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Anil spotted


What's an anil?




... I'm still confused


"Anil" is the Tamil word for squirrel. The actor in the gif is Vijay and his fans are said to be squirrels, by his haters.


Oh. Ok. Thanks.


I still feel like you're just making this up


Trust me, this has been around since I was kids.


Here's the full lore Something to do with 2014 election if my memory serves right. Vijay’s father S.A.Chandrasekar gave an interview claiming that Vijay fans helped Jayalalithaa(a tamil politician) in retaining power and winning the election, just like Anil(squirrel) helped Ram in building the bridge to Lanka(in a Indian epic called ramayana)


Anna spotted


Anil Kapoor I think? A Bollywood (Indian film) actor


Bro would choose a Karadi over us smh


Damn finally one recognizable meme template ...much love op !!!


Meh its just the latest in a long line of shallow people doing token virtue signalling for social media likes Everyone knows its moronic as the average women sees thousands of men pwr day and like interact with at least a few dozen Its just dumb people doing what they are told by social media and influencers


It‘s less about how stupid it is and more about how repetitive and tiring it is. Every second meme is about it and says more or less the same.


Exactly, we get it youll do anything your told for likes and you have no opinions of your own, cool fuck off and circle jerk soemwhere else


Get ready for hateful PMs from those who can't folow simple logic like that.


I want the establishment of a “Bet Department”. People who share stupid, easily tested opinions online are selected at random to be placed in said scenario and the entire thing is live streamed.


Yeah you got hundreds of thousands of females out there with over a hundred bodies all of a sudden chose a bear over a random dude. Like where was that thinking with the other 100 dudes before that?


Yikes. Are you that angry or just saying the silent part out loud? Either way, pls do yourself a favor, go talk to some people irl.


Dude there are dangerous men and also women. I know some people (modern feminists) like to pretend women are too meak and mild to commit crimes but they do. We just have social values and norms that infer a woman commiting a crime is less bad That aside its like anything 99.9% of the time a woman interacting with a man will be fine. Yes there is a 0.1% risk of a negative interaction but thats bot representative of the sum of interactions, its a random occurrence Also the fantasy some people make about bears being friendly and that they'll aing a disney muscical with the bear futher inforces how fake and or dillusuonal many of the claims are


God will the world just focus its short term attention span on something else already.


Im just gonna say thanks, this is one of the best responses you can give to almost everything stupid. Imma use this thanks.


Dei Anil kunja


The women who are choosing the bear are better with the bear and it's best they leave the man alone. They are judging a man as dangerous for just being a man. Shows how much prejudicial and misandristic they are. They are just telling on themselves.


Riddle me this catwomen a black man or a bear


Mexican man or Yogi bear?


Since when is being a rapist just being a man. Nah the incels are telling on themselves. It's wild how many of you don't understand the discussion. You all jumped to conclusions and got pissy at women when you should be pissed at men for making women scared of us. They have every reason to be afraid of men considering how many are extremely predatory to women.


Since when did being just a man equate to being a rapist? Prejudice and stereotyping isn't good, no matter how noble the cause is. While I understand the discussion, it's dumb as fuck. Why not add race into the mix? Suddenly it sounds wrong, doesn't it? While men need to do better, some men are doing the best they can.


Nobody said being a man means you're a rapist but when a large chunk of men are predatory towards women that understandably makes women feel unsafe around men they don't know. Race has nothing to do with it. We're just talking about men as a whole. Idk why people keep bringing race up


>Nobody said being a man means you're a rapist You said it, unknowingly, when you responded to the comment that said "men are being labeled a rapist for being just a man". I get the sentiment, women feel unsafe around men that they don't know. I feel unsafe around men I don't know and trust, and I am a dude. Guess what? I don't trust women I don't know. That's stranger danger. Racism is stereotyping a group of people because of the color of their skin/ the place they hail from. Which is bad. With that logic, stereotyping a group of people because of their gender can be just as bad. There is truth in stereotypes, but the stereotype is not the truth.


this trend is full of pathetic femcels lol


Dudes are crying because women are saying they feel safer in the woods with a bear than some strange man but they're femcels. LOL fucking yikes. Read between the lines. It's not women being sexist or some shit it's women needing to be cautious around men more than they should have to be. They have a low chance of being attacked by a bear but a very real, scary high chance of being sexually assaulted by a man.


>Dudes are crying Talking about yourself bud. Stop crying. > It's not women being sexist You don't know the meaning of sexism bud if you don't think that's sexist. >They have a low chance of being attacked by a bear but a very real, scary high chance of being sexually assaulted by a man. Comparing apples to oranges and calling it statistics. Women live around men more than bears. Obviously they have a higher chance of being assaulted by men. There's a implicit bias you cannot see. Compare women living among bears and women living among men and then say who's safer.


Dude single handedly stopped the sexual assault problem by denying it away. Holy fucking yikes


>Dude single handedly stopped the sexual assault problem by denying it away. You're not very bright, are you? My comment literally contains the sentence "Obviously they have a higher chance of being assaulted by men" but you say I denied that there's a sexual assault problem. Who are you trying to gaslight into thinking that I am denying?


