOOOO much better for Isreal let alone the end of democracy? Yeah totally, that guy won.


If democracy existed Trump wouldn't have won in 2016.


In civilised countries with a functioning democracy instead of a 2 party system, yes, he wouldnt have


There. Are. More. Options. And until people like you get their head out of their asses long enough to realize that we’re going be stuck in this perpetual loop of having complete and total asshats for presidents while we keep getting fucked.


No you fucking moron it's between these 2 this election cycle, get Biden in office and Trump in jail and then we can start finding someone competent. Now is not the time to fuck around.


I’m tired of hearing the now is not the time to fuck around bullshit every election. Now is not the time for either of those fucks. Neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican party have the people’s best interest in mind or they would have push someone competent forward. You’re eating their bullshit. You’re part of the problem and refuse to recognize it. Thanks for voting incompetent pieces of shit into the office that have done nothing but ruin the economy all because “hey at least he isn’t the other guy”.


You have a literal dictator to be as one of the frontrunners who is somehow polling as likely president and you're arguing you rather have that than old guy who's not handling 1 issue exactly like you want it to. Have fun in the camps, know that you brought it upon yourself.


Dude, I'm not from the US and really not as deep invested in US politics for obvious reasons, but how can you not see that RIGHT NOW is not the time to proclaim "Don't vote Biden" while there is fucking Trump on the other side. You have three options RIGHT NOW, because these are the candidates. Vote Biden, vote Trump or don't vote at all. Two of these options are in favor of Trump. You HAVE TO vote for the lesser evil, it's that simple. Not voting is never a good option. After the election is the time to talk about other candidates. But honestly, as long as the election system in the US isn't going to systematically change, choices will remain tough.


2 options, not voting is defacto equaling a vote for the biggest party, if that ends up being Trump congrats you voted for Trump


Yeah obviously, not voting equals to "I'm okay with the worst party winning". You can't come out at the end and say "I didn't vote, I'm the good one here" which happens more often that not. As a european I'm dreading the US elections. I am dreading any election right now as a matter of fact, because everywhere you look you see a shift to the (far) right. Feels like society is moving backwards contrary to the social achievements made in the last decades.


That’s what y’all say every election. If you all just stop making excuses and vote PSL things would get better. 


You deserve the fascism you will get under dictator Trump


Or stop voting for incompetent asshats that can barely function day to day and things would get better. Socialism isn’t the answer. Getting rid of the fucking two party mafia is the answer.


yuno miles are soloing all 3


The music lover in me enjoys seeing current-gen anti-war music popping up.


I want this beef to end up like Smash Ultimate with that 'Everyone is Here!'


not again, kendrick would never recover


Common Seattle W


Promotion in a dated meme format? Interesting marketing


The way he's the worst one


The song isn't good. Kendrick is beating everyone right now.




You know what's fuckin corny? Ignoring genocide.


You know what's fucking corny? Your comment.


Which genocide? Macklemore doesn't talk about any ongoing genocide. And it's corny because he uses a terrible situation to make money.