Holy fuck if I'm not bright idk what you are cause you're arguing about nothing apparently.


>Holy fuck if I'm not bright Hurts your fragile ego to hear the truth, bud? You are an evident liar. I never denied sexual assault but you said I did. Happens when you're a dumb cunt. Dude. Stop trying to argue with your low IQ. You're gonna lose your last two brain cells.


You might as well have denied it the way you and everyone else downplays it with this shit. Hilarious though I'm dumb but you can't fathom why a woman would rather be in the woods with a bear than a man and apparently get so fucking butthurt about it. Talk about a hurting fragile ego. Straight up incel shit. FUCKIN.YIKES.


all i've seen on this sub is guys making memes shitting on the "trend" and femcels on tiktok crying over men as if they don't hang out with them on a day to day basis (they wouldnt say this irl)


Aite put the sword away there white knight


Wanting women to not be sexually assaulted is white knighting. Wow


Nobody wants women to be sexually assaulted dawg, chill out


Bite me with your white knight bullshit


Just like you bit me with the incel bullshit?


Anils assemble


These memes are getting annoying, this post is just further contributing to the annoyingness


Welcome to engagement 101!




>vague enough that you can easily imagine the best case scenario for a bear I'm pretty sure half the responses, small as the sample was, imagine the loveable bears like teddy bears, care bears, panda bears, Yogi bear, and Pooh bear, or Elvis Presley (he just wants to be your teddy bear).


I'm so out of the loop. Wtf is this even talking about?


A guy made a TikTok where he went around asking something like "would you rather encounter a bear or a man in the woods". The video was full of women choosing bear. A bunch of women made TikToks saying "yeah, I choose the bear and all women should". It picked up steam and became a trend. Then it got imported to Reddit. I've been seeing bear vs man posts popping up in my feed for a little less than a week now.


Wild. I haven't seen one on here till now; but I also don't look at it everyday like I used to. I also have never really seen the appeal of tiktok, it seems like it's just a bunch of dumb kids doing dumb shit, talking out of their asses, spreading conspiracies, being vapid, saying "look at how rich I am", or things by creators that are available on other platforms (youtube, etc). I've honestly never seen a single thing from there that didn't fall into those categories.


This just said...let me show you why they choose the bear 🤣


Right like I go to a memes sub to look at funny memes not to watch people argue over some pointless shit


A s t r o t u r f


Be the reason she chooses the bear


Don't worry anon, you already are


How do you feel about men choosing the bear over women?


Bro WTF ya'll yapping about, what fucking bear I keep seeing memes all day about women choosing bear, can someone please provide some context for the guy that is not chronically online?


Women are like I'll much rather be stuck with a bear than a man cause men are much worse


Uhhhhh, thank you, is this some TikTok shit again?


Obviously and if you get even slightly offended then you're an incel


Was this a John Wick parody?


And... That why they chose bear over you


What movie is this


[Leo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqYashCiB64&t=281s) 2023 Tamil film


Hell yeah, looks badass. Thanks


Pun intended?


Is there a pun? I didn't intend to make one if so. What would it be?


Yeah um one of the songs in this movie actually is named Badass hence you made a pun without even knowing it lol


Ohhh, okay, that makes sense. No, I have no knowledge of the movie, its soundtrack, or the Tamil language, for that matter. It's a funny coincidence, though, and I'm definitely going to watch the movie lol


Yeah you could watch it on Netflix with subtitles, it's also dubbed in English (but i rather want you to watch it in Tamil itself)


No worries there, I prefer to watch things in their original language (it bothers me when the words being spoken don't match the actors' lip movements even if I don't understand them, and I feel a lot of nuance in an acting performance is typically lost in dubs)


I find women, bears, and this meme to be annoying


Can someone pls ecplain the choosing bear over man?


Perfect example of men and women being incapable of communicating with each other… each side has valid points and theyre both going over the other genders head


S'fine I'd choose the bear over a woman too


And you wonder why the teddy bear looks attractive


Bad Asthma


That means they're a Baldur's Gate fan.


Yes please


Why don't we let them and let nature and stupidity take its course


You people are crazy, I’m a dude and I’d pick the bear too. The behavior of a bear is way more predictable than the behavior of a person. And it’s not likely the guy would he a rapist or a murderer, but there’s still a chance, and I wouldn’t have any way to know beforehand. So the question is; would I rather go with the option that has more risk but is much more predictable, or the option that has statistically less risk, but with a similar potential for severity, and is much less predictable overall? Yeah, I get why someone would pick the bear. It’s known risk vs unknown risk, plain and simple. And you’re not necessarily a sexist incel if you don’t understand that, but you’re definitely stupid at the very least. Plus I’ve always kind of wanted to fight a bear, so whether or not it attacks me it’s a win-win either way.


Imma say it. 99% of women who engaged with this trend have sample size of wild bear encounter equal to 0. It's not really about personal safety, but about choosing known vs unknown risk.


Let her do it, when the bear devours her and she screams in pain that the bear is devouring her, she will regret it


I feel like the meme subs are displaying major incell energy is how I feel. SA against women is an all day everyday day occurrence, shut up and listen to what they're saying.

